Loqijacky: [grantcodes] left you a message 17 hours, 55 minutes ago: My browser extension already has bookmark to micropub built in, but may be in a state of disrepair right now....
[tantek]!tell KartikPrabhu,Kevinmarks the marginalia page needs your help. It still shows / uses the ## syntax of Fragmentions - could you update it to the latest best practice for Fragmentions (and update any Marginalia implementation documentation accordingly — assuming your implementations support the single # syntax) https://indieweb.org/marginalia Thanks!
LoqiKartikPrabhu: [tantek] left you a message 2 minutes ago: the marginalia page needs your help. It still shows / uses the ## syntax of Fragmentions - could you update it to the latest best practice for Fragmentions (and update any Marginalia implementation documentation accordingly — assuming your implementations support the single # syntax) https://indieweb.org/marginalia Thanks!
@derekkozel↩️ :) Check now. Keybase took a few minutes to scan the tweet. I'm just getting setup so it's mostly meaningless for the moment. I need to get a few more sites linked up.
I also have IndieAuth partially setup on http://www.derekkozel.com to crosslink my various accounts on the web. (twitter.com/_/status/1111210012259598336)
[Rose]Migrating from chat before I get too dev-y... What do people think of a OwnYourReads server, where you log in with indieauth, give me your Goodreads RSS, and then I use that and a token to make posts to your endpoint for you? I'd store minimal user data obviously.
[Rose]Hehe, that's a point, I ought to add an option to import all previous reads vs starting from now. I was thinking of my user case which would involve starting from now
[manton]Catching up... [aaronpk], can you explain a little more about not being able to change the W3C Micropub spec, for those of us who have been on the sidelines with the standards process?
[tantek]It *is* possible to get errata and fixes in, if we maintain an errata document, and then get someone on W3C Staff to edit it for us, which is potentially doable (I know enough people to ask).
[tantek]That being said, we can and *should* update https://micropub.net/draft/ live with any and all errata by whatever process we (or in this case Aaron as editor) decides on (consensus resolution of GitHub issues is a good start) - we have the power to do that, and the W3C Recommendation links to that version as the "Editor's Draft".
[tantek]Since we are able to do that, we also have the ability to add features to https://micropub.net/draft/ if we make it very clear we are doing so, and *either* declare Micropub to be a "Living Standard" (like https://html.spec.whatwg.org/ ) *or* version it (using semver)
[tantek]Another option is if we are *only* adding Micropub extensions, we *could* add those to a non-normative Appendix in https://micropub.net/draft/ which then links to the definitions of each of those extensions (perhaps on the wiki), and once again, that can be treated like errata for the purposes of republishing
[manton]Great, that helps, thanks! Mostly I think just having a single place to point people that has all the information they need to implement a full client (posting, editing, getting a list of posts, setting drafts, etc.) would be great. I'm thinking of apps like MarsEdit.
[tantek]Manton if you find errors in https://micropub.net/draft/ please file an issue, and even better, you can file a pull request to make changes! (then Aaron has to process that 🙂 )
[Rose]I'm thinking that having that as a title with the links to all the spec pages and the explicit "you need this and these extensions are highly recommended" might be good for both Google-ability, and also people
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Micropub implementers guide" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Micropub implementers guide is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[manton][Rose] I agree, that sounds great. A page that is "here are the most important parts of Micropub". Because there are a lot of really neat proposals for extensions, but many are optional, and I'd hate for someone to get lost in the weeds with things they don't really need to support.
[tantek]And if/when you do create it, we can also file an issue/pull request to add an informal appendix to the spec https://micropub.net/draft/ to link to the implementers guide
Jeremycherfas!tell [Rose] I'd be interested in OwnYourReads. Switched a while back to use Paperback and read later on Pinboard, because it offers the opportunity to save highlighted passages. But haven't yet started to work on getting them all back from Pinboard to my site.
[eddie]!tell [Rose] I would be interested in an OwnYourReads based on the RSS as well. I've been thinking about trying to build a personal script to scrape my GoodReads data periodically, so definitely something I would be interested in!
gRegorLoveI was checking into the Goodreads API for something like OwnYourReads recently. Unfortunately it's limited, basically mirrors their URL structure. Hadn't considered the RSS feed
gRegorLoveRSS feeds look similar, though less structured data. The last thing I had been thinking about was an app could keep track of an individual shelf and send new books via micropubk
[eddie]I used to track other trips (like driving) but I've stopped doing that because I also track the speed I'm going and I'm just planning on retroactively building a script that looks at my day and predicts when I drove, , etc
[eddie]but what I want to do eventually is actually have it grab my first location of the day, my current location of the day and then make sure that BOTH of those locations are present in the homepage map
Loqi[gRegorLove] I think an mvp that I could make would let you specify one of your shelves to monitor. It would poll that every so often and send micropub requests for books you add.
snarfed, [tantek] and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
aaronpkfor example right now if you read the OAuth spec itself that isn't enough to get the whole picture of how to actually implement OAuth, and the only things that are remotely near a complete guide are other people's blog posts and books about OAuth
[tantek]aaronpk, I half agree. Technically specs should contain all relevant information to implement. That being said, an implementers guide can help make it easier to implement than only reading the raw spec
aaronpkOAuth today is actually quite different than what's described in the core spec, because the rest of what's out there today is covered in many other RFCs and drafts
[tantek]I prefer to say explicitly that yes, implementers *must* look at the spec, and they may also use non-normative implementation guides to help navigate
[tantek]I am a fan of terse and precise spec language, I think that's the only way you can make a spec with minimal errors. Yet terseness is often a challenge for learning, which is where a guide can help. Though the guide must not be adding any more normative information / assertions.
[tantek]I like to think we're pretty cutting edge in spec stability / iteration flexibility with the mf2 processes for parsing spec / vocabs, but even there we can likely improve further
[tantek]we don't have a formal process for evolving "IndieWeb" specs, and that's something we should probably come up with, or just re-use from somewhere else
aaronpkThe challenge is really around communication then, because "this client supports micropub" isn't actually enough information to know if it works with your own micropub server if there isn't a version number you can refer to
[jgmac1106]I am gonna use the WordPress event plugin as my distraction project when I get mad at trying to figure out my guestbook... Then rubrics for when I don't want to think and just need to crank content