#indieweb 2019-01-04

2019-01-04 UTC
KartikPrabhu and [davidmead] joined the channel
importing a WordPress export, back in WordPress is missing the last 2 years of content. This blog move is not going as planned. owning your content is a pain-in-the-arse 😉
Sorry, davidmead
it can be but doesn't have to!
metbril joined the channel
thx GWG/ looking at the XML file is a message ><b>Fatal error</b>: Out of memory (allocated 242221056) (tried to allocate 130968 bytes) which is great to know 2 days after wiping it
metbril joined the channel
Not good
[schmarty], wolftune, metbril, KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
any chance of getting a database backup from your webhost?
wolftune and [davidmead] joined the channel
tantek I have a SQL backup but the file is too big to go through the normal myphp import. Gonna try SSH tomorrow
That's gonna be a lot of me reading how-to's as I type in terminal
sl007, wolftune, jolvera, snarfed, metbril, IRCsum, leg and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Made a little progress tonight on my summary page, [tantek] - https://cleverdevil.io/summary/2018/12
snarfed, cweiske and [tantek] joined the channel
that's looking quite nice!!
I agree 🙂
Still only rendering summaries for a few things... photos, watched tv/movies, posts, and interactions.
I still need to add recipes, github interactions, statuses (might skip this, actually... too noisy otherwise), and a few other things.
barpthewire joined the channel
[davidmead] what was the backup process you did to get that XML file? Maybe we can warn people on the wiki if the backup process doesn’t tell you when it fails
AkyRhO, wolftune, friedcell, swentel and [Vincent] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] nice, I’ve been thinking of doing something like this for a while 🙂
I also wanted to make it a feed option/newsletter generation. The idea being people who just want to “keep updated” can do it that way, rather than a daily stream
krychu_ and [relapse] joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
Oh that is a magnificent page, [cleverdevil]. Big kudos.
[davidmead] I believe the MySQL default backups is a bunch of SQL statements. So you should be able to slice the file up and import in blocks.
grdryn, catsup and [metbril] joined the channel
Would it be possible to upload an archive of old mentions and comments to webmention.io or webmention.herokuapp.com to have one single dataset?
If not, does someone have an example how to integrate legacy comments, old mentions with one of these services?
[cleverdevil] that summary url is not hackable. There is no summary for /summary/2018/ yet. 404 instead.
Otherwise very nice
I'm not sure about uploading into webmentions or similar as I'm not the author of the comment content, so it's not "mine" per se. I ended up importing them at the bottom of my article with a header "Imported Comments". It probably should be outside of my base h-entry entirely though.
[voss] joined the channel
[relapse] Thanks. That might be the most appropriate solution. I a still hesitating whether or not to open legacy comments on my site, for those that do not 'do' IndieWeb or st. like Twitter replies. If so, the historical ones could be merged into a regular comments section. However, if I ever decide to switch webmention services, there is no easy way to merge these. (I'm thinking silo's here).
Concur, I am unaware of any easy merge either.
Other than self host, that is...
I didn't want comments stored on my new site and... cheated by adding intensedebate as an offsite comment handler.
[Rose] joined the channel
Ooh, nice work Clever Devil - I should figure out how to do this on my blog!
getting old webmentions into a new system is relatively easy: just send the webmention again to the new service
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
@GWG your rotating themes idea reminds me of blogger dynamic views: http://epeus.blogspot.com/view/mosaic
it has horrible spindly low contrast type and nasty full justified text, but the idea of multiple presentations is interesting
sknebel can this be done from any site or do the endpoints check the webmention source? In other words, can I script a bunch of curl commands?
[metbril]: anyone can send any webmention
thanks sknebel, will have a try.
mention.tech will send an arbitrary one, or scan a h-entry for outbound links
also, it caches sent webmentions too, so if you send webmentions through it they are there for sites that don't have support themselves yet.
metbril, jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell manton trying to stay a bit disconnected between now and 1/22 email me at jgregmcverry@gmail.com for any Austin planning stuff and I am still checking wiki
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
metbril, vivus, [davidmead] and nunatak joined the channel
Uh oh, I broke Monocle 😞
alxd and [metbril] joined the channel
how so ?
xss ? :-)
Nah, I log in and it just says "Not found" in Times New Roman
Times New Roman in 2019, that does sound scary!
I have a feeling something is broken with my Aperture/WaterTower setup, which Monocle is probably seeing.
[Vincent] joined the channel
It might be Monocle. When I log in, nothing has been updated from Apeture
It hasn’t removed the feeds I deleted in Apeture etc. So it doesn’t look like they are speaking to each other
My Aperture is empty. I only added feeds an hour ago though. But I get the feeling that the Watchtower install is not actually talking to it
(The feeds table is empty, which is not a good sign I think)
AkyRhO joined the channel
I just tried accessing it from a different client (Indigenous) and that immediately falls over and crashes.
I'll temporarily subscribe to a high traffic feed and see if that kickstarts my stuff. It's on my server rather than living with a Single Point of Aaron, so I probably messed something up
*crosses fingers*
[Vincent]: are you using hosted Aperture? There was a problem on the server that crashed the indexing queue, so no new items are being crawled right now
I am not using the hosted one, so I would assume that doesn't affect me. Unless Aperture has become sentient.
Just wanted to make sure that the “nothing has been updated” problem is known :)
If you’re not using the hosted one, all problems you experience are of your own making [Rose] ;)
Yes, that's rather the problem 😛
I break it, and I have to somehow fix it!
@zegnat yes, I assume that’s the issue thanks
Aperture should be back up and fetching feeds again as of yesterday
Hmm, Monocle is still showing the old feeds (and is not marking things read). Aperture is showing the correct feeds now after logging out then back in.
I’ve tried logging out and in etc for Monocle and Indigenous and they both show the old feeds only. So at least they are consistent
Monocle doesn't store anything itself other than the list of channels
i wonder if you have two accounts? Maybe an http vs https thing?
Hmm, a good test feed is probably Aaron's all feed 😛
hmm lemmie check
I’m accessing both via https
https://monocle.p3k.io/debug will give you some more info about what Monocle is talking to
I'm 99.9% certain the problem is on my end. One test feed I added has 2 entries in my RSS reader, and none on my Aperture server
[relapse] joined the channel
I’ve deleted all the feeds in Apeture. Still see things in Monocle. Is is possible they are stored still and not deleted?
Double checked /debug and its all https and correct.
friedcell joined the channel
Want to swap issues Vincent? 😛
I think I know what is happening with mine
I suspect I deleted a feed but clicked “keep everything”. Except there is no way to then view that data. When I archive the channel all the content vanishes.
Ooh, I just found a http/s mismatch in my config. Though I somehow doubt that's the issue
progress at least!
[aaronpk] For my issue (at least) I think I have content no longer attached to a feed and I can’t delete it. Want me to file an issue?
Apparently I need to learn to read
Rel link for Microsub is wrong...!
[indienews/de] New post: "Homebrew Website Club – Karlsruhe" https://notiz.blog/2019/01/04/homebrew-website-club-karlsruhe/
at least its a simple fix 🙂
That won't fix things not updating the content from the feeds, but it should fix Monocle and Indigenous
Verified those work, they see my channels!
Now to get some content into them somehow...
krychu_ joined the channel
[Vincent]: I don't think I understand the problem exactly. Feel free to file an issue and we can hash it out there
I’ll try and add some steps to re-create it
eli_oat, krychu_ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Where should I look if I think my Aperture is not talking to my Watchtower? (Maybe this topic belongs in dev?)
eli_oat joined the channel; friedcell left the channel
I would say that topic most definitely belongs in dev :)
eli_oat1, metbril, [schmarty], [smerrill], snarfed, aalmazan and [davidmead] joined the channel
First part of my “moving to Known and hooking up IndieWeb features” is up at https://davidjohnmead.com/2019/01/04/setting-up-a-blog-using-known-part-1. Screenshots will be added later
metbril and [sebsel] joined the channel
Is there a place we document criticism on Webmentions? https://github.com/sebsel/seblog-kirby-webmentions/issues/6
I also would like to help mauricerenck here but I don’t really have alternatives other than maintaining my own plugin better ;)
krychu_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I think I have come up with a good answer myself.
wolftune, metbril, [Ana_R], [metbril] and [tantek] joined the channel
[sebsel] sounds like a better conversation for dev
[kevinmarks] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Finished up my summary pages late last night 🙂
Now I have summarizations for all content that I care about.
I also stole jacky's idea for collapsible sections using detail/summary tags.
metbril, [Rose] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
cleverdevil++ that is pretty cool!
cleverdevil has 36 karma in this channel over the last year (80 in all channels)
ooh that is a lot nicer than my month pages!
cleverdevil has 37 karma in this channel over the last year (81 in all channels)
don't know why I never even thought to group like that
mapkyca_ and mapkyca__ joined the channel
I may have to borrow some of those ideas :)
mapkyca__ left the channel
I still need to figure out how to link them in my nav.
[davidmead] joined the channel
I think the best move is likely to link them from my /archive index.
mapkyca_ joined the channel
my month pages aren't even linked from anywhere yet either
be careful aaronpk, or anomalily will want her annual reports auto-built that way....
nah hers are far too story-driven to completely automate like that
snarfed joined the channel
the data compilation is the heavy lifting... having that automated for adding the story on top of it would be easier.
not the way she does it ;-)
she has pretty good automated systems, they just aren't also automatically published on the web
Given what cleverdevil has, it's a much better presentation of a /Now page, though those often have some additional "story" which isn't automated.
it could be a note made within the month with the tag "now" or maybe overloading the "post-status" to be "x-now"
so you'd just pick the most recent one to display
Though if you've got these sort of monthly archives, they could likely be automated to show the past N days in much the same way to give a simulacrum of a /Now page.
I love the idea of how these do semi-regular updates that friends and family could use to check-in with you, or which could be emailed out on a monthly basis to friends/family who don't spend much time on social media or don't want all the notifications.
Done, now linked from my archive page.
So happy with how this turned out.
it's very cool
[schmarty] joined the channel
ooh yes this is quite nice
I could think of about 50 sites I follow that I wish had subscribe-able updates like this as overviews.
wow great monthly recap [cleverdevil]!
If I have time this weekend, I may make it so that these get pushed to Aperture on a scheduled basis.
So I can see a monthly recap for "last month" on the 1st of each month.
wolftune, vasilakisfil, metbril, swentel, jackjamieson, snarfed, [smerrill] and seekr joined the channel
Can you share how big your database export was (from how many years of blogging / number of posts) and what the exact result was of attempting to import it? (what errors etc.)
Since you ran into problems with that (with MySQL in particular) I feel we should document this as one of the problems with depending on MySQL
(exports don't "just work" as they're expected to)
[asuh] joined the channel
This wasn't a MySQL problem, I don't think.
It was a PHP running out of memory problem.
When running the WordPress export, it tends to suck up a lot of memory while it is generating the export.
If you're on a shared host which aggressively limits memory consumption, or have not configured PHP with a high enough memory limit, it will crash.
(This is also a WordPress problem... its export functionality clearly needs some work...)
^^ I’ve run into this same problem trying to import an export and had to get my shared hosting support to temporarily increase memory limit to import large sql file
snarfed and metbril joined the channel
still aiming to get a flexible photo viewing page for Koype: https://pinafore.social/statuses/101360125263105282
had to use some border thickness to get the visual alignment right
brandonkal joined the channel
I'd post a live URI but I haven't figured out doing proxying from koype to object storage right
metbril, callMeBaby, nitot, todrobbins, snarfed, kisik21, wolftune, [eddie], [Rose] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel; vivus left the channel
If anyone has resources as to how they're doing their monthly recaps - and what they're including, I'd love to see it!
snarfed joined the channel
Its not the cleanest code at the moment.
But, it works 🙂
Ooh, thanks!
As you have a working solution I'll take any code.
Hmm, I think I can see how this would work with Twig filters in Grav. However that is a project for another time. Tomorrow I need to get my micropub endpoint in place, add destinations, and go crazy with it.
todrobbins and metbril joined the channel