#dev 2019-02-25
2019-02-25 UTC
@srushe This is a late-night test of posting to my site via Micropub, and seeing whether the post will syndicate automatically to Twitter via http://brid.gy #indieweb (https://deeden.co.uk/notes/2019/02/25/001338) (twitter.com/_/status/1099825581313671168)
[schmarty], [deeden], [tantek], [eddie], gRegorLove, snarfed, barpthewire, KartikPrabhu, cweiske, jeremych_, [pfefferle] and swentel joined the channel
jacky Lol looks like Omnibear doesn't actually generate a state value? https://i.imgur.com/HBR7tRP.png

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] No it doesn't. I was debating adding state generation into my module that omibear uses, but since the app would have to store it I thought it was probably best left to the app to do it

[grantcodes] I could perhaps add a method just to generate one, but it is pretty easy to generate a unique one in js

petermolnar for people with rented server: https://www.cyberciti.biz/cloud-computing/increase-your-linux-server-internet-speed-with-tcp-bbr-congestion-control/

[jgmac1106], iasai, jgmac1106, [tantek], jeremych_, [kevinmarks], [Rose] and [schmarty] joined the channel
@jgmac1106 Good morning #edu407 and #edu307, Can't wait to update everyone on the webmention badges I set up, I started issuing them over the weekend, drafting the next batch for #edu407 now: https://edu407.glitch.me/badges/workshoproutines.html (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/rBHh5) (twitter.com/_/status/1100022374425116672)
eli_oat and jgmac1106 joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme loqi?

ben_thatmustbeme !tell kisik21 I couldn't say at the moment, i have sadly be way too busy with a bunch of stuff. It is supposed to but only if it discovers them via the micropub endpoint

[pfefferle] and snarfed joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme waves

ben_thatmustbeme just super duper busy all the time

ben_thatmustbeme aww, thanks, yeah becoming Director of Technology means i'm in charge of a lot more stuff

ben_thatmustbeme including a major acquisition

ben_thatmustbeme and integrating / building new software for them

[kevinmarks], [Rose] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme i hope so too

ben_thatmustbeme and i totally read that as "dictatorship" lol

gRegorLove, [manton] and barpthewire joined the channel
[Vincent] joined the channel
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] sounds like ben_thatmustbeme needs to explain to his team why they need all the indieweb building blocks someone's health records stack

ben_thatmustbeme lol, not health records, purchase history

ben_thatmustbeme i'm going to make mattl redo our internal company hub with something indiewebified though

ben_thatmustbeme lol

tbbrown, [schmarty], [tantek], [eddie] and jackjamieson joined the channel
[jgmac1106] purchasehistory? i am sure chrisalrich made gwg build some type of experimental post type for that

[davidmead] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] What is acquisition?

Loqi [chrisaldrich]: snarfed left you a message 1 week, 1 day ago: hey podcasters, we don't yet have exact audio file size (in bytes) in mf2. how should we represent that? i'm looking at converting to RSS, where it's required. more: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2019-02-17#t1550418872983700

Loqi An acquisition within the IndieWeb is a type of post that enumerates purchases, gifts, donations, (stolen?!) and found things potentially with additional information like photos, descriptions, specifications, price paid, date/time acquired, location acquired from, and condition https://indieweb.org/acquisition

[chrisaldrich] GWG is too smart for that. He made post kinds plugin flexible enough for someone as simple as me to extend.

jgmac1106, snarfed and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] I'd suggest p-length as that is what both atom and rss use for the length of the enclosure type

[schmarty] joined the channel
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, [manton], [eddie], leg, [grantcodes] and kisik21 joined the channel
@manton2 Thinking about our http://Micro.blog APIs after IndieWebCamp Austin. There are a lot! Probably not even a complete list: RSS, JSON Feed, MetaWeblog, Micropub, ActivityPub, Microformats, WebSub, rssCloud, Webmention, IndieAuth, and now Microsub. (twitter.com/_/status/1100123277517905923)
jackjamieson, kisik21 and snarfed joined the channel
singpolyma and [gRegorLove] joined the channel
Kaja joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] aaronpk: maybe the websub handling should be a different systme?

[schmarty] *system

[schmarty] aaronpk: from watchtower

[schmarty] but websub involves being told that web pages change, rather than watching for them.

[schmarty] handling websub feeds means building a webhook subscription management system :}

[schmarty] that's fair. there would need to be data sharing anyway.

Zegnat and sknebel joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] Interesting to see Micro.blog add support for Microsub.

[cleverdevil] I wonder if [manton] would add support for subscribing to content outside of Micro.blog, and interactions with external sites?

[cleverdevil] A commercial Microsub service!

[cleverdevil] Also, wondering if there is some sort of standard thinking around having a client subscribe to multiple microsub servers at the same time.

[cleverdevil] (So I could use both Aperture and Micro.blog in Together at the same time)

[manton] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] [aaronpk] I was thinking it'd be more like a merged list of channels, with smarts around where to send requests based upon the channel.

jackjamieson aaronpk: I'm going to be watching watchtower closely to see how you manage polling + websub. I want to add the same to Yarns but haven't sat down to really get a good grasp of websub yet
[cleverdevil] I suppose the client could just show the list in a hierarchical way server -

[cleverdevil] err

[cleverdevil] server -> channels

[cleverdevil] Right.

[cleverdevil] I wonder if a Microsub server could handle it on its end, allowing delegation to an additional server.

[cleverdevil] Maybe too complex...

[Collin_Kunisch] and snarfed joined the channel
[cleverdevil] That's actually a good way to do it, [manton].

[cleverdevil] Still, I'd want my interactions and such all to go back to my site.

[cleverdevil] Yup.

[cleverdevil] Its certainly the simplest.

[tantek] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] The only thing about that is that I like a unified reading experience.

[cleverdevil] Having to switch between Micro.blog and my Aperture subscriptions is weird.

[cleverdevil] And inconvenient.

[cleverdevil] But, again, that's a client thing.

[cleverdevil] Well, I want to follow my Micro.blog timeline and Discover feed inside my Microsub client.

[cleverdevil] I can follow the feeds, sure.

[cleverdevil] Which is what I do now.

[cleverdevil] But, it seems like it'd be less friction to simply IndieAuth over to Micro.blog and magically have everything appear in my reader.

[cleverdevil] (I also presume it'd be a lot more up-to-date with Micro.blog vs. having to wait for feeds to fetch).

[cleverdevil] I think I agree.

[cleverdevil] (Especially after talking it through).

[cleverdevil] My point about friction still stands... I wonder if there could be a way for a site to help smooth that friction?

[cleverdevil] Feed discovery, really.

[cleverdevil] What feeds are available? What kind of content do they have? Descriptions, etc.

[cleverdevil] I'd like to have that for *my* site as well.

[eddie] I just tried adding "https://micro.blog/jsorge" to the add source and it doesn't find any feeds. You have to know that the json feed for the user is micro.blog/posts/jsorge. I think right now the three best approaches to following people are mobile sharesheets, browser extension and bookmarklets

[tantek] [keithjgrant] hey we're discussing your https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2296 in the CSSWG 🙂

[cleverdevil] It'd be cool if you could IndieAuth with Micro.blog during the discovery process.

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
[keithjgrant] [tantek] awesome. I'll be curious to see what comes of that

barpthewire joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed, jjuran_, [cleverdevil] and [manton] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] That's precisely how I would think about it.

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] [cleverdevil] the multi account thing you're describing perhaps sounds a bit like in Gmail (and I'm sure other email clients) where if you are signed in to multiple accounts you can view each one or a unified inbox

[cleverdevil] Well, other email clients do 🙂

[cleverdevil] I very much think of my reader like I think of my MUA.

[cleverdevil] Yes.

petermolnar Thunderbird has it

[cleverdevil] Indeed.

[grantcodes] Gmail definitely does it not

[grantcodes] *now

[cleverdevil] In fact, many traditional RSS readers provide this too.

[grantcodes] Might only be with Google accounts though

[grantcodes] Can definitely being used, but it would likely be a lot of work that would be used by not a lot of people

[Collin_Kunisch] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu yes

[tantek] just realized I actually went through this entire exercise (asked/answered all the questions therein) in https://indieweb.org/Falcon#Migrate_to_new_web_host for the 8/10 sites I migrated!

KartikPrabhu you can forward email from EmailB to Email A, and in EmailA you can add EmailB in the "send mail as" setting

KartikPrabhu oh hmm ok

[tantek] snarfed, e.g. https://asin.cc/ 🙂

[tantek] GWG, I think this principle sorta covers it but could do so more explicitly: https://indieweb.org/principles#modularity

iasai, [eddie] and snarfed joined the channel
[tantek] or has anyone thought about (or wanted to) implement a "poll" post on their site? with suggested answers people could answer with? similar to https://indieweb.org/Twitter_poll

snarfed (sigh, speaking of bridging, polls *still* aren't in the twitter api. https://github.com/snarfed/granary/issues/75 )
[aaronpk] joined the channel
snarfed, jackjamieson, KartikPrabhu and raucao joined the channel