#dev 2019-01-01

2019-01-01 UTC
↩️ This sounds a lot like the Microsub spec which abstracts and separates the parsing and displaying of content. There are already several separate server and reader implementations if you're interested in tinkering. https://indieweb.org/Microsub https://boffosocko.com/2018/12/31/55739705/
eli_oat1, [kevinmarks], snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek]: [schmarty] left you a message 5 hours, 58 minutes ago: looks like your 🕸 links are out of date. possibly you added them very early before I had the URL normalization and hashing down pat? either way: your site is not currently in the 🕸 database. you can log in again to get fresh links.
#microformats2 parsing spec updated: http://microformats.org/wiki/index.php?title=microformats2-parsing&diff=66969&oldid=66967 * always parse alt with img src for accessibility info by default https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/2 Implemented in current version of: * mf2py - behind flag, in use by http://Brid.gy This is a ... http://tantek.com/t4yG5
[nick], gRegorLove, leg and barpthewire joined the channel
sebsel, kisik21, jjuran and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[Kevin Marks] I updated mention.tech to output webmention.io compatible JSON for mentions eg https://mention.tech/listmentions?target=https%3A%2F%2Ftumblelog.xyz&json=on and modified fluffy's script to show them on https://tumblelog.xyz/ at https://tumblelog.xyz/...
does mf2util output jf2? and why does jf2 not support multiple authors? (a completely sensible setting for a collaborative document)
I wasted SO MUCH TIME on supporting multiple authors in pyindieblog templates and now it is kinda sad for me to see that nobody else supports this stuff
Hm. Jf2 doesn't inherently not support multiple authors, but it will make a children thing if there are multiple
That's the tradeoff for things not being lists
if I sort by published as string, am I guaranteed to get the correct ordering of posts?
Will it do that even with the strict restriction that, “If present, [author] MUST be an object and it MUST contain at least a name, url, or photo property.”, [kevinmarks]? https://www.w3.org/TR/jf2/#jf2feed_required_fields
I seem to recall discussing this with sknebel
Hm. That may have got tighter since I wrote my jf2 converter
[kevinmarks]: what do multiple elements in a document have to do with multiple values for a property?
and ugh, annoying that jf2 explicitly forbids that :/
Because my converter is recursive
Outside of Microsub (and I guess XRay?), does anything use jf2?
wm.io has a mode for it
Ah, I didn’t know that, cool
wonders what it will return for a webmention with multiple authors
I'd guess it uses xray, so whatever that does
which probably is "the first it finds"
Do you have a multiple author post?
I barely have any normal posts
Hoping to change that this year
Zegnat: I can try to make a test post on my staging instance and send a webmention for it. Just so you know, it uses my deadname though... >< i tried to showcase it to my web design professor in college
(he was impressed)
I don’t use wm.io to receive webmentions. Not sure if there is something akin to a test endpoint
If you use mention.tech to send it you can compare what it thinks to webmention.io
Zegnat: well, I use webmention.io
Good morning all
metbril, jjuran and wagle joined the channel; metbril left the channel
oh wow PHP 5.6 is officially EOL now
as is 7.0
Yep! <3
Moved to 7.3 locally about a week ago, going to look at upgrading my server
guess I should do the same
[tantek] joined the channel
Once I got past the whole 5.6 to 7.0 move, I’ve found the relatively quick iterations from 7.0 through 7.1 and 7.2 to 7.3 pretty easy
I should upgrade too, but my site is still 5.3/5.4 compatible
feels like yak-shaving
I like to keep my yaks presentable
doing these small upgrades more often is a good way to avoid getting into the situation we're in with the microformats wiki
And if you are in charge of your own server updates, keeps you from ending up running EOL’d libraries that aren’t getting security patches anymore
I am considering what improvements writing 5.3/5.4 compatible code might get me
I have been sticking to 5.2 functionality
Zegnat, good reason to minimize # of external libraries you run
For sure. But I can’t get around the webserver passing requests over (Fast-)CGI to PHP. As long as my number one dependency is PHP itself, I like to keep it up to date ;)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
yeah, PHP is something where I wouldn't want to run something that's not being patched anymore
+ the 7.x line is quite a bit faster by now, so better performance for little effort
weborganics joined the channel
The 5.6 -> 7.0 step can be some effort. But after that I have found it pretty painless.
Also happy I haven’t ran into any regex issues with the 7.3 upgrade (so far)
I like to keep my PHP use minimal (per CASSIS) so I shouldn't have any version # based dependencies
not really into all the fancy features
I want the null coalescing operator
Zegnat, what features were an effort from 5.6 to 7?
eli_oat1 joined the channel
They changed chained variables ($a->$b[]) interpertation. I mostly stopped writing code that did that, because it isn’t clear when you read back, but it broke in some places with old code
And those were a little tricky to spot. Not hard to fix, just manual finding (or waiting for stuff to break in use).
If I had unit tests, I would have seen it fail immediately after running the tests after upgrading. But alas, I’ve only recently started doing testing for real
The migration code on php.net should tell you all you need to know though
I was reading that
Json style array syntax is somewhere in there
[sebsel] joined the channel
Not sure what you mean by that, [kevinmarks]
sebsel joined the channel
I mean being able to do $v = {'a':2} instead of $v = array( a => 2)
Zegnat: curious, did you look for tools to help with the variable order thing? that looks like something tooling could detect or even fix...
kevinmarks that's neat - sounds like it may expand the CASSIS subset!
That is not a supported syntax anywhere in PHP, AFAIK
PHP has $v = ['a'=>2]; which has been there since 5.4
sknebel, I didn’t look for tools, no. Nowadays I almost always run some sort of syntax checker so I’d think they might catch it for me. Does sound possible
Ah, maybe I was doing it with lists
So $v =[1,2,[3, 4]] works, but still need => rather than : for dicts?
I am writing php, python and js so having common syntax is nice.
kevinmarks, would appreciate your shared snippets when you find such common syntax 🙂
[kevinmarks], that is correct
The colon rather than fat arrow was proposed way back, but PHP chose to go with the arrows
I don’t think they ever brought up switching again after that, but not sure. I think it was discussed somewhere around the time of the short array syntax (without array()) was discussed, so PHP 5.4
I suppose I could call JSON to init arrays
wtf why is it so hard to get a systemd script for nginx working
aaronpk: ?
what is systemd
It looks like we don't have a page for "systemd" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "systemd is ____", a sentence describing the term)
(first question: what's wrong with the one the distro provided?)
i'm compiling nginx from source
so there isn't one provided
why that? (although you probably can still use any ready-made one)
jjuran joined the channel
the one from the docs doesn't work, the systemctl command hangs even though nginx is started
I need to include some custom modules
share the unit file somewhere and I can take a look
i've tried both with and without the -g 'daemon on; master_process on;' part
what is systemctl
It looks like we don't have a page for "systemctl" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "systemctl is ____", a sentence describing the term)
does it start if you run it manually?
and create the pidfile in that location?
oh let me check that
aha it does not
then set it in config or look up what default location you compiled it with and change the path
(curious, what extra modules does the indieweb server need?)
sknebel++ that was it!
sknebel has 34 karma in this channel over the last year (88 in all channels)
the nginx-push-stream module which is how all the realtime stuff works like for chat.indieweb.org
Isn’t the auth thing LASSO depends on also non-default?
Hmm, thought that needed a separate flag during building to enable. But I might be misremembering
eli_oat1 joined the channel
it's built into nginx but it does need a compile-time flag to enable it
not sure how to do that with a distro install either
eli_oat joined the channel
(side note, lasso helpfully decided to rebrand to "vouch", which isn't confusing at all in our context :D)
oh yeah lol
what is lasso
Lasso is a Single-Sign On OAuth client that works with the Nginx auth_request module and supports IndieAuth https://indieweb.org/Lasso
aaronpk: did you add full IndieAuth support to it or should that read IndieLogin?
yeah I guess that's using indielogin's API which also happens to look a lot like IndieAuth/OAuth
[schmarty] and eli_oat joined the channel
If you made a commitment in https://indieweb.org/2019-01-01-commitments, and haven't quite finished it, you still have today to do so! (y.t. included 😂) And if you finished yours, mark it done! [jgmac1106] [eddie] [gRegorLove] [sknebel] Jacky [schmarty]
haha oops i should document my finished commitment.
yes yes! it helps inspire the rest of us to finish 😄
i have been avoiding writing about it because it feels like a pyrrhic victory. 😂
avoiding writing got my some procrastination energy to work on 🕸, so that's nice, lol
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
what is indiewebring
Indiewebring is part of the great rebirth of of webrings powered by #IndieWeb technology that made 2018 the year of the webring and not the year of the microsub reader https://indieweb.org/indiewebring
wow! that is some hype^ :)
[jgmac1106] is all about the webrings lol
(shade thrown)
[schmarty] now that you've finished your commitment, any plans to start a 100 days project today? https://indieweb.org/100DaysOfIndieWeb
[tantek] no plans for a 100 days challenge at the moment. i am too in flux! it is nice to feel un-blocked, though.
hey when did we lose the emoji-pairs and have to go to emoji-triples in indiewebring?
oh right, I didn't finish the second half of it
eli_oat joined the channel
tantek: i moved from single-emoji to emoji-pairs after i implemented URL normalization (e.g. it was initially possible to log in as both http://tantek.com and http://tantek.com/). from emoji-pairs to emoji-triples when i removed flags from the emoji hash set.
Tantek Çelik
jjuran joined the channel
currently thinking about yet another pass of emoji removal 😒. not sure what schema i'll choose after that. maybe i'll lock one emoji in place and go back to assigning pairs.
ah that makes sense
hmm so far I've clicked "right arrow" then back 5 times and not found a site with the indieweb ring nav links 😞
the first 3 had zero webring links. the 4th had a microcast or blog webring link pair, but no "indieweb webring" links. the 5th was a dead site
dang, so many ring breakers.
ah number 6 finally
i am refactoring stuff just now to make it easier to re-crawl for ring breakers and disable them.
[schmarty]: did you ever remove ringbreakers?
would also be good if people could report them
haha, i am totally gonna make a report page that will check up on them. :}
(cause I know I logged in when the link first appeared just to see what was going on and was kind of surprised it immediately stored me)
sknebel: my IWC hack day projects often assume extreme good faith 😂
sure, to be expected, but cases like that might explain why there's relatively many breakers, if the DB was never cleaned
jonnybarnes and eli_oat joined the channel
ooh I totally hit my committments!
lemme write about them
swentel joined the channel
watches 🕸 garden itself for the first time
jjuran joined the channel
82 sites active out of 171!
eli_oat, wagle, [Khurt], eli_oat1, [kevinmarks], [davidmead], tbbrown, [chrisaldrich], [tantek], [benatwork], psaa and maxandersen1 joined the channel