Loqi[Greg McVerry] I carried this LP all over the place in middle school. The irony and anger captured in late eighties early nineties hard core and punk revival. Love it, the musical version of
[jgmac1106]no it isn;t that bad something about in my head just clicks, though I only do implic and explicit yet don't know how all that fancy math stuff works
[jgmac1106]but I think in section and boxes, partition ideas that way, remix them and stack thoughts in my head helps to do the same with layout for me
[jgmac1106]...but now I am wondering chicken in the egg...do I think this way because of the web or is the web this way because this is how people think....especiallyy addiction to thinking in threes
[jgmac1106]it's like no matter what platform I choose the internet wants to make sure webmentions don't work...couldn't receive on WordPress and now not sending on Known....this should be diagnosable though
[jgmac1106]okay the only error in the log was from the html5 video tag plugin..not sure why <video> tag needs a plugin to work but deleted and will kick Bridgy
[jgmac1106]getting this one error over and over again...deleted all Mastodon plugins..just can't get rid of it: [29-Mar-2019 14:52:17 UTC] Known (quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com): debug - mastodon.social has previously had HSTS
[jgmac1106]maybe I should just remove all the Bridgy Fed stuff since that never worked either, do something to try and speed things up so I am not timing out....no idea now why I can't receive webmentions
[jgmac1106]that didn't fix it...giving up for awhile......need to work....but wondering if I ust need to do a wholw new fresh install....I think I might. I am quite annoyed
Loqi[Marvel Entertainment] Heroes soar higher, further, faster! 💙⭐️❤️ This new picture book featuring #CaptainMarvel explores the superpowers in all of us: bit.ly/2FHBXlC https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D20xM2mW0AAbtFo.jpg
[schmarty]because the client is going to "interact" with that post by sending something to your micropub endpoint. the micropub endpoint wouldn't have a reason to see that.
[eddie][schmarty] jacky Microsub DOES have a brainstorming note about tracking if you have interacted with the post, but nothing has been determined yet
[kimberlyhirsh], iasai, KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], gRegorLove, [eddie] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel