#dev 2019-03-31
2019-03-31 UTC
iasai, eli_oat and mblaney joined the channel
@ChrisAldrich ↩️ .@jgmac1106 and I did a course last summer that leveraged Webmention so that students could own and control their own identities and data. https://boffosocko.com/2019/03/30/55747621/#Greg%20McVerry%20and%20I%20did%20a%20course (twitter.com/_/status/1112170611873181696)
iasai and tw2113 joined the channel
iasai joined the channel
iasai and snarfed joined the channel
iasai joined the channel
BenLubar1 joined the channel
BenLubar1 I'm assuming this code is what needs to change to support IndieAuth: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/04d78b60f8b12891d5e6d47baec46413eca4c856/routers/user/oauth.go#L167-L201
BenLubar1 the `h-app` metadata can go here: https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/04d78b60f8b12891d5e6d47baec46413eca4c856/templates/base/head_navbar.tmpl#L2-L5 (add `<span class="hide p-name">
BenLubar1 making `response_type=id` the default only if the `me` parameter is present should probably be okay
iasai joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
BenLubar1 https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/blob/master/modules/auth/oauth2/oauth2.go looks like it's using https://github.com/markbates/goth
BenLubar and iasai joined the channel
jacky ahhh so if we extend https://github.com/markbates/goth as well; we can give so many other Go apps IndieAuth support for free

iasai, barpthewire, [Rose], [sebsel], [jgmac1106] and [frank] joined the channel
@jackyalcine Just left a note to consider adding IndieAuth support to ElixirStatus. That would be dope! (https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/e044a006-8fd7-47ba-9d2c-484604ffb465) (twitter.com/_/status/1112323176518819840)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Jeremycherfas It has been interesting doing the final tweaks on my listen script, because I have restricted myself to one test a day, so as to not run afoul of rate limits. So that forces me to slow down and to think.

jackjamieson joined the channel
Jeremycherfas And I now think I have it working "properly", but I can't easily check until I have finished listening to another podcast.

Jeremycherfas Wondering whether to demo it later today. Although there is nothing really to see.

[jgmac1106] Yes demo. Need all the examples in the wild

[jgmac1106] Show the page, show how one listen post is marked up

[jgmac1106] wish I knew more to respond https://twitter.com/Downes/status/1112336811873972225 is the blockchain the best place for storing citations????

@Downes @jgmac1106 @oldaily The advantage of publishing this data to a blockchain is that the data is stored in a decentralized network. The community owns the data rather than one particular entity within it. This insures against the data eventually being privatized and converted into a commercial product. (twitter.com/_/status/1112336811873972225)
Jeremycherfas Markup is very poor at the moment. That's sort of trivial, just tweaking the template. Creating the post is the hard part.

[jgmac1106] then talk about that in the demo...

Jeremycherfas Actually, I'm not even sure what the canonical markup for a listen post **should** be. Hold on ...

Jeremycherfas What is listens

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "listens" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "listens is ____", a sentence describing the term)

Jeremycherfas What is listen

Loqi A scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track, including concert recordings or DJ sets) or podcast that you have listened to https://indieweb.org/listen

[jgmac1106] there isn't experimental technically

Jeremycherfas I suppose I should follow either [eddie] or [chrisaldrich]. Let me take a look

Jeremycherfas Right. Also, my inspiration does not appear as an example.

Jeremycherfas !tell [cleverdevil] You should add yourself to /listen examples

Loqi [gRegorLove] We have 2+ publishers for `u-listen-of` (more listed on https://indieweb.org/scrobble#IndieWeb_Examples) and at least 1 consumer, so this can be added as a proposed property.
I propose adding:
> **u-listen-of** - indicates this h-entry is a scr...

Zegnat [jgmac1106], for storing data that you want the public to always have access too, some form of decentralised storage does make sense. Whether you need all the properties of a blockchain for citations is another matter, you may also not want additions to the dataset to be limited by available miners and for there to be a vote for inclusion (which I believe are all part of what people are calling blockchain).

Jeremycherfas Interesting issue arises. Eddie and Chris have a link to th episode URL as the title, and wrap that in a div u-listen-of.

Jeremycherfas I currently have my title as a permalink, and have a separate Listen here link that points to the Overcast URL.

Jeremycherfas It wopuld be easy enough to make my Title a link to the Overcast URL, and wrap that.

Jeremycherfas Harder to make it a link to the episode URL, but maybe doable.

Jeremycherfas I've looked at both sets of mf2 in pin13, and mine.

Jeremycherfas I didn't explain well.

Jeremycherfas Eddie and Chris have something similar to what you show ^^^

Jeremycherfas I have something quite different, because I link to the Overcast url, not the episode url,. And because I have it in a separate Listen here link.

Loqi [Jeremy Cherfas] 🎧 Listened to: Moment of Truth? https://www.jeremycherfas.net/stream/2019-3-31-1/artwork-resized.png

Jeremycherfas I'm going to take a quick look at the template and see if I can change my Title to be a link to the Overcast link to the episode. That will be easier than pointing to the actual episode url, for now.

Jeremycherfas And I need a nap.

Jeremycherfas I can see why I did it; because it makes it easy to go from the list of all listens to the single post.

Jeremycherfas Will that be picked up because it is within h-entry?

Jeremycherfas Let me test that; might be the minimal change needed, at the moment.

Jeremycherfas Now I'm trapped with Grav's aggressive caching. Always have to wait for the CSS to update, and clearing all cache doesn't seem to do it.

Jeremycherfas I know there's a technique for forcing a CSS update when anything changes, but I have never managed to get it to work.

[Khurt] and [Rose] joined the channel
Jeremycherfas I think that's done it. Would you mind taking a look, zegnat? https://www.jeremycherfas.net/stream/2019-3-27-1

Loqi [Jeremy Cherfas] 🎧 Listened to: 30 and Counting, Episode 23: Apple + Services https://www.jeremycherfas.net/stream/2019-3-27-1/artwork-resized.png

Loqi [Jeremy Cherfas] 🎧 Listened to: 30 and Counting, Episode 23: Apple + Services https://www.jeremycherfas.net/stream/2019-3-27-1/artwork-resized.png

Loqi [Jeremy Cherfas] 🎧 Listened to: 30 and Counting, Episode 23: Apple + Services https://www.jeremycherfas.net/stream/2019-3-27-1/artwork-resized.png

Jeremycherfas Yeah, that's the general idea. Need to read up. Always the least urgent thing.

Jeremycherfas Yes, but it will take a little more work. Overcast gives it to me, but I need to jump through a few hoops to get it into the YAML. For now, I get the artwork and the summary from OverCast, because the context there is constant, which means I can always find it.

Jeremycherfas If I go to the episode url there are so many different ways of sites indicating the artwork and the summary that it becomes a nightmare.

Jeremycherfas But Overcast does give me the episode url, so with a bit more effort I can definitely switch to that. That is actually next on my list, now that I have the mf2 more or less OK.

Jeremycherfas Yes, that is what I merant to. Just offering my explanation. :)

Jeremycherfas You think I should put u-featured onto artwork-resized?

Jeremycherfas Instead of u-photo, I mean?

Jeremycherfas That's pretty easy. Just out of interest, why? There is only one photo in an entry. I can guarantee that.

Jeremycherfas Ah. Let me check that. !mf2 https://www.jeremycherfas.net/stream/2019-3-27

Jeremycherfas Very good! I suppose I could even demo it.

Jeremycherfas That is correct. Very few have commentary, and it was proving to be really difficult to do the styling, to put the summary in the grid box and my commentary outside it.

Jeremycherfas Perhaps making it "proper" could be a project for Utrecht ...

Jeremycherfas Never ends, does it?

Jeremycherfas Of course now the collected stream of listen posts doesn't link to the listens-of url

Jeremycherfas Once I can get the podcast url into the YAML, I can add them into the stream and the post. But that is a task for another day.

Jeremycherfas In the stream, you mean? I can possibly have a hidden <a>. That's I was thinking.

Jeremycherfas I could even wrap the image in that <a> In fact, I like that idea.

Jeremycherfas The URL is right there in the OPML, I just need to jump through the entities hoops a couple of times. But now, I am definitely off to nap.

iasai joined the channel
[jgmac1106], jonnybarnes, [Rose], barpthewire, [tantek] and sebsel joined the channel
[kenbauer] and iasai joined the channel
[tantek] e.g. Twitter will downscale a multiphoto photo down to 960x720! E.g. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D2UzteBXgAE74R7.jpg

[tantek] More data: on a single-photo post, Twitter will downscale the image to 1440x1440 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D18_qYnXcAUnp2m.jpg:large or maybe that's artificially upscaled from their storage of a downscaled 1200x1200 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D18_qYnXcAUnp2m.jpg

[tantek] hmm wait, my original image of that square was 1440x1440 https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/general/original/476_rEjJjzsGjhmyKVnR69OFxbFs1Yb_3sEatCUbrOF9CfI.jpg

[tantek] fell down this rabbithole http://homecinemacity.com/Aspect%20Ratios/aspect%20ratios.htm (also that URL 😂)

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "resolution" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "resolution is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[tantek] looks like 750px is a decent mid-level sweet spot for the smaller (landscape height) dimension on iOS devices at least: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/DeviceInformation/Reference/iOSDeviceCompatibility/Displays/Displays.html

iasai joined the channel
[tantek] wow I just searched, found, and tried https://tinypng.com/ and it cut my sample PNG slide/diagram by 75%!

jonnybarnes joined the channel
dmcweeney, [jgmac1106] and iasai joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "PNG" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "PNG is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[kenbauer], sketchess, [Rose], [kimberlyhirsh], iasai, [eddie], [jgmac1106], [tantek] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel