aaronpkjacky: i want to figure that out. Monocle/Aperture don't do anything like that yet. I haven't figured out the right way to connect all the pieces together yet
aaronpkIf you're building an all-in-one solution then you already have all the information you need to make it work, but I've set myself up for a challenge making my microsub and micropub servers completely separate systems
iasai, [tantek], realtime and gRegorLove joined the channel
LoqiHTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the language used to create web pages, thus one of the building blocks of the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/HTML
ZegnatHTML << [https://htmlparser.info/ <cite>Idiosyncracies of the HTML parser</cite>] by Simon Pieters (zcorpan), in-progress book about the history, specs, and parsing of HTML
[grantcodes]!tell aaronpk, jacky I think the solution to microsub clients getting existing likes / replies is in micropub queries. My micropub endpoint supports property queries (https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/4#issuecomment-412349552) so its possible to see if i have liked a given url. But to do that for an entire feed of posts would be a lot of requests
ZegnatIt feels almost like you’d want the Microsub server to support some type of additional state for every entry, possibly supplied by the client. So if a client knows it has sent a like through Micropub, it can tell the Microsub server to store the property “liked=true”
Loqiaaronpk: [grantcodes] left you a message 14 minutes ago: I think the solution to microsub clients getting existing likes / replies is in micropub queries. My micropub endpoint supports property queries (https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/4#issuecomment-412349552) so its possible to see if i have liked a given url. But to do that for an entire feed of posts would be a lot of requests
Zegnataaronpk, true. It was really just the first short-cut solution that I could think of. I haven’t been working on implementing microsub yet so I haven’t had a need to care for this issue yet either
[grantcodes]Although it is missing the text in the repost because I thought indieweb reposts were not really meant to have their own content, but I might have been wrong on that
[eddie]GWG I’ve been wondering about importing previous dates into Compass as well. I have a couple of things I want to do. First off, I have some older location data from Moves app and from manual physical GPS tracking item.
[eddie]Secondly I’d like to use the photos I’ve taken on my iPhones over the past 6+ years with geodata and turn those into tracking points inside of Compass
[eddie]Nope, it’s something I’ve been thinking about but I haven’t looked at the Compass code to figure out if it allows importing previous dated stuff or not
Loqijacky: [grantcodes] left you a message 8 hours, 42 minutes ago: I think the solution to microsub clients getting existing likes / replies is in micropub queries. My micropub endpoint supports property queries (https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/4#issuecomment-412349552) so its possible to see if i have liked a given url. But to do that for an entire feed of posts would be a lot of requests
LoqiEmail is a decentralized, non-web messaging transport, with typical user interfaces that enables a wide range of message formats and styles https://indieweb.org/email
jackygrantcodes[m]: how many could that _actually_ be? I guess now it's dependent on implementation but that'd take forever with my setup since information like `like-of` and `in-reply-to` isn't stored in Koype's database (only to disk)