#dev 2019-01-18
2019-01-18 UTC
tbbrown joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] no, it has a js app that reads the json and generates html
fourtonfish joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] downloading the other kind now…
# [kevinmarks] hm, this archive is huge, verbose and doesn't seem to have tweets before 2016 in
benwerd joined the channel
# [kevinmarks] it looks like they were paginating the tweets and just gave up
snarfed, KartikPrabhu and ichoquo0Aigh9ie joined the channel
# @qubyte I'm building a micropub handler function for netlify. Auth is going to be really interesting. If I can reuse a GitHub OAuth token from indieauth to create files using the contents API, that'd be great. We're talking OAuth2 though so I'd be lucky to get anythhing working at all... (twitter.com/_/status/1086074913985712128)
ben_thatmust, klez_, strugee, stevestreza, AngeloGladding, benwerd, snarfed, [xavierroy], [Rose] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# @nicklang Finally got SSL setup and working properly! yay
Next is to develop a python based IndieAuth server with application registration as well. Should be pretty easy to just use python-oauth as the basis and then go from there! (https://nicklang.com/notes/40a900e4-e9bf-4ffc-8272-5067ec604e9c) (twitter.com/_/status/1086140768304152577)
cweiske, KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
# [tantek] archive << Also an action to make something (a post, repo) read-only and hidden from others, supported by [[GitHub]] https://blog.github.com/2017-11-08-archiving-repositories/ and [[Instagram]] https://help.instagram.com/136706673552668 https://help.instagram.com/312717949183643. And reversible in current implementations. Use-case(s) https://www.theverge.com/2017/6/13/15787880/instagram-archive-feature-launches-for-all-users
# Loqi ok, I added "Also an action to make something (a post, repo) read-only and hidden from others, supported by [[GitHub]] https://blog.github.com/2017-11-08-archiving-repositories/ and [[Instagram]] https://help.instagram.com/136706673552668 https://help.instagram.com/312717949183643. And reversible in current implementations. Use-case(s) https://www.theverge.com/2017/6/13/15787880/instagram-archive-feature-launches-for-all-users" to the "See Also" section of /archive https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=55660&oldid=53501
KartikPrabhu, leg, [tantek] and swentel joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], [voss], swentel, jeremych_, [kevinmarks] and barpthewire joined the channel
# @til_mb As an IndieAuth provider http://Micro.blog gives you easy access to a number of tools built with the web in mind, specifically the independent and open web. One example is IndieBookClub, with which you can log your book reading: https://indiebookclub.biz/ #BackToBlogging (twitter.com/_/status/1086235005041299457)
swentie and [metbril] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] How can I test if my webmentions from Twitter stopped working?
# [jgmac1106] beyond sending one to myself I did that
eli_oat joined the channel
[Rose] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] think I am missing link to new blog
# [jgmac1106] .....hmmmmm about 9 out of ten failed
# [jgmac1106] yeah 56 webmentions were just crawled but 43 failed
# [jgmac1106] ohh well don't have time today to play, need to finish my course design for Tues...
[metbril] joined the channel
eli_oat joined the channel
# jeremycherfas With both of you making such good progress, I will soon be able to safely abandon my feeble efforts.
[kim_landwehr] joined the channel
# [kim_landwehr] I was trying to use quill to post I am getting the following error:
# [kim_landwehr]
{"error":"forbidden","error_description":"Token \"me\" didn't match any valid reference. Got: \"http://kimlosey.me/\""}
Does anyone know how to fix this ? TIA Also Goodmorning# jeremycherfas Are you actually signed in to Quill?
# [kim_landwehr] yes I am signed in under my website http://kimlosey.me. I signed out and signed back in just in case
# @nhoizey @AaronGustafson hello Aaron, I just saw than my web mention sometimes contain webmention.url and sometimes webmention.uri, but always http://webmention.raw.data.url
Could you explain why there is this distinction uri/url?
I don’t think it was there when I created my own templates. (twitter.com/_/status/1086277619920728064)
tw2113 joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Thanks. I'm snowed under with work work for the next few days, but I hope to be able to test this on my local site. Looking forward to trying it out. My own version uses zegnat's minimal authorisation endpoint, so that will be one thing I want to see if I can use.
# jeremycherfas And, as [Rose] says, given Grav's structure, it will be important to offer different destinations.
# jeremycherfas For me, I have more than one Grav "page" for content. So, for example, I want to be able to post to the blog folder and, separately, to a stream folder, for microposts.
# [Rose] I'm using a modified version of this: https://gist.github.com/aaronpk/4bee1753688ca9f3036d6f31377edf14
# jeremycherfas My version currently does that, building on dgold's nanopub, but I haven't shared it yet.
# jeremycherfas The mdeia endpoint could be tricky, as I understand it, because Grav usually stores media in the post folder. But I guess there might be a way to upload media to one destination and then copy to the correct folder.
# jeremycherfas That may be a more elegant solution, in the end. I use separate folders at the moment to avoid having to build lots of collections. But I can see the attraction. I've also worked a bit with setting the template id differently for different post kinds.
tbbrown joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Vive la difference.
# jeremycherfas I feel the same way [Rose] about my stream of microposts. That's why my current version uses a separate folder.
# jeremycherfas My current blog has hundreds of pages. With microposts coming in too, that would be overwhleming to find anything.
# jeremycherfas I agree. There are trade-offs. One good thing, of course, is that it is not difficult to search and replace anything in the md files.
# jeremycherfas Those will be one huge bucket, yes. But those matter less to me, and especially with, for example, posts without a title, that I would want them separate.
# jeremycherfas But this is all a bit hypothetical, for now.
raretrack joined the channel
# jeremycherfas Another thing that concerns me is maintaining sync between my local copy and the production site. I currently have a repo on github, which updates the production site via a webhook. I tried to use the gitsync plugin, but somehow made a terrible mess. If I am going to be using micropub directly to the live site, I need to know that I can sync back from there to github.
# jeremycherfas So I either need to figure that out, or else try again with the gitsync plugin.
# jeremycherfas [Rose] does your `post.md` select different partials depending on the post type?
# jeremycherfas That's how mine works too.
# jeremycherfas I fell there could be a critical mass for a Grav meetup around IWC Berlin.
# jeremycherfas Feel
# jeremycherfas One thing I'm not sure about is the balance between a plugin and just the PHP
# jeremycherfas I guess a plugin that exposes options in the Admin -- like for the names of destinations etc to go into the config.yaml -- might be more useful to others.
# jeremycherfas Which is why I am pretty poor at beinding it to my will.
# jeremycherfas Yes
snarfed, [jgmac1106] and benwerd joined the channel; raretrack left the channel
[Rose] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] how bad does this look, I know read posts are experimental and there are no consumers but going to add webmention support to each page in my classes and I want to track students read posts...also seeing how far I can push WordPress.com https://drmacsthinkingspace.wordpress.com/2019/01/18/syndicated-thoughts/
# [jgmac1106] based on this it looks like I need to try to get a block above the content: http://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdrmacsthinkingspace.wordpress.com%2F2019%2F01%2F18%2Fsyndicated-thoughts%2F and may not be possible
# sknebel [jgmac1106]: btw, you have some stray u-urls with h-cards in them on https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/content/posts/, which is making bridgy unhappy
# [jgmac1106] ahhh so I did my smallest h-card possible incorrectly for a while
# [jgmac1106] what is the correct way to include a link to someone else as an h-card
# Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "correct way to include a link to someone else as an h-card" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "correct way to include a link to someone else as an h-card is ____", a sentence describing the term)
# [jgmac1106] <a class="h-card" href="https://indieweb.org/User:Aaronparecki.com">Aaron Parecki</a>
# [jgmac1106] found it
# [jgmac1106] @gwg see Charlie switched from WordPress to Drupal?
# [jgmac1106] could take your mad PHP skills over to Known...but Grav has way more page building and design options...but less already working IndieWeb stuff
# [jgmac1106] I need to go back and fix so many no I did <a class="u-url h-card" href="https://indieweb.org/User:Aaronparecki.com">Aaron Parecki</a> for like last few weeks
# [jgmac1106] I have lots of find and replace to do
snarfed joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] I should be proper...not sure where I saw it, remember thinking ooh I have been doing it wrong
# [jgmac1106] and grav is quickly catching up to looking like feature parity with Drupal and Known...in terms of IndieWeb...Drupal and Grav have waay more features overall
# jeremycherfas I must say, I'm increasingly coming back to my original idea of moving the things I now post to Known to a stream category on Grav.
# jeremycherfas Especially as [Rose] and metbril are doing a lot of heavy lifting.
# jeremycherfas I have some sunk costs in Known.
# jeremycherfas You're using gitsync too, right?
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# jeremycherfas What do you mean? YOU published to git?
[metbril] joined the channel
# jeremycherfas The second is what I ewant, but as I say, I messed up big time with gitsync before.
# chrisaldrich [jgmac1106] technically Semantic Linkbacks for WordPress consumes read posts for display. And Post Kinds plugin is one of the largest creators along with indiebookclub I think.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# [cleverdevil] Oh man, I would be delighted to have @GWG working on Known with me 😉
# chrisaldrich Yes, I'm probably the largest read post creator... It'll catch on eventually. I've noticed a few people have changed their sites' code so that they're assigned as bookmarks instead of generic mentions.
# [jgmac1106] creating, talking cosumers, like let's see the ten most popular read posts of the week...or in my class show me everyone who read Y
# [jgmac1106] I love my strategy of a few static pages and Known for a social Stream...Most CMSs simply to big for small things I want. Known always felt Goldilocks in that department
[tantek] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] though I could see my static pages growing with me as I want them to display webmentions...
# chrisaldrich GWG: what is this year then?
# [jgmac1106] having [cleverdevil] isn't a good enough pitch? He can do weather on Known like no other
# chrisaldrich I remember proposing https://indieweb.org/2018/indiealgorithm to get people to start thinking in the direction of discovery
# [cleverdevil] Heh, I am no GWG.
# [cleverdevil] I only pretend to be a PHP programmer!
# [cleverdevil] (Though, I am drastically improving, mostly thanks to working on Known).
[schmarty] joined the channel
# bdesham_away [kevinmarks]
# bdesham_away whoops
# bdesham_away kevinmarks: I'm a little late with this but I also thought that my JSON Twitter export had been cut off. turns out, the tweets were just out of order!
# [jgmac1106] yes but the @gwg and [cleverdevil] remix of PHPython could be quite interesting
# chrisaldrich GWG: Hadn't thought of that way of considering IndieWeb years. I had typically been thinking in actual years since I remember talking about readers with aaronpk when he was in Los Angeles in Nov 2017 (making the year of the reader almost a year and a half now).
# @WebPlatformNews In today’s issue:
→ Implementing Webmentions on a static site
→ Intent to implement HTML Modules
→ Inaccessible websites violate civil rights
→ “View crawled page” in Search Console
https://webplatform.news/issues/2019-01-18 (twitter.com/_/status/1086328564322992130)
micahsilverman joined the channel
micahsil_ joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] A-Frame webVR?
# snarfed GWG: just fyi https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks/issues/41 (show full text of mentions when they're short) seems to have regressed, it's not happening any more. eg the mention on https://snarfed.org/2019-01-17_snoopy#commentform was short and should have been rendered. any idea why not?
# [jgmac1106] webmentions won't work either if the u-in-reply-to is inside of content either will they?
# [jgmac1106] sweeet, then I can still do webmention badges using Bridgy and wordpress.com and have everyone post in-reply-to each other...too bad I am stuck with the title...
# [jgmac1106] might just do that for read, watch, listen and have them add the tag, I can build feeds for each
[cleverdevil], micahsilverman, [kevinmarks] and [manton] joined the channel
# [manton] [cleverdevil] Thanks for the link! Also forgot to mention so I'll say it here: the framework supports posting to any Micropub API endpoint if you have a token. The Micro.blog-specific calls can be ignored. https://www.manton.org/2019/01/18/new-example-code.html
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# [cleverdevil] Slick 🙂
snarfed and [schmarty] joined the channel
# Zegnat Hmm, seeing the PicoFeed chatter, has anyone looked at Zend Feed? That seems to be under development still and has XML extensions for extra embedded data (like podcasts) in mind: https://github.com/zendframework/zend-feed
micahsilverman, [jgmac1106] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# sknebel snarfed: I might have misunderstood what's going on, my test doesn't want to fail properly... https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/pull/859
micahsilverman and [tantek] joined the channel
[nick] joined the channel
# [nick] moved to #dev from #indieweb but Indielogin.com doesn't work when I added the form to my page
# [nick] it ended up just giving me some bad redirects
# [nick] that would explain
# [nick] that's me commenting on that issue
# [nick] 😉
# [nick] I know the feeling
# [nick] but fwiw I've moved to audio books... adds time back..
# [nick] and I can listen to books at 2.5x now too
# [nick] so it's pretty quick going through books now
micahsilverman joined the channel
micahsil_ and snarfed joined the channel
# [tantek] "not everybody wants to cross a brid.gy." 😂 when you bury the lol in the … of https://twitter.com/Petersell/status/1086399955965747200
[jgmac1106] and [eddie] joined the channel
# [tantek] snarfed, it's not backfeed per se, it's /comments_display or /likes display or /reposts display
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# [cleverdevil] Yay! Nice work [eddie].
# [cleverdevil] Sweet!