2019-02-24 UTC
[dougbeal] joined the channel
# 01:04 [dougbeal] Maybe I will write a php/WordPress overcast to listen translator
[tantek], [cleverdevil] and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 02:44 gRegorLove tantek: confirmed Dreamhost PHP has Tidy and XSL modules. Or did you say XSLT?
[tantek] joined the channel
# 02:48 [tantek] interesting I wonder what the difference is between '--with-xsl=shared' and just ''--with-xsl'
rayna joined the channel
JVL1 joined the channel
# 03:36 aaronpk Definitely going to use that next time I need to make a home page for a project website
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
jjuran joined the channel
# 04:14 jacky just be careful with those thin fonts - super hard to read on some devices (notably my laptop)
chrisaldrich, tw2113, jon1 and iasai joined the channel
# 06:22 kisik21 Interesting. As soon as I moved my backend server from yuki (my RPi) to sakura (my laptop) it became a lot more speedy. Does it mean that I need more optimisations on the server side?
[eddie], [tantek] and iasai joined the channel
# 06:37 kisik21 !tell ben_thatmustbeme is syndication in Inkstone working? don't see any options
# 06:37 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jjuran, [kevinmarks], [Rose], barpthewire, iasai, [tantek], strugee, kisik21 and jgmac1106 joined the channel
# 11:17 jeremycherfas Looking for some assistance to convert a subscribe form for a mailing list to use a specific form builder.
# 11:21 jeremycherfas But I don't understand what the `popupwindow` part does, because when I test the form, there is no popup, only the window itself.
# 11:22 jeremycherfas The reason I want to use a different form, from FormCraft, is that I want thestyling of two different forms to be similar, and one of them I can only display using Formcraft.
# 11:22 jgmac1106 ]bc your browser is probably default set to block popups?
# 11:23 jgmac1106 can we just write the CSS to make it look llike Formcraft
# 11:23 jgmac1106 .ooh sounds like that is what you. are doing bc you have to use Formcraft
# 11:24 jeremycherfas Not with the way widgets work in WP, because things get wrapped in all sorts of stuff like `aside` and so on
# 11:25 jeremycherfas FormCraft gives me the opportunity to send the information to a custom URL, but at the moment I can't quite work out the details. And I cannot see the POST data that the original form is actually sending.
# 11:25 sknebel jeremycherfas: for me that code opens a new window on submit
# 11:27 jeremycherfas Actually, for testing purposes, I should be able to make a page that just contains the form, right?
# 11:27 sknebel what do you mean "cannot see the content of the POST"?
# 11:29 jeremycherfas The form collects an email and sends it to a sign-up page. I want to know what it is sending, so I can try to mimic that from inside FormCraft.
# 11:30 sknebel a form submission with email=the email address and embed=1
# 11:31 sknebel you can check it in dev tools in the network log of the new window. or remove the target="" attribute, then it'll submit in the same window
jgmac1106 joined the channel
# 11:44 jeremycherfas Very helpful; thanks. I wonder what the embed does. Ned to mimic that in FormCraft and see.
[chaitanya] joined the channel
# 12:08 jeremycherfas Interesting. FormCraft gts a certificate rror. I think I'm going to have to revrt to plan A and attempt some better styling.
swentel and [manton] joined the channel
kisik21, [dave] and [chaitanya] joined the channel
# 13:48 [chaitanya] Hi! I was looking for PHP based static website generators... are Sculpin and Jigsaw good options? Is there any other PHP based static site generators you would like to recommend?
jgmac1106, [jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 14:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tantek] joined the channel
# 14:14 [tantek] Thanks Kevinmarks. I’m not ready to sign up for devops just yet :)
# 14:33 [tantek] Has anyone considered writing microsub "server" support clientside? so everything is save on your local device?
# 14:35 GWG I would do client side caching, but I wouldn't want my local device to be the only place I could access it
[grantcodes] joined the channel
# 14:37 [grantcodes] [tantek] not sure a clientside sever would make much sense. But a client that reads and caches a server would probably be useful.
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 14:46 [tantek] grantcodes a clientside server would make perfect sense is a pure p2p architecture
# 14:47 [tantek] e.g. imagine all the feeds you subscribed to had rel=alternate to ipfs or dat or some other p2p protocols as another way to retrieve them, and you could get them from your local network without even hitting the internet
# 14:48 [tantek] wish I'd thought of this while Paul (of Beaker/Dat) was around yesterday
# 14:48 [grantcodes] Ah ok, that was very different from what I was imagining from "support clientside"
jgmac1106 joined the channel
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 14:56 [jgmac1106] tried to get @mapkyca to stop in yesterday he has interesting plans for social readers and ifps
tbbrown, [davidmead], jgmac1106, gRegorLove, corntoole, [kevinmarks], kisik21, [jgmac1106] and [Rose] joined the channel
# 17:08 aaronpk GWG I just realized that Quill uses indieauth-client-php and so it may actually require updating that library to return the profile info in order for Quill to get access to it
# 17:15 GWG You don't seem to actually strip anything from the return, just return it
# 17:27 Loqi [gRegorLove] #79 Fix representative h-card test
# 17:30 Loqi gRegorLove has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (85 in all channels)
# 17:32 jeremycherfas Well, it has taken the best part of the day, but I did manage to style my new sign-up form so that it more or less matches my other form.
# 17:37 jeremycherfas Just one remaining problem: how do you ensure that a form field is emptied when you reload a page?
# 17:42 sknebel jeremycherfas: not sure that's easily possible. what's the use case?
# 17:43 jeremycherfas Saving myself from having the same email in the form if I reload after testing. I guess it doesn't really matter.
# 17:44 jeremycherfas No, not autofill. If someone has typed and email and clicked submit, when they come back the email is still there. Although they get a message saying it all worked, I don't want them to click over and over again.
[tantek] joined the channel
# 17:45 jeremycherfas And though moving from MailChimp to Buttondown might not be the greatest silo escape ever, it does feel good.
# 17:47 sknebel is it like your example form where the confirmation opens in a new window?
tomasparks joined the channel
# 17:48 sknebel then you could have the JS also show some indication that the form already has been submitted
jgmac1106 joined the channel
# 17:51 jeremycherfas I put back the target=popupwindow because it actually functions much better that way for a visitor who wants to sign up.
# 17:52 sknebel hm, I'm not quite sure why they did it that way and not with target="_blank" now that I think of it
# 17:53 sknebel anyways, you could use the onsubmit javascript to e.g. show a "submitted" label after the button
# 17:53 jeremycherfas No idea. I can ask the developer. He's really responsive, but I didn't want to bother him on a Sunday.
# 17:54 jgmac1106 jeremycherfas when you build a form you also build a thank you page, can you get the same variables on the thank you page and check what is submitted that way?
# 17:55 jeremycherfas I could, but as they get an opt-in email, I'm hoping that's enough. The Thank you page has to contain some sort of GDPR wordage.
# 17:56 jgmac1106 that is slick, I would also recommend snipcart as an option for transactions
# 17:56 Loqi [jgmac1106] has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (118 in all channels)
# 17:56 sknebel fwiw, removing the onsubmit="" and changing the target to "_blank" works the same to me. so I'd be curious why they did it that way
# 18:00 jgmac1106 jeremycherfas I don’t understand why the digests that you can send to subscribers through WP weekly digests cant be a newsletter but I only had a few hundred subscribers maybe it gets heavy
# 18:12 Loqi [Greg McVerry] Blogging and Open Source Communities
# 18:13 jgmac1106 yeah but I didn’t do anything, to send to subscrivers, though you couldn’t select by post kinds that would have been killer
# 18:13 jgmac1106 I lost a ton of my subcribers when I started doing notes from WP
# 18:14 Loqi gRegorLove has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (86 in all channels)
[Rose] joined the channel
# 18:31 jgmac1106 surprised there isn't a markdown micropub client, that was the thing, once I was using indigenous I rarely touched the editor to publish
# 18:41 jgmac1106 or LowDB database playing with node.js but if I can do this in HTML would prefer
kisik21 joined the channel
# 18:42 jacky jgmac1106: Quill passively supports markdown; my site supports it and that's how I've used it
# 18:47 dougbeal jacky: passive meaning no WYSWIG, but passes it through fine?
# 18:57 jacky Buttondown is a hosted newsletter service designed for personal use.
KartikPrabhu, tbbrown, [dave] and swentel joined the channel
[schmarty] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 20:14 GWG swentel: Just found a new Microsub issue
# 20:14 GWG I thought we talked about when it was a URL
# 20:14 GWG Which means, since an author property can be either URL or name...
# 20:15 swentel well, in a way I don't care if the content of the property is a name or string I guess
# 20:15 GWG aaronpk: The author property in JF2...it doesn't have to be an object, does it?
# 20:17 aaronpk if you only know the URL then return an object with only the URL
# 20:17 GWG I was thinking of JF2, not the Microsub spec on it
# 20:18 aaronpk yeah the jf2 spec is possibly a bit out of date compared to what microsub is doing with it
# 20:18 GWG aaronpk: Thanks, going to do some bug fixes
# 20:18 aaronpk in general we're trying to reduce the number of different ways things happen with microsub
# 20:19 swentel having to account for different values is always painful
# 20:20 dougbeal Anyone use Nginx with multiple server_name's and letsencrypt? I have broken something and letsencrypt is mad :(
# 20:31 GWG swentel: The article handling in Indigenous is not ideal though
# 20:32 GWG swentel: Well, I'm pulling the full content from the RSS feed.
# 20:34 GWG swentel: I'm wondering if I should do something with it on the backend
# 20:36 swentel GWG, not yet, going to experiment with some things first
corntoole joined the channel
# 20:55 sknebel but you have set a location block for it or it inside your webroot?
# 20:55 jgmac1106 I would like if “p-summary” show that and read more,…..for rss well that it 17 flavors of soup
# 20:57 dougbeal sknebel: I have a location block for it in each server_name
# 21:00 sknebel (really basic: remembered to reload nginx? happened waaay to often to me...)
# 21:05 dougbeal the owner looks the same, does execute permissions matter?
[dougbeal] joined the channel
# 21:09 [dougbeal] I think I was moving mount points around to have multiple sites, I will start there
# 21:16 sknebel no obvious idea, but I also don't entirely understand how all your docker pieces go together in the end
# 21:25 jacky and I might be speed reading this wrong but this: "A location can either be defined by a prefix string, or by a regular expression. Regular expressions are specified with the preceding “~*” modifier (for case-insensitive matching), or the “~” modifier (for case-sensitive matching). " seems to indicate that only * is regex-friendly
# 21:30 gRegorLove woo, completed my IWC projects and posted about them before demos even :)
# 21:32 Loqi sknebel has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (102 in all channels)
# 21:32 Loqi jacky has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (43 in all channels)
# 21:34 gRegorLove dougbeal, we fixed a small indiewebify.me issue that was saying your h-card was representative when it was
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 21:38 Loqi gRegorLove has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
# 21:43 dougbeal Does serving mp3 files require anything special in the way of nginx config?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 21:46 Loqi [Greg McVerry] well gonna call it quits and demo my updates on webmention badges....I have littered the web with my failed attempts to simply have an html form publish a guestbook on my wesbite. form building should be "hello world" but I not ready. Got closeish: t...
# 21:47 [jgmac1106] [dougbeal] look at your double webmention. One from Twitter coming in as Gravatar have seen this from [mrkrndvs] as well
# 21:48 dougbeal jgmac1106: I marked up the links and send again, and enabled twitter the second time
iasai, [asuh], [jgmac1106], rayna, [dave], [gRegorLove] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel