[tantek]Slack << How to find your TEAM_ID and USER_ID: View Source on the desktop web slack client ( https://indiewebcamp.slack.com/ ) and search for "team_id" in the source. The after it starting with "T" is your team_id, and just before it the value starting with "U" is your USER_ID
[tantek]contact << How to make a "Slack chat" link: see [[Slack#See_Also]] for how to construct a one click "slack:" URL that others can click/tap to write you private message on the Slack instance of your choice (like on the [https://indiewebcamp.slack.com/ IndieWeb Slack])
[tantek]alright, that's enough breadcrumbs for now. Let's see if anyone else figures it out from that and adds a Slack chat button to their /contact page 🙂
@wsteenvoorden↩️ Volgens mij ook een stuk groter dan de huidige Alkmaarklasse en vol met handige tools zoals een drone, microsub en een werkbootje. Ben benieuwd naar de naamgeving. (twitter.com/_/status/1106804608897294337)
barpthewire, iasai, KartikPrabhu, [kevinmarks], leg, [jgmac1106], gRegorLove, xnxx and [tonz] joined the channel
snarfedpractices obviously differ, but most places/envs i've worked in, the burden of testing is on the implementer(s), and/or occasionally dedicated QA, not on the code reviewer(s)
ZegnatVery few open-source projects I have ever been involved in have QA. It is up to the person approving the PR to make sure it is OK to be put on the branch that is being merged to (often master, which will be used to cut releases). So I tend to put a little more weight on those reviews (which may or may not include QA & making sure tests run etc)
ZegnatThis has from day one been an extension to indieauth, as it requires all of the discovery pieces from that spec to even work. Naming the grant type sounds like a good idea to me.