#[eddie]!tell aaronpk I did a brainstorming session today for a potential IndieAuth extension for having a Mobile App to approve Authentication (similar to what you do with the Okta app). https://indieweb.org/RemoteAuth If you don't mind taking a look and providing feedback, it could be awesome or it could be horrible. You decide 🙂
#[eddie]!tell jacky I finished writing up the idea we were talking about the other day, it's still very much a rough draft idea: https://indieweb.org/RemoteAuth
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, DenSchub_, deathrow1|absnt, stevestreza, [pfefferle] and [Rose] joined the channel
#[Rose]I might use my TripIt data as a base for a trip report.
#GWGRose, looking forward to seeing what you build
#[Rose]I'm going to Seattle next week, hopefully before then I can automate the "start a trip" calls to Compass from my TripIt calendar so I don't forget.
cweiske, [tantek], barpthewire, strugee, TripFandango, jeremych_, swentel, [jgmac1106] and [Rose] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]Was I correct that there is no way to write a media query for <detail><summary > to expand by default? Could not use print media query... Had to build page... Violate DRY
[voss] and [Vincent] joined the channel
#[Vincent][jgmac1106] If I remember correctly that is controlled by the HTML only. If you write your HTML with <details open> instead of <details> then it should be open by default
#[Vincent]if the user clicks it, the browser will remove the open parameter so dont worry about programmatically doing anything to overwrite it.
#[jgmac1106]I want closed by default but open on media query. Will try details open thx
#sknebeldisplay: contents should do it (but I have not tested if all browsers do it that way), you can also use JS otherwise/as a fallback
cjwillcock and [relapse] joined the channel
#[relapse]Since it's toggled by the presence of an attribute rather than style, I'm not sure if media queries can access it to activate it/ deactivate it. You can _detect_ it with `detail[open]` but I think that's it.
#ZegnatHuh. I just added signin through indielogin to a project in less than 100 lines of code. Wonder how much this is going to grow when I handle IndieAuth myself rather than outsourcing it to aaronpk
#Loqiswentel: snarfed left you a message 4 days, 16 hours ago: got it. thanks for trying! fortunately dansup is indieweb friendly and likely to merge PRs if you send him one or two to fix those issues
#LoqiZegnat has 57 karma in this channel over the last year (162 in all channels)
#ZegnatWill see about doing it without indieauth.com later, and then see if there is a simple way to package this up for reuse
snarfed, [smerrill], [pfefferle], cweiske, jackjamieson, [kevinmarks], [schmarty], [cleverdevil], KartikPrabhu, micahsilverman and tglobe joined the channel
#kisik21I need to speak to the developer of Checkmention; their indieauth tripped pyindieblog's redirect_uri spoof protection
#kisik21like posts... it fetches stuff from the FS every time it needs to render a post
#snarfedreading one or two or a few small files from disk for each user request is reasonable. magnetic disk seeks are ~10ms; SSDs are orders of magnitude faster.
#snarfedif your site is slow, i'd look elsewhere for optimizations, unless you're reading a ton of files or they're huge
#[smerrill]i/o and network are going to be slower on an rpi than any dedicated server class machine; but for a personal blog it ought not matter enough to be worth worrying about.
#kisik21because I bet that I've seen 9 seconds on my homepage in my log!
#kisik21[smerrill]: and I support WebSub so consumers are expected not to flood my site with updates but subscribe to Switchboard (which is acting as my hub) so they receive fat pings every time I post stuff
#[smerrill]and depending on what else you have running, and how much memory is being used, the Linux kernel will keep pages in cache for you, to minimize disk i/o.
#kisik21so I guess the only load should come from crawlers and visitors reading my blog directly rather than via readers
#kisik21there is probably more bots on my site than humans
[eddie], chrisaldrich and [Rose] joined the channel
#kisik21aaronpk: IndieAuth.com doesn't pass redirect_uri spoof protection in pyindieblog when using IndieAuth provider button; should an issue be filed despite indielogin.com being a viable and recommended replacement?
#aaronpkindielogin.com is only a replacement for half of indieauth.com so it's not going anywhere any time soon. Feel free to file an issue!
#Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 17 hours, 59 minutes ago: I did a brainstorming session today for a potential IndieAuth extension for having a Mobile App to approve Authentication (similar to what you do with the Okta app). https://indieweb.org/RemoteAuth If you don't mind taking a look and providing feedback, it could be awesome or it could be horrible. You decide 🙂
KartikPrabhu, snarfed1, [tantek] and [voss] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, [cleverdevil], [Rose] and [eddie] joined the channel
#[eddie]Hmmm, so I'm currently owning my code snippets on my site: https://eddiehinkle.com/code/ So now I'm thinking what does it look like if I fork existing code? For the most part it should look the same, I'm thinking you just need to link to the original source.
#[eddie]Would that be considered canonical? Or since it's a fork, is my fork canonical to itself and the original source would be referred to as something else?
#Loqifork is a special type of reply that is similar to an edit except with the expectation of diverging from the original rather than suggesting changes to it, and is also like a repost in that a fork displays most or all of the original likely with its changes made inline https://indieweb.org/fork
#Loqifork is a form of response that is similar to an edit except with the expectation of diverging from the original rather than suggesting changes to it, and is also like a repost in that a fork displays most or all of the original likely with its changes made inline https://indieweb.org/fork
#snarfedi get that we've mapped between the two a bit, and we can kind of make it work if we squint, and start to tie ourselves in knots, but i'd hate to see us try too hard to align the two entirely
#aaronpki added code snippets to my site and actually treating it as a regular post was useful because i got to bring along all the other stuff that my posts do, like handling responses
#sknebel(not even getting in the entire double-meaning of "fork" that's around nowadays, since Github choose to use that word for "a users copy")
#Loqijacky: [eddie] left you a message 20 hours, 45 minutes ago: I finished writing up the idea we were talking about the other day, it's still very much a rough draft idea: https://indieweb.org/RemoteAuth
#[tantek]site-deaths << 2019-01-03 YQL per https://developer.yahoo.com/yql/ <blockquote>As of Thursday, Jan. 3, 2019, the YQL service at query.yahooapis.com will be retired. This will impact users of datatables.org</blockquote>