[kevinmarks]geopoints are fairly easy to deal with in code. I had a 68k Mac app in the early 90s that happily dealt with dynamically displaying many thousands of cities as you rotated the globe.
[Rose]Is anyone else using Compass aside from Aaron? It tried to kill my server this morning (well, it did kill it). And I'd like to dig around some more.
[Rose]And it's been running since October last year. And as I was asleep in bed at 8:20am this morning, it's not like I just popped up half a globe away with a thousand data points that needed processing. So what changed?
[grantcodes]I used to have my tracking in micropub (sort of) but then my database got to the point where it was 90%+ tracking posts, which wouldn't have been hugely sustainable for me
jeremycherfasThanks! Yup. POST is not giving me any errors, but it isn't resulting in a post at WithKnown either, so I am trying to find out how to see the response codes I receive.
jeremycherfasOK, but I assemble to command with a series of curl_setopt operations, and then do curl_exec($ch), because cargo cult. So I need to work out where to add that flag.
jeremycherfasOK, that is just plain weird. Merely inserting a diagnosis command `$info = curl_getinfo($ch); var_dump($info);` into my script made the script work again. I'm glad, of course, but none the wiser.
jeremycherfasBut now I am also thinking that, of course, I should put that in there anyway to let me know if there were any errors and to inform me of success.
[Rose]There was weird stuff happening. My server got taken offline by whatever happened the first time, then enlisting via the admin panel at my host didn't work, for ages, then it shut down, then artisan took over, and now it's all working again as expected.
[tantek]Your timing is very good, in case you're up for staying up a bit, we have IndieWebCamp Austin starting in about an hour or so, and with any luck we should have remote participation too!
[schmarty], [jgmac1106], [gRegorLove] and [manton] joined the channel
aaronpkI like the idea of Indigenous sending a ping of the current location to the server. I wouldn't recommend treating it as a full gps track on either side, because that has a lot of other considerations. But if the server stores only the latest point it can be used for all sorts of fun stuff on the website
Loqiaaronpk: [jgmac1106] left you a message 9 hours, 30 minutes ago: not sure if it is known, but telegraph can't handle nested h-entries like collections
jackyDoes anyone else upload / snyc GPX data to their site? I'm trying an experiment to track big trips of mine over the next few weeks and I have some ideas
paulrobertlloydNot sure if this is the right channel, but I have a question resulting from me trying to build a Micropub server (https://paulrobertlloyd.github.io/indiekit/) that writes files to GitHub. As it can be configured to different users needs, this makes predicting things much harder! Given that a user can choose where to save their files and what permalinks they appear at, if a user decides to delete or update a post, it’s difficult to trans
[Rose]I had a moment this morning where I thought I was going to have to switch to WordPress, a Microsub server plugin would make that less painful, but still not what I want! (I think I found a workaround for it, thankfully)
[Rose]I'm debating it, it's got a lot of advantages, but I wouldn't be able to just make a theme, I'd have to learn WordPress theming first, same with plugins. And I'm pretty happy with my site as it is right now.
sknebelpaulrobertlloyd: interesting problem. I guess hiding the file path somewhere could be an option, yes. (you could also use your own, vendor-prefixed property, e.g. p-indiekit-file-location, for such cases)
[Rose]The fact that I've been working on my own micropub endpoint since October, it still doesn't work how I want, and at least someone else has done a lot of the work for a lot of WordPress things
[Rose]I'm sure I will, but I'll also get that editorial calendar plugin I want, so I can see that I wanted to get X post out on Y date and that'll sit on my shoulder somewhat.
[Rose]I'll probably start by looking at existing plugins and making pull requests if that's ok, then someone can yell at me if I'm being stupid before it goes out into the wider world 😄
petermolnar[Rose]: I've been at the exact point where you are - I wanted to post things without having to tinker before I can. However... that's how I ended up with a rather cluttered site, that then got cut back, and I ended up with a static generator, so it forces me to published only and solely the important things. I hope you don't end up doing this circle :)