#dev 2019-04-24

2019-04-24 UTC
snarfed, pmc, eli_oat, [eddie], eli_oat1, [dmitshur], gRegorLove, [pmc], [chrisaldrich], shaners, gRegorLove_, [tantek], chrisaldrich, ingoogni, [kevinmarks], cweiske, petermolnar, [Rose] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I need advice on fonts: I was more or less happy with mere "Courier" on my site - on linux. Then I saw it in win7, and the phrase I'd apply is disgusting. Since then I started checking the current "default" monotype fonts, but I don't really like any of them. The question: ignore it, stick to font-family: "Courier", monospace or look into a webfont that I may like?
w3bk3rn3l and swentel joined the channel
keep it
that's cheating
ludovicchabant joined the channel
There are lots of Courier versions
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I used to default to Courier Prime, for the people that have it installed
Some decent open source monospaced fonts too
Yeah. Fira comes to mind and may be worth adding to the Courier stack
Also, petermolnar, pro tip if you need to match Courier, look for screen writing fonts. Those usually match Courier measurements, because that is the industry standard for 1-minute-1-page.
[Rose], swentie and swentel joined the channel
I think I have my IWC projects: Bridgy support for Mastodon and Reddit profiles (syndicating to, and getting the data back). I may need a rescue party
For when you get lost in the weeds?
And when I get lost in Python, I can Python, just not as well as PHP
But I'll muddle through - it doesn't have to be amazing code, just solid code that works.
(Java would be better, my MSc is starting up again next Wednesday, and I have to use Java for that)
Port all the things to PHP?
You can do that with me in Utrecht!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Zegnat] follow along my PHP adventures at #myfirstcms on my website.... All I wanted was a guestbook entry.... Now in way too deep
snarfed joined the channel
Always fun to learn a new programming language, surely, [jgmac1106]!
[Rose]: re bridgy + mastodon, i assume you've looked at https://fed.brid.gy/ ?
iasai joined the channel
if you have, and you really do want syndication to mastodon instead of federation, i'm open to it, but i worry a bit about user confusion between the two (and with bridgy fed). open to thoughts!
I do mean syndicate, I'm planning on starting with Reddit though.
[Rose] I may make LinkedIn Bridgy a May goal of others are working on Bridgy projects. Lot of me students ask about that
And it's my largest network and I do almost nothing there
I think a discussion on syndicating vs Fed is a good idea, but as in the issue on Bridgy - lots of people have Mastodon accounts already on an instance.
[Rose]: sure! please do think about how to address the possible user confusion btw the two then
[jgmac1106]: last we looked at linkedin it seemed to require the business API, right? https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/166#issuecomment-471100786
[snarfed] so, bad news, probably. [you can get comments, likes, etc from LI's Shares API](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/marketing/integrations/community-management/shares/network-update-social-actions#retrieve-comments-on-shares) (LI posts are call...
[Rose]: reddit sounds great!
Yeah the new API token PITA too as you need new one every 30 days
Also, if one is a pain in the neck I've got the non confusing one done 😉
Always the back up demo
[jgmac1106]: ah, you may know the API better than me. go for it! i don't mind expiring API tokens, facebook was the same way, and we handled that fine by just notifying users and making it easy for them to renew
I will fool around when I get a chance, haven't fixed syndicating from Known so will provide insight (if possible)
tbbrown and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[dshanske] #136 Add nag notice and new script for checking headers
[frank], chrisaldrich, [sebsel], JuJu1, [jgmac1106], dgold, snarfed, gRegorLove and jackjamieson joined the channel
GWG++ for adding adding a nag notice to wordpress-indieauth about checking headers
GWG has 43 karma in this channel over the last year (170 in all channels)
[tantek] and tomasparks joined the channel
I am creating a gallery section, I am use image file hashing to find my webmentions/bridgy links in my DB, do I use u-uid to make the id public?
tbbrown and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
[Rose] if you ever need an extra set of eyes on Python projects, I am more than happy to help! I have been writing Python since 1.4 days (starting in around 1996!)
I am fumble around in PHP, so I am sort of the mirror image of you 😄
[Rose] joined the channel
iasai, [kevinmarks], juju2, [jgmac1106], snarfed1 and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] new ip for alltogethernow.io is
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Oh very fast of you. Need to redo the ssl so it will probably be down a minute
DNS updated. It'll take a bit to propagate.
[Rose] joined the channel
Oh the only thing that would be useful about owning the github repo is I could set up auto deployment
snarfed, [asuh] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
I think I can set that up either way, [grantcodes]... maybe I can just make you an owner...
Hmm, nope.
Are you sure you can't set that up as a "collaborator"?
[tantek]: snarfed left you a message 1 day, 4 hours ago: just fyi the twitter profile pictures in your sidebar on https://tantek.com/ are broken in browsers now. twitter finally killed those unofficial URLs. more: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2019-04-23#t1556036770545600
Nah I can't see the settings tab
I'll just message you the url if you can add it
iasai joined the channel
[tantek]: also like/repost/reply icons on your posts, eg http://tantek.com/2019/070/t1/thank-you-zeldman
[Tantek Çelik] Thank you @zeldman – grateful to still be here to help fight the good fight. We have our work cut out for ourselves this year Jeffrey.
[frank], caitlinmonster, [schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
tinbox << Broken: https://tantek.com/updates.atom (since at least 2019-04-24 likely earlier)
ok, I added "Broken: https://tantek.com/updates.atom (since at least 2019-04-24 likely earlier)" to the "See Also" section of /tinbox https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=59868&oldid=56563
tinbox << Broken: https://tantek.com/ sidebar icons to twitter profiles (since at least 2019-04-23 and maybe a few days earlier)
ok, I added "Broken: https://tantek.com/ sidebar icons to twitter profiles (since at least 2019-04-23 and maybe a few days earlier)" to the "See Also" section of /tinbox https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=59869&oldid=59868
Tantek Çelik
tinbox << Broken: Web Action icons on permalinks e.g. http://tantek.com/2019/070/t1/thank-you-zeldman (since at least 2019-04-24 likely for much longer)
ok, I added "Broken: Web Action icons on permalinks e.g. http://tantek.com/2019/070/t1/thank-you-zeldman (since at least 2019-04-24 likely for much longer)" to the "See Also" section of /tinbox https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=59870&oldid=59869
[Tantek Çelik] Thank you @zeldman – grateful to still be here to help fight the good fight. We have our work cut out for ourselves this year Jeffrey.
KartikPrabhu and snarfed joined the channel; ketudb[m] left the channel