#dev 2019-02-14

2019-02-14 UTC
↩️ @pleia2 You could turn on some IndieWeb plugins and have comments from here on your blog via http://brid.gy
[grantcodes], KartikPrabhu, [tantek], [xavierroy], [schmarty], tantek, yoshi5551, [Rose], cweiske, [pfefferle], GWG, [jgmac1106], [Vincent], eli_oat and swentel joined the channel
if I base64 inline my images in my HTML, will archive.org archive them?
(this is how I end up with 10MB HTML files, hm.)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ the beautiful thing about webmentions is they capture the conversation while encouraging folks to engage from their own domain and not just social media. So much better than native comments no one uses but spammers. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1Pmu0f)
[jgmac1106]: careful there, this is how you get webmention spam
[grantcodes] joined the channel
It will come, malware eventually found Apple once they had more than seven users
petermolnar: sure, but it should also archive them if you link them?
or rather, use them as image files?
archive is not limited to html
they did not use to archive images
[deeden] joined the channel
Pesky windows!
[schmarty] joined the channel
looking at the circle visuals from yesterday: sigh, not all browser even do conical gradients yet
that seemed like an easy tweak
sknebel: i thought that was true about conical gradients in CSS, but SVG gradients are different?
I don't think they support it either
swentie joined the channel
seems like there's a polyfill though, which generates a background image instead
swentel and [davidmead] joined the channel
morning all
when content is POSSE’d is it just anything within `e-content`?
no (titles, photos, tags, ...)
but they have to be marked up accordingly (with a mf) too sknebel, yes?
are you talking about some specific software?
"POSSE" is just the concept of also syndicating to other pages
with how it's done technically left totally open
I’m moving things around on a Known template, and want to make sure things that shouldn’t get POSSEd are in the right container (or not, as the case may be)
are you using some Known feature, bridgy, ... ?
[eddie] joined the channel
Yeah, that's going to depend on your POSSE process. I think Known has a POSSE plug in that probably uses your internal post content as opposed to the template to decide what gets POSSEd
The other option is probably Bridgy which uses a combination of the entirety of mf2 markup, not just e-content
haha sknebel!
i’m looking to add a field when creating a post, of any kind, where you can add tags. I wanted to make sure that it’s content get written in the “right” place so if that post gets syndicated to, say Twitter, those tags would come through as part of the post…
but on my site they are marked up as a list of tags
just don’t want to break too many things 🙂
Makes sense. Do you currently syndicate to Twitter?
Do you know if it's a Known plugin or Bridgy that you use?
tantek joined the channel
They will have different tactics on deciding what goes through to Twitter
I guess it depends. Sometimes I write in Known, sometimes in Quill
I think Quill uses Brid.gy
Quill doesn't have built in syndication. It just uses what the Micropub endpoint (in this case Known) provides it
eli_oat1 joined the channel
I’m also changing the markup to try and cut down on the amount of `<div>` used and going for a more structured use of `<article>`
That's great!
so I don’t want to “break” anything there either 😉
Yeah so Bridgy would use everything in e-content as long as there is no "p-summary" on the page
Bridgy will separately look for any photos marked up as u-photo (either inside or outside of e-content) and it will include those as image attachments
that answers a follow-up question eddie 🙂 thx
😄 awesome! happy to help.
still getting used to the small differences moving from WP back to Known
thx sknebel
Yeah, there can definitely be some small gotchas there
Awesome! Let's try to get you on there! So I think your issue is that your authorization endpoint is set to http://indiecert.net which doesn't seem to exist. You might want to use http://indieauth.com instead?
snarfed joined the channel
grantcodes[m]: ^^^ missed reply-to?
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Yeah, something went wrong with my syndication
[Grant Richmond] Awesome! Let's try to get you on there! So I think your issue is that your authorization endpoint is set to indiecert.net which doesn't seem to exist. You might want to use indieauth.com instead?
I probably just didn't hit the right button in omnibear
[grantcodes] #77 Reply To is not cached
[schmarty] joined the channel
fwiw i think quill can do twitter syndication now, if you connect your twitter
it only syndicates likes to twitter
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
ah, good to know
used to do instagram likes too, but they kkilled that a while ago
this may be of interest to aaronpk and other folks. adafruit is working on a little net-connected python device and we're working on lots of demos for it: https://blog.adafruit.com/2019/02/14/pyportal-projects-videos-and-more-adafruit-circuitpython-python-pyportal-badgelife/
we figure we should get a lot of low-hanging fruit out of the way. like showing the latest tweet from a given account.
but twitter's latest dev agreements actually make this really ugly for DIY devices
RIP twitter api
so i go to thinking about making a little microsub client
[schmarty]: are those running Micropython?
sknebel: close! it's circuitpython, a micropython fork that adafruit stewards
another fork? poor micropython...
although I guess it makes sense for adafruit to not risk their brand on a random open source projec
circuitpython has been around for a while and has been getting a lot of hardware support and new libs. about to hit 4.0
so for microsub, i think i could build a proxy service that handles the indieauth/relmeauth dance using oauth2 device flow and gives the pyportal an oauth token
and from there microsub is easy and small enough to just use
should be pretty fun to, e.g., set up a photos feed of sources that post lots of photos
I have a few micropython devices around, although none has a large display
anyway i wanted to touch base and see if this is a Bad Idea
sounds interesting
given how goofy it is to get started with twitter without violating their terms of service, i think it'd be nice to show "but the new indieweb readers work well..."
funny you should say that because i'm literally writing a blog post right now about my device flow proxy server
[aaronpk] Device-Flow-Proxy-Server: Sample OAuth 2.0 proxy server that implements the device flow
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
haha i found it the other day after you mentioned it. shouldn't be too hard to bolt on some minimal indieauth/relmeauth to meet the needs of microsub auth.
wonders if there's something to deploy such a reader with one of the epaper badges for... calendar maybe?
oh what i haven't seen those before
oh yeah! adafruit has been doing some new eink stuff that should be made to work with this.
ohhh i want this so bad
I have a few epaper based badges from a hackercamp
i like these tri-color things
haven't seen one of those in the flesh yet
i like the one that attaches to the pi zero
oh yeah, the pHats are pretty brilliant
I wonder why they only seem to be around with red as the accent color
i want that epaper badge for my nametag for IWS
and it would show the last webmention that anyone sends me
right, I had planned to bring one to nurnberg and forgot
(sha badge, those look like this: https://wiki.sha2017.org/w/File:Badge1.jpg - but they only made one big run for the event)
(being able to just order from adafruit is a lot more accessible then, even over here)
it was a clever solution for the typical problem with digital event badges, where normal screens mean "can't read in the sun", "sorry, my badge crashed and can't show my name", "sorry, my badge is out of power and can't show my name"
epaper has 1 karma over the last year
I've thought about that as well when I ordered my first pi zero a couple of months ago
[schmarty]: adafruit doesn't want to sponsor electronic badges for IWCs, do they? :D
great idea!
uh maybe
(I saw an announcement today that seeed gives rebates for badge projects this year, which is why it popped into my head. in some circles this has become a big thing, e.g. Defcon)
that's neat!
with the european hackercamps there's a few projects using the same micropython base for their projects, with a (partially shared) app store and such. quite interesting to watch
i don't neeeed more projects but i wannnnt this
[pt] joined the channel
okee dokee, hi folks, i'm phil from adafruit and i work with marty, i can answer questions about our upcoming open-source python-powered Iot device that happens to make a great badge
waves to [pt]
did a blog post today and marty is doing a lot of cool "tinyJSON" to make it all work https://blog.adafruit.com/2019/02/14/pyportal-projects-videos-and-more-adafruit-circuitpython-python-pyportal-badgelife/
hi hi [aaronpk]
[Rose] joined the channel
we'll a few units soon for folks who want to work some of the pythony' things and more too
so i'm not great at hardware, but i can deal with software all day long. whenever i come across these kinds of things i usually get stuck on them on the hardware side. i'd love to see some tutorials on getting these things up and running that assume zero knowledge about the hardware side of things.
that is who we made this for...
plug it in, shows up as USB drive
code.py opens in any editor
that's it
Nice! I'm not awful at hardware, but I'm a software first person
we've lived through 10+ years of giant complex IDEs just to blink a LED, that time is over
having been playing with one of these i can confirm the workflow is super easy. it reboots on save, so it's live reloading.
Welcome PT... The IRL h-card generator!
[schmarty] made a demo within hours of handing one over
it had built in QR code generator too
and you can use screen to watch for debugging or to grab the python REPL and poke at things by hand.
And I thought it was gonna be the old school tin pin badge makers
ooh QR code will be handy for the oauth device flow bit
we stuck to CPython too, so if ya know python... ya know electronics now
Whole time thought it was gonna be a 3d printer version of https://www.amazon.com/Badge-Minit-Starter-Machine-Pin-Back/dp/B012O1JJP4
This is way cooler (though I think the former would rage in the PTO fundraising as a well to upsell Adafruit later)
This is awesome! Want it for all or makers paces. I do ours on campus and New Haven Public Library
maker/hackspaces have the max discounts on adafruit when they send a note to the reseller team
many fund their workshops that way, etc
We wanted a way to verify trainings we were going to make "fake books" and use library cards. I want this instead
oh! funny you say that, the device stores PDFs too (ebooks, etc)
it's a sub drive as well
we did that with an event, hackaday, book was on the USB drive - https://learn.adafruit.com/getting-started-with-hallowing-for-hackaday-supercon-attendees?view=all
i'll check back from time to time and also give marty heads-up when there relevant things for indieweb things, we'll be launching soon too!
snarfed and singpolyma joined the channel
I have an ePaper pHat
I wouldn't mind a simpler solution
I missed, what's the price point on that?
GWG: for which? the PyPortal? not announced yet AFAIK. ;}
Schmarty, it would be great for displaying my Webmentions
GWG yeah. i think i wanna put together a microsub client on here that shows my aperture Notifications channel (which gets notifies from wm.io)
schmarty, keep us posted
will do!
[eddie] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
sounds cool (sorry for disappearing, was called to dinner)
leg, [tantek] and mcverryj1 joined the channel
How can I figure out where I am going wrong in Fed.brid.gy I did all the signup……wait…..maybe my update deleted my header
nope everything set up correctly for Bridgy Fed….will have to diagnose tomorrow
That lists the recent Bridgy Fed activity
I know I don’t even show up there yet I exist here: quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com@quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com
tantek joined the channel
Do you have a specific post you're trying to federate?
singpolyma joined the channel
all of them
they should just work
problem for another day, I am chalking it up to how my shared host does Apache, someone else on Reclaim going to try and see if it happens to them too
what exactly do you expect to happen? bridgy.fed will not post anything without you telling it to
You have to send a webmention to fed.brid.gy for every post you want to federate
ohhh really, I had no idea, I thought it worked and just sent everything out
…..ugggg now I rememebr why I go down this route…..I can’t add html in Known status updates….
but I can use the reply bvox...duh
not reply box I am not sending a reply but if I put the bridgy link in body of note it works
sknebel has 38 karma in this channel over the last year (98 in all channels)
eddie has 37 karma in this channel over the last year (84 in all channels)
Congrats mcverryj1!
ohh yeah new hard drive need to switch my Nick
I know people hate hiding data but I am temptedt to add a plugin that adds a button for <link href=“https://fed.brid.gy”> rather than have it in every note. Bad idea?
I have the fed.brid.gy link as a hidden link in my post template so that every post has it
@seanthewhitecat I bet if you added a microformats parser to syllabuddy my syallabi will play alot nicer with your system then what has to be a tough OCR with PDFs. https://fed.brid.gy (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/21TkQu)
yeah, for the trigger links hidden is fine
i just realized i think the third color on that color epaper is white
I was kind of confused by that but didn't think too much into it
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Haha that little thing looks awesome!
But [schmarty] are you maybe overthinking the auth on your microsub client for it. There is no way a non technical user would use one is there? Why not just put a token into the token? And if you release it just tell people where to paste their own?
no hardcoding tokens!
also for a lot of people, getting a token they can hardcode isn't actually any easier than doing an indieauth login
Eh, call me what you will, but I hardcode tokens occasionally 😅
hard coded tokens have a nasty tendency to end up in repos
also had no idea how popular my Blogger stuff was going to be, makes me want to explore gadgets and see if I can add a micropub and micrsub endpoint that way…but I highly doubt it. Google deleted my post from the product forum
[schmarty] joined the channel
hardcodedtokens has -1 karma over the last year
its a great band name though
KartikPrabhu, TimB, chrisaldrich, [eddie], tantek, [tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I want to solve some h-card parsing issues. When a feed has a minimal h-card without an image, I want to go out and get it, but when I implemented that, it retrieved the same author data for every h-entry on a feed... slowed the thing down immensely
How do other people approach it?
I am looking at this
naive answer is cache, right?
ie only fetch a given url once, and reuse it later if necessary
you can get more sophisticated and obey HTTP caching headers, but within a single backend request, i'd just ignore them and reuse all fetched data per url
snarfed, fetch it once during the feed or once and cache it regardless?
Sounds like a nickname cache prototype
I'd start with once during the feed
^ right
still saves you a request for all other posts
nickname cache brings in a whole bunch of user-visible functionality baggage. this is just caching HTTP requests.
and you avoid a host of issues that can come up with longer-term caching
The easiest way is to parse the feed then do a second pass to enhance the authors
All I am trying to do is show the author's photo on the feed.
It would be so much easier if feeds weren't so different
I just changed my feed to include me name, url and photo on every feed item. Might be repeating myself
I am trying to get to quality consumption of feeds for a Microsub endpoint
presumably you're looking up author links you found and check those for photos etc? so you can just store the info you found temporarily and check before fetching a url if you already have the data from it
sknebel, that was my plan.
KartikPrabhu and mblaney joined the channel
GWG I added a mini cache to SimplePie for that, just to avoid the extra fetches. It's only kept while parsing the feed.