#dev 2019-01-10

2019-01-10 UTC
What is YQL
It looks like we don't have a page for "YQL" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "YQL is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Cool. MongoDB compatible managed service from AWS.
↩️ Currently it's a protocol (microformats2 and Webmention over HTTPS). It needs indexing and recommendation ("Related" stuff) to make a complete platform, as one job of a platform is to surface thoughts written by other users.
Oh cool!
Interesting, Yahoo Search has had a more interesting history than I expected: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahoo!_Search#Search_technology_acquisition (beyond just switching to using a Bing backend in 2010)
j12t joined the channel
snarfed, back in the day (~10y ago!) YQL allowed for querying microformats from arbitrary web pages in Yahoo's search index! http://microformats.org/wiki/yahoo-search#YQL
KartikPrabhu, j12t, [kevinmarks], chrisaldrich, tbbrown, j12t_, j12t__, strugee, krychu, snarfed, [tantek] and [Rose] joined the channel
Is micropub.rocks still ok? It's throwing weird stuff at me which my micropub endpoint can't (yet) handle.
php://input and $_POST are both showing empty. Hence the question.
Scratch that, I used the wrong PHP array function
And an object is not an array. 4am me is really not smart.
snarfed, j12t, j12t_ and [Rose] joined the channel
Whee, my micropub endpoint no longer causes problems for my Aperture install!
[pfefferle] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Rose++ congrats 🙂
Rose has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
[eddie] joined the channel
[Rose] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
(It also works, seemingly, just modifying my destination setup so it's at least human readable, if not precisely human friendly)
Does this look right to you folks?
"media-endpoint": "https://rosemaryorchard.com/media-endpoint.php",
"destination": [
"uid": "https://rosemaryorchard.com/microblog",
"name": "MicroBlog"
"uid": "https://rosemaryorchard.com/blog",
"name": "Blog"
(Before anyone asks about the logic behind the 3 aliases to blog: they're actually stored in 3 different folders.)
So the only thing that will get passed BACK to your micropub endpoint is the uid
so they DO have to be unique
but you could add another folder to the UID for the blog or do something like #folderid
I can use the folder name.
awesome, yeah, you’ll definitely want to do that since only the uid gets returned
That's just changing which key gets pulled out of the config
Besides that it looks right, without me looking through the spec
I checked the sample, it looks about right
Just wanted to ask, I'm running on 3 hours of sleep so programming is not the smartest thing I could be doing right now 😛
hehe I’ve been there 🙂
I get some of my best programming done when I am exhausted ;_
It's 7am though, justabout, so I can reasonably make breakfast and other noise now. Though my typing is not the quietest 😛
Well, [eddie] and I are about to record an episode of twodads.fm, so keep it down.
Have fun! 😄
barpthewire, cweiske, [xavierroy], leg, [Rose], swentel and jeremych_ joined the channel
✏️ new post: pulling interactions from social media back to your site using webmentions! #indieweb #JAMstack https://mxb.at/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/
[jgmac1106], [Rose], [kevinmarks], [grantcodes] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Brilliant! I've been wanting to do this for some time... but then @mxbck implements Webmentions beautifully on his @eleven_ty site and shares exactly how with more clarity than I could have hoped for. Yoink! https://mxb.at/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/
[xavierroy] joined the channel
who is mxbck?
Not someone who has ever logged in to the wiki, I think
Who is mxb.at?
wonders if that even works
Who is Www.svenknebel.de?
Apparently not. Guess who is only works for chat names, not for user pages
Hmm he's writing good stuff though 🙂
[smerrill] joined the channel
[voss] and bradenslen joined the channel
Well, that's a drag. The Comments plugin on Grav seems to have vanished all previous comments. None in backups either. I'm somewhat peeved.
krychu joined the channel
This & associated links are going on my to-read list. In the meantime, check out @indiewebcamp. (She said, realizing the irony in tweeting this directly rather than replying via her own site and webmentions...)
[grantcodes]: what auth library are they using?
sknebel: It's all my micropub-helper library
ah, that's why I didn't find it
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Yeah, I do need to separate it out to just the auth part at some point
[tantek], snarfed and [schmarty] joined the channel
cleverdevil++ thanks for this proof-of-concept on overcast export! i was inspired to start pulling listen posts out of it.
cleverdevil has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (85 in all channels)
yeah I need to look at that too! that might be enough of a reason for me to stick with overcast instead of using overcast and castro half the time right now which is really annoying
!tell cleverdevil what details of your overcast listens are you sending to your site (over micropub)?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
my site is very pull-based when it comes to responses. e.g. i would expect a listen-of property to be a URL, and the build process would look up the details of that URL.
but (not for the first time) i am interested in sending more detail about that listen-of directly via micropub
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
So I’d advise against actually using the script until we hear from Marco 😉
I’ve been rate limited for a long while now.
[cleverdevil]: [schmarty] left you a message 1 minute ago: what details of your overcast listens are you sending to your site (over micropub)?
[cleverdevil]: [schmarty] left you a message 1 minute ago: what details of your overcast listens are you sending to your site (over micropub)?
[cleverdevil] oh yeah, i'm not hitting the website constantly. i grabbed a single export and have been poking at it with my own code.
i'm starting to think my micropub endpoint should look for nested microformats objects wherever it might expect a URL
So I’m sending a pretty minimal set of information: podcast name, episode title, episode summary, and artwork. I think that’s it.
Oh and podcast URL.
(For the episode.)
cleverdevil: sending them now? a custom known thing?
I’m also not using Micropub.
gotcha! that makes sense
I’m sending directly to a custom endpoint because I find extending Known’s Micropub implementation to be maddening :P
my endpoint already needs to look for nested h-cards in tags, so maybe i will generalize that. i'm really tempted to model how X-Ray turns everything into a URL and then includes a "refs" property w/ the nested info.
(ownyourswarm sends nested tag info when you check in to a place with someone)
I wish the whole gpodder thing had caught on in podcast land. So my player could talk directly to my website.
cleverdevil: oh yeah i forgot about the internals of the known micropub handler. it's not the most extensible. 😆
The entire Known Micropub and Indieauth implementation honestly needs to be rewritten.
But I’m not a very good PHP programmer :P
[cleverdevil] I'm a bit lost. Are you still talking about the Listen plugin you modified? Not seeing how it connects to the Overcast OPML
I wrote a script that can publish Listen records on my site based upon my Overcast history.
Ah. So it publishes Listen records but does not necessarily use the Listen plugin?
It does use the Listen plugin.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
I know no Python, but your script is useful and informative. I'm guessing I could try to use it as the basis for a PHP version, maybe sending to Grav rather than Known.
:sigh: instagram changed something again and now posts with photos and videos aren't showing up right in XRay
or wait, did I just never handle that?
ahh yeah because there isn't a good answer for how to do that in h-entry :(
mixed posts? I remember there was discussions on how to express that
do we have an open issue for this?
because right now the photo property is treated as a poster image for the video, so it's not clear how to represent a post with both a photo and a video
somewhere I think so, yes
is this an h-entry thing or a post type discovery thing?
I remember in berlin there was some talk about adding wrapper objects to express that, and e.g. advanced properties for photos
[aaronpk] #29 poster frame for videos
bradenslen joined the channel
hah adding that to the wiki shows up in the github history because there's a git commit that matches it
(something along the lines of proposals for hMedia in mf1, although h-entry might work too)
oh hm, so like if you have a list of media where the order is important and is a mix of photos and videos, then you don't use the "photo" and "video" property in h-entry at all?
hm. might be necessary. but what I remember was more along the lines of having an object instead of an url in the video property, and that object has the video url, the poster url, potentially an author, ...
ah sure that solves the poster issue
but I don't see how mf2 can express an order between things in different properties, so yeah...
but there's still the ordering problem
no good idea right now, especially none that parses neutrally (no specific features in the parsers, does something useful for existing implementations)
well, I guess you could add a new property to both in addition, and ignore the others if it exists
thankfully it's not a very common case
"u-media u-photo" ... "u-media u-video" ... "u-media u-photo"
feels not great
I think it would have to be a new prefix actually
otherwise it's vocab-specific handling
but this is more #microformats now
huh? the above would parse I think
oh I get it
and then separately also add the poster image thing
where the value of one of the "media" properties might be a fancier object with a poster image
although if you add objects you still end up with objects in the u-video then too... but at least it could have a reasonable "value". not sure how many consumers can handle that though (they should in a way, but it's an easy enough shortcut to take...)
[tantek] joined the channel
... and I found a parser bug
At some pong you’re trying to pack too much into one h-entry and should really be using a collection post, especially with mixing media and caring about ordering etc
*point 😂
this was prompted by instagram's multi-posts
which IMO are not the same as a collection post
They’re borderline
And last time we chatted we decided that once you’re mixing so much they’re no longer a multi- anything, they’re a collection
Keeping the microformats simple here is more important for more implementation interop
Since we last chatted you can add person-tags per item in those IG collection posts
So its way beyond fitting in one “entry” since they now have per item structure like that
hm yeah the tags per photo throw a wrench into that
aaronpk: is there an xray issue to follow?
Sorta. I mean “per post” makes it clear it’s more a collection than a single post
[aaronpk] #84 Instagram multi-posts with videos
what is collection?
A collection is a type of post that explicitly lists and/or embeds multiple other posts chosen by the author https://indieweb.org/collection
hm, markup for that is also still "brainstorming"
It does lists examples that people have already published though, which may be more telling than any markup brainstorming (ie: how have people actually done it)
goes down a different rabbit hole
snarfed, krychu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
starts poking around alt text in instagram
need to figure out how to represent this in jf2 now
[eddie] [grantcodes] and others, how would you expect to find alt text of a photo when writing a microsub client?
one of the goals of the jf2 format was to have values not change type all the time, so i'm hesitant to switch the `photo` values to objects when there is alt text
[eddie] joined the channel
ahhh hmmm
if you don't want it to change from the photo url, I think the second most intuitive (to me) would be to store info about the photo url in the refs array by the photo url
I know it's not the exact same thing
but it's a system of referencing extra non-critical information that already exists and our code will support
that could work, or I guess even a new thing like that? alts?
yeah that would work
i'm not sure about the risks of using the same term for both but I like the idea of not adding new stuff
I wonder if alts would be TOO granular? but maybe there is an inbetween, something that isn't refs but is more broad
like metadata type array
oh yeah cause we've also talked about potentially adding image dimensions
yep, essentially any extra info from photo, video or audio could have metadata stored in the new "metadata" storage area
Something like the urls structure in mf2?
Where you list properties that belong to the linked urls?
you mean rel-urls?
yeah basically like that, but for data beyond rel values
[cleverdevil] and [Rose] joined the channel
↩️ It may be a good idea to show the avatars here, in a horizontal list, so that visitors can see who’s in there before opening the webmentions.
[schmarty] and [davidmead] joined the channel
[aaronpk] just updated the OYG issue in GitHub - till errors I’m afraid
ok thanks for checking!
I did open an issue in idno/Known about this too
[eddie]: i'm thinking a new property "meta" next to "refs", which uses the URL as the key and the value is an object, and for now I will only include "alt", so e.g.:
{"type": "entry", ... "photo":["url1","url2"], ... "meta": { "url1": { "alt": "Alt Text" } } }
aaronpk: have you found instagram's alt text in its json yet?
ooh got a link? i'd happily piggyback on you instead of dumpster diving myself
here's a sample photo https://www.instagram.com/p/BsdlOmLh_IX/ (2 photos)
the property is called accessibility_caption
i'd need the full path. have you pushed a commit that uses it yet?
not yet
it's at the same level as the properties like "display_url"
[aaronpk] I think OYG is working for me
snarfed: also fyi videos can't have alt text
yeah i figured
aaronpk: That looks great to me!
aaronpk has 83 karma in this channel over the last year (266 in all channels)
[eddie]: cool thanks!
krychu joined the channel
the one thing is that, like refs, it's a property that exists in the same namespace as the microformats vocabulary properties, so that means this can never represent a mf2 property called "meta"
ok. this is weird [aaronpk] . I disabled a plugin (InstagramShim 0.1) and I got 2 photos in OYG to post to my site. The third and fourth fail.
but I think that's fine given tantek's dislike of the term "meta" ;-)
plugin still disabled, and I had tried with that plugin disabled before, but it didn’t have any effect
[davidmead]: I did just change stuff so that could be why
ahhhh that makes sense. As you said though, that's probably a safe bet, anything on an actual h-entry called meta would probably be ambiguous and have a better descriptor.
well it worked for those couple of minutes 🙂
j12t joined the channel
oh no lol they include default alt text
yuuuup. from facebook's ML
oh wait what
maybe i misunderstand. just a sec
the one I saw was just "No photo description available."
right, that happens sometimes. here's an example when it works: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq8U12UAcdq/
"Image may contain: one or more people and hat"
oh wow
I guess that's okay to include still?
eh not sure. would be nice to distinguish
looking at your example, evidently user-provided alt text overrides it
that also means it's gonna start being included in micropub requests to people if they enable that in ownyourgram
wait does instagram also put the auto-generated alt text into the accessibility_caption json field?
i hope not?
they do apparently
really?!? oh man that's sad. no way to distinguish?!
other than the text "Image may contain"?
or maybe there's another property
continues poking around
nah i expect that's for caption, not alt text
oh right they also call that caption
you're right
(post content, yeah)
ok I don't see anything else that would indicate whether it's machine generated
sigh. text matching it is then
like farmers
at the cost of an extra request you could identify it: the automated answers are localized...
(also: how do we make sure your code always is always getting english? hopefully they go by accept-language header or so...)
"Bild könnte enthalten: eine oder mehrere Personen und Hut"
an extra request to what?
oh like fetch it again and see if it changed? 😂
ugh, with the occasional false positive
clever, but i'll stick with string matching
I think i'm actually going to leave the autogenerated captions in xray
i'm going to remove the 'No photo description available.' one tho
verified, they respect accept-language headers
so you can just send one for us-english and be sure to always get that
speaking of headers, I seem to be getting different CDN URLs depending on whether I fetch from my browser or from curl, but these are both from my laptop
[schmarty] joined the channel
aaronpk, eddie: interesting choice to have X-Ray pass along "meta"! i have a bunch of "filemeta" stuff from the early days of my jekyll site when i wanted to indicate caption files for videos, whether a photo was a 360 panorama, etc. kind of excited to see some movement on this for jf2.
it's an interesting difference of pattern, though. e.g. ownyourgram sends person-tags as nested h-cards in the tags array, and the mf2 spec calls for a nested object in the photo array when alt text is present.
whereas jf2 seems to be heading towards parallel structures with lookups.
does it? It looks like OYG is only sending the URL for a person tag
i'll need to find and re-send one to check it out, but back in the day i had to write special handling on my micropub endpoint to deal with the nested objects.
maybe things changed!
I know it does for the "location" property
oops i meant OYS
i don't use OYG but i *do* mix up the names 😆
well the main reason is micropub posts microformats JSON, so whatever you see in the JSON is what you'll see in micropub
there isn't really any overlap between micropub and jf2
[Rose], snarfed and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
@mxbck you article on using #webmentions with @eleven_ty is awesome! Thank you for that detailed look on how to make that work with the #JAMstack. So cool!
@mxbck you article on using #webmentions with @eleven_ty is awesome! Thank you for that detailed look on how to make that work with the #JAMstack. So cool! https://mxb.at/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/
[tantek] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
is skeptical about a “new "metadata" storage area” but will wait and see how prototyping/experimenting goes
remember this is not for publishers
that has nothing to do with it
it's about patching something with a non-scalable approach
just to avoid hierarchy
first, most of this is not "meta" at all. "alt" is not meta - it's content
second, what happens when the stuff you put in a “new "metadata" storage area” needs its own meta?
I dislike the term meta because most of the time people use it incorrectly to refer to content or properties of content
the usability of the term "meta" is poor
KartikPrabhu and [eddie] joined the channel
😆 speaking of tantek's "dislike of the term"
that's why I mentioned it - I caught up on logs 🙂
ahh okay. hehe
Loqi?? Where art thou, Loqi??
it's a crappy term. even computer scientists and librarians misuse the term.
Loqi is slacking
interesting with the synthetic alts
I think aaronpk's approach there makes sense. leave out the non-content "There is no description" fixed static text
but if someone actually provided alt based on some AI or whatever that is even semi-useful (to a user, or speech UI), then keep it
semi-useful is generous
these in particular follow the pattern of "Image may contain: one or more persons, hat, sunset"
maybe useful sometimes, particularly for visually imparied people, but personally i plan to omit them in granary, since i'd rather draw a clear bright line between user-provided and auto-generated
[kevinmarks], eli_oat, snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
I can respect that too. Since granary does it's own format etc., maybe consider "auto-alt" as a secondary property?
yeah makes sense
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Given that we are changing mf2 parsing to nest alt text, making jf2 match seems reasonable, though by default that would create a "children" property in jf2
or just make alt multi-valued
(nm wouldn't help in this case)
As jf2 was a battle against multivalued defaults, not sure how that works
[kevinmarks]: sorry, re tantek, not re you
[kevinmarks]: the other motivation of jf2 is to have values be a consistent type instead of switching between strings and objects
j12t joined the channel
mf2 is pretty consistent to, basically whenwver you run into an object that you didn't expect you can use the object's "value" property to get it's string value instead.
ok granary instagram does alt text now
klez and kisik21 joined the channel
hm this means i need to update aperture ASAP then, since people are likely following instagram feeds from granary
oh nevermind, because they'd be using the html output of granary
yeah as long as aperture handle composite (object) mf2 photo values, then i expect it's ok
it definitely doesn't, but also it doesn't let you follow mf2 json feeds IIRC
ah i take it your php-mf2 doesn't do alt text yet
right yeah
i haven't updated any of that
need to settle on a jf2 representation in order to be able to update monocle for it too
[tantek], j12t and klez joined the channel
have you figured out a methodology to evolve jf2 that doesn't involve one-off design decisions for every new feature? or is that going to be just the way jf2 operates moving forward?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
(I respect that it's a hard problem, which is why I'm asking)
it's not exactly a one-off for every new feature
mf2 also developed a new thing for alt text that doesn't exist anywhere else in mf2
no it followed the pattern from e-
ehh, followed a pattern, but is still a unique thing
the problem with jf2 is the frozen in time assumptions about which properties are values and which are objects
s/challenge/feature ;-)
not really a unique thing, as we considered the lang implications simultaneously so we came up with an approach, both re-using a pattern from e-* properties, and more broadly handling a class of features, rather than just a one-off
I do think the "use URLs as a key into a flat array" thing is interesting
that's basically the same thing that jf2 is doing, except it's just doing it differently
there's been some talk about helping out apps by providing things like dimensions of images or duration of audio files, so the same place that alt text lives can also hold those
huh? I don't get any of "basically the same thing" - looks completely different
the approach is quite different, a mechanism for extra info about things with URLs, vs. just extra info about things in general
also flat vs hierarchical