#Loqi[Jacky Alcine] Excited to finally come to a website club meetup this week! Might be coming in with more questions and ideas and demo a bit of what I have.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[tantek]oh no it's inside the h-cite so it's not showing up as part of the h-entry!
#[tantek]your <div data-rsvp="yes" class="dib mw4 tracked ttu br--right ph3 truncate f6 v-mid tc p-rsvp">yes</div> is inside of <header class="flex flex-row flex-wrap items-center pa2 h-cite u-in-reply-to"> which is not true, because your RSVP is not part of the thing you're citing, and also results in the rsvp not being found - which is expected as a property of the h-entry at the top
#ZegnatThough I really thought I had seen examples of this within a single JSON-LD document
#ZegnatBecause you don’t really want to work with external stuff
#petermolnarunless it's something like self@author, it's not really what I'm after
#ZegnatIf you embed an @type=Person on the first author thing, and pass it a document relative @id (starting with # in this case, not path or domain relative), other places where you want to refer the same person could just be {"@id":"#whatever"}, I guess.
#ZegnatThough not sure if that is actually correctly derefed by any parser
#ZegnatHmm, you may be able to use blank nodes and refer those, if you like mixing RDF in your LD :P
#ZegnatNot joking, clicking the term "blank node" in the JSON-LD spec literally links you away to the “RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax”
#petermolnaris nearly finished piling the logs to burn anything related to computing around him
#[kevinmarks]The pattern is relatively clean, but still tricky to get right.
#Zegnat[kevinmarks]: mostly a voice in the back of my head shouting that it is something JSON-LD can do, but then I can’t figure out where/how
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]With mf2 it could be clearer because we have explict embedding of a h- within a named property, whereas all the nesting in mf1 was vocabulary specific knowledge
#[kevinmarks]So if we did define something like include pattern for mf2 we could use a url. However you are then implicitly requiring async parsing (the include is a bit like a promise).
#ZegnatIn the current case, as I understand it from petermolnar, the included resource would be in the same document, which does make parsing a little easier as it removes the need for fetches
#Loqi[Greg McVerry] @anomalily @anildash I tried to make you a quick business card https://bird-society.glitch.me/ but kept running into data that needed to go into javascript rather than HTML where it belongs so I gave up.
#ZegnatI don’t understand, [jgmac1106], what were you trying to use JS for on a static user card?
#[jgmac1106]No I was making a fast business card as a fast joke and the template I randomly opened needlessly put useful data in javascript
#[jgmac1106]I mean I guess having all your bio deets in a javascript file you can call whenever would save some time... But meh... Gimme readable HTML
#petermolnarwhile I dislike it, json-ld is quite readable
#petermolnarI'd like to help and see the problem you saw
#Zegnat“json-ld is quite readable” and parsable, which is probably the reason Google likes it
#[jgmac1106]Didn't see a problem at all, just wanted to write the HTML it was a great excercise though in understanding why nickname cache gets stored injson-ld
#[jgmac1106]My only problem was speed and my own knowledge.. And just a chance to promote an HTML first world
#[jgmac1106]And for other people. I want to see words and not scripts when I hit source code.. I can't stand websites I don't know how to read yet bc of wizardry
#ZegnatI don’t think anyone is storing nickname cache in JSON-LD?
#sknebelre your edit: oh, they actually switched to the W3C annotation format? interesting
#jgmac1106I think they were the only one’s pushing for the W3C annotation format and I can’t find an example of anyone else using it
#jgmac1106I looked hard this morning but did not find anyone
#sknebelI seem to remember there'd been a few other (non-commercial) projects working with it, and hypothesis had been making big blogposts about it but hadn't at that point actually done much with it - but it's been a while since I looked at that
[kevinmarks], cjwillcock, iasai, iasai_, jgmac1106, eddiehinkle, swentel, [davidmead], [svandragt], test, KartikPrabhu, barpthewire, [tantek], snarfed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#Loqimf2util is a Microformats 2 utility for Python, commonly used to extract common features in comments and reply-contexts https://indieweb.org/mf2util