[grantcodes]Front end is pretty dodgy but post type testing tool is working now, can selectively publish posts and it will test if your html rendering is missing any mf2 properties
LoqiPost Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for consuming code to determine the type of a post by its content properties and their values rather than an explicit “post type” property, thus better matched to modern post creation UIs that allow combining text, media, etc in a variety of ways without burdening users with any notion of what kind of post they are creating https://indieweb.org/post-type-discovery
[grantcodes]GWG: I would doubt anyone actually posts content with comments already included. That's really more useful on the other site that shows how to markup comments in HTML. I'm using the same data source for both
jeremycherfasMy problem is that I want to create a folder with a unique name, based on a date. But there could be more than one folder needed for the same date. I thought of adding hour, but it is possible there will be overlap there too.
jeremycherfasThere will never be more than 9 possible folders for a day, so I thought of adding a suffix to the slug. But I can't see a way to use either a do while loop or a straight while loop to check that the folder does not already exist. And I can't see how to loop back within the existing if block.
[Rose]When you first call the function you don't need to provide a value for counter, what you probably want to do though is return folderPath so you know what the folder is called
[grantcodes]GWG: That's cool that it's already useful! Again I doubt there are many micropub clients that will post `quote-of`. But never hurts to be prepared!
jeremycherfas[Rose] I get an error Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes when it creates the folder second time around.
jeremycherfasUNLESS when it first sets $folderPath, that should include Counter. Because every time it comes back in, it resets $folderpath without accounting for counter?
[jgmac1106]so I have a WordPress theory I want to test...the mf2 plugin never really worked because of older microformats...since editing a theme is hard can I search through my WP files and delete any old mf2 properties and then use the mf2 plugin?
ZegnatIf the counter is any number not 0 it gets added to the folder name. So when a directory already exists it ups the counter by one and runs the function again.
jeremycherfasIt is a function I call myself. I'm extending slug now to include hours and minutes, and my problem now is that date_parse_from_format does not seem to give me leading zeroes.
jeremycherfasI pass it the path and the slug. If there is no folder at path.slug, create one. If there is a folder at parth.slug, create a folder at path.slug.suffix
Zegnat[kevinmarks]: interesting! I hadnt read that post before but we came to the same conclusion in our discussions, it should be fine to add WWW-Authenticate to 2xx responses.
gRegorLovejgmac1106, I've gotten a bit more familiar with Weebly. Adding mf2 wouldn't be too difficult, though we're using a customized theme so I'm not in a place to set up/distribute an mf2 theme.