#dev 2019-01-04

2019-01-04 UTC
KartikPrabhu, [davidmead], [schmarty], [tantek], snarfed, leg, [cleverdevil], cweiske, barpthewire, swentel, [Vincent], krychu_, [relapse], [metbril] and [voss] joined the channel
[dgold] You removed support for Twitter from nanopub. What was the rationale behind this?
[Rose] joined the channel
[metbril]: i don't support that organisation, its amplification of nazis, white supremacists and fascists, its general posture towards minority groups in general, its management.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
if twitter want to pay me to facilitate the delivery of content to its servers, I'll reconsider the situation.
i'm done being complicit with these companies.
That's a clear viewpoint. Unfortunately, I think a lot of us do want to syndicate, and this would create a need for a fork that includes the old function, unfortunately.
Anyway, I will be creating a Micropub server endpoint plugin for Grav CMS that is inspired by your code, not just forking it.
I have a PHP file I can drop in to a Grav install which works great as a micropub server - I can't find the time to make it into a plugin though.
If you are willing to share it (gist, github repo, your site or otherwise, I will have a look. We could make it a joint effort.
BTW, is it a media endpoint as well? For OwnYourGram etc.?
It is. It's basically what Aaron has done a few times at IWCs - building an endpoint quickly. I added a config file for the folders where things should be saved, but that's pretty much the only changes I made.
That sounds feasible. I already created an IndieAuth plugin for convenience: https://github.com/metbril/grav-plugin-indieauth
[Jacky_See] which CSS framework uses h- ? I've seen u- a lot (which is annoying enough) but h- is extra annoying. (Previously http://www.kevinmarks.com/u-means-style.html )
gah, bad autocomplete, slack
how do I stop slack being wrong here?
jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[metbril]: the code is still there in git history
feel free to grab & use it - I won't be using it, I have no way of testing it, so I cannot support it
Hmm, was anyone working on integrating the IndieAuth endpoint into Grav? Did you have plans to go that way, [metbril]?
has grown slightly allergic to indieauth.com :P
[metbril]: I don't see any problem with a fork of nanopub. subject to the usual licencing stuff, obvs.
[davidmead] joined the channel
Isn’t there already a fork? Who was it by ... skippy? schmarty? something s*?
[skpy] micropub: a minimal PHP micropub endpoint, with media support
That still includes Twitter sync
[metbril] joined the channel
@Zegnat I have created an initial IndieAuth plugin that connects to IndieAuth.com. This could evolve to and IndieLogin endpoint later on. However, I wanted to switch to Grav (and Micropub) quickly, and there is no other option atm. I could have added the endpoints manually, but thought this was neater.
BTW, for now, I myself would be the only one using it for my personal site, am I not? So no reason for allergic reactions?
You never know who finds your plugin. You are pretty high up the search results for "grav indieauth" ;)
But for sure, prioritise your own itches first [metbril]!
[Vincent] joined the channel
*yawn* ... /stretch/
I am no professional developer. How hard would it be to develop the Auth endpoint for Grav?
I don’t know what sort of APIs are in Grav, but maybe not too hard?
There is a lot of reusable code as well. You can probably just wholesale copy the Mintoken PHP code for a token endpoint
What is Mintoken?
Mintoken is minimal and self-hostable IndieAuth compatible Token Endpoint in PHP https://indieweb.org/Mintoken
For now Micropub and Webmention are top of the list of itches. After that I will have a look.
I should maybe look at Grav again at some point. Is it any good for blogging?
Thanks Loqi, but I don’t think you ever used it, so, hush~
you're welcome
Loqi++ Hahahaha
Loqi has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (50 in all channels)
Zegnat: lol
gives Loqi just a little more sentience
You should ask [Rose]. She is the more avid blogger. I find the editing interface in the Admin panel sort of hmmmm. But Micropub would solve that.
I don't use the Grav UI except occasionally to install plugins.
I use Shortcuts to post with the "Run Script via SSH" command 😄
My main reason is that is has plain text / markdown files for editing and is not a static site with its own shortcomings.
Zegnat what did you do!?
I almost had a conversation with Loqi. I just need to keep feeding the machine, [Rose]!
[Rose] another option would be to post through GitHub with Working Copy and the GitSync plugin. (If you need a new pet project)
I want to make 2019 my year if blogging, and I wonder if that’ll be easier if I stop also making it the year of developing a blog engine… just need to find one I like now.
↩️ Thanks! Yeah its manual now bc I ran out of time, but I plan on automating it. Pushing new notes to twitter maybe via deploy hook or similar. Then pull reactions back via webmentions / bridgy.
I you like to tinker, now PHP, yaml and markdown, than Grav is your thing 😉
[relapse] joined the channel
mmmm, tinkering.
@zegnat "manual until it hurts" ?
I tried that once, but I couldn’t get into the whole "edit HTML, reupload" mindset often enough to encourage writing
Right, Grav comes with YAML, hmmm
why edit HTML?
I have a script that generates the YAML header for me.
[metbril]: I was manualling until its hurts, that is: I was writing every blog post as an HTML file
With Grav you just create/edit a markdown file. Only HTML for difficult stuff.
My biggest annoyance with Grav is that it NEEDS a required slug for each post, since that will be the folder name. In most templates that slug will show up as the post title.
When adding IndieWeb notes that is difficult. I am still thinking how to properly address this.
Sounds like Grav just uses "slug" as a term for URL? Notes have URLs too, so whatever makes sense there?
Can you sub in the Post id for the Title if its a non-title-needing post-type?
krychu_ joined the channel
I just use the date/time string as my slug for all my "micro" posts.
(My currently micropub endpoint is setup to do that)
And I customised my theme to not substitute the slug in.
zegnat, slug is the same use as in WordPress. It is part of the url. Depends on the route e.g. the place in the folder hierarchy.
[relapse] Grav posts don't have an ID like WordPress. In the end, their slug is their unique ID.
I was thinking of using a Unix timestamp for slug if one is required. Or a ISO8601 date.
I do yyyy-MM-dd-hhmm
can you make a slug that has slashes? Like /2019/01/04/9876?
eli_oat joined the channel
Readable to humans, works on the machine no problem.
krychu_ joined the channel
The slug is a folder name, I think slashes are forbidden,
[aaronpk] You can in various ways. That would require nesting posts deep in hierarchy. But each level needs a markdown file
Could be worth reading the URL design page on indie web. YYYY/MM/DD/Iterator sounds close. https://indieweb.org/URL_design
Grav looks neat, I should look at it more closely
I have resolved this by overwriting the generated permalink (/blog/some-slug) with (/2019/01/04/some-slug)
I''m not sure nesting all those folders is a great idea on Grav. Mine already takes forever to recache with all the images I have.
I have all posts under Blog and overwrite the default route.
(I'm exaggerating, but it's long enough that statuscake tells me all my sites on that server are down)
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Code snippet, from an alpha version of a plugin to rewrite permalinks
public function onPageProcessed(Event $e)
// only parse pages with 'item' template (blog entries)
$page = $e['page'];
if (!($template == 'item')) {
$header = $page->header();
$template = $page->template();
$date = isset($header->date) ? date('Y-m-d', strtotime($header->date)) : date('Y-m-d');
$date = substr(preg_replace('/-/', '/', $date), 0, 10);
$slug = $page->slug();
eli_oat joined the channel
For anyone following from the main channel: There's nothing in my laravel or sql log files that indicate talking to watchtower is failing
And watchtower itself has no log files, which I think implies something is wring
[Rose]: when you run the watchtower script it should be writing log files and showing you output on the console
It's running via cron, theoretically.
watchtower needs that background script running
[metbril] Have you thought of using 'Ymd' as the date format string rather than 'Y-m-d' and then preg_replacing?
I don't think it works via cron
eli_oat1 joined the channel
Can you run the script manually as a test?
This said to run a script via cron: https://ascraeus.org/websub-part-ii-aperture/
Oh right it needs both
the cron queues up the fetching tasks
Which is the other half of "both"?
[relapse] As said, I'm not a pro coder. Just doing this in my free time. So my coding skills are limited.
but you have to run the worker too
in watchtower
No sign of a worker in that link, so I won't have done it.
I'm not familiar with Laravel things
(Something I want to improve!)
How do I start the worker?
[Rose]: see https://ascraeus.org/websub-part-i-watchtower/ under “Watchtower as a Service”
That service is the worker and needs to be constantly running
dgold++ for having IDs on his headers
dgold has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (25 in all channels)
Pretty sure I did that, but I may have missed it
[schmarty] joined the channel
Someone in here can probably tell you how to check systemctl for added services and whether they are running. sknebel?
I'm checking the systemctl already
Good :)
I do not use it enough to know by heart where to check
needs one of those on the go RPi server setups for practice
watchtower.service is enabled
is it running?
State=active? It seems not
Just as well, there's a typo in the script path!
those are placeholder paths (on my site)
Yes, I had wathtower.rosemaryorchard.com instead of the correct url there
[relapse] I took that challenge and came up with this:
$date = isset($header->date) ? date('Ymd', strtotime($header->date)) : date('Ymd');
$date = preg_replace('/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/', '\1/\2/\3', $date);
That's probably what you were refering to.
OK. I'm wondering why you need a preg_replace after, since it's run through date it'll be dddddddd or null if strtotime fails.
I don't use Grav but I tried trimming it to the below. Be interesting to see if it works.
`public function onPageProcessed(Event $e)
// only parse pages with 'item' template (blog entries)
$page = $e['page'];
if ($page->template() != 'item') {
$date = date('Ymd', isset($header->date) ? strtotime($header->date) : time());
$header = $page->header();
$route = '/'.$date.'/'.$page->slug();
$header->routes['default'] = $route;
Uh oh, uncaught Pheanstalk Connection Exception
[smerrill] joined the channel
I see what you mean. Just
``` $date = isset($header->date) ? date('Y/m/d', strtotime($header->date)) : date('Y/m/d');
that should have been shift-enter 😞
yup anyway.
$date = isset($header->date) ? date('Y/m/d', strtotime($header->date)) : date('Y/m/d');
does work, too. I've learned something today. 👏
I shunted the date('Y/m/d'... to the start so you don't have to specify the format twice, and have the opportunity to miss setting one of them. Which I do far too often.
Hi [smerrill]
In your sample you omitted the forward slashes, which would be required for the permalink path I need.
Hi Smerrill 🙂
Indeed, I missed that, sorry.
lots of micropub talk. that’s exciting. do feel free to use anything from my attempt for your own. 🙂
The service itself won't run, it says "Start request repeated too quickly"
that probably means it isn't starting properly
any error shown?
in systemctl status or in a log written by the service?
When I run the file manually I get the Pheanstalk Connection Exception mentioned above.
I've given the ordinal number in the permalink a thought, but that needs some thought. The `date:` header allows for just a date without a time. If not present it defaults to the date/time of last save of the file. So in order to create an ordinal number, I would first need to sort all posts with knowing that the order will never change again.
[Rose]: what's the precise error?
Hope I'm making sence. English is not my native language.
It's really long, uploading it.
is beanstalkd running?
Not that I know of
[metbril] Perfect sense. Yes, if Grav doesn't use a numeric key for posts and relies on unique directories, then ordinal would take a lot of calculating to ensure it never changed.
if you installed it through the system package manager it should have a systemd unit already, check that?
As long as I manually create posts through the interface, I could keep track of this, but with Micropub clients, OwnYourGram, OwnYourSwarm etc. this would be very difficult if not impossible.
systemd is running for lots of other things
and start and enable that if it isn't yet
It is, if I do systemctl status watchtower I get "Result: stat-limit'hit"
*start limit hit
no, for beanstalkd
systemctl status beanstalkd.service ?
There's no beanstalkd service.
Where would it have come from? I haven't set that up (not in the instructions)
System Requirements: Beanstalkd
As it's including things I presumed that meant it requires the files.
These things need to be on the server as baseline: https://ascraeus.org/websub-part-i-watchtower/#system-requirements
beanstalk is a service
Perhaps a line stating it's a service/a link to it
so many dependencies, sorry!
*wouldn't go amiss
There are no official docs ;)
Installing now. I suspect that will resolve my issue
Even in these unofficial instructions it would be nice 😛
sknebel: should the watchtower unit file be updated to depend on / not start before beanstalkd?
Zegnat: probably?
good idea
never knows if it is After= or Requires= or something else that is needed for that
I have now setup some services, even my own little PHP workers, but I am still guessing the settings 99% of the time
ubuntu went through a few iterations of arguing about which startup thingy to use and now I don't know how to use any of them or even know what they are called or which one is the "correct" one to use now
Beanstalked disapproves of something, but at least I'm on the right track now
Zegnat: I'd say After= and Requires=
Just use both? Guess that would work too
Requires= - "this won't work without this other thing"
I thought systemd appended one to the other in some magical way. But maybe best not to assume such things
After= - "this doesn't like it if the other isn't available when it starts, so wait with starting until the other is ready"
aaronpk, it is a weird tech landscape. And once you have decided on the whole systemd vs initd, vs whatever, you can still decide to do your own process control with tools like supervisord, daemontools, etc.
Confuses the hell out of me
I was often being pointed towards http://supervisord.org/ as an alternative for the systemd messing.
oh yeah I started using supervisord too
well, Ubuntu did their own adventure through upstart beforehand
so some of my things are run through that now
Hmm, apparently invocation ids are required by both beanstalkd and watchtower, and they're not getting them
has no idea what an invocation id is
Watchtower's throwing that error message at me 😛
precise error?
sound like a systemd thing maybe?
It must be a systemd thing, that's all gogole is telling me
I wish there was a good way to run stuff in the background that didn't involve this mess
"Failed to set invocation ID on control group /system.slice/beanstalkd.service, ignoring: Operation not permitted"
And the same with watchtower, but with "watchtower" instead of "beanstalkd"
that shouldn't affect the start though, I think it's "just" a warning
I suspect the second error I get "Failed at step CHROOT spawning /path/to/php" is more important, but I have no idea where it's referencing this.
you don't have literally "path/to/php" somewhere?
No, I checked the .service and it's /usr/bin/php
is that for watchtower?
Hmm... any chance systemd is caching a unit file from before it got changed to /usr/bin/php?
I did daemon-reload, and restarted the server when that didn't work for good measure
Beanstalkd is not referencing path/to/php either as far as I can find
Guess you can always ln /path/to to /usr/bin if nothing else works, hahaha
I also grepped and couldn't find it inside of the watchtower directory
just to be sure, you're looking at the same unit file that's listed in the `systemctl status` in the Loaded: line?
Feels like the ExecStart line in the unit file, not something that would be in watchtower itself
Ahh, but if I grep through the whole server... It's in .viminfo, that doesn't make sense?
viminfo just has a cache of stuff you've done in vim, that's harmless
Any way to have systemctl echo whatever it thinks the ExecStart line of a unit is?
So, in conclusion, it's nowhere on my server according to grep, but it is according to systemd
I'm trying turning it off and turning it back on again
systemctl show watchtower.service?
ExecStart shows /usr/bin/php
ExecStart={ path=/usr/bin/php ; argv[]=/usr/bin/php watchtower.php ; ignore_errors=no ;
I'll poke at some of the other errors, see if I get anywhere
Now it runs, crazy
(I hadn't done anything more than open a folder via SFTP, I'm convinced there's a gremlin in my server)
did the errors have timestamps? maybe it was showing you old logs?
16:26 was the timestamp.
Maybe yesterday? I'll ssh back in later and check
is anyone using 2fa on their indieweb sites?
not me.
Once upon a time I had 2FA on my IndieAuth endpoint. Hoping to bring that back
snarfed joined the channel
I actually got a yubikey at IWC Berlin and have wanted to sit down and try a passwordless IndieAuth ever since, ben_thatmustbeme
ben_thatmustbeme: have you been able to get webauthn stuff working?
Zegnat: aaronpk: i got a sample working at one point, it wasn't too bad, someone had a nice sample
do you remember the link?
looking it up
last time I tried was when everyone announced the browsers were supporting it
but I couldn't get the sample code to work
the demo worked for me in chrome but I couldn't figure out how to do it myself from scratch
[davidearl] webauthn: An implementation of webauthn in PHP on the server side (e.g Yubico 2 and Google Titan keys)
that works for me in FF
not sure if thats because i turned on u2f flag, but it shouldn't be, looked at the code and it should be using the webauthn code
yubikey works perfectly with it
the CBOR stuff is really.... weird. would love to know who had that idea so i could yell at them, haha, but yeah, i was writing it all myself until i found that code and it was basically exactly what i was writing
Hmm, I had never ran into CBOR before.
reads RFC
can anyone identify what I might be doing wrong here? https://github.com/aaronpk/Quill/issues/107
So far as I can see, my server is responding “201 Created” with the header; but Quill doesnt seem to agree.
[smerrill]: in the quill note interface, when you upload an image, does it show you the URL?
I do, if I wait a bit…
ok that's good, that means quill is recognizing the upload to the media endpoint succeeded
soooo! I guess I was being impatient.
ah lol
I just tried again, waiting to get that URL back. Previously I had NOT been waiting long enough to get that.
so I need some sort of progress indicator in quill
i’ll close my ticket. silly me.
[davidmead] joined the channel
heh ok
ben_thatmustbeme: wow this code looks like stuff I never want to write https://github.com/davidearl/webauthn/blob/master/src/webauthn.php
Sorry, ich muss ein bisschen spammen, versuche gerade #webmentions zum Laufen zu bewegen, es läuft suboptimal… https://maurice-renck.de/de/blog/holen-wir-uns-das-netz-zurueck
I am a little upset about the PHP code style used there, but it looks understandable enough
[sebsel] and krychu_ joined the channel
aaronpk: exactly, its pretty rough to do the underlying spec bits
need to make a really nice lib out of it
Zegnat: to fix it :D
You know what, ben_thatmustbeme, if nothing else comes up this weekend maybe I will! Hahaha
i agree Loqi
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
gives Loqi a pat on the back
investigates the pat on the back
[Ana_R] joined the channel
Hi everyone - I could use bounce back some ideas because i think i’ve messed up in my blog 😞 I have a jekyll blog and I’m using a micropub that is a fork of https://github.com/voxpelli/webpage-micropub-to-github
Out of box they work fine. They have specific categories and I can filter them in jekyll but it means that my `_posts_ folder has my normal posts, instagram posts and bookmarks. I think I want to organise them better, especially the bookmarks.
I use that micropub for OwnYourGram and most recently for Quill (I tried to implement bookmarks on my blog).
Does this make sense? I don’t even know what I exactly asking.
Currently, my bookmarks live here (https://www.ohhelloana.blog/bookmarks) but if, for any reason, I want to share the link of a bookmark, I think I would prefer if it looked like: `https://www.ohhelloana.blog/link/me-in-mastodon-social` instead of `https://www.ohhelloana.blog/me-in-mastodon-social` (as it is currently).
Maybe my question should be, does it make sense not to have all types of `posts` in the same `_post`folder? I don’t know if this is something i may regret in the long run especially after I add lots of bookmarks.
Thank you!
Also, how in jekyll with my current implementation, could I change my bookmark’s urls to have `\link\`?
I think that's a Jekyll thing
(but never fear!)
Like you might able to make a custom path for collections
I use that to make a custom path for my FAQ, portfolio and other pages
[metbril] joined the channel
but that'd require your posts to be identifiable to Jekyll as a part of a collection
[Rose] could you share your Micropub code for Grav once your server issues have been resolved?
does that help [Ana_R]?
it does help! i’m going to give it a go and write here how it goes. Thanks for sharing your example!
[tantek] joined the channel
Totally! :)
also I like that border effect you have of your Instagram posts to your site
[kevinmarks] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Thank you!! 😄
[Rose] joined the channel
As I said, it's not really for Grav
chrisaldrich joined the channel
It's just the micropub endpoint Aaron has built a few times at IWCs, with the save locations set to config parameters
[davidmead], snarfed, [schmarty] and swentel joined the channel
yeah, turns out that i can’t add normal posts to collections 😞
My “bookmarks” are generated with Quill + the micropub endpoint i’m using so the `slug` is built there, otherwise i would add `\link\` to it.
jackjamieson and snarfed joined the channel
I think i can survive this 😂 I wanted to have fancy urls but i guess it won’t be possible as it is at the moment 😞
I want to confirm as well, am I doing the right thing here? Bookmarks and instagram posts are `posts` from Jekyll’s perspective?
[smerrill] joined the channel
\o/ yeah! I think I finally have my micropub endpoint doing all the things I want, in a way that works, and site build times are down overall. That’s enough tinkering for now!
[Ana_R]: that sounds right. everything in the _posts folder is part of the posts collection.
if i remember correctly - if you want to separate out links, they would go in a _links folder and you'd need to add some stuff to _config.yml to declare the collection.
Yeah that’s correct but my bookmarks are being added as `posts` and straight to the main `_posts` folder… which is why I can’t add it to a jekyll collection.
This is because I wanted to be fancy and add them via a client instead of manually.
My understanding is that when I use a client (e.g. Quill) to add bookmarks, things are added by default to the default `_posts` folder. But because the micropub endpoint i’m using wasn’t build by me, there is a big chance that I am wrong in my assumptions 😕 I think I understand things separately but putting all the pieces together is a bit more tricky.
[asuh] joined the channel
wait lol i’m wrong
[Ana_R] the micropub endpoint may have a way of changing where the file ends up based on the contents of the post. hopefully!
Ok, I think I know where I am wrong in everything. Yeah, I think that’s my problem [schmarty] - thank you
snarfed joined the channel
i guess i have to build my own endpoint and my own custom way to deploy to my blog depending on the type of content 🙃
ohh interesting! thank you for sharing!
snarfed joined the channel
[smerrill] good idea! i've been meaning to review your recent changes as well.
snarfed and krychu joined the channel
↩️ Also, mark up 'tweet comments'—or, rather, 'webmentions'—as h-cite rather than h-entry.
snarfed, woah that's fast :)
snarfed has 69 karma in this channel over the last year (114 in all channels)
callMeBaby, snarfed and kisik21 joined the channel
↩️ @MacBoeck Ich baue webmentions ein, erwähnst du hier einen Beitrag, soll der tweet als Kommentar im Blog auftauchen. Theoretisch...
snarfed, no luck so far, I still need to hack to much into the controllers and helpers to get completely through
for instance it assumes 'attributedTo' is a string and not an array in the AP request
that's not good
but not fed.bridgy's fault (it works for mastodon, so both should work imo)
snarfed joined the channel
!tell swentel got it. thanks for trying! fortunately dansup is indieweb friendly and likely to merge PRs if you send him one or two to fix those issues
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell swentel eg feel free to send him https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-attributedto which shows that attributedTo can be an array
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[eddie] joined the channel
That seems like something that would be pretty cool
All this to say I'm jealous because your monthly recap pages look awesome
[Rose] joined the channel
I need to figure out how to do a monthly recap page.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Ah, good call.
Fixed. Thanks for the tip, [eddie]
I also have a Lambda function now running on the first of each month which publishes a monthly summary to my Aperture.
snarfed joined the channel
That’s awesome! How does it get the data? API to your site? Parsing your site’s mf2?
Its... gross.
Basically, I fetch the page's HTML, then I extract the content and manually shove some of it into an MF2 JSON blob and publish it.
Currently, it only publishes the very high level bit at the top ("Jonathan has posted 124 times in December, 2018. Recipes: 1, Posts: 4, Locations: 39, ...")
With a link to the full summary.
Its not really nice to consume the content itself in my reader.