#dev 2019-01-07

2019-01-07 UTC
What does it do?
snarfed joined the channel
Hi, snarfed
snarfed, [schmarty] and [jonathanprozzi] joined the channel
What categories would one put in an h-card?
presumably things you'd want someone to be able to find you from
prior art would be people putting hashtags in their twitter/instagram bios
Interesting. Will have to look
I keep wanting to enhance my h-card and probably should update my resume
With Microformats
Webmentions should no longer fail. If you post a comment via a webmention from either Twitter or Facebook, and it doesn't show up after moderation and/or automatic approval, let us know. Thanks.
I think I am still the only one posting altitude
[David Shanske] Seemed appropriate.  
[relapse] joined the channel
Training for an airline, makes sense altitude would be involved.
Really? I just like location
And I bond with people like eddie over posting weather
ooh now that I will have better data on planes I should also display that
i'm running my beta build of Overland which taps into the gogo in-flight gps tracker when i'm on a plane :)
aaronpk, I need enhance it.
but I haven't been on any flights since I finished it
aaronpk, you want the JetBlue Flyfi parameters to add as well?
For future use?
sure, could you share the URL and a few samples of the data returned?
aaronpk, gladly. Where is good?
I will poll now, I set up a shortcut on my home page
I have free time, small plane
cool, post a gist? or somewhere in the wiki?
Will do
I have some time now
sweet, what's the URL?
Standby for more
i'm putting them here if you want to just comment there instead https://github.com/aaronpk/Overland-iOS/issues/77
[aaronpk] #77 Add JetBlue tracker as a data source
I had some fre
e time on my flights
To read through the code on the flight status page
There, two different Flights
[davidmead] joined the channel
I’m thinking there may be a problem with Known and micropub. Indiebookclub says I have no endpoint, Teacup says I does but doesn’t post anything, OwnYourGram keeps erroring out
I don't think teacup will work since Known doesn't understand that post type
OwnYourGram should work fine though
I did put an issue in for OYG [aaronpk]
oh yes I saw that
What post type doesn’t Known work with? Could that be the same as Indiebookclub?
just tracked down some OYG info for you
looks like something is wrong with Known understanding its own images
wondering if it’s something from moving to 0.9.9-a
0.9.9 pulled in items from OYG, but nothing since updating
I haven't been keeping up with the changes close enough to tell
That may be why photos from checkins through OYS aren’t coming through either
very probably
I’ll add an issue in GitHub for Known. Maybe mapkyca knows something 🙂
cool, copy that error message I posted on the OYG issue
will do. thx [aaronpk]
aaronpk, if you ever do add altitude display, I am curious what it would look like.
me too GWG
aaronpk, looking forward to it. Design is a hard thing for me
I am in the design weeds now
snarfed, KartikPrabhu and [xavierroy] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Could you check https://github.com/aaronpk/Teacup/issues/9 🙂 I really want to use Teacup, but the timezone fix doesn;t seem to work
What do you see for the timezone in the post interface?
The timezone is correct in the post interface.. but when it is pushed to my website, it is delayed. trying out a test post right away
The post is published at Published on: Jan 7, 2019 @ 05:06
I am using a +5:30 time offset
[Rose] joined the channel
xavierroy, is your site configured for that timezone?
I wrote a bunch of timezone code when Micropub was ignoring the offset
So wait it is making it to your site now tho? That's different from before right?
Also what do you mean by "it is delayed"?
the post is published to my site, but the post time is pushed back by the offset. So a post made at 10:36 am is published witht wrong timestamp as 05:06am
[dshanske] Yes, my site is configured to the +5:30 timezone.
Just to clarify, before it wasn't posting at all right?
snarfed joined the channel
xavierroy, named timezone or UTC+5:30?
UTC +5:30
The named timezone would be Asia/Kolkata
Okay. That should work
I know that the php datetime timezone conversion functions look for those.
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, [Rose] and [Vincent] joined the channel
Can anyone verify for me if OwnYourSwarm is sending webmentions? It’s defo sending my checkin, but I can’t see any webmention activity on my server or on Webmention.io ?
krychu_, barpthewire, cweiske, psaa, krychu, eduardm, jeremych_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
↩️ Echa un vistazo también a lo que propone la Indie web. Las webmentions yo también las habilitaría: https://indieweb.org/Webmention
Good morning Indieweb Dev
good morning!
What's up sknebel?
not much. had hoped to do some autoauth stuff on the weekend, but didn't really get anywhere
[Rose] joined the channel
If it makes you feel any better, my MicroPub endpoint caused Aperture to throw an error
[schmarty] joined the channel
Haha, very good. Wait, aperture? Or monocle?
still pondering what pieces for people to use AutoAuth I can easily build
[schmarty] Aperture on login
However my Aperture is also only requesting read access, and then it complains
[Rose] aha that makes sense! I think it requests only read access if it doesn't see a micropub endpoint link on your homepage.
eli_oat joined the channel
Not sure why that would cause a crash, either way! Excellent bug finding, haha.
Everything else sees my micropub endpoint. (I temporarily reverted to the "old" one)
I need to debug it properly - a job for tomorrow.
I wonder if Aperture caches homepage fetches.
why would aperture even need micropub?
am I forgetting about a feature?
sknebel: No idea, but in settings it says it doesn't have write access
I've had a MicroPub endpoint since before I set up Aperture though. I can't think of a time when I didn't have an endpoint and I did have aperture.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
So you can like and reply to posts?
You would do that with a reader though
[eddie] joined the channel
[Rose] Did you change your authorization endpoint at the same time?
No, I left that alone for the time being.
That's a 2020 project at the rate I'm going 😛
Haha gotcha. Because yeah I thought Aperture didn’t request a token, I think it’s just verifying authentication flow
So I’ve broken it before when I’ve broken my authentication flow
Whereas everything else requires a token and has worked fine
But if you didn’t touch your authorization endpoint, that shouldn’t be the issue
Quite strange
eli_oat1 and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
hm, in march there was code added to do that, not sure if for any specific purpose: https://github.com/aaronpk/Aperture/commit/d9f3aee0e0ece709c4b0e643e89fdead1242ac7e
I wonder if there's some bug where it remembers an endpoint where it shouldn't or something.
(I also wonder why I try to debug software I don't use by reading code. It works surprisingly well, but still :D)
[smerrill] joined the channel
Ohh Aperture grabs your Micropub config
I wonder what for? I’m sure there it’s either something brilliant I’m not thinking of it something that is only half completed
snarfed, [davidmead] and krychu joined the channel
i can't even remember what aperture does with the micropub endpoint now
well, it at least should be robust to failures around it then :D
I'll track down the error it throws (hopefully tonight) and run my Micropub endpoint through Micropub rocks to make sure it's compliant.
(Assuming my 6-7 appointment really is 6-7!)
i'm guessing it's crashing trying to get the micropub config from the endpoint
that's the only thing it does with the micropub endpoint right now as far as i can tell
found it
it was for the mp-destination stuff
you can set a default destination in aperture, which is then included in the data that monocle grabs from aperture
that lets me do things like when i'm in the "indiewebcat" channel, replies will be sent back to the "indiewebcat" destination without me having to manually choose that
so aperture is only trying to get the config in order to load the destinations
My destination stuff is probably making it unhappy.
if you can post whatever your endpoint is currently returning for the config query in an issue then i can fix it to handle errors better :)
[smerrill] joined the channel
do Micropub tools (Quill, Aperture, Indigenous) send any identification of themselves in the micropub submission? that is, can a micropub server identify what client was used?
they don't need to do that themselves, because the token that was issued to them already identifies them
your token endpoint knows what client_id is requesting the token, so it can store that along with the token
that's how i have "posted using ____" on all my posts
i see. thanks.
[tantek], KartikPrabhu, [voss], jackjamieson and [Vincent] joined the channel
[smerrill] there is a “client_id” in the data that will give you “https://quill.p3k.io/'” etc. It’s pretty easy to work it out from there
[cleverdevil], [davidmead], [smerrill], KartikPrabhu, snarfed and [Rose] joined the channel
I'll open an issue for that for later 🙂
snarfed, jackjamieson, [asuh] and [tantek] joined the channel
aaronpk: Is there another way to install Quill that doesn't use Composer? I'm curious to install it on my shared hosting account but they don't officially support me installing Composer. I don't mind using it on p3k but I'm curious what it takes to run locally as well
can you run composer on your laptop?
you could use that to download the dependencies, then upload the whole thing including the "vendor" folder to shared hosting
that’s a good idea, yes i can. i’ll try that, thanks
whoa, that’s huge
the limit is 3 collaborators
but that's still really cool
snarfed joined the channel
that's worth adding to /GitHub
!tell [jgmac1106] it looks like your posts with markup are not being POSSEd correctly (all tags get stripped in POSSE copy!) e.g. compare https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/01/07/jensimmons-t-adacito-as-we-write-our and https://twitter.com/jgmac1106/status/1082238674765520896
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
haha Slack link-preview gets it wrong too
GitHub << 2019-01-07 GitHub blog: [https://blog.github.com/2019-01-07-new-year-new-github/ New year, new GitHub: Announcing unlimited free private repos and unified Enterprise offering] <blockquote>GitHub Free now includes unlimited private repositories … with up to three collaborators per repository …. Many developers want to use private repos to apply for a job, work on a side project, or try something out in private before releasing it p
ok, I added "2019-01-07 GitHub blog: [https://blog.github.com/2019-01-07-new-year-new-github/ New year, new GitHub: Announcing unlimited free private repos and unified Enterprise offering] <blockquote>GitHub Free now includes unlimited private repositories … with up to three collaborators per repository …. Many developers want to use private repos to apply for a job, work on a side project, or try something out in private before releasing it p" to the "See Also" section of /GitHub https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=55357&oldid=53323
microsoft++ for github free unlimited private repos
microsoft has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
lol for now
only up to 3 contributors
it's a trap
can't of the three contributors then start their own private repo copy and invite two more people?
and so-on? actual distributed git on github 😂
Anyone know what this service is and what they support in terms of webmentions? https://twitter.com/StormlightTech/status/1082091819415031809
it's just a wordpress blog
[davidmead] joined the channel
ooh speaking of blot
[eddie] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
aaronpk: does Watchtower just push new content into Aperture once a subscription has been created, or or is there polling/other fetching going on too?
or, asked differently: is there a key difference between pushing content via Micropub vs it coming through watchtower from Aperture's perspective?
Yes, Watchtower sends the entire html/xml document to Aperture and Aperture interprets it and finds each entry. Aperture's Micropub input relies on the micropub client sending exactly the content that should show up in the channel
leg joined the channel
ah, right. so watchtower does not interpret the content
[davidmead] joined the channel
Right, it just treats the document it fetches as a blob of text
(with some fuzzy matching to determine whether it thinks it's changed)
[tantek] joined the channel
aaronpk, do you think it is worth reaching out to this product manager at Flickr to consider adding IndieAuth support while they're re-working their login system? Both as a provider and consumer? https://blog.flickr.net/en/2018/11/01/leaving-the-yahoo-login-behind/
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
it sounds like they are just going back to regular email login
not sure there is a lot of room for debate there
it's not about debate, it's about supporting an open standard
as in, not about telling to not do what they're planning, but rather to *also* do IndieAuth support while at it
especially as a provider
wonders if maybe being an IndieAuth provider could be a way for them to finally adopt OAuth 2 since right now they are on 1
that's a very good point
and frankly a great motivating use-case for them to do so besides just "upgrade to avoid future tech debt"
krychu, [dave], [eddie], [relapse], tantek and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[snarfed] I updated https://indieweb.org/tag-reply#tag_and_fallback per our discussion (and warned against the subsequent "tag and comment" multi-action)
snarfed joined the channel