Loqi[Greg McVerry] This attempt didn't work. I moved the syndication link to Bridgy into the content of the note even though I fell like it belongs outside.
tbbrown, eli_oat, snarfed, [davidmead], oodani, [tantek] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
kisik21ZyXEL Keenetic Omni II. 64MB RAM, 8MB flash, decent processor (its stock OS was fairly functional including downloading torrents, using SMB, FTP and other stuff, but I needed more! I needed a root shell!)
kisik21petermolnar: if nginx can proxy smtp and imap I could get rid of that sshfs mount on yuki (my backend server) with SSL keys for dovecot and postfix
kisik21sknebel: no API on my provider sadly, but I can change my NS records. Considering setting up some free authoritative DNS with an API that could be used, any recommendations? preferably not cloudflare
[jgmac1106][kevinmarks] sent fragmentions link to the developers behind the Google project for annotations... Said that is exactly what they are building
[jgmac1106]!tell Zegnat it is hacky but figured out way to send students private "post" I send a reply but set it as private in Known. The webmention shows up in moderation... Student doesn't publish it...private post like.. But I can deliver critical feedback
aaronpksknebel: please do write up your LE DNS setup. I tried that trick of using a separate sub domain pointing to a special dns server to respond to the challenges but never actually got it working.
@swentel↩️ Works perfect with the built-in #drupal microsub server. Would be great if someone could test with other microsub servers (Aperture, Ekster ..) (twitter.com/_/status/1096429949232254976)
sknebelswentel: is there documentation about specifically the microsub part of the drupal module? I.e. I could I use that more or less standalone as a microsub server, how does it store data etc?
[jgmac1106][snarfed] does this sound like it's a Known problem with the rich text HTML options .... I can't use <link> for Bridgy Fed, <a="href>" works but <link="href"> does not.....I have tried <link> inside and oustide of content in status updates. and it is in the source code
Loqi[Greg McVerry] This attempt didn't work. I moved the syndication link to Bridgy into the content of the note even though I fell like it belongs outside.
@edheil↩️ Oh, I know known and like it a lot! Was using it previously. I just wanted native comments (not just webmentions) and didn't think it had them. But I wonder if it was just that I didn't activate a plugin for it, I see there is one. (twitter.com/_/status/1096454490335649793)
willnorrisregarding the story yesterday of Chrome's "scroll to text fragment" ... I immediately reached out to the Google engineer working on the feature to ask about why fragmention wasn't listed as an "alternative considered". They have some maybe interesting use cases for extending the syntax in the future, which fragmention wouldn't allow, so I get that. Though I like kevinmarks's idea of falling back to fragmention.
snarfed[jgmac1106]: yeah i expect your problem is that known only sends webmentions to links inside post content. (and maybe only to <a>s, not <link>s). bridgy fed itself will happily accept the string 'https://fed.brid.gy/' anywhere in the HTML
[jgmac1106]yeah it the <link> and not <a> I tried in and out of post content, and then verifies by doing it an article to make sure it wasn't the weird HTML rich text editor embedded in status posts
[kevinmarks]They linked to fragmention when I looked. The point for me is that fragmentions can be the last thing you try after anyone's fragment parsing. It's the simplest and most robust
willnorristhey're talking about hooking it into Chrome's "find in page" feature, so you could use the native browser UI to skip through occurrences of the searched text
willnorrisI'd initially wait and see if bokand responds to that issue, and see what he says. I can follow up with him directly as well to coax him toward that.
[kevinmarks]I like the idea of a command F setting the url bar to a fragmention link (maybe expanding out text to make it unique on the page, per the poetry example.
dougbeal|imac, eddietejeda and singpolyma joined the channel; mcverryj1 left the channel
jackyso I've been toying around with IPFS (tbh I'm running too many 'experiments' at once lol) and I _think_ that webmentions over ipfs might be possible
jgmac1106okay if you need to set anyone up for commerce on static sites snipcart is just so dead simple. Highly recommend it. Seems too easy, if folks know of any secuirty concerns or anything let me know, but it’s a five minute ecommerce store for #IndieWeb sites