#dev 2018-12-21

2018-12-21 UTC
j12t, aaronpk and j12t_ joined the channel
↩️ Summarizing my IndieWeb ideals in one tweet: 1. Own a domain, and post your stuff to it, rather than to corporate “silos”. (You can syndicate to em, though.) 2. Use Microformats2, semantic metadata embedded in HTML. 3. Use Webmention, a protocol that lets sites cross-comment.
[jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
I have no idea how grid works with animation timers but I imagine this whole new kind of CSS animation where you use a timer to set grid dimensions but have different media queries.
Can make things collapse and unfold by timers be fun
eli_oat, [eddie], tantek, j12t and ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
iasai and barnabywalters joined the channel
↩️ 'Will the traditional social media walled gardens like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram support the Webmention specification? Many may never do so. Locking you into their services is enabling them to leverage your content and interactions to generate income.'
↩️ 'If you use Twitter, your friend Alice only uses Facebook, your friend Bob only uses his blog on WordPress, and your pal Chuck is over on Medium, it's impossible for any one of you to mention another. [...] The solution? Enter Webmentions!'
↩️ 'Will the traditional social media walled gardens like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram support the Webmention specification? Many may never do so. Locking you into their services is enabling them to leverage your content and interactions to generate income.'
[kevinmarks], iasai, leg and barnabywalters joined the channel
ok, so I got my OPML up, being served as XML with XSL, looks reasonable, has collapsible details/summary elements. Now... how do I add this to my site nicely? https://petermolnar.net/following.opml
behind the scenes: it gets pulled from miniflux, which gets populated by my favs archiver, if the silo followings are out of sync
barnabywalters, [kevinmarks], iasai, [jgmac1106], ben_thatmustbeme, jgmac1106, barpthewire, eli_oat and gkbrk joined the channel
hey, is there a tool or something similar to test h-feed's?
I tried the tools on the wiki but they don't seem to be testing the feed, just the first h-entry it finds
gkbrk: you can test your markup with any of the parsers here https://microformats.io/#parsers
parsing isn't the problem though, it's just HTML after all it's not difficult to parse
but it seems like every website/service around microformats interprets them differently
yes. that is left to the consumer of the microformats
so not sure what you are looking for
Basically a feed reader that consumes microformats
what is reader
A reader (AKA indie reader or social reader) in the context of the indieweb is the portion/feature integrated into an indieweb site that provides a way to read content from other indieweb sites, possibly including posts from the current site, and respond (like, comment, repost, etc) inline in the reading UI itself https://indieweb.org/reader
So I can see if it parses my page correctly
that page has a list
that should be linked from "How to test feeds" probably
iasai, jackjamieson, benwerd and [tantek] joined the channel
Great suggestion!
Maybe add a “Testing” section to /h-feed that links to /reader ?
This one worked
the other ones are things I need to self host or sign up to in order to test
this one is just plug-your-url and see it work
no need for micropub/microsub endpoints, just plain and simple html
benwerd, [smerrill], snarfed, [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu, iasai, eli_oat and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
@kartikPrabhu I need to do a little bit mroe styling to make the divs in conference procieedings be inling (the -cite needed an h-event child) but I think it is finally done (the citations): https://jgmac1106homepage.glitch.me/resume.html
[jgmac1106]: I would use a list instead of divs there
ahhh that would work....I kept racking my brain
<div> is very overused. using actual "semantic" HTML tags goes a long way
...I know I was trying not to, just couldn't figure out how not to use <p> and how to have a child h* the list will work!
in fact that is literally a list :P
[cleverdevil], snarfed, swentel, iasai and [schmarty] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] you mentioned in your "accidental blog" post that you hooked up your media to archive.org. do you have an example post or links to examples of content you're hosting on archive.org?
cjwillcock and eli_oat joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell aaronpk: the post itself has multiple author u-photo, a bug in their template, but X-Ray returns it not as a JSON array, but as a JSON object with keys "0" and "2".
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
heh, deduplication gone wrong
sknebel: that was my thought as well.
[j-p] HWC Baltimore 2018-12-11 Wrap-Up
5 "photo" properties, 2 urls
oh dear
aaronpk: [schmarty] left you a message 6 minutes ago: found a fun / weird interpretation from X-Ray on a post: https://xray.p3k.io/parse?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjonathanprozzi.net%2Findieweb%2Fhwc-baltimore-2018-12-11-wrap-up%2F
aaronpk: [schmarty] left you a message 5 minutes ago: the post itself has multiple author u-photo, a bug in their template, but X-Ray returns it not as a JSON array, but as a JSON object with keys "0" and "2".
i will have to add that to the test cases
wrong way to delete an entry from a PHP "array"?
http://php.net/array_unique "note that keys are preserved" oops
snarfed, [kodepoeten], mlncn and iasai joined the channel
things are so much easier if your entries and post are just either mf2+json or plain html
or html+mf2
ah when I think html, it's going to be html+mf2
since it's all classes and <data>
but yes
snarfed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
but I am going to start doing that with all my openly licensed content
[schmarty] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] thanks!
start pulling movies off of YouTube long term
iasai joined the channel
all of those images are question marks [jgmac1106]
they look fine to me
snarfed: I think jacky is proposing some way for *my site* to learn what services I can syndicate to through bridgy, so it knows what to offer to the micropub client?
wow i only halfway follow that. but ok!
wow if I disable ublock then they load
lol yeah so like this would be something a site could use once they read the page's info to find out what targets a syndicator can provide
and then give the site's owner a means of populating their syndication target list with it
this is indirectly a way for me to avoid having users (aka me) type in URIs and let that work be done on a trust basis with a service I signed into using my website
thanks for the redirect sknebel
snarfed, swentel, [kevinmarks], [tantek], benwerd, [asuh], iasai and tttt joined the channel