#dev 2019-03-06

2019-03-06 UTC
jjuran, snarfed, iasai and [tantek] joined the channel
↩️ Hey @chrisaldrich https://boffosocko.com Feel free to grab what we did in #edu522 we have an example of teaching on #IndieWeb WordPress for #pressedconf19. Plus the course templates and webmention badges have come so far since then: … https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/03/06/hey-chrisaldrich-feel-free-to-grab
gRegorLove and iasai joined the channel
Does Triggering an Archive at archive.org make sense as a syndication target?
"Syndicate to archive.org"
I think so GWG
The process to do it matches the way I set up my POSSE
!tell swentel I don't know what changed but Indigenous for Android works with my site now with properly encoded JSON!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Jacky, it grows leaps and bounds
iasai joined the channel
wow this is actually amazing
now I have to get q=source support for Koype
Which this?
I don't follow
also I _really_ do not want to 'parse' Twitter URLs or make that a thing in Koype
I'm _tempted_ to have an intermediate service like https://twitter.activitypub.actor/ that'd render a tweet in MF2 when I request so
(or just any page for that matter)
I guess I could use bridgy here
no granary
granary if you have a twitter API token to give it
bridgy otherwise
very spartan! :)
but yup this is it
this actually opens up for 'URL parsing' now
if I make something in there that could match on a URI that I could even support Dat links
watches his brain explode
oh yeah
'killer' feature lol
gRegorLove, iasai and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG, I suggest from a UX perspective to NOT build "syndicate to archive.org" because it is literally the opposite of Undo.
Especially don't build that for other people. I think UIs should be forgiving, and auto-immediately-syndicate-to-archive-org is totally unforgiving.
What I do is auto-archive my *previous* post when I post a new post, and I feel that's "good enough" in addition to giving me enough time to undo or edit to fix simple mistakes etc. before something is archived.
also I have a delay in my Atom feed since Atom consumers don't dependably show updates or handle deletes
jacky, I'm pretty sure folks have built various utility libraries/services for "parsing" Twitter URLs etc.
[tantek]: I can set a time delay
GWG, I just don't think it's worth it. Because then you'll be tempted to make the delay configurable, and then someone will just hurt themselves by making it unforgiving.
Part of the point of good UX design is to not give the user tools they will likely hurt themselves with
Interesting thoughts there
I believe [manton] thought through some of these issues too
What *is* worth doing automatically is archiving everything that a post *links to*
so any URLs *inside* a post, auto-internet-archive those
because that's a way of preserving what those URLs had at or close to the moment that the post was published linking to them
In the meantime, back to the drawing board
gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, iasai and mblaney joined the channel
hi indieweb
I've been going through the microsub api adding better support to dobrado, wondering about how to set the unread status of a channel?
ie I think it's up to the user if they want a count or boolean on each channel?
yep clients are supposed to be able to handle missing "unread" properties as well as boolean and integer values https://indieweb.org/Microsub-spec#Channels_2
yes I'm wondering if the spec should say that when posting the channels action you can specify the unread type. The order method is very well defined, but doesn't mention updating unread type.
oh like when creating a channel?
yeah I guess creating or updating a channel should allow specifying the unread type, otherwise I can't see where else it would be set.
yeah that makes sense. there are some things that just get set out of band right now
or a server works just one way and doesn't expose that to clients
if you're going to let people choose the unread tracking type, then we also need a way to have the server tell clients which types it supports too, and choose a default
ah ok. I've got a few differences between how my reader works already and what the microsub spec surfaces.
please document those differences on the wiki somewhere!
that's important for developing the spec further
i haven't wanted to make many more changes to the spec that aren't influenced by actual implementations so this is how that happens
hmmm ok, maybe just on the page for dobrado for now.
aaronpk: What other changes are you interested in exploring, out of curiosity?
right now just minor stuff, tightening things up, and anything that improves the app developer's experience
i want it to be really easy to build a microsub app, so that we can get more ios and android developers interested in building good experiences in this ecosystem
I would still like reply/like/etc contexts.
that's supported in the spec just not something that aperture does
aaronpk: It is?
oh yeah indicating whether a post has already been responded to (liked, commented, etc) is another big one
I missed that
pretty sure Together already renders it?
can't remember the details now
KartikPrabhu, iasai, tbbrown and snarfed joined the channel
I've added https://indieweb.org/dobrado#Brainstorming to cover Microsub differences, happy to clarify anything there if required.
Pausing from my storage problems to add support for swentel's new geo uri properties to Micropub
!tell [tantek] agreed: re parsing Twitter URLs, but I'd want to this to parse any non-MF2 URL and make it so (like how Bridgy can do it); but like even news sites like The Verge or other blogs that lean on other approaches
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jacky: one of the big read-it-later services recently open sourced their entire content extraction engine. cleverdevil and maybe others mentioned it here recently. can't remember the name right now
i expect there are a number of these, both open source and service
snarfed, iasai, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, jjuran, [tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
What is a play?
It looks like we don't have a page for "play" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "play is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is a listen?
A scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track, including concert recordings or DJ sets) or podcast that you have listened to https://indieweb.org/listen
What is a play?
It looks like we don't have a page for "play" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "play is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is play?
A game play or simply play is a passive type of post used to publish a game (digital or otherwise) that you have played https://indieweb.org/play
There we go.
oh that kind of play
I think a play can be distinct
Haha yep
but eh, distinct will lead to definition
like a play of a TV show / video would be a /watch
or a song would be /scrobble
Interestingly I’ve never seen anyone refer to those as plays
tbh same but it's all "binary media"
and my programming brain is saying "all media has a method called 'play' on it"
I spent a little bit of tonight working on an importer script that will periodically tap the unofficial Nintendo Switch Parental Control API to get info on what games I’ve played, and download that data.
I have two things left to complete: one, it turns out Nintendo is using refresh tokens 😔 so my access token is already expired. So I need to add logic for refreshing my access toke
Second, I need to take the data retrieved and actually push it into my website as a play post
Pretty excited to get that working though! Especially since it’ll be automatic!
> parental control api
that's actually kinda sick tho
Haha yeah. I looked everywhere wondering if there was a way to get historical play data. Kind of weird for it to be in the parental control app but I’ll take it!
For some people it’s about restricting how much their kids play, for me it’s about owning my data! Haha 😆
Had to do some man-in-the-middle on myself but 🤷‍♂️
such is life
Lol true
cweiske, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, leg, [kevinmarks], [xavierroy], [tantek], iasai, jgmac1106, [Vincent], [jgmac1106] and swentel joined the channel
[manton] now that Micro.blog supports Microsub, is it worth adding Microsub to the Read via section of this table? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_microblogging_services#Posting_and_reading
gwg of course has a post kind for play
so I have had to dig into the xAPI documentation for different grants…just starting to put together how much JSON-LD (though docs say JSON-LD is enough but you shoudl use RDFa if you want a better snapshot) is kinda like sentence diagramming in middle school, why data needs a subject, verb, and object…I will have to learn at a later date…hard to believe this the tool for data portability for any elearning, LMS, LRS, and
government website…..
[mrkrndvs], [pfefferle], jgmac1106, [kevinmarks] and iasai joined the channel
↩️ @WalterStephanie Depending on the project / audience but what about web mentions? https://indieweb.org/Webmention
↩️ I replied to this to your Mastodon account but I threw Wordpress out there largely because it's _so_ battle tested and despite the flak it gets, it gets the job done _really_ well. That + things like https://wordpress.org/plugins/webmention/ + https://wordpress.org/plugins/semantic-linkbacks/ + https://wordpress.org/plugins/syndication-links/!
barpthewire and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Jacky if you are ready to pilot hosting I am working with the OER Foundation in Ghana. Was going to use Known but could do a Koype pilot. Be pretty cool
[tonz], sandhawke and iasai joined the channel
↩️ Disqus has a bad history of linking to ads without consent and having weak spam tools. Opting for Webmentions would give greater content and allows one to own their content!
swentel: I've been looking into using OpenStreetMap for venue lookup, would be interested in coordinating at least the interfaces (so if we both make small services that translate to the APIs that micropub endpoints can use them the same way)
[Rose] joined the channel
sknebel, currently looking at http://geocoder-php.org/Geocoder/ to see if it has an api to get places
swentel: jacky left you a message 12 hours, 53 minutes ago: I don't know what changed but Indigenous for Android works with my site now with properly encoded JSON!
jacky, didn't really change much in the micropub requests, just added more features :)
welp it looks great nonetheless!
a basic option could be something that just produces the query output format, with IndieAuth auth, so the micropub endpoint can just pass on the request and response, only adding its token
sknebel, oh wait, are you talking about https://indieweb.org/Micropub-extensions#Query_for_Location.2FVenue - I'm be confused a bit now sorry :)
s/be/a bit
s/be// ratherr
[Vincent] joined the channel
↩️ OK, I get it. But Disqus is a service, WebMention is a protocol. Once you say "WebMention", next question is " which implementation" ?
iasai joined the channel
I forgot to announce to the world that on this evening I realised that I can now receive Webmentions (although I still have to style them). And to my surprise, I actually had some!!
iasai joined the channel
swentel: hah, maybe I misunderstood what you were talking about in #indieweb for using arcgis etc
I was thinking about making something people can easily plug into their micropub endpoints to make them support the venue lookup
sknebel, ah, right me too (besides other things). I initial idea was directly from indigenous (or any other app). But it's probably even easier to say, if you q=geo comes in, use that a service which does it for you.
seriously, my typing and spelling is horrible today, sorry :/
happens :D
I was also considering a model where the server tells the client "go use that service" (like a redirect), but then the authentication feels a bit messier
yeah, that might be tricky
jgmac1106 joined the channel
sknebel, so, then I was looking at drupal modules, and it turns out there are modules that would allow me to hook into when q=geo comes in and get venues back, so I would get drupal support relatively easy out of the box.
however, that leaves out many other sites using different technologies
and it's tricky, so, a separate service would be sweet
you'd know better how well you could make a minimal drupal application that just serves that one endpoint with auth? so a full drupal-based site could use it integrated, and others could run drupal just for that bit of functionality (or use a shared one)?
Je me souviens des trackback. Je suis vieux. On dit WebMention maintenant, et c'est une spec officielle W3C https://webmention.rocks/
(I got an annoying backlog of other things to do first too, and about to have a lot less time available...)
hmm, yeah, I'd probably setup a shared one, where everyone can login with indieauth
generate an api key for them, and then in indigenous, let them set it to shared.com/geo?api=api
that would go extremely fast
hehe, yeah, my backlog is full of too many ideas too :)
[jgmac1106], iasai, sandro_, jgmac1106, snarfed, [xavierroy], [tonz], [grantcodes] and [eddie] joined the channel
In general, in PHP, is it considered good, bad or indifferent to nest a function within a function?
leg and iasai joined the channel
jeremycherfas, hmm, what do you mean ? function foo() { function bar() {} }
But I think I'm going to try and separate them. I think it will be easier
jackjamieson joined the channel
hmm, yeah, I think it's cleaner in a way
I'm also not even sure it would work nicely
to be fair, never tested it :)
gRegorLove joined the channel
Works better (for my understanding of what is happening) when they are separate.
[tantek] joined the channel
yeah I'm going to say bad (in programming in general) to nest functions. flat++
flat has 1 karma over the last year
iasai joined the channel
uh oh do I have to now check both http and https permalinks at webmention.io ?
yeah i don't have a good strategy for that in webmention.io right now
suggestions welcome, but no promises on a timeline for changes
because my site serves at both http and https (for, reasons), it can accept webmentions on either
plus all the old ones
whoops didn't touch this issue for a whole year https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues/92
[keithjgrant] #92 Fetch WMs for aliased/equivalent URLs
only thing I can think of is an optional param on api to ignore protocol
with default true
hadn't thought of that but that might be a good option
assuming others have gotten webmentions on both http and https
OR - this may be even more minimal
allow the 'target' param to take protocol relative URLs then match any protocol for them
that would be the conservative way to do it, so any existing callers to webmention.io api would not be affected, and anyone wanting to explicitly check for target on a protocol-less URL could do so
no new param needed
also sounds reasonable
feel like that would be less work
if target starts with // then match any http/https
yeah i think internally the way that'd work is if it sees a URL with no protocol it will add both http and https protocols and query for both
alright I think I'll deploy with target="//..." so you have a live test case 🙂
I mean it's already broken so I'm not making it more broken
and deployed. now querying webmention.io with a target="//2019/..." etc. permalink
when it works, you should see jacky's RSVP here http://tantek.com/2019/065/e1/homebrew-website-club-sf
aaronpk do you need a github issue for that?
that would be great
hopefully it will not take me a year to build
it feels like a small incremental piece so should be straightforward. and no DB schema changes necessary.
[tantek]: tbf, I should probably drop that old RSVP and update it
ah I just removed my `q=source` logic so I can't edit any of my posts
snarfed, [eddie] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
jacky, no need to drop it because it won't help
I've already updated my site to require this: https://github.com/aaronpk/webmention.io/issues/122
[tantek] #122 Webmention.io /api target= param should accept protocol relative URL to return http + https...
jacky, leave the RSVP as is (unless you're actually changing your RSVP 😭)
aaronpk, that contain enough details, use-case, test-case(s) to make it work?
ah okay
and yeah I'll be there
largely seeing if I can get fortress to do page updates on the relme checking page for a 'light' demo
aaronpk, I'm open to alternatives of course, but this was the best/simplest/minimalist I could come up with quickly (which is also sometimes a good design constraint)
grows the API surface just a little bit, preserves all existing API
yeah this is the best suggestion so far
alright, also added direct link to http: only RSVP results so you can see what it *should* look like when its working
or at least should at least include, in case I get any https results
this is classic eating our own cooking. or is it taste-testing our own cooking?
↩️ Actually going back to my webmention badges to finish out vHWC-Europe (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/22xpOl)
TheFerridge joined the channel
9 hours until Empowering Media shuts down all services in ~1hr at 21:01 PST.
I added a countdown scheduled for 2019-03-06 8:01pm PST (#6510)
↩️ Okay one template file made for each class. This will make webmention badge issuance way faster per class. I will eventually have one HTML file per module already populated, then it is just a matter of swapping out links and removing HTML comments. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/wjX6d)
[jgmac1106], [Rose], swentel, jgmac1106, iasai and snarfed joined the channel
I'm thinking more about nickname caches and what not
chrisaldrich joined the channel
I almost wanted to store all of the "nicknames" but I realized that if a site knows all of the rel-mes for a provided site and if they were verified; you could do heuristics to find stuff like in [cleverdevil]'s gist https://gist.github.com/cleverdevil/17a5cea3cb8d81c43404de169720a8df
GWG, jackjamieson and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
jacky there is more up-to-date code here - https://github.com/cleverdevil/pseudonym
[smerrill] joined the channel
that’s cool.
iasai, gRegorLove and blair1 joined the channel
Thanks for the help here on thinking about both webmentions (pointer to webmention.js) and getting off disqus. In the end I moved my blog/site to ghost.org from jekyll, and integrated webmentions there. For the disqus issue, I forked https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-import-disqus into https://github.com/blairmacintyre/plain-html-from-disqus to output simple HTML of the threaded comments. Since I only have a few hundred comments across ~150 posts,
up each post by hand anyway to deal with jekyll -> ghost conversion (ugh), I'm inserting them in the post body and then hacked webmention.js to pull the old comment block down with the webmentions
[eddie], [chrisaldrich] and j12t joined the channel
A newly published Help page documents that which is needed for web and desktop apps to support IndieAuth: https://www.manton.org/2019/02/27/i-added-a.html
sandro_ joined the channel
In a newly published Help page developers can see that which is needed for web and desktop apps to support IndieAuth: http://help.micro.blog/2019/api-indieauth/
[tantek], j12t, jgmac1106, [schmarty], [dmitshur] and gRegorLove joined the channel
How do you handle a DRY issue?
resists a moisturizer joke
GWG: there are many ways to DRY up something you find too repetitive.
care to share some specifics?
Homebrew Website Club New Haven kicks off and it looks like I maybe flying solo this week. Gotta lot on my plate so that is fine, IWC New Haven planning, webmention badges, and tutorials for IWC Online. If any time left learn some PHP #nhv (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1PR15E)
WordPress likes to store geodata in one place, but Micropub for WordPress also stores it under the name of the mf2 property. Wondering if I should remove one
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
if you aren't writing it twice and losing time to DRY I would leave both, you never know iff a user wants a plugin that requires geodata in the normal way WordPress handles it
jgmac1106 joined the channel
jgmac1106, I was thinking of not storing it in the mf2 location parameter
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
So map mf2 to WordPress except when there isn't one
TheFerridge, mblaney and j12t joined the channel