#dev 2019-01-05

2019-01-05 UTC
tantek, snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
was swentel talking about pixelfed?
[davidmead], KartikPrabhu, [tantek] and snarfed joined the channel
dansup: yes! swentel and me. we've been trying to federate with pixelfed. we're getting close! but probably need a few compatibility fixes on your side too. https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2019-01-04#t1546640992016100
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed: Ah okay, I am in the process of refactoring the Pixelfed ActivityPub code and this should be fixed in an upcoming commit!
snarfed joined the channel
dansup++ awesome!
dansup has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
[schmarty] and leg joined the channel
↩️ And now lets test to see if #webmentions work.
↩️ This one will be a manual webmention reply...
[Rose] joined the channel
I feel like I want to support WebMentions on my blog.
barpthewire joined the channel
This makes no sense but see https://webmention.rocks/test/1 for more and try to guess what I’m doing… Or trying to do anyway…Share this:TwitterFacebookMoreTelegramWhatsAppRedditLineGoogleAlso on:
[Rose] and klez joined the channel
↩️ I want to own my Identity and social presence much more - over the latter half of 2018 I discovered the philosophy of https://indieweb.org/why and this year I want to make great strides towards it, as well as write my own https://indieweb.org/indieauth server!
leg, eli_oat[m], grantcodes[m], plindner[m], myfreeweb, cuibonobo, zoglesby, [kevinmarks], [Rose] and tomasparks joined the channel
plan for today: some more AutoAuth work
@diplix sag mal, wie machst du das in deinem Blog mit den Twitter likes und replies? Benutzt du da webmentions oder etwas Ähnliches?
↩️ @mauricehh ja. webmentions und handarbeit.
↩️ Benutzt du da was wie http://brid.gy? Ich frage gerade so doof, weil ich es bei mir gerade einfach gar nicht zum Laufen bekomme und scheue mich noch davor ein Kirby Plugin zu schreiben.
krychu, Guees and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Trying out http://webmention.io. Seems to work just fine behind CloudFront.
[voss], krychu and [Rose] joined the channel
Ok, my watchtower seems happy, but Aperture is not updating. I suspect the callback is at fault. Eek.
barpthewire and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Ooh, Daring Fireball was at fault. Let's see what happens now.
did it get stuck on a bad feed?
Yes, that seems to have been the issue.
Now I just need a site to update again so I know if it works. Solution: sign up to Aaron's all feed and hope something happens 😛
follow yourself and post :D
That would also work
(and remember to file bugs about feeds that cause problems, they shouldn't be able to break the system)
However my feeds may not be properly formatted and if that breaks things again...
I know Aaron's feed is unlikely to break one of his programs
Aaron very kindly posted something, watchtower says it was delivered, however it has disappeared on the aperture side.
[davidmead] and leg joined the channel
Hmm, my aperture is unhappy: `production.ERROR: Connection refused [tcp://] {"exception":"[object] (Predis\\Connection\\ConnectionException(code: 111): Connection refused [tcp://]`
redis installed and started?
(yep, next service that's needed)
[voss] joined the channel
Theoretically, turns out it was broken, just reinstalled it and trying to remember how to configure it!
Ahhh, progress
Aaron sure posts a lot 😛
Now, I just need to decide on an image proxy and I'm good to go.
[schmarty] joined the channel
[Rose] ooh! got any candidates picked out? i started self-hosted with https://github.com/willnorris/imageproxy
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
but now am mostly using cloudinary because it has a VERY generous free tier, and doesn't require signed URLs (Hugo doesn't have an easy way to generate signed URLs afaict)
I just hit the "deploy to heroku" on the Camo one for now.
I decided as a "get it working now" solution that was fine.
i feel like they can be pretty interchangeable, which is great
(Turns out the redis issue is an issue in the default systemd as an FYI, finally hunted it down, killed it, and I'm about to pour fuel on it and set it on fire to be safe)
Just to ask, what did you set for this? # Configure a hostname to serve images from storage/app/media
ah, my copy of aperture pre-dates image proxy support, so i just hotlink images 😂
Having seen Cloudinary I was going to switch to it, but with it being nearly 10pm there's no way I'm going to figure this out now.
And my micropub permissions are somehow wrong. Eek
[cleverdevil], [grantcodes], [davidmead], KartikPrabhu, [Rose] and [eddie] joined the channel