#dev 2019-01-02

2019-01-02 UTC
[tantek], neil, bradenslen, [davidmead] and Jookia joined the channel
!tell aaronpk does OwnYourGram support retrieving the alt text from Instagram posts (https://www.engadget.com/2018/11/28/instagram-alt-text-visually-impaired/) and passing it along with the image to micropub?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Instagram << Feature: alt text for photos since 2018-11-28! https://www.engadget.com/2018/11/28/instagram-alt-text-visually-impaired/
o/ So are the fundamentals I need for indieweb compatbility just microformats and webmention?
what are building blocks?
Building blocks are key design-patterns, technologies, and methods for building and improving your independent website https://indieweb.org/building-blocks
I see, thanks
No problem! And welcome!
For Facebook I imagine I'd do copy paste posting and scrape my account notifications for backwash
with some python to parse it
Unfortunately yes, manual POSSE to FB is all we're left with, and yes some sort of hacky solution to extract the responses/reactions to your posts ever since the shutdown the necessary APIs last August.
[Serena] joined the channel
For actual open protocols I'd probably want to implement those. A single-user ActivityPub server comes to mind that publishes content and generates a feed of backwash events. Doesn't sound that hard since I won't be doing authentication or GUI work
The only activitypub/mastodon <-> webmention bridge I can find is bridgy-fed. Are there any others?
you wouldn't have to produce a whole AP server
but largely output ActivityStreams / JSON-LD on your site and emit the right bits of info via WebFinger
jacky: not sure why webfinger is relevant to new users trying to POSSE to FB
I'm speaking re: ActivityPub server
sure, but why is it relevant
webfinger is a component of discovery if one's building an AP server
was just throwing that info out there
since Jookia mentioned curiosity about other AP servers and is actively working on their own solutions
I think the main goal here is to POSSE to FB, yes Jookia?
that was one
[Jookia] For actual open protocols I'd probably want to implement those. A single-user ActivityPub server comes to mind that publishes content and generates a feed of backwash events. Doesn't sound that hard since I won't be doing authentication or GUI work
KartikPrabhu: I'm currently using a separate website, Facebook and Mastodon. It would be nice to POSSE to all, but it would be really nice to have backwash too
[tantek] joined the channel
jacky, Webfinger is not relevant to ActivityPub, it's a bit of legacy from past (pre-AP) attempts. With Bridgy Fed you don't even need that (WF) to interop with Mastodon.
cweiske joined the channel
Jookia - I think by backwash you mean what we refer to as backfeed?
what is backfeed
Backfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts https://indieweb.org/backfeed
Oops, yes. I don't know why I remembered it was backwash
jjuran and [Vincent] joined the channel
morning Indieweb
lol backwash 😆
With Bridgy Fed you still need to setup redirects for webfinger from your own site to Bridgy, IIRC
that's a far cry from having to deal with webfinger itself
the redirects don't require any unique information
just a bit of static copy/paste glue
tbbrown joined the channel
Yep. And the documentation is pretty easy. Bridgy Fed even links to a WordPress plugin for redirects
barpthewire, swentel, swentie, [kevinmarks], [alexbayleaf], bradenslen and leg joined the channel; Jookia left the channel
[davidmead] joined the channel
[davidmead]: and what does bridgy complain about if you try it with the home page?
[Vincent] joined the channel
Also, to answer “and i thought they should be in the <head> of the page too”: it doesn’t matter where on the page the rel="me" links are
after using the IndieAuth on Brid.gy it gives me the message…“Please add https://davidjohnmead.com/profile/davidmead to your Instagram profile’s website or bio field and try again.”
If I change it to that then OwnYourGram will break as that uses the root domain (already pulled in the last lot of photos successfully)
zegnat that’s what I thought
is your known configured as a single-user site?
it tells the site you log in to that your url is "https://davidjohnmead.com/profile/davidmead", so that's what bridgy thinks (and I'd guess ownyourgram too actually, unless that has some special case for that)
I think known changed that for single-user sites at some point
sknebel it is. should I change it to multi-user to overcome this?
hm, is your known install to old to include that fix? where did you install it from?
I installed it from withknown.com, but mapkyca suggested I pull from him to overcome a different issue
I’m on 0.9.9 but I think his latest package is 0.9.9a
yeah, they haven't done a release in ages...
that's probably the problem then
I’m reinstalling that tonight so hopefully that fix a lot of my ails 🙂
although ownyourgram should also work with the profile url
step zero - don’t install Known from official site 😜
so that shouldn't be a problem actually, "just" a bit ugly to have the profile url instead of the home page on the sites
did ownyourgram break for you with that changE?
I haven’t changed OwnYourGram as that’s where it was pointing from my old WP install
I didn’t want to change it just in case
ok, so it didn't actually break
so really the only thing the newer known would get you is being able to use the homepage url in the descriptions/links on silos, the functionality of bridgy and ownyourgram should work with the profile url
(still probably a good idea to use a newer one)
It was more the worry of “breaking” it by changing URLs in multiple places
i’ll see if I can get it running tonight
I’m writing up all the “issues” I’m running into, and the solutions
eli_oat, [smerrill], snarfed, callMeBaby, eli_oat1, [manton], [jgmac1106], [davidmead], [cleverdevil], KartikPrabhu, [adamprocter], [tantek], [stefp] and [eddie] joined the channel; KartikPrabhu left the channel
Definitely install from the latest Known GitHub
KartikPrabhu and callMeBaby joined the channel
aaronpk, the user authoring design is pretty simple. Want to create a hashtag with spaces for POSSE or other syndication purposes? use two underscores __ for each space.
am open to alternatives for hashtag syntax for spaces
KartikPrabhu, jjuran, snarfed, [adamprocter], [tantek] and Jookia joined the channel
Can I have multiple users on a single website? webmention seems like an interesting way to make a forum
You can yes and Known supports that.
The key here is rethinking what a "forum" means instead of assuming it means a centralized website
E.g. individual members of the forum should be able to post to it from their own websites, and the forum turns into essentially an aggregator of sorts
like a mailing list or usenet
indeed both are good analogies depending on how you want the forum to behave, if there is an admin and what role they play
broadcasting new threads might not scale that well
how can you conclude that without a model of how it works underneath?
The underlying challenge is this: create a forum that doesn't actually require yet another login, username, password etc.
Well, on a board with 5000 separate websites means at minimum a new thread needs to be broadcast from one node to each website. Unless some kind of multicast
start with that assumption, that people already have an account / identity (their URL) and your forum should be ready to accept it as their identity, without creating any kind of new "account"
presumably there are mailing lists with over 5000 members and those get broadcast to potentially 5000 nodes depending on where people have email addresses
I suppose relays and multi-user sites would really help here
what is webmention
Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/Webmention
The only other protocol I've thought of for making a distributed forum has been NNTP which seems to be a similiar concept
not sure why all this speculation before trying out a model
Looking for prior work
what is forum?
It looks like we don't have a page for "forum" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "forum is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Jookia: feel free to start that page and collect examples of prior work
i don't know any, that's why i was asking ;)
there are many personal websites which use webmention, not sure why a "forum" is especially different
like [tantek] said a forum seems like an aggregator sort of like a reader
snarfed and tomasparks joined the channel
I want to link to the liker's h-card and point to the URL of their like
but it doesn't seem like I can do both?
at least within a `h-cite`