#dev 2019-01-31

2019-01-31 UTC
[jgmac1106] and snarfed joined the channel
connectivity (even mifi / cell / tethering) on Caltrain is quite poor (like hard to even send Slack messages, lots of failures and retries) and a good reminder of why minimum page weight, minimum connections, progressive enhancement still matter
wow I would have thought it would have good coverage the whole way, it's not like it's in the middle of nowhere
northeast corridor *mostly* has coverage. certainly one carrier or another is present for almost all of it.
but never Amtrak wifi, you have to use your own hotspot, especially if you need VPN, verbotten on Amtrak
yeah amtrak wifi is terribel
the CT shoreline...because some genius thought let's use this coastline for train tracks gets spotty but yeah DC>Boston good coverage..does get overwhelmed in peak travel hours
but in terms of auto saving, must have
not same as offline, just how I always thought about it
[schmarty] and eli_oat joined the channel
I'm getting a lot of "Slack couldn’t send this message"
#Caltrain commute #SF-MV-SF still had bad connectivity even on #mifi #hotspot cell #tethering. Good reminder of #webdev needs for min page sizes & requests, progressive enhancement that works if/when CSS/JS doesn't load. Not #js;dr QT [@t] js;dr = JavaScript required; Didn’t Read. Pages that are empty without JS: dead to history (archive-org), ... http://tantek.com/t4a41
eli_oat, nloadholtes_, oodani, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], [asuh], cweiske, snarfed, leg and swentel joined the channel
!tell Zegnat I read my name, I can't bother to decrypt the RDF conversation, what do I need to be involved in?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
petermolnar, I am wrapping my head around getting a WebID (spec chosen by Solid) mirror of my h-card
Zegnat: petermolnar left you a message 2 minutes ago: I read my name, I can't bother to decrypt the RDF conversation, what do I need to be involved in?
ah, so my quick scan was correct
Might give it a start today. Some of the ideas this LD stuff is based on are just a bit far removed from the IndieWeb I am used to that it didn’t all make sense
a part of me whishes I could just point domain.com/me at a vcard, and have it done :(
as in to replace all of them
E.g. httpRange-14 and PersonalProfileDocument. But I slept on it and I think I have a better grasp of it today than last night
Reading rhiaro’s PhD thesis actually helped with the PersonalProfileDocument thing. It describes a spectrum of Representation for profiles: http://dr.amy.gy/chapter3#profiles-taxonomy. Once I pictured the spectrum it was easy to see the specific choices I made on my IndieWeb site versus the choices WebID made.
rhiaro has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
Uh o, I think my webserver fell over and I have no way to fix it until tonight
[jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
petermolnar, I feel this: "I can't bother to decrypt the RDF conversation"
jgmac1106, [kevinmarks] and barpthewire joined the channel
Security by ennui
[tantek], [Rose], [kevinmarks], iasai and [davidmead] joined the channel
I need to get back to dev
tantek would this be an example of something you were thinking for a web development page: https://medium.engineering/microservice-architecture-at-medium-9c33805eb74f (looking for any documentation as to why Medium just cut off their APIs unannounced)
is anyone using the last.fm api? is it working? my previous api key and my freshly registered ones both give me 403 for http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getrecenttracks
[Vincent] joined the channel
I’m using a last.fm app right now, scrobbling to my account fine
[kevinmakrs] this is what Medium said to write.as, We recently experienced an interruption with API, and the ability to generate new oAuth-based applications has been restricted. I have reenabled that feature.
but nobody knows if ability to generate new oAuth-based applications has been restricted is still in effect, noone can make an app, and there is no more WordPress plugin or IFTT recipe
I don't know who to prod as Jamie and Ben have both left.
no worries on my part, just a weird way for them to handle the issue....so many devs asking or complaining and no real updates...time to redo the house odds on the site-death pools
...need to figure out how long it takes someone to burn through 130 million dollars
[schmarty] and [davidmead] joined the channel
I found a way to nicely make my site with relative urls. Soon after that I also realized this potentially break images in readers.
petermolnar: if you have "base" defined in your pages, readers should be able to figure out the relative URLs? i forget how that works until i break something.
bradenslen joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Happy to help. Give me $130M and I’ll let you know when I’ve spent it all 😜
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Relative urls in feeds are tricky
↩️ My blog already accepts webmentions. Slowly this will also accept it. One step at a time :D
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
why is this a p-author and not a u-author is it because the author's name is in plain text? <p>Published by <a class="p-author h-card" href="http://example.com">W. Developer</a>
[schmarty] joined the channel
it's for consuming code that might expect author to be a string containing the author's name.
okay thanks was curious
iirc, whenever there's a nested mf2 element (like an h-card) there is also a "value". what's in "value" is determined by the prefix you used. so p-* would make it plain text, u-* would be a url, etc.
oops slack formatting got me
I got it stuck in my head you use a u any time you are using a link
understand difference now thanks
it's a hint to whatever is consuming it. consumers that understand the nested h-card will use that, so you're helping consumers that don't expect a nested element.
decided to issue a batch of badges as an h-feed
the entries are not inside the h-feed
I put the h-feed on the <main> and every h-entry is inside
they should all be inside the <main> element
the main element is closed before the div class="h-entry" list begins.
nloadhol1 joined the channel
oh, likely because of some extra closing tags that break the html
story of my life...spend my dys searching for errant or missing closing tags aas I copy and paste my way to greatness
firefox shows them in red when i view source
one sec and i'll post a screenshot
extra closing div on line 29
a closing </p> on line 28
a closing </h4> on line 18
nevermind on the screenshot, i think that might be it
schmarty has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (57 in all channels)
thanks for the help
now to figure out a way to force webmentions and brigy for wordpress.com,
looks like the badges have an extra </span> also
err wait, they look reasonable.
(but the mf2 parse shows the closing </span> in content without the opening span)
what's the story with p-note inside of e-content? i don't think note is typically considered part of h-entry.
yeah folks told me to start using experimental for criteria and evidence but I didn't have time to figure that out
I am using p-note as my way to force a parsing of criteria
being able to show people parsed criteria and a link to evidence essential to win hearts and minds
if you want your parsing code to recognize it as criteria, you could mark it as p-criteria
(p-x-criteria if you want it to be marked experimental, then your consuming code would look for x-criteria)
also omg your span markup is fine i was just misreading the firefox JSON view.
thx, that was it
looks like your in-reply-to is directly to their homepages, rather than to a specific post?
yeah need to change criteria to say set up a blog or switch the url
if i understood your desired set up, these badges should be in-reply-to a specific post on their blogs that refer back to the criteria?
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
probably switch each url...well if that is what the criteria would call far yes, but if I set criteria to say "Have a homepage" no
ah, i thought the badges were usually in reply to a post making a claim, rather than directly to the evidence.
they usually will be, but I am doing this first one as I don't want to have my students doing anythign more this week
w.r.t. u-url for each badge entry, if this page is the permalink for all of these badges, you can put an id="some-unique-id" on each <div class="h-entry">, then use that for the u-url for the badge.
just getting up a website, installing webmentions, and learning how to add microformats to source code enough for week one
oooh that is great
this is the ifrst time I thought about doing an h-feed of a particular badge
(currently you have <a href="jgregorymcverry.com" class="u-url"> , which is a broken relative URL.)
so e.g. <div class="h-entry" id="some-student-domain.example.com">
... and your markup around the issue date would change to something like <a class="u-url" href="http://edu407.jgregorymcverry.com/badges/helloworld.html#some-student-domain.example.com"> ...
actually just <a class="u-url" href="#some-student-domain.example.com"> ... might be enough, since a consumer should understand that you're referring to the current page.
eduardm joined the channel
should have read what your wrote first but how is this: http://edu407.jgregorymcverry.com/badges/helloworld.html
found mistakes already, be hard
i guess we finally launched our new website yesterday
nothing like breaking every link in the world without redirects
www2 that is their solution
the new u-urls for each badge seems off.
if you remove the "http://edu407.jgregorymcverry.com/badges/" from the link, it means "look at the current page and parse it for an element with id 'Emily'", which i think is what you want.
yeah missed a closing tag again
and the id="Emily" needs to go on the <div class="h-entry">
okay that makes more sense, what I was doing felt wrong
the goal is to have the h-entry's u-url indicate the permalink to itself
the p-x-criteria change looks good. i see it as "x-criteria" in the parsed MF2
I think we did...I think this is how I we issue bulk badges...granted now need to think about having students building their portfolio for displaying but I probably won't do that entry level
...and I am going to leave the mismatched criteria and evidence for teaching purposes about assessment
thx schmarty
still a bug in the h-entry u-url
<a class="u-url" href="http://edu407.jgregorymcverry.com/badges/#Emily" > doesn't point to a real URL
it should be You earned the <a class="u-url" href="#Emily" >
of course it should
unrelated to MF2: lines 17-18 are a little goofed. the Beginning Readers link is 404 and there's a random </h4> closing tag.
now tofigure out some hacky way to send them the webmention
snarfed joined the channel
i guess it's 11 years now that i've been micro-blogging on this one web site that doesn't connect to other micro-blog web sites for some reason! #MyTwitterAnniversary #indieweb #openmicroblogging #ostatus #pubsubhubbub #webmention
Continuing my experiments with webmention badges. Decided to try bulk issuing as an h-feed http://edu407.jgregorymcverry.com/badges/helloworld.html #Openbadges I love being able to issue badges using nothing but HTML. #literacies #DoOO h/t to @schmarty for help with microformats and… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/01/31/continuing-my-experiments-with-webmention-badges-decided
wait why did Loqi post that in here? D:
I thought that was only a meta thing
webmention was my trigger
same with brianjesse
mine is probably in microformats channel as well as that is Loqi's trigger there
If I win the Mozilla Responsible Computer Science award all of this badge stuff will be wrapped up in a nice micropub client with a ledger
winces at "ledger"
i have become so trained to associate ledger with blockchain. yikes! i need to let that go, haha.
snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
what is a ledger?
It looks like we don't have a page for "ledger" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ledger is ____", a sentence describing the term)
snarfed and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[schmarty] on the meta micropub client sounds kinda similar to how some "personal dashboards" are set up, there's one I use that I think is called organizr, basically just a page with a bunch of tabs and iframes
You'd have to log into all the clients separately, but as a quick MVP you could see if it's something worth building out fully
[grantcodes] i think i should start a wiki page under my user page about it. with an intermediate micropub endpoint you can munge requests in ways that a given client might not support.
e.g. automatically adding tags/categories, processing content for links or people tags. or even wrapping a micropub client that doesn't support edits!
.ahh no one has finished Bridgy installation yet so I can't check
they'll need to set up bridgy and homepage ("exotic"?) mentions
since these are aimed at their homepage
yeah, these won't matter really I wanted a test template, once the washer machine stops I am going to do a little video about the criteria and evidence mismatch in the badge and the task and criteria mismatch here: http://edu407.jgregorymcverry.com/moduleone.html, will then show them how I edit the page and badge in the video
Theories of Meaning Making
the tech will go over their head but its about hitting them over the head with evaluating criteria and evidence
those will link
sxhmarty I will statrt calling it a badgeroll instead of a ledger just for you
a ledger is fine. yesterday's discussion on httpRange-14 and others have me wary of coining terms today. 😩
It’s such a relief when I manage to send a webmention from my blog as a reply to a comment. This stuff is probably so much easier to do than I think it is, and I’m missing something pretty obvious.
↩️ If I remember correctly you have Independent Publisher theme, no microformats2, no mf2 stream plugin correct? IP has minor bugs may mess up webmentions. We are working on them. SemPress still only theme in http://wp.org that… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/01/31/pauljacobson-if-i-remember-correctly-you-have
snarfed joined the channel
↩️ Those are webmentions https://indieweb.org/Webmention your my posts show up as tweets and your replies on Twitter come back to my posts as comments. webmentions link networks built on the #IndieWeb together. Allows you to #BeYourOwnSocialNetwork (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2znDi)
I need to do something about home page mentions
I don't like what I do with them now
↩️ @jgmac1106 Awesome, I didn't know Webmention. I was just looking into it as you replied. Thanks!
how do people handle cross-platform "tagging"? this might be bridgy-specific tbh
but like I'd want my syndicated response on Twitter to show with their handle on there but use their domain in the link on my sit
that way lie dragons
like you want a #tag in a post on your site to link to the Twitter page for that tag, but only if that post is syndicated to Twitter?
eddie and arronpk working on a nickname cache to do this
lots of detailed discussion years ago on this in https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/527
[eddie] joined the channel
[singpolyma] #527 @-mention when posting to Twitter
jacky I haven't finished implementing, I think aaronpk did. The idea would be overriding the content you send to twitter using a nickname cache
my high level response as bridgy maintainer was/is https://snarfed.org/2015-11-29_keep-bridgy-publish-dumb
basically, these deep authoring features usually belong in CMSes, not external POSSE services
right right
[cweiske] #478 Automatically create twitter hashtags from tags
snarfed: i was only trying to restate jacky's question to make sure i understood it. (i didn't!)
heh sure
hmm I can't find an article on aaronpk's website talking about his nickname cache. I'm pretty sure he completed it, must just not have blogged about it
I would love to build that too
Need to become Independently wealthy
↩️ if you do not mind installing a theme from GitHub https://david.shanske has an updated version of Independent Publisher ready to go. It may fix many of your webmention woes (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/2gIUos)
But jacky essentially, you use the person's URL on your website then when your website is syndicating, it should check to see if your nickname cache contains a twitter handle for the person and if so use https://brid.gy/about#silo-content to use the correct handle on twitter but nowhere else
same thing for any other silo
↩️ I'm using Independent Publisher 2, along with a variety of IndieWeb plugins such as MF2 Feed, Webmention (incl for comments), Post Kinds (I lost the custom fields at some point). Webmentions generally work, although I forget to @ mention people in replies.
IndieWealth lol
if the user doesn't have a specific handle for a silo you syndicate to you could have it either default to the url or their name
[eddie]++ yes! puts more burden on bridgy users, but that's the tradeoff we settled on as per "keep bridgy publish dumb"
[eddie] has 43 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
I think it's fine for the CMS
It feels the right way to me
This makes sense yeah
I think I might have to do a bit of "mapping"
like for a syndication target, use this particular form of a mention/tag
I could also switch the content based on the user-agent and referrer but eh
(that oddly enough would be easier because of how Elixir/Phoenix treat requests)
user-agent and referrer seems brittle
plus since MOST syndication long term should be Micropub
that wouldn't support the user-agent side
for example one day when we get a Bridgy Micropub input built, you could just put the bridgy-twitter-content as a property in the Micropub request
word word
sounds like we could use a nickname cache as a service
Yes, anyone volunteering?
Isn't that Gravatar?
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
noooope gravatar is a profile picture service
snarfed, it has a largely unused profile part
didn't even know that was there
Not suggesting we use it
Just an example
wow my info is old enough to have a link to my blogger account
↩️ All right, thinking about what @jgmac1106 says about webmention that catch my attention. At the beginning I couldn't see much difference thinking about RSS or federated systems but this is another story, far more interesting
yeah, i don't quite follow, but afaik gravatar doesn't do much or any of the actual functionality described on the wiki page
it doesn't have _exact_ username info
but a bit of heuristics could be used to determine a username from the exposed links
oh wow yeah i take it back, that does look similar, thanks GWG!
we totally need to try to use gravatar as a NNCaaS
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Nick name cache as a service
But that's why I mentioned it as a possible option if you don't want to do a full implementation
yes! hence ^ "i take it back" and "we totally need to try to use gravatar"
Note: gravatar does some tracking stuff that some people may not be comfortable with.
That said, it doesn't really impact using it as a NNC of sorts.
I'd still love to see this implemented as an API for any CMS to hook into, though.
I wonder if this would tie into indiesearch (or just being able to find people by "username" / UIDs)
the profile pages have mf1 so just parsing microformats already effectively gives us an API
[davidmead] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] this is why I want the IndieWeb directory to be like an optin phone book
a shared nickname cache of h-cards where I can decide what networks and my name
Why opt-in?
because I like being politew
If you have a public h-card, I see no reason not to include it in the directory 🙂
Its on a public website!
Don't get me wrong, I like being polite too 🙂
FWIW, my vision of how it would work is that you use a special mention format based upon domain name, and then the nickname cache as a service translates that into appropriate mentions across all known platforms for that h-card.
speaking of which I need to add the indieweb ring code back on my site so I get listed in the directory
So, if you at-mention "@cleverdevil.io" then you'd get back a JSON structure with a mapping to Twitter, Micro.blog, etc.
I agree. Exactly what I want
It'd also need to have a search feature where you could query based upon a variety of sources and have it auto-complete somehow.
yeah that seems more likely
I'd love to make this my IndieWeb Summit project!
(And to collaborate with anyone else interested).
looking by any username makes sense. sending a nickname cache post contents and asking it to parse and munge seems more like the CMSes' job
Yeah, you're probably right.
but [snarfed] there couldn't be one grand directory so CMS didn't have to store all the data worry about img cache as people changed photos?
proof of concept might be to make some existing CMS fetch and parse gravatar profiles directly. i expect you could get pretty far
[jgmac1106]: sure, this does that. we were thinking about API design specifically.
you mean WordPress?
eh or known or micro.blog or whatever
the straw man here is that gravatar could possibly work as one "grand" indieweb directory
probably already has lots of us, already has a UI, API, mf1, etc
"silos as plumbing!"
Hmm... doesn't gravatar work off only email addresses though?
Not domain names?
but they way [grantcodes] and [schmarty] set up their directories and it has the h-card plus the correct user name for each silo
[cleverdevil]: sure, implementation detail, i'm sure we can figure it out
eg tell all indieweb people to add a gravatar for me@[domain]
[eddie] it's still kinda in progress, but i may have added something to the wiki.
(my nicknames cache that is)
I am pretty sure you can't do that, [snarfed]. You need to have a valid email address that can be verified.
I am also thinking I am in a Wᴀʀʀᴇɴ Eʟʟɪs fan club, we have an IndieWeb ring, this includes the directory with APIs that other member of the rings can query, so thus the opt-in
the remaining piece i want to add before i write it up is automatically populating it from people that I reply to
[cleverdevil]: most domain registrars etc have email forwarding features, i expect most of us already have that set up (or can) and can verify me@
That's true.
Still, friction.
But, for POC, likely well good enough.
Perfect is the enemy of good 😉
sure! straw man, proof of concept, not mature final perfectly polished :P
GWG++ for proposing gravatar
GWG has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (159 in all channels)
Indeed GWG++ a brilliant idea 🙂
[tantek] joined the channel
@grabaperch do you have any quick getting started and maybe a tutorial for adding webmentions that we could add to #IndieWeb Tutorial page here: https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started#Tutorials (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/43TmY)
I'm still not sure what this gets us that is really just saving on storage
someone still have to write all the parts to look for a domain in a post, fetch data from gravatar (if available) and make custom post data to twitter or other syndication
chrisaldrich joined the channel
if one is doing all of that, isn't it just as easy to fetch an h-card from the domain you mentioned in the post?
i haven't caught up on this conversation, but I can say that serving cached avatars has ended up taking more storage and bandwidth than i imagined
Interesting. That's avatars from your nickname cache, aaronpk?
not exactly, it's every avatar from all responses on my posts
ohhh gotcha
served 87gb in the last 30 days
have you downsized those avatars?
yeah profile picture cache and nickname cache can overlap but don't have to
or are they full original resolution
i don't remember now lol
snarfed agreed. You could just hotlink them
i think they max out at 256px
Yeah that's not huge
[asuh] joined the channel
2.1 million requests o.O
webp could help too
Safari is the lone wolf in not supporting webp today
eli_oat and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Nickname cache as a service was pretty close to my idea for the indieweb directory
I think there is another HUGE missing component in this conversation in regards to the purpose of a nickname cache, which is making it easier to @mention people than having to memorize domains. To say gravatar could be used as a nickname cache I think really undersells the potential value to people. I think the IndieWeb directories already have potentially more info and utility than gravatar would have for us, it uses the info FROM people's webs
add support for people using Micropub clients to @-mention people
yeah I don't think avatars are a primary goal of a nicknames cache at all
I will say I have no idea how old my gravatar info is, i'm sure it doesn't use my domain email AND even if I log in to update my info on gravatar I promise it won't stay as up to date as my h-card on my website
I will update it and then forget
aaronpk: it's not gravatar's avatar data that is currently of interest. there's MF1 profile data there.
and all of you will be using outdated info on me
oh huh i forgot they even included other profile data
i stopped really caring about gravatar when they integrated it with wordpress logins, it just confused the crap out of me
i don't remember doing that
anyway that was the reason for the excitement. there's a bunch o' data here and that existing plumbing could be used to test some UX experiments.
makes sense
but then you can't rely on people using any sort of convention for their gravatar email address in order to use that, otherwise you're asking people to do new work
actually this kind of profile lookup seems to only work by gravatar username
I just don't understand how it's more data available than the plethora of h-cards we have
(there seems to be no search so you'd have to hit the username exactly)
also lol oh no my username is so old https://en.gravatar.com/calqlater
Marty McGuire
[eddie]: it's centralized!
If you want a big set of data to start with [snarfed] has done the hard work with indiemap
isn't your webring and grantcode's directory centralized?
and isn't that what you used grantcodes?
You started with indiemap and then refined the data?
none of those datasets are indexed on a short username that you can @
Yes, but then deleted everyone for privacy
oh! haha
snarfed joined the channel
the win of finding this out about gravatar is that you could right now build a tool that will try to lookup an @name and get back meaningful info to use when tagging them in a post and updating that content for a POSSE version of that post on a silo where they have an account.
I don't know what you store [schmarty] but my directory could be searched by username on any major silo, just not built a full API for it
[eddie] how will you ever?
The more I think about it, the less excited about gravatar I get haha.
fair, but you learn people's @names by seeing them
[grantcodes] i store full representative h-card. but, yeah, i have no index.
when tweeting or microblogging them
Not sure how much time/money it'd actually save vs. rolling something quick and dirty from scratch.
but gravatar is abstract
lol it is all abstract.
you have a gravatar username (it's likely your wordpress.com username)
that's my point, [cleverdevil] the time spent on gravatar could turn something like grantcodes' directory when it was based on indiemap into a searchable api
aaronpk's was easy to guess because he is consistent
is not gonna tell you my old internet username
mine was not because i have not been consistent
FWIW, I don't have [cleverdevil] on gravatar, as it was already taken.
anyway gotta hop off to take 6-month photos of my son 😄
thankfully i abandoned it around 2008-2009 so not much is left
Problem with hcards and silo urls is potential different urls / domains, eg if someone links to fb.me you have to figure out that is Facebook etc
but even as we "learn" people's @names, it's not always gonna stay consistent. e.g. as cleverdevil said: he missed out on his usual username for gravatar. also, snarfed is schnarfed on twitter. inconsistentcies are gonna happen.
inconsistencies are gonna plague *any* nicknames cache.
yeah ideally we always work with domains, and look them up in nickname caches, and only change them to silo handles during POSSE
i guess my point here is that building out the UX of actually using a nicknames cache in a CMS or other posting UI is the more interesting part of this
I tend to agree that we think in terms of the domain as the canonical identity, and everything else is an alias to that.
UX is def the struggle point.
i like how mine has been working
That said, at least for me right now, just using domain names would be totally adequate for my usage.
i can create multiple local nicknames for people, whether or not they approve of them
and resolving domains or names to the mappings you need is just plumbing and data.
then when my site autolinks, it looks up my nickname for them and links it to their domain
when it POSSEs to twitter, it looks up their twitter username and swaps it with that
Has anyone else tried the @ mentions in the postrchild extension? Not perfect by any means but, think it's the only public micropub client with mentions
fortunately (again) gravatar allows email lookup, so we just need social convention of everyone adding their me@[domain] email
snarfed: oh i missed that before.
OH DANG, IRC to slack translation was munging your messages, snarfed 😂
me@[domain] was becoming me@@domain
which was making no sense.
oh yeah haha
Unfortunately, gravatar doesn't seem to support micro.blog, or many other services.
I suppose you could add those as "Websites"?
Okay, so another question. If you make a nickname cache service, how would a micropub client (which is what most of us use) search it? Do you hard-wire it in or have a user's website/micropub server define it?
Because if the UX is the most important part (which I agree), there would need to be a way to connect the UX to a random cache service
[eddie]: either is probably ok
UX is definitely important! but quick hacky incomplete prototypes are also really useful for informing UX. the two can happen in parallel
^ yes! "don't make perfect the enemy of good" or some quote of that sort
lol I think that's it exactly
heh yes said earlier in this thread
absolutely perfect shouldn't be the enemy of good. But for a prototype, imho, Gravatar seems like the worst potential plumbing considering all the other tools we have available
since the solution to the prototype is telling everyone to go create a gravatar profile with me@domain.com
that's bad?
I wonder how many people use it directly still
It can be a pain in the ass, depending on the user's email provider.
Or it can cost them money.
yes, I think that's bad
when all the data is already available
using a domain, pointing the domain at xray, and you've got a JSON document with h-card data
all that requires is a GET request
when you're online at least
I tend to think a naive implementation like that is best.
(True... but cache can be done in the CMS or Micropub client)
yup fair
you could even build a cache into the prototype
any of those stages could cache the data
FWIW, I have a basic basic version of this already...
You do, I remember 🙂
don't remember the url haha
but I remember testing it
Its currently disabledf.
That's it, though.
Basically, fetches the provided URL, uses representative-h-card.php to identify the h-card, parses it, and then does some regex to identify different identities and how to mention them.
I'll re-enable it... sec.
oh this is _nice_
even supports keybase
I eventually wanted to roll this into a Known plugin that would automatically do all of this rewriting of mentions depending on syndication targets, but I sort of ran out of steam.
wagle joined the channel
you mind if i use this logic [cleverdevil]?
(This is much, much simpler than the gravatar approach, tbh)
Go for it!
i'll have to hit that reinterpret_cast<Elixir>(PHP) but that's a-okay
man silos are really the worst lol
jackjamieson joined the channel
like not even to drag it out but if they just exposed what bits could be a username in the markup; that translation layer wouldn't be needed (with the regex)
[cleverdevil] has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (91 in all channels)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] #1992 Better support for @-mentions across platforms.
[tantek], KartikPrabhu, [davidmead] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel