[tantek]Indeed, storage first is usually a fruitless endeavor because there's either too many possibilities so the storage needs seem overwhelming, or you make arbitrary storage simplifications which end up premature constraining your design / display options
Loqistorage in the context of the indieweb usually refers to how you are storing your data, specifically in what kind of storage format(s) https://indieweb.org/storage
KartikPrabhu, barpthewire, [relapse], ben_thatmustbeme, [voss], [eddie], [xavierroy], [grantcodes], [davidmead], hey, [kevinmarks], [Rose], leg, kisik211 and krychu joined the channel; Jookia left the channel
jackyaaronpk: tbh, I punted on having mine return a 202 because I wanted to do transcoding and conversion in a separate task but that was too much for a MVP
aaronpkso I guess it's really more of a signal to the client that the file might not exist at that URL yet so it shouldn't try to preview it or something
jackyI'm not too worried about spam but I want to keep it in mind (I'm rolling my own webmention system in Koype but it'll be ripped out into something else once I feel good to ship it standalone)