#snarfeda per-silo (ie domain) option in synd links to render without links, and instead maybe with strikethrough and/or some kind of hover text instead to indicate the silo post was deleted
#JookiaAnother dumb question: Any CMS suggestions? I don't want something that's going to pwn my server if I don't update it very often, so currently I'm using a static site. But having dynamic content and pingbacks/webmentions means I need something dynamic anyway
deathrow1, [davidmead], [voss] and [metbril] joined the channel
#[metbril]Jookia you should have a look at the wiki for CMS
#LoqiA content management system (often abbreviated as CMS) is software used to create, enter, edit, update, delete content on websites; some CMSs are used for IndieWeb sites, see the tables on this page for current usage https://indieweb.org/CMS
#petermolnarJookia: there's a strong WordPress/ClassicPress support, you can talk to them in the indieweb-wordpress channel. There are modules for Drupal and Grav; there's Known with a lot of built-in support; there are a few of us with static/semi-static sites using external services.
deathrow1, [stefp] and [voss] joined the channel
#GWGWas someone talking about rel-prev/next recently?
#Loqirel-previous is the use of the HTML rel attribute on a hyperlink to page previous to the current page with the value of "previous" to provide a way for consuming code to discover that link and navigate to it to show content previous to the current page; like an indieweb archive page that links to the previous archive page in a time series https://indieweb.org/rel-prev
#sknebelhm, isn't rel=prev the "canonical" one and rel=previous the less common one?
#[tantek]sknebel, could be. I use rel=prev myself. do you have a citation for prev being canonical? perhaps add it to the page?
#Loqirel-previous is the use of the HTML rel attribute on a hyperlink to the page previous to the current page with the value of "prev" or "previous" to provide a way for consuming code to discover that link and navigate to it to show content previous to the current page; like a monthly archive page linking to the previous month, or a link from a homepage with a stream to an archive page of previous posts in the stream https://indieweb.org/rel-prev
#sknebelmicroformats wiki says " Refers to the previous document in an ordered series of documents. Some user agents also support the synonym "Previous". with the HTML4 spec as source, WHATWG html5 says "Synonyms: For historical reasons, user agents must also treat the keyword "previous" like the prev keyword."
#sknebelI'll swap the two around so rel-previous redirects to rel-prev and add a section with that info?
#[Vincent]Webmentions question, I spotted some of my webmentions from Swarm now contain an ID “wm-id”. Is this Swarm specific, or is it coming from Webmention.io ?
#Loqi[sknebel] #115 warning about microformats2 alt-text format can be removed
#[tantek]sometimes I'm tempted to put a special "www." handler (when there's no referer) Apache rule that redirects to a "Y U TYPE WWW WHEN U NO NEED TO" page
#pstuifzand!tell [schmarty] the unread int/bool bug is fixed by the latest commit of ek
#[smerrill]i stuffed all my Tweet archives into Hugo data files, instead of one-file-per-tweet, and my Hugo build times went from 15 seconds to 1.5. Huzzah!