#dev 2019-02-01

2019-02-01 UTC
[asuh] and dmcweeney joined the channel
Does anyone know how to use Grav by chance?
[tantek] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
what is Grav
Grav is a flat-file CMS built on PHP, with Twig templating, and YAML + Markdown for storing articles (YAML for metadata, Markdown for the content) https://indieweb.org/Grav
dmcweeney looks like there's a bunch of folks here using it: https://indieweb.org/Grav#IndieWeb_Examples
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Ha! I was just doing the same dance in the #indieweb channel...
Grav feels more dev-like IMO
I can't seem to figure out how to change a few things on my bootstrap site using Grav
Anyone know of anyone who might be able to help me?
dmcweeney the folks listed at that link: https://indieweb.org/Grav#IndieWeb_Examples
I was just replying there as that's where I saw the question first.
How do I contact these people? Through their website?
Some of them you certainly could. Others will pop up in chat as they can. Which timezone/part of the world are you in?
I live in Connecticut along with @jgmac1106
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] and [Rose] are usually around in the late evenings and early mornings Eastern time.
You can also use /Loqi and the !tell command to send messages here.
I also think that [metbril] popped up the other day and he uses Grav as well.
Great thanks for the help!
[jgmac1106] and iasai joined the channel
dmcweeney: I've not used Grav before, but that piece of text you're talking about looks like it's defined in the navigation portion of the page. Perhaps some of the documentation at https://learn.getgrav.org/themes/theme-tutorial may help you in the meanwhile?
[davidmead] joined the channel
eli_oat and [davidmead] joined the channel
phew. plugin dev is hardwork
[Serena] joined the channel
Last updated 1.5 years ago
might take some time to update the status of some of those
but hoping to have Koype and its Hub in there :)
treora and [tantek] joined the channel
yes, I believe I said something at the time about the problem with tables of stuff like that
even Wikipedia has trouble keeping tables like that up to date
maybe a ping of sorts?
[zacksiri], ichoquo0Aigh9ie, cweiske, [chrisaldrich], [xavierroy], tglobe, swentel, tglobe_, [grantcodes], [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
Sending webmentions is looping till broken
[davidmead], tglobe_, jeremych_, [jeremycherfas], [tantek], [kevinmarks] and eli_oat joined the channel
↩️ yeah I got tired of the whole #OpenBadges mess and one tool working this week and another down next week, plus the Credly patent bought from Pearson scares me. So I spun up my own solution using webmention badges. Credibility at… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/01/dajbelshaw-lgzreader-yeah-i-got-tired-of
[pfefferle] and [eddie] joined the channel
↩️ LOL. https://webmention.net/draft/ "W3C Editor's Draft 12 January 2017" The #indieweb way of systematically making fun of W3C.
[xavierroy] joined the channel
Having some problem with my #IndieWeb authentification If someone can #help https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth.com/issues/184
↩️ Do I think RDF is Recursive Descent Forever? No, but it can feel like that, especially when its advocates seem to enjoy debating with themselves over purity of representation rather than trying to converge. eg https://github.com/w3c/webmention/issues/51
↩️ https://webmention.net/draft/ - a modern pingback, built on mf2. It's not a benefit, it's something that is in use. Are there uses like this for RDF as well, apart from search engine optimization? (Genuine question)
continues to tinker on his Solid WebID
snarfed and tglobe_ joined the channel
Someone probably knows the answer to this and can spare me a search: how do I advertise on HTTP that the same URL has another version available if you request a different MIME in your Accept header?
I.e. how do I advertise https://vanderven.se/martijn/ can also be requested as turtle?
Martijn van der Ven
I guess there is `Vary: Accept`, but that doesn’t seem helpful
> A WebID Profile Document is an RDF Web resource that MUST be available as text/turtle, but MAY be available in other RDF serialization formats (such as JSON-LD or HTML+RDFa) if requested through content negotiation. - I love turtles. I'm disgusted by text/turtle. ( from https://github.com/solid/solid-spec/blob/master/solid-webid-profiles.md )
test syndicated post with a shortlink Also on: * http://brid.gy
I am fine with turtle now. Took me maybe 2 hours of reading example documents and now I feel OK reading and writing it.
Though there are still a few nesting things I haven’t fully grasped yet
I genuinely don't see the benefit of turtle over xml
terse and plaintext based... what is the benefit of JSON over XML? :P
it's javascripts' native data structure, hence it's simple a data exchange format between backend and frontend; in terms of longetivity, nothing
"Do you honestly think that all that energy went into AWWW/RDF/LinkedData boils down to Google's use or people only writing specs for no reason or actual use?" Yes. Yes, I do. ( https://twitter.com/csarven/status/1091361606355816448 )
@petermolnar @RubenVerborgh Step 0: Drop your assumptions and alternative facts, if you're genuinely interested in learning. Do you honestly think that all that energy went into AWWW/RDF/LinkedData boils down to Google's use or people only writing specs for no reason or actual use? Join the chats for help.
damn, I misclicked on -dev
this was meant for -chat
[schmarty] joined the channel
I don't have energy for these fights anymore. Just going to ignore that and let it fizzle out on it's own when google decides to move on to their next format
leg joined the channel
You did sterling work on it in the w3c process, and made a real difference.
Aaronpk is right. The energy is wasted when it’s spent on individuals who are mostly negative (read % of their tweets that are negative, towards anyone)
swentel, [jgmac1106], snarfed, [schmarty], [kevinmarks], [cleverdevil], DenSchub and [Rose] joined the channel
I think I'm missing something, but he doesn't sound like someone worth talking to from what I've seen in chat today.
Anyway, does anyone have any exciting dev plans for the weekend?
I may tinker more with nicknames cache as a service.
I need another fun Lambda project anyway 😀
Current thinking is to use my PHP prototype as a starting point, port it to Python, and store cached results in S3 or maybe the new DocumentDB.
I'm not sure I understand "fun" and "Lambda" in the same sentence without a negator ;)
(Unfortunately my only Dev plans involve moving all my feebly subscriptions to my Aperture install, I have a lot of work to do)
oo nice
i think before i start any indieweb projects this weekend I need to work on prioritizing my whole list
Haha, have you tried Lambda yet Rose?
It can be fun for sure once you get the hang of it 😉
lol @ feebly
[Rose] if feedly can output an OPML, there is now a way to automate subscribing to feeds in Aperture from an OPML file
what is ekster?
Ekster is a Microsub server written in Go https://indieweb.org/Ekster
it has an `ek` command line tool that can communicate with aperture
oh this is sick
oo [aaronpk] are you working on IndieWeb list management and prioritization?
as much as i want to make an indieweb todo list thingy that is not my highest priority and i've been using text files instead 😂
That's an interesting idea. I just use Things and iCloud Reminders.
backs away slowly
i need a todo list app to prioritize my todo list app development
[eddie] joined the channel
not everything has to be indiewebified
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
heh fair
Heresy! I read on Twitter that IndieWeb is a religion!
but for real that's why i like text files
I used TaskPaper for ages.
i do use todoist for more immediate task management tho
i have been thinking about a micropub client that supports TODO-list editing, but i don't think many people would like it
because it'll be managing markdown todo lists 😆
the real value of an indieweb todo list would be the ability to use multiple app frontends to manage the data on your own server, but in practice i don't think that's likely to happen because it turns out todo apps like to differentiate themselves on features
tglobe joined the channel
• [ ] create micropub client to manage my TODOs
• [ ] make it useful for other people
• [ ] ???
• [ ] profit!
aaronpk: agreed.
next up: switch from emacs to an IDE inside my browser on my web site
what could go wrong
i have been ill-advisedly considering trying to write a vim plugin that speaks micropub 😯
noo don't do it (doo it)
haha, i have zero vim plugin writing skills, so it's a long road to walk. i would absolutely use it to update my site though, haha.
tglobe joined the channel
Is this when I admit that I have done that?
Because I've done that.
DenSchub joined the channel
(i already keep personal notes in a hugo site that i edit on my laptop but can also post photos and ate/drank via micropub, so merging these would simplify things)
(To be fair: I cheated and just have a little dingus that calls a Python script).
cleverdevil: my website architecture is pretty much dinguses all the way down.
"microservice" is just another word for "dingus"
Friday: when #indieweb-dev turns into dev-chat
what is a dingus?
It looks like we don't have a page for "dingus" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "dingus is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Woot Indigenous for android is f-droid ready, will be available soon normally :)
swentel++ wow that's graet!!
swentel has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (39 in all channels)
LOL to microservice as dingus.
DenSchub, jjuran, [asuh] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
DenSchub joined the channel
ok, I added "https://blog.ktamas.com/index.php/2019/02/01/converting-my-blog-to-hugo-and-getting-rid-of-my-vps/" to the "See Also" section of /Hugo https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=56070&oldid=55455
Did you look at todo.txt aaronpk?
yeah, i don't need that much structure in my text files, i have todoist for that
snarfed joined the channel
What is todo.txt
todo.txt is a plain text format for managing todo lists https://indieweb.org/todo.txt
gRegorLove_ and jjuran joined the channel
Aha! Then I shall investigate. It can export an OPML. On the other hand going through by hand is a good idea, will remove some junk.
I wonder if I can get easy access to the graphs Feedbin makes for every subscription, showing how often they update. That could help me remove some junk there
Does anyone do some sort of visualisation of how much they read / what sources they read from?
Zegnat: anomalily?
snarfed joined the channel
Oh! Maybe? I just realised I don’t actual subscribe to any of her stuff
Who is anomalily?
No link Loqi? Alright
Not seeing anything directly
[tantek] and tantek joined the channel
well, a version of it anyway
I've been using https://httpbin.org for some time now
snarfed, [kevinmarks] and [schmarty] joined the channel
I don't know why I didn't notice this before but indieauth doesn't specify anything about "refreshing" tokens it seems
this might explain why all of my sessions just go ahead and fail on a 401 lol
we've never specified anything different about token expiration/refresh in IndieAuth compared to OAuth 2.0. Most IndieAuth apps and servers don't use refresh tokens, but there's nothing stopping them from doing it the way OAuth 2.0 specifies.
word I probably got carried away with that bit of logic lol
I might add an option to "not expire" when I log in
[jgmac1106] and tantek joined the channel