#dev 2019-01-30

2019-01-30 UTC
snarfed, benwerd, benwerd_, [jgmac1106], eli_oat, nloadhol1, [schmarty], snarfed1, [asuh], KartikPrabhu, [tantek], [xavierroy], [Vincent], ichoquo0Aigh9ie, petermolnar, petermolnar_, iasai, rubenverborgh, jeremych_, [Rose] and cweiske joined the channel; mblaney and petermolnar left the channel
grantcodes[m], if the micropub helper git repo had tags, then github would list them properly under "releases": https://github.com/grantcodes/micropub/releases
[metbril], probably late to the party, but if you look at https://tokens.indieauth.com/ is has an example token verification that shows the client_id you would get back
did wonder about sending a User-Agent string from micropub clients
The problem is with the spoofability, and if someone starts sending it I worry people will start to depend on it
(depend on it for the wrong thing, that is)
jgmac1106, [Vincent], benwerd, swentel, swentie, [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ @tjarko Monocle heeft het maar heel "opinionated". Via microsub en webmentions. Meer proof of concept dan consumentenproduct
cweiske, eli_oat and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
More than proof of concept: https://indieweb.org/reader#Social Readers I think microsub readers now used by many and has 1,000s of sources AND gigs and gigs of feeds. What I like I just have to use semantic HTML in my sites rather than doing everything twice for a… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/01/30/more-than-proof-of-concept-readersocial-readers
eli_oat, dougbeal|mb1, nloadholtes, benwerd, [tantek], jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], barpthewire, snarfed and [schmarty] joined the channel
got thinking this morning about a combo micropub endpoint and client that pulls together lots of disparate clients to get new things done.
e.g. i like posting notes, articles, and photos with quill, but the event poster isn't what i want. also i'd like to use kapowski more for reaction GIF posts.
[eddie] joined the channel
I don't quite understand why the endpoint and client should be combined?
oh yeah - so you don't have to sign in to each client manually
you sign into this meta-client that keeps track of your micropub endpoint and token
and the meta-client lives on the web, so it can set up new micropub endpoints for you, and handle its own auth.
hmmm interesting
an example use would be you're viewing a post you like in your browser. you hit a bookmarklet that takes you to the meta-client's reply page. there are options on there for what kind of reply, including GIF. clicking GIF takes you to Kapowski, and you're already logged in and have the reply URL populated.
in the background, the meta-client had set up an endpoint and identity for you, done the indieauth dance for Kapowski, and forwarded you there already logged in (might be challenging!)
when you post, Kapowski actually submits it back to the meta-client's micropub endpoint, which then forwards it on to your site's micropub endpoint.
Logging you in through a forward is hard. Usually that will include some sort of token exchange so Kapowski (and all other clients) needs special support for that
i haven't walked through it step by step but i feel like the meta-client could make this pretty transparent to the user with a handful of redirects.
The forwarder idea is really nice, as it means the user will have to issue less tokens so the trust is kept small.
e.g. the meta-client sets up a different "me" page for you for each client, including its own auth and token endpoints, as well as a micropub endpoint..
Honestly all the meta endpoint needs to be able to do is open Kapowski in such a way that it tells Kaposki to submit to endpoint A and use token X. You don’t actually need to do IndieAuth
Where A will be hosted by the meta endpoint, and X could be a one-time token issued by the meta client
Zegnat: true! but Kapowski already implements IndieAuth, so in theory this would require no changes to the "upstream" micropub client.
but that's a great point - quill supports passing some kind of session info directly (including micropub endpoint and token), so perhaps that could be standardized.
[tantek] joined the channel
Don’t get me wrong, you can also definitely make an IndieAuth endpoint that involves no user interaction (I think I have code for that floating somewhere). I don’t know what would be more natural to standardise on
ohhh I gotcha schmarty! That makes more sense now
Yeah, that's very interesting
from a UX/UI perspective it will probably be a weird experience and feel brittle, but i think it could make a pretty great browser extension or feature for Together or Monocle.
nloadholtes_ joined the channel
client.example.com?me=urltodiscoverendpoints vs client.example.com?mpendpoint=url&token=xxx
Are the two basic ways I could immediately think of for making it work
The first case could have the client skip the first step of asking for your URL, and immediately send you to your indieauth endpoint. (And in the case of the meta-client, it can provide an endpoint that does not require user interaction at all.)
zegnat++ ooh neat
zegnat has 58 karma in this channel over the last year (165 in all channels)
Hmm. I should update that. The listed limitation has actually been patched :D
having an actual kapowski.com now and the important influence Baside High has had on the community going to get funnly confusing
[jgmac1106] it was fun while it lasted. i need to drop those and find a new naming scheme.
benwerd, nloadholtes and nloadholtes_ joined the channel
Hmm. I wonder why Solid/WebID requires a PersonalProfileDocument. I must still not be grasping RDF right
Did anyone else go down that hole yet?
benwerd joined the channel
feels like he should get petermolnar in on this
nloadholtes joined the channel
I haven't read up on it much, but it does seem closer to IndieWeb than Mastodon, so I think it is something to read up more on to be able to better compare contrast with IndieWeb tech
I've saved a couple articles on it in my reader to try to get a better understanding of it
Like IndieWeb they seem to be going the building-blocks route of having different specs for different things
benwerd joined the channel
But they are very RDF heavy, which I have not often been able to wrap my head around
I don't understand a lot of it, but I'm vaguely familiar because of when I was starting to build Mastodon/ActivityPub into my website before offloading to Bridgy Fe
with Mastodon/ActivityPub I had to create an Actor object and stuff and Solid seems to be taking a very similar approach there
Because I think solid is using ActivityStreams for some of the stuff from the look of it.
It'll be interesting to see.
I tried to capture some history here: http://bookmarks.jgregorymcverry.com/ though need to ask [tantek] and [kevinmarks] where all the old w3c listservs are archived, has to be a trasure trove of history
benwerd and eli_oat joined the channel
[jgmac1106] history -> meta
[eddie]: if any of those posts explain why I should wrap my Person in a PersonalProfileDocument, let me know ;)
ha ha, but a post explaining h-card vs a PersonalProfileDocument would be a wonderful post so someone technical like zegnat or [eddie] to write
Zegnat Sounds good, I'll definitely keep an eye out for that! 😆
especially in terms of size but I think zegnat you demonstarted that petermolnar was curling hte incorrect url?
I would be interested to see the size different of Zegnat's h-card vs the same data as a Solid Person 😆
That would be a good test
ooh that would be a great learning exercise
[jgmac1106] that's a great post, in particular for teaching empathy towards new creatives, new developers
That screenshot looks like it's from an Apple][ though!
benwerd joined the channel
yeah I should fix that
I was just going to see if I could on-the-fly transform my h-card into turtle and then claim to have one of the biggest Solid WebIDs... But that means learning what stuff would look like in RDF
😆 nice
<link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link><link>stuff</link> I think is how you do it
I usually think of https://vanderven.se/martijn/ = h-card = me. But it looks like RDF says https://vanderven.se/martijn/ = PersonalProfileDocument which will contain https://vanderven.se/martijn/#someid = Person = me
Martijn van der Ven
Extra level of nesting, but I haven’t yet found the reason why they would want that
I think that's from ActivityStream
what is extra level of nesting?
It looks like we don't have a page for "extra level of nesting" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "extra level of nesting is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Mastodon does the same thing
Most Solid URLs I can find always link straight to the Person object (e.g. #i or #card behind the links). So why not have the Person as the top level object?
extra level of nesting is /architecture_astronomy
I think it's so that you can have multiple objects at the same url
which is understandable, but I think there should be a way to have a url just have a default
As I understand Turtle you can always have as many objects within one file as you want. It is just that they set documentURL = PersonalProfileDocument and documentURL#someid = Person
I tend to shy away from that, but some people find it useful
Yeah, seems like you're further along than me!
eddie, right, we solved the edge case with adding markup, instead of making everyone add an extra layer of abstraction
tantek Correct
That's the issue, defaults
Turtle, WebID, FOAF, I got all the specs open [eddie] ;)
how mf2 has simple h-cards and based on the structure it can make assumptions
this is a common antipattern in CS architectures, adding extra layers just to solve edge cases, extra layers which burden everyone, and thus hurt the common case
tantek has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (79 in all channels)
wonders if Solid has any validators
The problem is I cannot find the edge case documented anywhere either, [tantek] :(
Zegnat, that lack of documentation for the extraneous layers in things like RDF was one of the motivations behind the culture of documentation we have at microformats and indieweb
But of course I may just be misunderstanding RDF documents. Always a posibility
if you can't show your work, you don't have a proof
eli_oat joined the channel
it's likely lost in some mailing list somewhere
Wondering if there is an RDF or Solid IRC channel somewhere. Will have to have a look when I get home.
Was just doing some leisure spec reading on the train :P
benwerd joined the channel
The one really nice thing is because Solid PODs do seem very similar to the IndieWeb's approach (of separating UI and data storage), if Solid takes off enough to have some decent UIs, we can totally build some bridges to be able to use their UIs for our stuff.
If they had some really nice readers, you just build a Microsub server / POD conversion layer and we have more readers available
Hmm. Alright. So the Person object *is* me, and because an HTTP URL is not a person but a web document, they decided 2 URLs would be required. One for the person, and one for the document.
Zegnat has 59 karma in this channel over the last year (166 in all channels)
Still feels weird to me. But I guess that is because I am so used to the indieweb way of homepage=me
Yeah, seems strange. I wouldn't say wrong, just strange from our perspective
Definitely seems like there is some tech fat there, though that could be trimmed off
kevinmarks has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (31 in all channels)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Are you often mistaken for a web document, zegnat?
Zegnat, you have stumbled upon the infamous HTTP Range 14. I'm sory
Zegnat, they use gitter for conversation
what is gitter
Gitter is a silo chat provider used by some open-source projects and often linked to from README files on GitHub https://indieweb.org/Gitter
Ohhhh sure enough, HTTP Range 14 IS what's going on with the WebID stuff
poor Bob, Alice hated the look of his webpage but she liked the looks of him so she needs two links for Bob??...tell Alice Bib will design his page any way he wants
What is http range 14?
HTTPRange-14 is a honeypot for architecture astronauts https://indieweb.org/HTTP_Range_14
Zegnat: https://irc.gitter.im/ you can connect through IRC
lol oh my, jgmac1106
RDF << HTTPRange-14
may use this paragraph in lesson in how not to write for understanding: FOAF describes the world using simple ideas inspired by the Web. In FOAF descriptions, there are only various kinds of things and links, which we call properties. The types of the things we talk about in FOAF are called classes. FOAF is therefore defined as a dictionary of terms, each of which is either a class or a property. Other projects alongside FOAF provide other s
and properties, many of which are linked with those defined in FOAF.
"there are only various kinds of things"---is basically saying there is everything. I know this isn'
't #dev but love the ambiguity in that sentence
[schmarty], dougbeal|imac and jgmac1106 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] it's definitely good to keep in mind for how *not* write abstract definitions
[davidmead] joined the channel
zegnat - i just went through (I think) the inrupt/solid sign up myself. It’s a little “all over the shop” as we Brits say.
I still don’t know if I’ve actually logged in or signed up as there are buttons to do both after completing it
davidmead this is why Web Sign-in sticks with a single button
tantek yeah. some of this feels like an already solved problem
davidmead, pretty much all of it is. It's generally NIH on top of beating the RDF horse.
this is what happens when you 1 ignore the broader set of work in an area, 2 don't bother to document your own work
reminds me a little of early online banking - fancy homepage, but when you try to do something in your account it’s all early 90's HTML and mystery meat nav & labels placed by backend devs
wondering if they’re looking for a UX person 😉
we can likely all use incrementally better UX 🙂
Hmm. So I could allow conneg on vanderven.se/martijn/ and if you want turtle I could offer a 303 redirect to vanderven.se/martijn/allthewaydown.ttl which will be a PersonalProfileDocument. That way Solid tools *should* accept https://vanderven.se/martijn/ as my WebID?
Martijn van der Ven
Place your bets now on whether you think any RDF tools will understand that
zegnat: it feels like you're on the verge of developing a fork bomb for profile resolution. 👍
lol Zegnat that sounds like it definitely SHOULD work. But I'm gonna but absolutely it will blow up on 60% of the tools you try it with
Really, Zegnat you just needs to research new web technologies so you can edge case them
That’s a job I would jump on. But it doesn’t feel like a lot of people will pay me for it :D
You never know
some migh
I am going to let this idea simmer a bit and maybe return with a proof-of-concept tomorrow.
Lets see if I can bridge IndieWeb and Solid. I will probably need to write a microformats2 namespace. Hmm.
rhiaro (ping?) did you ever end up publishing an mf2 rdf schema?
eli_oat and snarfed joined the channel
the Google+ API "brownout" is kind of fascinating. bridgy started seeing a small number of API calls 404 today.
HttpError 404 when requesting https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me/activities/public?alt=json&maxResults=50 returned "Google+ APIs will be shut down on March 7, 2019. This includes Google+ Sign-in. This will be a progressive shutdown, with intermittent failures starting as early as January 28, 2019. Learn more at http://developers.google.com/+/api-shutdown"
yeah i don't think i have seen that before
i've definitely seen it with internal services at a few places before
but yeah still interesting
they should include lyrics from "Daisy" in those 404 or 500 pages
@ThinkPrivacyIO Great post on social media alternatives. I am happy that webmentions and new social readers are going to allow me to create my social network from my own website. http://opensource.com should do a round up post on what is new in… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/01/30/thinkprivacyio-great-post-on-social-media-alternatives
@zegnat check in with [benwerd] I know his goal for Known was to support both JSON-LD and mf2 but the JSON-LD may not have gone much past what is required Single Sign On for LTI
It’ll depend on what standards Known wanted to support. I am going to dive into this RDF stuff a little more first
[davidmead] joined the channel
thought i had solved OYG not posting my photos into Known by disabling a couple of plugins (Bit.ly link shortener and Chrome). When I did that I got a photo to post from the OYG dashboard. Re-enabled the Bit.ly plugin and it failed, but disabling that again didn’t let me post anymore
this seems a very strange bug
leg joined the channel
↩️ plus over 1.4 million webmentions sent being powered by microformats as well, and if you count all of the Mastodon users (since every instance includes mf2) the number of use cases seems to be at a high point and growing and not a low point. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1G0f5B)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I've seen that brown out thing before - maybe when twitter changed apis?
nloadhol1 and snarfed joined the channel
jgmac1106 and [tantek] joined the channel
ch ch ch changes?
[schmarty] joined the channel
from jekyll to hugo!
[manton] joined the channel
having recently that for my own site, i imagine it was a good chunk of work!
I also added categories support to the Micropub endpoint, which has been fun to work on.
Yep, lots of work but I'm really excited about what is possible now.
manton++ this is really good stuff
manton has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (59 in all channels)
Whoa! You rewrote everything for Hugo?
is it like a million times faster now?
[aaronpk] Yes, it's much faster. The things that are still slow are my fault and I can fix them. 🙂
manton++ great job
manton has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (60 in all channels)
That's great! Must have been a lot of work
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
what is PWA?
Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web site that a client can progressively enhance into a standalone app that's comparable with a native app https://indieweb.org/PWA
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/mhartington/status/1089292031548145666" to the "See Also" section of /Progressive_Web_App https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=56022&oldid=46886
Um that is pretty exciting
the Teacup PWA i wrote in nurnberg has been super useful already
aaronpk: did you check out any of the meta-micropub client talk earlier?
Does this mean offline reading is coming to Monocle?
that's gonna be so much work but it would be cool
one can dream
I have heard from many folks (ahem benwerd ahem) that that's the key use-case for them, same reason they listen to podcasts on commutes / subway etc.
pretty sure you could get benwerd to switch readers if you added offline reading support
i feel like most of the time i open my reader is when i also want to interact with the posts
so i would need to also buffer the favs/replies created while offline and push them up later
sure, you should be able to like/respond to posts while offline as well 🙂
(not to mention the read status too)
gmail sorta supports this now
offline first PWAs! reminds me of the design in https://snarfed.org/posting-to-the-indieweb-from-your-phone (from before most of our reader work)
it would be *so cool* though
I've noticed while my wifi is flakey that I can still reply and archive emails
I have been hitting this a bunch since I started riding the subway more
yeah gmail is really good about it
haha yeah NYC does that to you