jeremycherfasI know I saw people talking about converting [cleverdevil]'s Overcast python script to PHP; wondering whether anyone has actually started.
ZegnetMy expectation is that the script has stored some cookies at a location on your drive (conf.SESSION_PATH). It will either load those to keep you logged in on next poll, or request you to go and login so a session can be obtained
ZegnetThat way consequent calls will use the same cookies (ie. session). And as long as you do not remove the file between runs it will just try again with the same cookies next time
snarfed, iasai and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
swentelaaronpk, I think you'll have to change your checkin template a bit on your site. xray now puts the photo of the author of the checkin (emoji grilled bar) on /primary to the image of the first post :) (tiny detail of course)
[manton][aaronpk] I wrote a help page to try to guide developers in the right direction with using IndieAuth on My thought is that this would be a good place to start when they want to build an app because it can use URLs for the examples. (And I want to encourage IndieAuth over the email sign-in, especially for web apps.)
[manton]Thanks. I think I verify "me" in, but I remember there was one place I was checking "me" that was kind of deprecated and not used by apps anymore... Forgetting the details now.
aaronpkIf the app wants to know who signed in and looks at the "me" in the code exchange response, then it does need to check that the domain matches what was entered at first, otherwise someone can make a fake IndieAuth endpoint and sign in to apps as arbitrary users
LoqiA reader (AKA indie reader or social reader) in the context of the indieweb is the portion/feature integrated into an indieweb site that provides a way to read content from other indieweb sites, possibly including posts from the current site, and respond (like, comment, repost, etc) inline in the reading UI itself
KartikPrabhuaaronpk: on Sec. Technical Details first paragraph: should "Micropub app shows the posts" read "Microsub" instead?