#dev 2019-01-16

2019-01-16 UTC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Lots of fun conversations today
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Isn't the point that it can be partly externalised?
snarfed joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
[kevinmarks]: I wouldn't know
a lot of the stuff in the indieweb can be composed externally from a site
which is amazing
very coop-style lol
I mean that the microsub server can be elsewhere, as can the reader, so your site just points to 4hem and accepts microsub posts
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
jacky: is that something specific to microsub, or the whole concept of feed fetching?
[tantek] and [davidmead] joined the channel
alright, i’m not getting how GitHub is working. I made a clone of Known (and my install says it’s behind what’s in GitHub) but when I fetch origin in GitHub desktop it doesn’t show anything changed, though the web says there was a commit today
what am i doing wrong?
[davidmead] does ohshitgit.com address that?
origin is likely your fork of the repo's origin. You might need to add an "upstream" remote for the canonical repo and pull from that.
lol tantek that assumes i know how to do anything in terminal…spoilers I don’t 😉
I don't know the Github desktop software so not sure how much I can help
gregorlove thanks. at least that gives me something to google
"upstream" there is just the name I assign the remote repo; it can be anything, technically.
[davidmead] spoilers: neither do I 🙈 (I mean I copy paste scp lines I figured out at some point)
we’re in the same boat then 🙂
[davidmead], does involve terminal, but hopefully it's not too bad: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-a-remote/
haha [tantek] that site is great. Need to keep this one handy
copied & pasted that in the directory and now i’m downloading xcode developer tools apparently
computing is fun 🙂
`xcode-select: note: no developer tools were found at '/Applications/Xcode.app'`
Very strange
oh yeah that happens
so i got a `fatal: remote upstream already exists.`
aaronpk: largely to feed fetching
like the thought of 40+ sites hitting my lil' site for updates sounds fine
but like 30,000?
but that's pre-optimizing for scale I _don't_ have lol
yeah that's kind of the reason for microsub tho!
it lets you offload that to something that isn't your actual site
decided to caveman it gregorlove - deleted the folder and cloned it again which seemed to show the updated files shown on the web
word - that's relieving :)
I expect only very few CMSs to include microsub or any feed fetching built in natively
because, as demonstrated today, the problems that exist in that space are so different from publishing content
KartikPrabhu, micahsilverman, cweiske and [tantek] joined the channel
aaronpk, I'd hope there's some way for CMSs to include at least microsub client support, to implement an integrated reading/writing UX
eddiehinkle joined the channel
tantek: yeah I definitely think Microsub clients could be built into CMSs, it’s the servers that are heavy lifting
↩️ Thanks for the link, Nicolas! My solution works well enough for incoming webmentions - still missing the outgoing ping feature the Jekyll plugin had though ;)
leg, KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
Wondering how this works, seems to show someone stays logged in when going from one website to another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J9BN0z-lLU
(They seem to be calling it OpenWebAuth)
What is OpenWebAuth?
It looks like we don't have a page for "OpenWebAuth" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "OpenWebAuth is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[kevinmarks] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
best I can find for now is https://macgirvin.com/wiki/mike/OpenWebAuth/Home - but not clear to me how it works
Mike Macgirvin
Same sknebel. I am trying to find out if the Zod documentation may be more specific, but finding that to be very underspecified as well
dgold, [jgmac1106] and jeremych_ joined the channel
@swentel I do not know if this Known or Indigenous but when i try to addd a bookmark it post gets published before I have a chance to fill in the body. I don't hit post it does it on its own
KartikPrabhu and [svandragt] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I have never been able to add Content to a Known bookmark via micropub, no matter what client I use.
okay then it must be Known, I will file the issue
KartikPrabhu and swentel joined the channel
@mxbck this is a great post: https://mxb.at/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/#webmentions I'm struggling with http://Brid.gy right now, it's getting the mentions but says "No webmention support" even though I added the webmentions link tags to http://mxstbr.com Any ideas why it doesn't work?
@mxbck this is a great post: https://mxb.at/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/#webmentions I'm struggling with http://Brid.gy right now, it's getting the mentions but says "No webmention support" even though I added the webmentions link tags to http://mxstbr.com Any ideas why it doesn't work?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ thanks! hmm I think the link tags are included multiple times in your head, though that probably shouldn't matter... can you see incoming mentions in your dashboard? https://webmention.io/dashboard
KartikPrabhu and [voss] joined the channel
↩️ Yay it works! https://webmention.io/api/mentions.jf2?target=https://mxstbr.com/thoughts/tech-choice-regrets-at-spectrum/ u-syndication sounds like the other way around (posting to silos from website), I'm not even nearly that far just yet :)
Thank you @ctmirror for dropping facebook comments, I have to use disquss, but at least I can reengage in local journalism. We will get you to add webmentions some day. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/15476o)
KartikPrabhu, leg and tomasparks joined the channel
sknebel, looks like a Friendica dev did a flowchart-ish thing about the Hubzilla “Magic Auth”/OpenWebAuth: https://owncloud.kommune4.de/index.php/s/yltHjcQCJzpHZRP#//Friendica%20-%20magic-auth%20(OWA)%20-%20TEST.png
Feels like one of the things they are doing is appending the user’s URL to all outbound URLs?
will look at it later
So I’d go to your site and append something like ?magic=https://vanderven.se/martijn/ and your site can then go and confirm whether I am currently logged in or not.
Martijn van der Ven
But again, little vague to me. I am also not sure I want random websites to be able to check whether I am currently logged in to my own website or not :/
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Also please don't call things magic smh
[Vincent] joined the channel
That is what it was called in the previous iteration of Zot. If I am understanding the docs correctly.
I feel like very little of this was documented for people outside of Hubzilla to implement from-spec :(
micahsilverman, [schmarty], [kevinmarks], beacrea and [voss] joined the channel
Don’t mind me, just over here researching @eleven_ty because I’ve been writing Gulp tasks for things that @mxbck did here https://mxb.at/blog/using-webmentions-on-static-sites/ by writing code for his SSG. If only Jekyll were JS instead of Ruby ;)
[grantcodes], [Rose], [jgmac1106], [Vincent], [schmarty], [tmiller], KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], micahsilverman, [cleverdevil], [voss], [tantek], snarfed, benwerd, [chrisaldrich] and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
when I check my website on Micropub rocks I am getting a curl 51 error, what cause is that?
snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Sorry full error says: cURL error 51: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name 'blotkl.heroku.com' (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libc. I am trying to use Heroku for the first time
well that's an odd one
it's supposed to be herokuapp.com
[davidmead] joined the channel
[aaronpk] where do I need to make that correction? If I need to make it
wherever you put in the URL "blotkl.heroku.com" it needs to change to "blotkl.herokuapp.com"
oh ok thanks
snarfed, krychu and [eddie] joined the channel
I've been thinking about getting my podcast episodes (all of which originate on different sites) to automatically import into my eddiehinkle.com site. It seemed complicated so I've just manually done it (inconsistently) for now. I just realized what I need to do! Podcast RSS Feed -> unmung mf2 html -> xray provides me with a url that starts at xray and then it parses a mf2 html page from unmung which ultimately is created from the live podcast r
That provides me with a nice little JSON object (jf2) that I can use to create a Micropub request to my server
So i can have a little service running separately that watches all my podcast feeds, finds new items pushed on the current day and pushes them into my site using Micropub
I'd love to only use a single service rather than unmung -> xray but I couldn't find anything that does directly podcast rss to mf2 json
i thought i support that in xray
@mxstbr has an excellent way to depicting #Webmentions on his personal site as shown in this post https://mxstbr.com/thoughts/tech-choice-regrets-at-spectrum, nice way of keeping it #IndieWeb!
ohh yeah? Let me try
I didn't even think to try xray in that way
Ohhhh it almost works
what's missing?
It works but the cover art doesn't come through
i think there's an issue for that
[aaronpk] #66 Recognize podcast artwork as author photo
i was thinking author photo makes the most sense for that? not sure tho
Ohhh yep, that would work.
i guess episodes can have their own artwork so that might not be the best?
maybe just the "photo" property?
Yeah it's tough
i guess it is more like featured than photo
it seems like the same thing you do with a featured image in an article, just with audio
the main content is the audio file, wheras with a blog post the main content is the text
Yep, exactly.
What is featured?
featured is a proposed mf2 property (typically as u-featured) for h-entry that indicates a representative image for a primarily textual post https://indieweb.org/featured
That could change to be a representative image for a post that is not primarily photo-based?
yeah i think so
i wonder about videos?
Could use a bit massaging, but something in that direction
ohhh hmm
I know we've gone in circles around video cover art haha
there's the entire "<video poster as photo" thing which is getting in the way
that could be a solution to that!
also these days, the youtube thumbnails aren't really poster frames anymore since people make thumbnail art that isn't necessarily a frame from the video
so in that sense it's more like a featured photo than a poster frame
ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
That's very true
and there's been discussion about a multiphoto post having a featured photo as an album thumbnail
so in that way I guess featured could just be defined as the representative image for a post
that's album thumbnail for a multiphoto, video thumbnail, podcast artwork and blog post banner, etc.
ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
seems reasonable
so at least a first step i can add the podcast artwork to xray since i need to do that anyway
yeah, that would be awesome
Then I can just use xray rather than unmung AND xray, which is great 🙌
should be an easy change for me in xray if i know what the goal is
fwiw, mf2 wiki says " u-featured - a representative photo or image for the entry, e.g. primary photo for an article or subject-cropped photo, suitable for use in a link-preview. ", so does not explicitly say the "primarily textual post"
That's good to know!
i don't think monocle shows featured images at all so i'm gonna need to fix that asap too
I noticed when I was looking for implementations for https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/14
[sknebel] #14 tracking: upgrade u-featured property to "Draft" status
at least the string "featured" does not appear to exist in monocle's code
I've removed that line "primarily textual post" from the IndieWeb wiki definition as I think the mf2 wiki + the discussion here proves that really shouldn't be part of the definition of featured
Yeah, Indigenous doesn't use featured yet either, but should as well
In fact, I do something really bad, which is if there is no u-photo, I grab the first img tag from the content, which is exactly why featured was created to avoid.
doesn't that give you massive emojis all the time?
considers some hidden blinking gifs in all his posts
micahsilverman joined the channel
I check the url to exclude Wordpress emojis
although I think snarfed's empty gif gives me random white space occasionally
(I mean yes, some more people should vote on that so we can add it, not sure about the context though?)
esp since it seems most parsers already do that as decided
it was re [eddie]'s complaint about my lazy loading images. i think that's part of the solution?
thought was also in the "find an img tag" mode, not during normal parsing. but I haven't checked what php in your case does
(apropos, mf2py should probably be released, merged stuff is piling up and I'm not getting to the open issues)
Yeah my images stuff isn't parsing
it's post parsing if no u-photo exist, then Indigenous just regexs the first img tag in the html content
which is just bad and lazy on my part
not the issue of any parsing libraries 🙂
It's essentially so that there are nice images for things like MacStories RSS feeds, etc
[tantek], micahsilverman, [keithjgrant] and [schmarty] joined the channel
hmm - that featured "thinking" sounds more like Brainstorming than actual accepted practice
It's a revision of a part that was already there about audio and collection posts (see this diff: https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=55626&oldid=46164&rcid=55512)
If you think that original section was there in error, we can move the new paragraph down to a brainstorming section
it's growing, so it's more important that it get moved 🙂
Makes sense :thumbsup:
micahsilverman joined the channel
anyone have tom morris's email address? we need to him to give us more mf2py permissions on pypi
(alternatively, if he follows anyone on twitter here, mind sending him a message there for us?)
ah nm i found an email
general call: could everyone doing something with "featured" check it's reflected on /featured - we maybe don't need everyone who ever put an "u-featured" on an article, but if you wrote a bigger project that consumes or publishes it or use it for other cases, please document!
benwerd joined the channel
hey sknebel mind DMing me your email address?
hmm I know I brought up featured as a way to prefer a photo in a multi-photo, sometime in chat a while ago but I didn't find any wiki evidence
KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel
a-ha I brought it up as a clarification to your suggestion [eddie]! https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2018-12-01#t1543698424217600
Ohhh hahaha! 😆
That’s funny
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
added it to the wiki explicitly
[cleverdevil], snarfed, micahsilverman, [jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel