[tantek]Especially don't build that for other people. I think UIs should be forgiving, and auto-immediately-syndicate-to-archive-org is totally unforgiving.
[tantek]What I do is auto-archive my *previous* post when I post a new post, and I feel that's "good enough" in addition to giving me enough time to undo or edit to fix simple mistakes etc. before something is archived.
[tantek]GWG, I just don't think it's worth it. Because then you'll be tempted to make the delay configurable, and then someone will just hurt themselves by making it unforgiving.
mblaneyyes I'm wondering if the spec should say that when posting the channels action you can specify the unread type. The order method is very well defined, but doesn't mention updating unread type.
aaronpkif you're going to let people choose the unread tracking type, then we also need a way to have the server tell clients which types it supports too, and choose a default
aaronpki want it to be really easy to build a microsub app, so that we can get more ios and android developers interested in building good experiences in this ecosystem
jacky!tell [tantek] agreed: re parsing Twitter URLs, but I'd want to this to parse any non-MF2 URL and make it so (like how Bridgy can do it); but like even news sites like The Verge or other blogs that lean on other approaches
snarfedjacky: one of the big read-it-later services recently open sourced their entire content extraction engine. cleverdevil and maybe others mentioned it here recently. can't remember the name right now
LoqiA scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track, including concert recordings or DJ sets) or podcast that you have listened to https://indieweb.org/listen
[eddie]I spent a little bit of tonight working on an importer script that will periodically tap the unofficial Nintendo Switch Parental Control API to get info on what games I’ve played, and download that data.
[eddie]I have two things left to complete: one, it turns out Nintendo is using refresh tokens 😔 so my access token is already expired. So I need to add logic for refreshing my access toke
[eddie]Haha yeah. I looked everywhere wondering if there was a way to get historical play data. Kind of weird for it to be in the parental control app but I’ll take it!
jgmac1106so I have had to dig into the xAPI documentation for different grants…just starting to put together how much JSON-LD (though docs say JSON-LD is enough but you shoudl use RDFa if you want a better snapshot) is kinda like sentence diagramming in middle school, why data needs a subject, verb, and object…I will have to learn at a later date…hard to believe this the tool for data portability for any elearning, LMS, LRS, and
[jgmac1106]Jacky if you are ready to pilot hosting I am working with the OER Foundation in Ghana. Was going to use Known but could do a Koype pilot. Be pretty cool
@jackyalcine↩️ Disqus has a bad history of linking to ads without consent and having weak spam tools. Opting for Webmentions would give greater content and allows one to own their content! (twitter.com/_/status/1103293799218917376)
sknebelswentel: I've been looking into using OpenStreetMap for venue lookup, would be interested in coordinating at least the interfaces (so if we both make small services that translate to the APIs that micropub endpoints can use them the same way)
Loqiswentel: jacky left you a message 12 hours, 53 minutes ago: I don't know what changed but Indigenous for Android works with my site now with properly encoded JSON!
sknebela basic option could be something that just produces the query output format, with IndieAuth auth, so the micropub endpoint can just pass on the request and response, only adding its token
@ohhelloanaI forgot to announce to the world that on this evening I realised that I can now receive Webmentions (although I still have to style them). And to my surprise, I actually had some!! (twitter.com/_/status/1103299877977710592)
swentelsknebel, ah, right me too (besides other things). I initial idea was directly from indigenous (or any other app). But it's probably even easier to say, if you q=geo comes in, use that a service which does it for you.
sknebelI was also considering a model where the server tells the client "go use that service" (like a redirect), but then the authentication feels a bit messier
swentelsknebel, so, then I was looking at drupal modules, and it turns out there are modules that would allow me to hook into when q=geo comes in and get venues back, so I would get drupal support relatively easy out of the box.
sknebelyou'd know better how well you could make a minimal drupal application that just serves that one endpoint with auth? so a full drupal-based site could use it integrated, and others could run drupal just for that bit of functionality (or use a shared one)?
[tantek]that would be the conservative way to do it, so any existing callers to webmention.io api would not be affected, and anyone wanting to explicitly check for target on a protocol-less URL could do so
[tantek]aaronpk, I'm open to alternatives of course, but this was the best/simplest/minimalist I could come up with quickly (which is also sometimes a good design constraint)
blair1Thanks for the help here on thinking about both webmentions (pointer to webmention.js) and getting off disqus. In the end I moved my blog/site to ghost.org from jekyll, and integrated webmentions there. For the disqus issue, I forked https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-import-disqus into https://github.com/blairmacintyre/plain-html-from-disqus to output simple HTML of the threaded comments. Since I only have a few hundred comments across ~150 posts,
blair1up each post by hand anyway to deal with jekyll -> ghost conversion (ugh), I'm inserting them in the post body and then hacked webmention.js to pull the old comment block down with the webmentions
[eddie], [chrisaldrich] and j12t joined the channel
GWGWordPress likes to store geodata in one place, but Micropub for WordPress also stores it under the name of the mf2 property. Wondering if I should remove one
[jgmac1106]if you aren't writing it twice and losing time to DRY I would leave both, you never know iff a user wants a plugin that requires geodata in the normal way WordPress handles it