@StormlightTechWebmentions should no longer fail. If you post a comment via a webmention from either Twitter or Facebook, and it doesn't show up after moderation and/or automatic approval, let us know. Thanks. (twitter.com/_/status/1082091819415031809)
[davidmead]I’m thinking there may be a problem with Known and micropub. Indiebookclub says I have no endpoint, Teacup says I does but doesn’t post anything, OwnYourGram keeps erroring out
[xavierroy]the post is published to my site, but the post time is pushed back by the offset. So a post made at 10:36 am is published witht wrong timestamp as 05:06am
[Vincent]Can anyone verify for me if OwnYourSwarm is sending webmentions? It’s defo sending my checkin, but I can’t see any webmention activity on my server or on Webmention.io ?
krychu_, barpthewire, cweiske, psaa, krychu, eduardm, jeremych_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[Rose]I've had a MicroPub endpoint since before I set up Aperture though. I can't think of a time when I didn't have an endpoint and I did have aperture.
aaronpkthat lets me do things like when i'm in the "indiewebcat" channel, replies will be sent back to the "indiewebcat" destination without me having to manually choose that
[smerrill]do Micropub tools (Quill, Aperture, Indigenous) send any identification of themselves in the micropub submission? that is, can a micropub server identify what client was used?
[asuh]aaronpk: Is there another way to install Quill that doesn't use Composer? I'm curious to install it on my shared hosting account but they don't officially support me installing Composer. I don't mind using it on p3k but I'm curious what it takes to run locally as well
[tantek]GitHub << 2019-01-07 GitHub blog: [https://blog.github.com/2019-01-07-new-year-new-github/ New year, new GitHub: Announcing unlimited free private repos and unified Enterprise offering] <blockquote>GitHub Free now includes unlimited private repositories … with up to three collaborators per repository …. Many developers want to use private repos to apply for a job, work on a side project, or try something out in private before releasing it p
Loqiok, I added "2019-01-07 GitHub blog: [https://blog.github.com/2019-01-07-new-year-new-github/ New year, new GitHub: Announcing unlimited free private repos and unified Enterprise offering] <blockquote>GitHub Free now includes unlimited private repositories … with up to three collaborators per repository …. Many developers want to use private repos to apply for a job, work on a side project, or try something out in private before releasing it p" to the "See Also" section of /GitHubhttps://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=55357&oldid=53323
sknebelaaronpk: does Watchtower just push new content into Aperture once a subscription has been created, or or is there polling/other fetching going on too?
sknebelor, asked differently: is there a key difference between pushing content via Micropub vs it coming through watchtower from Aperture's perspective?
aaronpkYes, Watchtower sends the entire html/xml document to Aperture and Aperture interprets it and finds each entry. Aperture's Micropub input relies on the micropub client sending exactly the content that should show up in the channel