#dev 2019-04-01

2019-04-01 UTC
[asteres], [tantek], snarfed, iasai, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, [Rose], gRegorLove_ and cweiske joined the channel
hmm still not sure how to feel about this article https://gizmodo.com/rss-is-better-than-twitter-1833624929 or how to write a (more) productive response
iasai joined the channel
Further to yesterday's talk about linking to the podcast episode url rather than the Overcast url for the episode, turns out I can get the enclosure URL or the show url but not, as far as I can see, the episode url. I suppose I could just link to the enclosure URL. I would welcome ideas.
Or rather, that is true for some of the shows, and not others, but I don't want to have to decide. Just prefer one.
KartikPrabhu, barpthewire, iasai, [Rose], ichoquo0Aigh9ie, [jgmac1106], [tantek], jonnybarnes, eli_oat and [eddie] joined the channel
hmmm I get the episode url somehow.... how do I do that 🤔
iasai joined the channel
Most shows do something like show.domain/episodeId
Depending on the show it might be network.domain/show/episodeId
snarfed joined the channel
So theoretically you could try just hanging a /episode_number to the end, but that's probably going to break
ohhhh I see
jeremycherfas I fetch the overcast url and parse it for some info, one of which is the show's permalink
I think it is just a few shows that don't do episode, and a couple of those were at the top of my list.
The show, or the episode?
oh wait, I'm looking at my podcast importer not my overcast importer
The Overcast OPML has a key of 'url' but sometimes that is the show rather than the episode.
I parse the overcasturl for the artowrk ond the summary.
hmmm I use the url key
and it turns into the show permalink 🤔
lol ignore the cover art hotlinking which I need to fix
Doesn't work for, e.g. Planet Money
hmmm strange
I wonder if that means they don't present a canonical url in their feed?
I haven't noticed a single one of my shows that it doesn't work for
I guess it does. I am going to make the switch anyway. Tomorrow.
[eddie] I see you post with Quill. Is that a local install, or do you work some kind of magic?
[Zegnat] since you asked in meta, here’s my personal task to actually build an auto-updating upcoming events box for my home page: https://indieweb.org/Falcon#Upcoming_Events_Based_on_RSVPs
Yoink, saving that to my list of ideas along with everything else I already have!
My current "solution" to upcoming events is to assign them to a category called "upcoming events" and to remove them from that once the event is passed, it's not pretty or automated, but it also required zero code and was done in 2 minutes so I figured it was an ok intermediary solution
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Rose] or help me finish hacking on this events plugin I am working on has a great calendar or list view widget
.... Might actually work on your theme... It is my theme I need to fix to make plugin work...
It does, but I'm not sure I need a plugin, it's rare that there are a lot of events to share.
jonnybarnes joined the channel
I'm using a genesis child theme which currently has no microformats
.... I need a remote IWC to work on my site....ahh nvm
I did a search for all hentry and deleted that searched for vCard deleted all that, installed the mf2 plugin.... Got really close...
Just messed up bc before [pfefferle] said just delete any old mf I was doing find and replace... Have an extra h-entry now on my events
Will start over and try again when I get the time.... It might work
First three weekends in May there are IWCs 😉
Now debating Summit or Berlin... Need to price it out to even find out if the question is relevant
I find remote to be fun, but less productive than being on the ground. Unless you are remoting in to the other side of the world and nobody is awake locally (*cough*Summit*cough*)
In NYC and New Haven I find myself doing more teaching than hacking.... But go out of way to find people just beginning
When I remote I get to bug people like you... Maybe that is why they are less productive for you
Zegnat: Are you remoting the summit this year? I want to
I actually had a wild idea of trying to find some other people to stay up with locally
I might do that again, yeah, if planning allows
I had lots of fun last time I did it
Also, because Sweden, I usually got a nice sunrise right before heading for bed
I would love to attend, this year it's not on the cards but maybe next year
A local IRL remote into IWS sounds like a lot of fun.
[tantek] and [sebsel] joined the channel
↩️ Ja dat stoort mij ook.... Als je de link naar de blogpost er bij had gezet was hij er automagisch onder gekomen! De power van webmentions.
snarfed and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
BTW Anika led a Berlin remote participation site for Summit last year: https://indieweb.org/2018#Berlin_Remote_Event
Oops that should go to meta
dougbeal|mb1, gRegorLove_, snarfed, jonnybarnes, iasai, [tantek], EmreSokullu, swentel, KartikPrabhu, [schmarty], [Rose], leg, [ketudb], [jgmac1106], barpthewire, wagle and [eddie] joined the channel
Slow day
[ketudb], snarfed, KartikPrabhu, jonnybarnes, snarfed1, [eddie] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel