LoqiGrav is a flat-file CMS built on PHP, with Twig templating, and YAML + Markdown for storing articles (YAML for metadata, Markdown for the content) https://indieweb.org/Grav
[chrisaldrich]dmcweeney: I've not used Grav before, but that piece of text you're talking about looks like it's defined in the navigation portion of the page. Perhaps some of the documentation at https://learn.getgrav.org/themes/theme-tutorial may help you in the meanwhile?
ZegnatSomeone probably knows the answer to this and can spare me a search: how do I advertise on HTTP that the same URL has another version available if you request a different MIME in your Accept header?
petermolnar> A WebID Profile Document is an RDF Web resource that MUST be available as text/turtle, but MAY be available in other RDF serialization formats (such as JSON-LD or HTML+RDFa) if requested through content negotiation. - I love turtles. I'm disgusted by text/turtle. ( from https://github.com/solid/solid-spec/blob/master/solid-webid-profiles.md )
petermolnarit's javascripts' native data structure, hence it's simple a data exchange format between backend and frontend; in terms of longetivity, nothing
@csarven@petermolnar@RubenVerborgh Step 0: Drop your assumptions and alternative facts, if you're genuinely interested in learning. Do you honestly think that all that energy went into AWWW/RDF/LinkedData boils down to Google's use or people only writing specs for no reason or actual use? Join the chats for help. (twitter.com/_/status/1091361606355816448)
aaronpkI don't have energy for these fights anymore. Just going to ignore that and let it fizzle out on it's own when google decides to move on to their next format
[tantek]Aaronpk is right. The energy is wasted when it’s spent on individuals who are mostly negative (read % of their tweets that are negative, towards anyone)
swentel, [jgmac1106], snarfed, [schmarty], [kevinmarks], [cleverdevil], DenSchub and [Rose] joined the channel
[cleverdevil]Current thinking is to use my PHP prototype as a starting point, port it to Python, and store cached results in S3 or maybe the new DocumentDB.
aaronpkthe real value of an indieweb todo list would be the ability to use multiple app frontends to manage the data on your own server, but in practice i don't think that's likely to happen because it turns out todo apps like to differentiate themselves on features
[schmarty](i already keep personal notes in a hugo site that i edit on my laptop but can also post photos and ate/drank via micropub, so merging these would simplify things)
ZegnatI wonder if I can get easy access to the graphs Feedbin makes for every subscription, showing how often they update. That could help me remove some junk there
aaronpkwe've never specified anything different about token expiration/refresh in IndieAuth compared to OAuth 2.0. Most IndieAuth apps and servers don't use refresh tokens, but there's nothing stopping them from doing it the way OAuth 2.0 specifies.