snarfedso interesting q: for people who posse their posts to silos and publish synd links, and then later silo quit and delete those silo posts...what should they do about their synd links?
Loqisnarfed: [davidmead] left you a message 10 hours, 56 minutes ago: Why does need a different URLs to be in the Instagram profile since I moved to Known? OwnYourGram is ok with the root domain, but wants the profile page?
snarfedon a site like mine, where the synd links are displayed as just silo icons, i'm leaning toward changing them from links to unlinked icons with hover text like "this [silo] post has been deleted," or maybe the silo post permalink itself. but no longer actual clickable links.
[scottgruber]I was looking to see when 2019 indieweb camps are scheduled to mark my calendar and ran across a warning when visiti g (it doesn’t show up when I went to
[scottgruber]I tested it on my laptop in chrome and safari. after I go to and then add the www in the location bar I get the warning. So looks like I can replicate it too. 🤔
[metbril]Hallo, ik ben Robert van Bregt. Overdag Projectmanager in de Zorg-ICT. En in mijn vrije tijd liefhebber van Internet, technologie en gadgets.</p></p>
[metbril]That did the trick. Now all I need to do is submit a PR to the grav-plugin-aboutme repo to replace the outer `<p>` with a `div` or `span`. Which would be preferred? Span, I guess?
friedcell, metbril and [pfefferle] joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
[pfefferle]If it is the outer p, it can only replaced with div... span is an inline element and p is a Block element and you can’t use block elements inside inline elements... if you want to replace the inner p, you can use span...
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "monthly recap" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "monthly recap is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[cleverdevil]I already have a scheduled Lambda that injects my On This Day page into my Microsub server on a daily basis. It would be trivial to do the same on a monthly basis 😉
[cleverdevil]I guess it could be generated as just a single post with links off to posts that happened during the month, maybe with some interesting stats and categorization.
[tantek]wonders if he should post a note whenever he creates a new non-trivial indieweb wiki page inviting folks to contribute their experiences / interests
wolftune and [eddie] joined the channel; vivus left the channel
aaronpki didn't notice because some of the stuff i follow is pushed into aperture, and also i haven't been online much in the last couple weeks as well