#dev 2019-01-23

2019-01-23 UTC
[asuh], [tantek] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
^^ Interesting.
Not sure if anyone has shared it before.
May be a nice start on a mass migration tool.
benwerd and [davidmead] joined the channel
we should start a list of all these "collect and standardize all the things" projects
is obviously one guilty party
we need some standardized format for the list first
such a nerd snipe. "these x things are different. but they should be the same! they must be standardized!"
I'm surprised Loqi hasn't pulled in the canonical XKCD on the subject yet!
Still, some good raw work in that repo 🙂
also, oh man. 6 commits, 0 issues, 0 PRs, 283 stars. heh
clearly a sign of pent up demand then
maybe more like oversupply
Who knows how projects pick up stars these days.
Its the social network side of GitHub, which means its unpredictable magic 🙂
Russian bots?
of course
[schmarty] joined the channel
I starred it 🤷‍♂️
benwerd, [kevinmarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
Bright Pixels now supports Webmentions! I’ll write a post about it soon! https://brightpixels.blog
benwerd and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
lol just had a moment of "breakthrough"
about syndication
I just noticed that http://brid.gy/publish/twitter has webmention info
this doubly notes that using the invisible link approach + automatic sending of webmentions = publishing on the fly
I just have do some special parsing of bridgy's sync response to reply the placeholder link with bridgy's data
does not like this overloading of webmention
I don't see the overloading of it?
granted, the bit about not knowing what a response can exactly look like is a bit concerning
but the act of using webmention to collect interaction info seems in line with its goal
no, i meant that you are using webmention even though you are not "mentioning" bridgy
i.e. you are using webmention for syndication and not to "notify the webpage that you linked to it"
but <shrug>
what would you propose to do adhoc syndication in an automated fashion?
I'm very open to ideas
well if bridgy is what you want to use then I guess bridgy uses webmention
so whatever works
benwerd and snarfed joined the channel
!tell KartikPrabhu,jacky re how to do automated syndication, it's true, bridgy publish abuses webmentions. the "right" way to do it (now) is micropub syndication targets: https://micropub.net/draft/#syndication-targets
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell KartikPrabhu,jacky bridgy publish doesn't use that (yet) because it didn't exist when bridgy publish was created. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/796
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[snarfed] #796 micropub API for bridgy publish
jacky: snarfed left you a message 3 minutes ago: re how to do automated syndication, it's true, bridgy publish abuses webmentions. the "right" way to do it (now) is micropub syndication targets: https://micropub.net/draft/#syndication-targets
jacky: snarfed left you a message 2 minutes ago: bridgy publish doesn't use that (yet) because it didn't exist when bridgy publish was created. https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/796
lol my bad
that's how I'm exposing Bridgy Publish to consumers of my Micropub endpoint: https://f5448b3d.ngrok.io/post/568b087b-3923-47f0-8e8f-ffd1b1a8bae5
oh wow interesting!
you should talk to GWG, he did kinda the same thing with the wordpress bridgy publish plugin
snarfed: Syndication Links plugin.
I moved the features in
huh, really? ok
this approach is flexible tho
well kinda
I created a generic class that does Webmention syndication, and then added Bridgy as an option and Indienews
still would be nice to have a predictable response when making a syndication request
Then apparently caused some religious post to end up there
the one consistent field for syndicators I'd use is `url` in the reply
jacky: Isn't it in the Location header?
oh I wasn't looking at headers just yet; good point
I think I peek in there only for HEAD requests
but yes it's also always in the url field
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Works for me right now.
Nice! I have Bridgy publish triggered by micropub syndicate-to also!
Configured via webmention discovery :-)
I think I made a video showing that at some point
Webmention discovery?
Like looking for the webmention endpoint
so I type in the Bridgy publish url like brid.gy/publish/twitter or whatever and my site figures out the webmention endpoint for it
I think I remember seeing it
[eddie] joined the channel
Yeah I do the same thing, having Bridgy publish for twitter and GitHub as Micropub syndication targets
But jacky the reason there is no standard for Webmention syndication responses is because as snarfed said, anything but Bridgy SHOULD be using Micropub syndication which DOES define the url response
So really one of us just needs to eventually bite the bullet and actually help snarfed out with #796 so Bridgy gets the appropriate support
It unfortunately is unlikely to be me, because I rewrote an entire script from python to Node.js rather than try to figure out how to adjust the script in Python 😒
My dislike is strong in this one haha
[eddie]: i accept contributions in babysitting as well as PR
Haha! Nice!
babysitting would probably be more likely than a PR
Maybe I should try some type of virtual dev environment like vagrant at some point
I feel like one of my biggest issues with python is always getting dependencies installed and working correctly
pipenv? it's kinda like virtualenv but more bundler-esque for Python
used it at Lyft a lot
KartikPrabhu and eli_oat1 joined the channel
Hmmm interesting. I’ve tried to use pip install before, but is pipenv different? If so I’ll have to read up on it
Ohhhh yeah interesting this might be what I’ve needed
Hahahaha "I accept contributions in babysitting as well as PR"
[eddie]: it's like a level above pip (and even python itself as it can detect things like pyenv, virtualenv{wrapper}) and handle versioning of all of those tools for you
the sanity that _should_ have existed from jump lol
Ohhh yeah that sounds much better
rethinking my syndication approach; I'm going to build in favor of the bridgy publish route
but I am thinking about something like Buffer re: one place to hit multiple places
will have to think on this more
snarfed, benwerd, KartikPrabhu, [tantek] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Hearing about people's syndication strategies has made me quite happy about mine 😛 I basically have an extendable class that can be attached to the back end that receives the micropub mf2 object (if it should be syndicated) and the class returns the syndication url. Not overly complicated and very extendable. I don't use bridgy publish with it though, but I could
[eddie] joined the channel
Does your class use Micropub or Webmention to do its syndication?
No webmentions
Ah then it couldn’t do Bridgy Publish 😉
It's part of my nodejs backend
But joking aside it does sound like a great approach
It could send webmentions though.
Ahh gotcha. You just would have to subclass it or add it to the class
That convenient, avoids thinking about how it’s syndicated unless you are writing the ACTUAL syndication code
I can't remember if it is async or not but it would definitely be possible for the post to be available at it's permalink before the syndication is run
Is each syndication a subclass or do you pass the syndication target as a parameter?
Each syndication method has a unique id (I just use "Twitter", "Instagram" etc) and a "default" option. If default is true it will run that syndication if there is no syndicate-to set. Otherwise it will look for the id in "syndicate-to"
It's all open source now somewhere
I set it up this way as well because each syndicator can be its own npm package
[asuh] joined the channel
[grantcodes] have you formally written about your setup?
Nah not yet. Not really one for writing 😅
If there’s a way I could convince you to take a stab at writting it up, even in pieces, I know at least a couple of React/Gatsby projects which could benefit from what you’re doing
Yeah it's in the works, I'm still just not totally happy with my backend but taking a long time to get around to fixing those issues because it mostly works 😛
that’s great. i have a buddy I hope to help with his Gatsby site to get syndication, webmentions and indieauth in the least, although the extra pieces like micropub are nice additions
I selfishly want to help so that I can learn more about the pieces in React and what it takes
In theory, that backend could power a static site, that was one of my goals but haven't actually tested how you would do that
My actual site is in react, but server side rendered, not gatsby
[grantcodes] grant.codes: The grant.codes website
right, we’ve only talked about this stuff in theory after having gotten up his Gatsby site on a new host. he’s eager but i think i need to help along how i can
i did see that repo, thanks
Cool, well that micropub-endpoint package is probably what you'd be more interested in so feel free to play around with it / open issues or whatever
There is a more implementation of it running on glitch too
*more basic
it looks great, lots of work you put into it!
grantcodes has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (38 in all channels)
A few years of accumulated tinkering 😛
I think a nice article describing how you fit your micropub repo into your React site would be ace
grantcodes has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (39 in all channels)
iasai, KartikPrabhu, [Vincent], [Rose], [jgmac1106] and jeremych_ joined the channel
!tell aaronpk I believe there is still a lack of connection between Slack and IRC.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Rose], KartikPrabhu and [voss] joined the channel
jeremycherfas, where?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Oh, I'm sorry. #knownchat.
Should I add that to the message, or can you fix it zegnat?
You know about Fort Roberts, WA?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Ooops, wrong room.
[jgmac1106]: probably because the markup on the source page isn't great, and known doesn't make special rules for wordpress-weirdness?
okay will try a wordpress.com to wordpress.com mention
or just drop the dream of teaching with webmention with noobs
a) there's an hfeed, b) the entire thing is mf1, so the in-reply-to doesn't register (it'd still count as a mention though, but I guess known doesn't like something about that structure)
who is sknebel?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
yes I can send them to you...just not to me....crap there goes half of my instructional design
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
snknebel I am trying to write up an issue now, how do other sites handle messy wordpress/com/bridgy rules
[pfefferle] joined the channel
My site verifies asynchronously, so you don't get an error
And it doesn't really interpret the source page, since I don't show comments
so it only looks like it work but didn't work?
It verified it too, but the verification is simple, really just checking if there is a link back (or maybe if there's a link inside a h-entry, would need to check the source)
my site doesn't understand what a "comment" is, so it can't have issues with markup there
but if I can't have student A write a post on their wordpress.com and have it show up on student B's wordpress.com as a comment it is all for nothing....oh well....It's too late to say you need to spend $50, register a domain, figure out what this ftp thing, go to github , download known, now figure out how to use ftp and install the site, now set database..or go back to WordPress.org...still to late for the "spend $50, register a domain"
and I don't trust my students to be in financially viable place to always make $5 payment on micro.blog
are you limited to some themes that WP.com offers?
(sorry, I forget what their pricing tiers are)
so basically try all their free themes and see if anyone gets closer to proper mark up?
you're gonna need an mf2 theme I guess
to add IndieWeb themes no joke is $50 A MONTH
yeah that won't happen on wordpres.com....grrrrrr
ohh well off to shower and start my day...may just use the wordpress.com social reader with jetpack...has all the social features we want Z(just no mf2)
we'd really need to convince someone at automattic to back mf2 in at least some themes...
never going to happen, they are actively making sure all mf2 get stripped and just using json-ld...oooh maybe I have them use Medium....That has perfect mf2
they aren't building site just blogging
okay will try that later today...or blogger....I bet blogger would work
...blogger...medium I couldn't add "u-in-reply-to" to a link
...now I have to re-record all my tutorials for blogger...will test to see if I can send a webmention
thx sknebel for thinking this through with me
maybe snarfed can do at least something to improve wp.com to wp.com through bridgy
[grantcodes] joined the channel
doesn't solve that it e.g. doesn't work to known, but at least get something internally
yeah wp.com to wp.com and I will just set up my own for teaching and keep Known personal
okay, I'm now successfully distracted enough I'll spend a few minutes looking at what bridgy is doing there :D
right, bridgy only looks at top-level elements
but due to the stupid hfeed on every page, that h-feed is the top-level element
so either there's themes without that (but I seem to remember that was fairly deep in how WP works?), or bridgy would need to look one level deeper
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Looks like a pretty integral thing with WP to add hfeed class to the main container
is assuming themes on the Automattic Github are available on WP.com
downloads themes repo and warms up grep
If it turns out very few themes have the mf1 classes, maybe we can persuade them to accept some PRs to drop it completely
Zegnat: I got _s, which is a starter theme many themes use as a framework to start theirs to fix it.
yes and you won't get wp to agree to change anything especially with wordpress.com though they are stripping all mf1 from core
libretto seems to be the only one that doesn't have it
so you could try that one, if it's otherwise useable
you can't make it up: Unable to activate theme. Contact support.
or they don't allow theme switching on freeest plan
sknebel did you find an hfeed in rebalance? I thought it was without?
[jgmac1106]: I was wondering if all the themes in the Automattic/themes repo were WP.com themes. In that case you can always try sending a PR. Removing (faulty) mf1 probably has a better chance than adding mf2 to go through.
right, I might have misread some
one sec, repeating check
rebalance looks good, right
it has rules for hfeed, but only for feed pages, which is good
Yeah, that was what I was checking. As long as single posts do not start with an hfeed they should be parsable by mf1-backcompat
GWG, it is nice to put patches in a starter theme like _s. But for a lot of people (or in the less theoretical case: [jgmac1106]’s students) the only thing that matters are the themes usable on hosted WP.com, for free
I know. I was pointing out I was hoping for a trickle down effect
so affinity, altofocus, dara, ixion, karuna, lodestar, photos, rebalance, scratchpad, shoreditch, textbook, toujours are worth trying
Zegnat has 57 karma in this channel over the last year (163 in all channels)
sknebel++ for the grep foo
sknebel has 34 karma in this channel over the last year (89 in all channels)
[jgmac1106]: so those might be themes you want to specifically test to see if they work with things like XRay and Bridgy ^^^
[svandragt] joined the channel
still won't get post types (so no explicit replies/likes/...) due to being mf1, but at least should register
I get an error trying to install everyone of those noted themes. Maybe can't change theme on free account?
Gonna stick with normal blog, rss feed, native comments this semester..thought I figured work around
Will look at Blogger... On a positive note Weebly reached out and wants to learn more about adding IndieWeb themes and tools
Most of my audience turning there to blog... So may play during vHWC
found a post saying you need to have a "verified account" to change themes - unsure what that means
... My email.... Let me verify and try. Thx!
Wonder how bad independent publisher 2 is
at least as bad as what you had now
[Vincent] joined the channel
Okay ha ha. As soon as I get kids out door will try
It has hfeed for single posts, so if that is something that bridgy doesn’t like, IP2 is out
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
we do have that warning bright and red on the wiki
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
!tell [kevinmarks] Could you (or someone else?) possibly help me understand you sparkline script at http://www.kevinmarks.com/svgsparklines.html. I'm not sure where I should be storing my version of your `sparkline.svg` and I don't want to just use yours.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
SVG Sparklines 2016-04-18
KartikPrabhu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
You should just be able to serve it as is, I have nothing running server side
So you don't mind me putting you script and using my data?
If I want to adapt things like the size of viewbox or the thickness of the line, wouldn't that be easier if it were on my site?
that's what he's saying: just put it somewhere on your webspace
it doesn't need anything special/any special place
https://github.com/fnando/sparkline is something i was about to use for a project
OK. Then my next hurdle is to get Grav to load it, but I think I know how to do that. We shall see.
[fnando] sparkline: Generate SVG sparklines with JavaScript without any external dependency.
I’ll be experimenting today with a theme that appears to handle microformats and display of webmentions much better than my current theme. Should you visit jenett. simply. micro., expect a fair amount of funkiness and please pardon the dust.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Jacky Kevin's script works fine for my data on my site, when I use his script to draw the sparkline. But when I try to put the script in my webspace, the call currently does not seem to find it. Wrestling with that.
KartikPrabhu, benwerd and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Well, I am completely befuddled, and may well bore people about it on vHWC, especially if [Rose] is there. But for now I am happy.
KartikPrabhu and [Rose] joined the channel
I will be very croaky. My voice is gone, but hopefully I'll be present.
You can type!
And if you're in the Grav discord you can see now what is vexing me.
benwerd and [pfefferle] joined the channel
I hate that they switched to Discord, opening it
Yes. I don't like it much.
KartikPrabhu, [asuh], benwerd, [schmarty], snarfed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Sweet even if WP.com can't process the webmention the target still gets a pingback they can display... In other words works enough.
Still going to try a theme w/o mf1 and see what happens
benwerd joined the channel
sknebel [jgmac1106]: i can make bridgy blog webmentions handle h-feeds better
[jgmac1106], if you are keeping a list of free themes and how compatible they seem to be with mf parsers, that would be a really nice list to see
Gonna be what I do during vHWC after I send some emails for class
snarfed: the specific issue is those themes that have an hfeed on every page, which wraps the hentry
sknebel: yup, understood
right, I guess if you check for a url property (rel-bookmark) being identical to the main/canonical url one can be fairly sure to have the permalink and not an actual feed page
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Hopefully I am not opening a can of worms here but what about checking an h-feed for a single child h-entry?
[schmarty]: that half the tag pages on my site have an h-feed with one h-entry in it on them :D
Haha first worm. Those posts should have u-url that won't match the url of the tag page, right? But I bet WP backcompat parsed stuff is missing that kind of info.
actually no, they often have it, that'S why I suggested that
I like this idea of testing popular free WP.com themes. That could probably be automated!
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
the bigger annoyance really is that you don't get post types due to only mf1...
sknebel: good point. If an oft-used rel like bookmark matches, then diving into the h-feed with a single child is more likely the content a user expects a parser to find.
[asuh] and [Khurt] joined the channel
ok [jgmac1106] fixed, bridgy wms w/wp.com h-feed pages work now
benwerd, [eddie], KartikPrabhu and leg joined the channel
snarfed++ wow!
snarfed has 68 karma in this channel over the last year (112 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu, cweiske and [Rose] joined the channel
{{ url('theme://images/favicon.png') }}
KartikPrabhu, calumryan, calumryan_, [xavierroy], benwerd, snarfed and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
where did you put it, [jeremycherfas]?
[Jacky_See] mine is relatively simpy, but it can look a bit odd if the data has very large numbers as it warps the box to fit, so you get an italic effect on the lines
that was for jacky, but slack has other ideas
snarfed joined the channel
Slack's all knowing!
But word
my goal was for the data to be in the page
the other one looks more flexible
there's also d3 if you want to get really flexible
I want to make this one more generic http://www.kevinmarks.com/joyofsparks.html
snarfed joined the channel
The Joy of Sparks 2016-05-08
maybe I'll do that as a node thing
the cool thing would be to autocorrelate to find the actual periodicity in the data, but I suspect doing a day/week/4 week/year match to the time period in the source would be enough
[voss] and [kiai] joined the channel
OK. How can I FTP 7GB of files to Dropbox / Google Drive / Other? Photos are sat on a server, so command line only. #UKGC19 https://twitter.com/edent/status/1087238283900436481
[jgmac1106] and benwerd joined the channel
I have a problem. I have numerous sites I want to use webmention.io with but GitHub only allows me one url... I swap them in and out to register but how do people handle authentication and multiple domains?
Wow! https://snarfed.org/ has already pushed a feature allowing http://wordpress.com to http://wordpress.com webmentions. @drdennis that was the reason you got a weird pingback from me. Adding the ability to receive webmentions to student blgos… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/01/23/wow-has-already-pushed-a-feature
maybe wm.io feature request to pull web site urls from bio/description fields as well as web site field, like bridgy?
[eddie] joined the channel
You can handle multiple sites under a single webmention.io login
I do that. I use my webmention.io url on multiple different sites
[tantek] joined the channel
Really? Only recognizes link in my url [eddie] not bio? How do you do it?
Snarfed thx on Bridgy update
What is your current webmention.io url?
Well now I switched it to https://edu407.jgregorymcverry.com I swap in and out to sign in and out of wm.io
Yeah, that's the problem
#edu407 now accepts webmentions (does not display them yet). Going to have students send reply posts to all of our readings and to each other. https://edu407.jgregorymcverry.com (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1Eq0w4)
you should only be logging in with one url to webmention.io
that way you have one account
I'll explain with mine
but I can put that webmention endpoint on multiple websites
I agree
I use that same one on myurlis.com
thanks Loqi
you're welcome, [eddie]
Ohhhh I have been setting up a new endpoint for every new site..
Then when you retrieve your webmentions from your single account, you can filter by domain
those two urls give me the webmentions for my two different websites
Waay easier than my workflow of sign into Github.com edit profile, sign in to wm.io,go back to GitHub switch out to other site
it is 🙂 haha
That would drive me crazy
Yeah and you have two... I have one for every class
Austin>Online>NHV goal is to display webmentions on my static page
At that point I would be looking into having an IndieAuth endpoint that can log you in for any URL. So you can stop logging in through GitHub
feels like he wrote some universal indieauth thing like that
Forcing myself not to touch till then... Maybe... We will see if devil or angel on my shoulder wins
But [eddie]’s solution is way better still
jgmac1106 if you're wanting to display webmentions on your static page you probably will want to use the JSONP from webmention.io https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io#jsonp
[aaronpk] webmention.io: Easily enable webmentions and pingbacks on any web page
That would allow something like Disqus (or however you spell it) where the comments are displayed by a JavaScript call on the page
benwerd joined the channel
we already have a few of those, right?
I think they must be around somewhere
there's fuzzy's one
and my variant
[Kevin Marks] I updated mention.tech to output webmention.io compatible JSON for mentions eg https://mention.tech/listmentions?target=https%3A%2F%2Ftumblelog.xyz&json=on and modified fluffy's script to show them on https://tumblelog.xyz/ at https://tumblelog.xyz/...
webmention.herokuapp.com has a different one
because the json format is a bit different
I was trying to match webmention.io
benwerd, [asuh], [Rose] and Anchakor joined the channel
kevinmarks has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (31 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
Will try adding that thx Kevin
benwerd, snarfed, [schmarty], KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
↩️ but imagine a permanent IPFS-ActivityPub-Weblmention-IndieAuth-Indieweb-P2P network where things like groups, pages, profiles, identities and objects such as posts, likes, retweets & all the federated equivalent are "online" because of the mix of people-services that run's it
↩️ but imagine a permanent IPFS-ActivityPub-Webmention-IndieAuth-Indieweb-P2P network where things like groups, pages, profiles, identities and objects such as posts, likes, retweets & all the federated equivalent are "online" because of the mix of people-services that run's it
!tell aaronpk Looking at /p3k I noticed your posts published date is the top level property rather than inside the properties object, was there a specific reason for that other than the fact that properties is one of the values stored in the database?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
hm there was a reason
aaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 1 minute ago: Looking at /p3k I noticed your posts published date is the top level property rather than inside the properties object, was there a specific reason for that other than the fact that properties is one of the values stored in the database?
aaronpk: jeremycherfas left you a message 12 hours, 11 minutes ago: I believe there is still a lack of connection between Slack and IRC.
benwerd joined the channel
Worth doing podcasts like this for IndieWeb building blocks? https://twitter.com/important_show/status/1087794216070070272
Episode 4 of !important focus is out 🤓 we explore how to use JavaScript's async & await 🎊 With live example code built on @glitch and informative documentation from @MozDevNet 😮 Enjoy all the #javascript treats at the link below 😋⤵️ https://xotv.me/channels/22-important/vod_videos/1343-important-slash-slash-how-to-use-async-and-await https://twitter.com/important_show/status/1087794216070070272/video/1
KartikPrabhu, snarfed, benwerd, [schmarty] and [jonathanprozzi] joined the channel
[tantek]: yes absolutely! My micropub session was my first attempt at that and I'm hoping rob do it for more of the building blocks too
i haven't been able to get a recording that worked so I'm gonna do a more highly produced version from home soon