#dev 2019-01-06

2019-01-06 UTC
I guess this means I need a GitHub repo 😛
!tell jeremycharfas I finally have something you can theoretically drop into a Grav install and use as a MicroPub endpoint
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed, tomasparks and [relapse] joined the channel
Nicely done.
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, [relapse], [cleverdevil], ben_thatmustbeme, [eddie], [tantek] and [metbril] joined the channel
[Rose] Very nice. I did an attempt as well, still in alpha (Coding is not my day job) https://github.com/metbril/grav-plugin-micropub
[jeremycherfas] ^^^
KartikPrabhu and [eddie] joined the channel
[eddie] noting this here since it's kind of a dev philosophy / methodology thing:
Indeed, storage first is usually a fruitless endeavor because there's either too many possibilities so the storage needs seem overwhelming, or you make arbitrary storage simplifications which end up premature constraining your design / display options
Yeah, it’s funny how quickly and often you can forget that. Because I’ve read that and thought about that before
And yet when introduced to a new problem the dev in me wants to jump straight back to the storage
perhaps we can capture this on the wiki somehow as a reminder
what is storage
storage in the context of the indieweb usually refers to how you are storing your data, specifically in what kind of storage format(s) https://indieweb.org/storage
maybe there?
Yeah that makes sense. I can create a “common pitfalls” section?
eddie++ nicely done!
eddie has 48 karma in this channel over the last year (88 in all channels)
[Rose] joined the channel
↩️ I‘m using webmentions and some JS that pulls them in from an aggregator. See https://invisible.ch/2018/12/hugo-templating/ (source here https://www.amitgawande.com/display-webmentions/ )
KartikPrabhu, barpthewire, [relapse], ben_thatmustbeme, [voss], [eddie], [xavierroy], [grantcodes], [davidmead], hey, [kevinmarks], [Rose], leg, kisik211 and krychu joined the channel; Jookia left the channel
does anyone's media endpoint return an HTTP 202 instead of 201?
[gerwitz] #74 70x: Accept 202 responses
how would a client use that, given there's no look-up extension?
aaronpk: tbh, I punted on having mine return a 202 because I wanted to do transcoding and conversion in a separate task but that was too much for a MVP
sknebel: it would still require that it returns a URL just like micropub
so I guess it's really more of a signal to the client that the file might not exist at that URL yet so it shouldn't try to preview it or something
deathrow1 joined the channel
oh, right, there was that weirdness
forgot that was a thing in micropub
kisik211, [Rose], ben_thatmust, [cleverdevil] and [tantek] joined the channel
does webmention.io lean on any known spam networks to preemptively block some Webmentions?
I'm not too worried about spam but I want to keep it in mind (I'm rolling my own webmention system in Koype but it'll be ripped out into something else once I feel good to ship it standalone)
it does not, since there hasn't really been any webmention spam yet
word okay
[kevinmarks] and DenSchub_ joined the channel
So how do you translate a 202 into a promise that you can resolve later?
a promise? like A+/JavaScript-style ones?
maybe via a callback
or prodding ?q=last
wait what
that's a very strange way to phrase that
you want the server to be able to tell the app when the URL is ready?
KartikPrabhu, [eddie] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
If anyone wants to try out the new PostrChild extension and is happy building it from source it is up at https://github.com/grantcodes/postrchild-extension - no release yet as it need's documentation on how to setup the new features