[jgmac1106]super ecited that I am getting closer on the webmention badge...maybe it doesn't matter that the u-photo on a comment doesn't display the way I linked the img url back to the baddge file...with the webmention as proof below...and this is done from the wiki..
[jgmac1106][eddie] one issue I need to think about is third party endorsements. What if indieweb.org wanted to endorse a badge issued by eddidehinkle.com there is no xfn for a relationship... Could an endorsement by a syndicated note?
mblaneyI think that endorsement pattern could be simplified: eddiehinkle.com issues a badge for jgregorymcverry.com, then all that's required for endorsement by indieweb.org is that eddiehinkle.com is listed as an issuer on indieweb.org, ie chain of trust.
mblaneyI was thinking something like that might work for indiepay.me, so when you log in and try to collect a badge you need to pick someone to issue it for you. So then I was trying to work out where to get the issuers list from...
snarfed, iasai, jjuran, eduardm and [relapse] joined the channel
[relapse]I feel like here is where I mention that some badge providers are moving to Blockchain for authoritative proof of issuer, but I left by asbestos suit at the office.
ZegnatRe photo property within content property, best to ask aaronpk. He may even have something written up on why it was making photo posts harder to parse and handle in readerd
[jgmac1106][relapse] @mblaney the ledger and trusted issuer is interesting. Yeah Colin been following badges from the get go....think webmention badges takes the overly complicated 2.0 spec and gets it to two permalinks
[jgmac1106]I mean for me.. I can build the way I want HTML to look (template) can build the HTML forms to collect the data.... I need to learn the PHP steps in between
[jgmac1106]... Be some tine before I can dedicate time but I should spend time learning some language beyond javascript... That I usually use with forms
[jgmac1106]Thx... Debating a crash course in something over break... If I finish my book... PHP, node.js, or Ruby... with express goal of build form, take data, render HTML page
ZegnatIf the issuer is good for its word, you wouldn’t need a second party at all, imho. I agree with tantek there. The use I can see for having some type of ledger is incase the original issuer permalink goes down and you still want the badge to be verifiable. Then you would want to check a secondary trusted party
GWGMore specifically, the simple weather widget that shows the current temperature and weather icon. I just threw that in when adding weather to posts.
[jgmac1106]In the article they use a health care licensing issue.. Points others raise will be enough when Open Badges folks say "but we have endorsements"
ZegnatSounds like the simple first implementation could just be people liking/upvoting the issuance permalink in some way. Then if someone goes and checks the badge they can see EA having liked the badge issuance to me.
ZegnatThat would be experimental though. I am not sure every like of an issuance would be endorsement. Some might just be “I like that Greg awarded this badge to Martijn, even though I am not able to judge it myself”
[jgmac1106]Each Badge has a page, and each issuance is a page, only badge page would need endorsement... Publish like post add Endorsed by section to page
[jgmac1106]I am so tempted....tp just do that now...getting so freaking annoyed. I just want to do <a class="u-like-of">...why is it this complicated to write one line of HTML
[jgmac1106]if I only did microformats, didn't have to worry about a publishing interface and somehow magically learned how to receive and display comments I could
[jgmac1106]nevemind...site license for perch runway jumped to $250 a website.....no way, no how, that isn's for norms at that pricepoint, could have sworn it was 50
[jgmac1106]no micropub endpoint on Perch, that's out....back to just trying to fix a like....and wondering why you need 17 files to inject six lines of html
sknebelof course the problem is still that you need an API endpoint for the data of some kind, either by someone who doesn't mind the traffic or hosting it in the community somehow