#dev 2019-03-04

2019-03-04 UTC
iasai joined the channel
yo so re: 'visibility' in micropub extensions
I'm thinking about making `kp-visibility` that'd indicate a post being hidden but having a 'public' component so it could still show up in feeds
but it'd be some ID that only the serving site would know
actually nvm
this is solved by using something like authenticated feeds
kinda wish the LMD on the mediawiki was at the top
iasai joined the channel
re: #indieweb
So sample content with various mf2 vocabs?
tbf, one could use their own site
but I want to throw something that can be used purely for demonstration
Closest might be webmention.rocks
tw2113 joined the channel
ah right since it's part of the page
It's just h-entry tho
hmm I might end up making this
like a bunch of static pages
(largely to handle consumption)
_or_ I could use the test suite to generate the HTML
blergh gonna take a break from this for a few days
been doing this nonstop in my free time lol
The test suite is probably overkill but a good set of real world test data would be great
snarfed joined the channel
jacky: there are a few test suites you could start with, eg https://github.com/snarfed/granary
[snarfed] granary: The social web translator.
oh nice
yeah that'll work
granary has 3 karma over the last year
snarfed has 54 karma in this channel over the last year (93 in all channels)
iasai and tbbrown joined the channel
iasai joined the channel
Looks like Sean managed to migrate from Medium to Wordpress with ActivityPub support by way of Pterotype! Since it’s on Wordpress, I wonder if the site could also take advantage of Microformats. That and like two other things (Webmentions is one) is all… https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/738650c8-ee49-44a8-bff7-bb8440c0c634
iasai and [tantek] joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell Zegnat I still think you should file an issue on https://github.com/browserext/browserext/issues with what you think is the better behavior for Web Extensions
jacky: this thread is exactly why mastodon should be its own IndieAuth provider! https://kitty.town/@Cobalt/101690706843342297
[Cobalt :neurodiv:] #IndieAuth is a pretty neat thing, and as I'm already a big #RSS user (have been since they were in general use, just never dropped them) I guess it'd be cool to have what amounts to a way to log into various sites that I don't feel called to make si...
No need to mess with rel=me stuff if you already have a URL you can authenticate yourself with a password
that's it then
hm most of it is there
IIRC it's an OAuth provider but they require dynamic client registration so that part would have to be changed
right if it detects it to be a URI it could just "accept" that
(or they can make another set of endpoints if that's too invasive)
dynamic client registration doesn't really make sense here because it doesn't actually provide any benefit that isn't also solved by the client_id being a URL
tbh there's a higher chance of this being in glitch-soc than mainline :(
whats glitch-soc?
it's a fork of mastodon; it's the version my admin runs
barpthewire, iasai, cweiske, swentel, [pfefferle], swentie, jeremych_ and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Basically I think ff follows the spec (which is mainly based on chrome extensions) and everything should be promises, which is pretty much the majority of what that polyfill does.
Except when Firefox does promises they do not follow the spec ;)
Zegnat: [grantcodes] left you a message 4 minutes ago: missed yesterday but https://github.com/mozilla/webextension-polyfill
Zegnat: [tantek] left you a message 5 hours, 1 minute ago: I still think you should file an issue on https://github.com/browserext/browserext/issues with what you think is the better behavior for Web Extensions
[mrkrndvs] joined the channel
But thanks, I will have a look!
[jgmac1106], [grantcodes], swentel and snarfed joined the channel
3 days until Google+ API shuts down
I added a countdown scheduled for 2019-03-07 7:15am PST (#6508)
[schmarty], [grantcodes], [Rose], strugee, rhiaro, snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
wow. and exports?
this shutdown is just API though, service itself isn't until april
[eddie] joined the channel
!tell [cleverdevil] Looking at your HTML for listen posts in WithKnown, wondering why you have the undisplayed version of the <h2>? Is it to avoid the icon in the visible version? How do parsers cope?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
// a wild cleverdevil appears //
Eeek. What have I conjured?
So, you'd have to ask [jgmac1106] about that. I just have done a light amount of tweaking on top of his original plugin.
(I haven't yet moved to his upstream version, as he mentioned that there were issues with it).
Right. Will do.
That said, I am very much guessing that its a bug 🙂
!tell [jgmac1106] Looking at your HTML for listen posts in cleverdeil's WithKnown, I wondered why he had the undisplayed version of the <h2>? Is it to avoid the icon in the visible version? How do parsers cope? He thought it might be something you put in. Is it? What for?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Let me take a look, was my first plugin so most probable answer is bug
is "hidden" a boostrap selector for no display? I see it in my source code but the h2 displays fine for me
The h2 is present twice, at least in cleverdevil's version. One hidden and with just the episode title, and one insite the h-cite, with the icon
Not hidden, display:none;
gRegorLove joined the channel
cleverdevil maybe a commit behind or his customizations are different. Not seeing it on mine
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Where can I see yours?
eddiehinkle, [schmarty] and snarfed joined the channel
Probably mostly of interest to [jgmac1106] but my glitch test site is now a pretty complete little site if anyone ever wants to spin up a very quick (potentially buggy) indieweb site https://postr.glitch.me/
[pfefferle] joined the channel
(with "hidden" instead of "display:none", but same effect since "hidden" just sets display none
Can you figure out why it is there sknebel? I thought it might be for parsing reasons, but now I think it is just a relict.
snarfed joined the channel
jeremycherfas: I'd guess so too. it's the content of the p-listen-of property, but I would have expected that the h-cite is supposed to be in there instead...
iasai joined the channel
but it isn't hidden I see it
there's *two* <h2>
look at the source
the problem is adiv in thye middle of the h2
ohh not in the middle okay I see
should be easy to fix when I get the time
[tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] do you use the W3C validator or any other tools like that to check your markup? I'm curious what your markup debugging process is
you folks are giving may too much credit and I goiung back through my commit it wsa PR from @davidmead...my process is chnage tjhis and that, see what happens, kick and curse a lot, change something else, see what happens...
so trial & error. ok
are you open to alternative methodologies?
swentel joined the channel
yes have never used a validator before: usually I just stick into https://pin13.net/mf2/ and see what happens
If it doesn't look pretty there I messed something up somewhere
Will take a look at fixing plugin tomorrow, finally getting the strength back from snowblowing to try and salvage a few hours of work...did just make a photo for fun as I let the hot cocoa settle in
https://validator.w3.org/ - it's an excellent place to start with debugging your markup
it will give you concrete specific things to fix
I ask because since you're also teaching people about markup, how to write it etc., it's even more essential that you have a more formal, more efficient way to do so yourself, that you can pass along to those that you teach
I'm assuming you want to teach something more formal than trial & error
nloadholtes, jackjamieson, leg and [davidmead] joined the channel
has my commit caused issues [jgmac1106]?
bear, [frank], snarfed and jackjami_ joined the channel
davidmead: i think jgmac1106 was assigning credit rather than blame :}
tw2113, jackjamieson, tbbrown and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
said it perfectly schmarty..someone files a PR on my repo I default to they must know more than me bc I have no idea
tantek thx for validator link
thats horribly scary, 49 errors
at least pages I make myself come out cleaner...that is probably my one criticism of nown it feels very heavy to do some simple things
ah, cool 🙂
been M.I.A. as I’ve been playing a lot of video games recently - back to coding soon
Maybe I was just overthinking it.
I was wondering why it was there too jeremycherfas. I think it is a relic
[tantek] joined the channel
https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/04/the-animals-animalism should be fixed now, pushed to master feel free to update [cleverdevil] and [davidmead]
[Greg McVerry] Just some great rock and roll 
[eddie], raucao, Zegnat, iasai_ and tw2113 joined the channel
if google+ is shutting down does that also mean the +1 button is dead?
i do believe so
i know at my dayjob i've been tasked with removing sharing via G+ and also some Google Login migrations
interesting. I wonder if there is an opportunity here
"How to migrate from Google Login to IndieAuth Login"
delegated auth in both cases
if i'm wrong, and the +1 would still work, i still got paid and my company did to for the work
aaronpk, even better: "How To Migrate From Google Login to IndieLogin"
in case you were looking for a timely post re: G+ shutdown
eh, the target audiences are very different. people who were using google login are not likely going to want their users to have to have a website
They're not the target audience, though it may appear as if they are. The target audience is anyone looking to help promote an independent alternative to Google for anything.
And on the margins, I would be that there *are* some people who added delegated google login to their sites that would be willing to switch to IndieAuth/IndieLogin
especially if they already had a "sign-in/up with email" separate option, *and* Google Login, then the pitch is to just replace the latter with IndieAuth / IndieLogin (while keeping the email option)
especially interesting would be sites that have *only* the options of email or Google Login, by which it is heavily implied that they deliberately rejected FB Login for "reasons", and for those same reasons, may find swapping out GAuth for IndieAuth appealing
jgmac1106, btrem1, ZivBK1 and gRegorLove joined the channel