[eddie]Tomorrow I literally just have to generate my S3 bucket signed URLs, put my serverless media endpoint url in my Micropub config and then run a test using both Indigenous for iOS and Quill :crossed_fingers:
Ruxtonaaronpk: not sure if ths interests you or not, but I wrote some code in OwnYourGram to check instagram_img and instagram_img_list for URL sig failures and update them if they are failing
Loqi100 Continue is a status-code you might not deal with very often.
Generally, as a web developer, the 100 Continue status is sent under
the hood by your webserver.
So what’s it for? The best example comes from RFC 7231. Say, you’re
sending a larg...
cweiske"The big benefit here is that if there’s a problem with the request, a server can immediately respond with an error before the client starts sending the request body."
ZegnatYes, that is what I am saying. And all exampls I am seeing will either return 100 (headers are OK, continue upload) or a 4xx (something is wrong)
[grantcodes]Aha so [Rose] it looks like you can't log into together because of an activity streams / fediverse plugin? But I should be able to fix that
[eddie]The good news is that the Media Endpoint seems like it'll be the hardest thing. Everything else (Micropub, Webmention processing, etc) all seems more suited for what is happening here and should be much easier
[grantcodes][Rose] you shouldn't need to now. But the issue I has with not the microsub endpoint that Zegnat mentioned but the authorization endpoint was missing from the headers. Microsub may be missing too, but I didn't get that far 😛
snarfedbridgy's superfeedr notifications have the oddest pattern. repeats every three days, so it's not a weekly thing. maybe some three day long cycle of batch jobs inside superfeedr, or in wp.com or blogger or tumblr? so weird. https://snarfed.org/bridgy_superfeedr.png
[kim_landwehr]When connecting Quil.pko with Blot.im using Heroku trying to figure out the line <link rel="micropub" href="https://deployed-blotpub-app.com/micropub">. Is that all I need to put in or do I change it in any way. Feeling confused and probably over thinking
ZegnatI do not know what Blot.im is, or how its micropub works. But generally Micropub clients need a website to have the rel="micropub" defined, like the tag you have there, as well as IndieAuth endpoints defined for login to work
[eddie]Blast! I think my Serverless Media Endpoint plans have officially collapsed! S3 supports just uploading a file directly via a PUT request, but a POST request requires some specific form data in the multi-part form data, which obviously no Micropub client is going to do
[eddie]and my media endpoint already has items bigger then 5mb so that's definitely not doable (I also would like to start posting video and audio to my media endpoint which will just grow that lol)
[eddie]the other option for people that want to do POST uploads is they include details about the s3 bucket inside the form they are using to upload the file
[eddie]the S3 API is pretty good, if they would just allow a POST request sent with just a file to a single url (exactly like their PUT works) everything would be perfect
jgmac1106[m]Though it may not be necessary seems Known's internal plumbing is picking up majority of comments and likes... Need to figure out how much the two duplicate each other... Known POSSE and Bridgy
[eddie]hmmm thinking about [Rose]'s mention of "translating" I wonder if I could set up a "proxy" somewhere somehow, that literally doesn't use any code but just accepts POST requests for a url and proxies those to s3 as PUT requests. I'm not even sure if you can change http method when proxying
[eddie]or even much less where I would put the proxy, because if it's on my server and it goes down again then I'm still out of luck, thus defeating the purpose of serverless
[eddie]I'll be really happy when I get past the Media Endpoint and can move on to the stuff that I know will be easy using Serverless stuff: Micropub, Webmention, Processing and Storage
ZegnatA close-to-the-protocol proxy shouldn’t have any issue with rewriting only the method, I guess? You would literally be rewriting only the first line of the request, and otherwise just byte-for-byte proxy it straight to the second server
snarfed[eddie]: out of curiosity, have you looked at other serverless platforms? seems like you're working really hard to squeeze through some pretty specific limits that are probably AWS-specific
[grantcodes]So a non "serverless" option is out of the question? Feels like it would be pretty easy to write a something non serverless to upload to s3
[eddie][grantcodes] I could write something non serverless to upload to s3. Just after my DreamHost on-demand instance was unavailable for a day, I'm trying to migrate what I can to serverless
[eddie]Yeah. I think two big things are: good support for large files and if you are in bad network conditions you don't have to retry the ENTIRE file which is nice
KartikPrabhuI want to keep them so that my original-of page still works with G+ URLs but I want to indicate on my site and possibly in mf2 that those no longer exist and are not to be trusted
aaronpkmy first inclination is to remove it from public display entirely. obvs i'd want to keep storing it internally, but i dont need to link to it publicly anymore.
aaronpki was first thinking i'd need to store them separately from the current syndication URLs but that might be easier to filter it on the fly essentially
snarfedthey're nice for data mining, eg indie map. eg if i ever did an indie map recrawl, i'd obviously prefer people to display: none them instead of removing them entirely, to preserve the historical data
snarfed"vive la difference" also applies here. we can make recommendations, but individual people will all do different things. eg i plan to leave mine up. clickers beware.