#dev 2019-02-02

2019-02-02 UTC
[kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich] and [davidmead] joined the channel
I don't get much detail (wordpress.com) but it's a nice feed of all my student posts in one place where I can quickly reply
Oops wrong screenshot
Will ask for volunteers to try different themes once I know who gets their sea legs faster
tw2113, [chrisaldrich], KartikPrabhu, [xavierroy], snarfed, leg, [asuh] and frankmeeuwsen joined the channel; frankmeeuwsen left the channel
Goodmorning indieweb
Time to start the day with a Jekyll problem and RSS. I already posted it on Stack Overflow to get going. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54491107/local-jekyll-doesnt-generate-proper-rss-feed
frankmee_, frankmeeuwsen, tglobe, [jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Does a tool exist that can take json and convert to mf2
[kevinmarks] something unmung can do?
I think it worked(ish)
I lose the source url
Hm. What kind of json is the question.
Json does not define property names
I suppose I could make every object into a h-* and every property into a p-*
A bit like xoxo does
is the raw json for one annotation but I am thinking I would do nested h-feeds, with each source being its own h-feed and each annotation an h-entry
So that's a specific format. You could do the kind of thing unmung does by defining an html template.
A lot of the unmung things are "fetch json from somewhere, put it through a jinja2 template with conditional logic in"
What is jinja2?
jinja2 is a python-based templating language for HTML with rich macro support that adds {% %} syntax https://indieweb.org/jinja2
The node version of jinja is nunjucks
ohh I use nunjucks all the time
So we could make a toolkit for these kind of things on glitch
Look at the unmung code, there are a bunch of templates that you can probably convert to nunjucks fairly easily
so I just need to make a template for what an annotation in an h-feed would look like to start? I am thinking nested h-feeds though know everyone not a fan but I see the entire feed as an h-feed, and the each document as an h-feed, with each annotation as an h-entry
What is unmung?
Unmung is a service that turns Atom and RSS feeds into h-feeds https://indieweb.org/unmung
the other idea would be to use p-category to group annotations but I think children makes the most sense
"try to stop tantek exploding" best commit message ever
You can use macros to build up more complex templates, but then you are writing code in nunjucks/jinja2
yeah, today goal will be just to map the annotations, start there to get my brain around it..the rss to hfeed wasn't bad at all...got close
and then make a mess of a code for long enough the judell takes sympathy and finishes project for me, he always said if we just showed him what an h-feed of annotations looks like he would add to export tools
I use feedparser in the middle to get uniform json from feeds, and a bit of python to transform dates
kevinmarks has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (33 in all channels)
tglobe joined the channel
↩️ @toolness making progress on the webmention badges issued my first build set as an h-feed:http://edu407.jgregorymcverry.com/badges/helloworld.html the criteria and evidence deliberately mismatched for a training video (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/25iB2k)
You could map the TextQuoteSelector to a fragmention
tglobe_, swentel, davy__, davy_, [schmarty] and barpthewire joined the channel
What is fragmention?
A fragmention is an extension to URL syntax that links and cites a phrase within a document by using a URL fragment consisting of the phrase itself, including whitespace https://indieweb.org/fragmention
all it is just ## insteasd of one in an id?
then each annotation wouldn';t need to be an h-entry and each doc could be which would be better
question on the example on this page: https://github.com/chapmanu/fragmentions why does the ##pursuit jump to <strong>?
[chapmanu] fragmentions: A proposal and polyfill to use ## double-hash anchors as links to individual words or phrases in a document.
duh the word pursuit
barpthewire, tglobe_, tglobe and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Not ## any more
One # then words separated by %20
As id can't have space in so that is enough to disambiguate
So it's just a normal ID with the text segment,alright.
What would you use to link back to the document a u-url?
[tmiller] joined the channel
[kevinmarks], any browser extension you recommend for enabling that?
@zegnat if I can figure out how to take the html or json export and map it to mf2 just use hypothesis...though their terms of service require every annotation to be in public domain...if that matters
I was thinking specifically of fragmentions
The one you linked by Jonathan seems to use the ##this+specific+text+ notation. [kevinmarks] implies we settled on a better notation.
Didn't Karthik make an extension>
checks the indieweb page again
i am there now
funny thing is I am actually now trying to take something that uses RDFa and get it into HTML with mf2
[kartikprabhu] fragmentioner: UI for generating the fragmention link to some selected text
Hmm. /fragmention only links to Jonathan’s extension. So I guess we don’t have an implementation for enabling fragmentions on websites that do not themselves use JS for it?
but that is just for your own site correct
oh yeah you are no JS so that is tough....could always try ctrl+c
[kevinmarks], is the wiki outdated? https://indieweb.org/fragmention#URL_encoding says to use + rather than %20
[jgmac1106], the problem is not *creating* the fragmention. The problem is if you give me a fragmention, my browser will not jump to it if the page I visit doesn’t support it. So I was hoping for a browser extension.
[schmarty] joined the channel
yeah I didn't even think it was possible for a browser to jump to page that doesn't support it...that is cool it works this way
tglobe joined the channel
Lets see how quickly I can learn how to use Docker in this one afternoon. I need to get my local dev environment back up and running
Hmm. I'll check the wiki when I'm on my computer. I thought we edited the old stuff out
[tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
can you nest <details>
I guess I can use seperate, ones and style them over a bit if they are in a thread, probably better
I don’t think they ban nesting
Double checked spec, details element can contain any flow content, and it itself classifies as flow content. Nest away.
Sounds like a fun opportunity for some weird internet art
imagines a tonne of details elements with a back-end syncing script like aaronpk’s pixelart header
Yes, they nest well if you want an outline style layout
Chrome shows an arrow by default, Firefox doesn't, so you may need to style it a bit.
tglobe and tglobe_ joined the channel
okay will go back and nest away
was trying to think how you display reply to annotations: https://gist.github.com/jgmac1106/726a8399dce96e28e0ae9cfd1ad288c3
that is my first attempt, interesting though as this would cause an h-entry to be nested in an h-entry is that wrong?
then the next question do the js fragmention tools work with: https://mozilla.github.io/pdf.js/?
if not isn't much of a point for me to do this as everything annotated is a pdf
If there are no browsers that support it, then no PDF readers inside browsers are going to support it.
is diving into Dat
Hi voxpelli! :D
What is Dat?
Dat is a protocol for transferring files peer-to-peer https://indieweb.org/Dat
Hi Zegnat!
no the thing I really want to start experimenting with is to see if I can set dispaly sizes using some kind of css animation timer and then I could use media queries to do all kinds of weird animations cell by cell, making things as big or small, overlaying grids.....I have no idea if you can do this but I see these really cool animations in my head of stuff growing and collapsing
voxpelli, anything triggered your dive into Dat?
Zegnat: I like the idea of content delivery not having a single point of failure + the Beaker Browser is fairly cool
little bit of dis-in-dat
Zegnat: and right now I'm hanging out in Copenhagen with two of the Dat developers
I love idea of Beaker as a fully remixable read/write experiment that is what I think is so cool
read/write environment, just taking any page and doing what you please,..cool playground
Gotcha! I think we have had several Dat–IndieWeb discussions before, looking forward to whatever you come up with from your dive
I'm thingking that eg. WebMention should work fairly well out of the box
just use dat: links instead of http: links
..well that used to work
voxpelli, the challenge would be verification, I imagine? Not only does the webmention endpoint need to be able to fetch dat: links, they also need to be available to the endpoint at the time the wm was recieved for verification.
Zegnat: yeah, it would need to support dat:, but if it doesn't, then it just will skip the lookup. And a dat site should be as available as any other site, else its kind of a fail
I haven’t really looked into how Dat does its discovery, so I don’t actually know if that is a bottleneck in anyway. Maybe I am confused and it isn’t :)
Someone at IWS made progress on that last year
there should be a video from the demos
[Rose] and snarfed joined the channel
Just thinking nested details and summary would be a nice display for threaded webmentions
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
There are dat proxies
I have a dat page, and dat slides for a talk
Add webmention to fritter?
Would be cool 👍
What I'm trying to figure out right now is how to build a dat-version of my site similar to how I build my site at GitHub Pages / Netlify today
I pointed dat at my local git dir of the site
[metbril] joined the channel
Bummer. I juist noticed that my Grav re-runs certain required event hooks for EVERY page, when I change only one. This means that the CMS is not scalable...
[metbril], if I remember correctly, Grav is very aggresive at invalidating its cache and rebuilding it.
snarfed joined the channel
Yep. And when I really start posting my life events and status, the number of posts will rapidly grow.
That's not a very comforting outlook.
To be investing in the platform this much.
Switching again is no fun. I like my content in plain text. Wordpress and known have databases. Jekyll and Hugo have limitations regarding automatic building. This is going to be hard.
Yeah it's a challenge for sure
I like the hybrid approach where the content is stored in plain text but is rendered on the fly
Kirby works like that, as well as my site. There are others but I can't remember the names
DenSchub joined the channel
The basic concept of Grav is just that. But planning a growing site (in the number of posts that is) is challenging. If GitHub hosting would allow (easy) saving webmentions and micropub, that would be a big step forward. Micropub from voxpelli does it, but it needs heroku which is no-ssl for the free plans. Choices, choices...
this was one of the reasons that put me off grav: the cache invalidation included image regeneration, which hogged up my server for half an hour
[metbril]: you should be able to at least use https though with a free Heroku setup, if you use an herokuapp subdomain
Or you can host it elsewhere, there is a PR for hosting it on other providers and I welcome more
snarfed, snarfed1 and [tantek] joined the channel
For anyone looking into creating “seemless” data back-and-forths from their website to the backend, this looks interesting: http://websocketd.com/
> It's like CGI, twenty years later, for WebSockets
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
So, I have made some great progress on a NNCaaS today.
Features: lookup "pseudonyms" (as I call them) based upon a domain name, cache for domains with auto-timeout of the cache after a configurable period, the ability to search h-card "name" declarations.
Oh, and the ability to send in content in a special format and have it automatically parsed and re-configured to various targets.
It looks for a "mention" of the format `@{somedomain.com}` and then will replace all instances of that with all of the different variants by syndication target automatically, in both plain text, and HTML.
I'll try and deploy it in a bit if anyone wants to play with it.
What's NNCaas?
oh, nickname cache
I originally decided to use MongoDB, but it looks like its going to be a lot cheaper for me to run if I just piggyback on my existing MySQL RDS instance, so I am porting it over now.
Won't take too long 🙂
Once its done, I'll deploy and let people poke around!
Meh, I'll just run a little local MongoDB on one of my EC2 instances.
Good enough 🙂
snarfed and [asuh] joined the channel
Let me know if I should update or make clear anything that isn’t right or doesn’t make sense
[asuh] #2395 Feature suggestion: implement Micropub for third-party apps
tantek, snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
asuh++ looks great! Definitely worth thumbs-upping. [aaronpk] perhaps you can add a comment too.
asuh has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
You can try any domain that has rel-me links and, optionally, an h-card with a 'name' property.
It searches against full word terms, though, not partial.
You can also send an HTTP POST to https://pseudonym.cleverdevil.io/content/format with a "content" parameter and it'll auto replace mentions
snarfed joined the channel
`http post https://pseudonym.cleverdevil.io/content/format content="Hello @{eddiehinkle.com}, I hope you're well."`
results in:
snarfed joined the channel
With that, I am taking a break 🙂
[eddie] and oodani joined the channel