2019-04-25 UTC
miklb joined the channel
# 00:42 GWG Anything Indieweb related going on? If not, would be curious to hear in -chat
# 00:48 miklb I've been slowly working through what I want to do and have started work on a static site. I could just never get a WP workflow that worked for me and I've soured on WordPress in general lately.
# 00:49 GWG But I press on, for many reasons.
# 00:50 miklb sure. I keep up with the commits/issues still. The last fix for micropub finally solved my issue with posting photos but at that point I'd already made my mind up to go back to static
# 00:50 GWG There are a lot of good things and a lot of bad things.
# 00:52 miklb I got in the weeds learning css-grid and some of the more modern CSS modules. It's been fun. But now time to build.
# 00:56 GWG I always end up interested in that, but my design skills leave much to be desired.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 01:04 miklb I was sorta stuck in 2010 era CSS and wanted to fix that. I think I have. Kinda like I still functional vs object-oriented php :-)
# 01:05 miklb I was curious if anyone doing eleventy or another static generaor have a trick for generating a unique id for notes
[tantek] joined the channel
# 01:12 tomasparks [miklb]: what type of id to you need?
# 01:13 miklb some kind of unique ID. Maybe just a time stamp w/minute/second would work for notes w/out titles
# 01:16 miklb when I used voxpelli's micropub endpoint it generated a unique ID, but I never came up with a system for notes I didn't write via micropub.
# 01:22 [tantek] I thought I saw someone else using datetime stamp with seconds granularity for notes permalinks
# 01:23 Loqi URL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indieweb.org/URL_design
# 01:23 tomasparks I did it at the micropub stage with hasing the note
ketudb[m] joined the channel
# 01:24 tomasparks if its a html id, I would use your static gen rewriter
# 01:26 tomasparks *theme* rewriter eg: liquid filter
iasai joined the channel
[jgarber] joined the channel
# 01:54 [jgarber] What’s the room’s opinion on publishing code libraries (e.g. Ruby gems, Python packages, etc.) under the IndieWeb GitHub organization (vs. publishing on an individual GitHub account)?
# 01:55 GWG I remember a lot of different ones.
# 01:55 [jgarber] Oh, whoops. Apologies! Anyone have a link to that conversation?
# 01:55 aaronpk trying to find it on the wiki, but having trouble
# 01:56 GWG [jgarber]: What sort of project though do you want to publish under the org?
# 01:56 aaronpk i remember discussing some criteria for when something is appropriate for the indieweb org vs a personal account
# 01:57 GWG That was Microformats vs Indieweb
# 01:57 GWG I'm not sure where we got with the rest
# 01:57 [jgarber] I finally took someone’s (I forget who, precisely) good advice and put together an IndieAuth/Micropub/Webmention endpoint discovery Ruby gem. Was thinking that might be a nice fit for the IndieWeb organization.
# 01:57 GWG I don't think it was, but I don't think we came to a conclusion on personal vs community.
# 01:58 [jgarber] (in lieu of maintaining a handful of discrete and effectively similar gems for each of those endpoint discoveries)
# 01:59 [jgarber] No sweat to me either way. Pro of my personal account is I maintain more ownership. Downside is lower visibility.
# 01:59 [jgarber] Pro of the org account is better visibility and more opportunity for collaboration.
# 02:05 aaronpk it looks like there are a handful of those kinds of libraries on the org already, so sounds fine to me if you want to start it there from the beginning
# 02:05 aaronpk this is more -meta, but we should document actual criteria for that. i'll add that to the organizers topics.
# 02:06 aaronpk and that was when we separated the microformats/indieweb libraries better
# 02:06 [jgarber] Ah, I see there’s a channel for that sort of stuff. :thumbsup::skin-tone-2:
# 02:06 [jgarber] Thanks for the gut check. I’ll start it off in the org and see how things go. We can always move it later if it’s not working out.
# 02:07 [jgarber] I do recall being in the midst of some of the IndieWeb/Microformats GitHub organization tidying.
# 02:07 [jgarber] Oh, hah! And I see I made it into the notes from last year.
# 02:20 [jgarber] One of the IndieWeb GitHub organization owners might see this come in:
# 02:20 [jgarber] > A request to install Travis CI has been submitted on the @indieweb account.
# 02:20 [jgarber] Requested permission for Travis CI to hook up to the new repo I just created.
# 02:23 [jgarber] You might get an email. Nosing around an org I’m an owner on to see where in the Web UI you might see something.
# 02:24 aaronpk oh i was looking at the repo settings, but it's actually an approval on the entire org
# 02:24 [jgarber] GitHub Apps (like Travis CI) can be approved for _all_ repositories automatically or on a case-by-case basis. I went with the latter.
# 02:25 [jgarber] Yeah, GitHub Apps access control is at the organization level (or user level for your personal repos).
# 02:26 [jgarber] GitHub’s default is to enable an App for all repositories in an account or in an organization which… is kinda bonkers in my mind. I prefer the opt-in approach.
# 02:27 Loqi aaronpk has 63 karma in this channel over the last year (234 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 02:50 Loqi [indieweb] indieweb-endpoints-ruby: A Ruby gem for discovering a URL's IndieAuth, Micropub, and Webmention endpoints.
# 02:57 Loqi jgarber has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, Kongaloosh_, [tantek], iasai, [Rose], cweiske, swentel, [frank], swentie and strugee joined the channel
[grantcodes], [jgmac1106], [Rose], [jgarber], [eddie], [frank], [schmarty], [josh_nadas], [cleverdevil], jackjamieson, gRegorLove, snarfed, gRegorLove_, [chrisaldrich], miklb and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 17:47 GWG I am still having trouble with webmention design. Taking another turn
# 17:48 GWG Also waiting for an approving review on Indieauth
snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel
# 18:15 GWG Redesigning the WordPress webmention code
# 18:16 GWG The webmention and Semantic Linkbacks code are separate. Working to unify them
# 18:17 GWG So, the first question is...if you have php-mf2, what core webmention functions can be rewritten using it, reducing the overall code
# 18:21 snarfed try to separate projects, that will make your life easier
# 18:21 snarfed ie try just unifying, and then afterward, try refactoring to use more php-mf2
# 18:22 snarfed eg the simplest way to unify would be to literally just put all the files together, with little to no editing, make that bundled plugin, and see if everything still works
# 18:22 GWG snarfed, I am not trying to solve all the problems at once. That was too much
# 18:22 snarfed heh yes. i'm saying something stronger. try hard to solve *just one* problem at a time.
# 18:22 GWG I am only trying to reduce the code duplication on fetching
# 18:22 snarfed sure! great! sounds like a good one. i would do that *separately* from unifying the two plugins though.
# 18:24 GWG The problem is, it isn't an Indieweb repo, it is a pfefferle repo, so I can't create a dev branch and have him approve PRs to it. I need him to do that
# 18:24 GWG And I don't think he'll approve the merger without the new data migration
# 18:28 snarfed hrm but you can still do them in separate PRs, right? if you commit to doing that, doubt he'd require you to put it all in a single huge PR. no one generally likes those
# 18:28 GWG That's why I decided to try and integrate the dependencies first
# 18:29 GWG Then migrate the data from the old storage to the new.
# 18:29 GWG So, bring in the parts that work without a significant rewrite
# 18:31 GWG I am just stuck on the glue that connects them.
# 18:32 GWG I am also contemplating xpath vs regex for finding webmention links.
# 18:34 GWG It's a change I made in my own code because php-mf2 will accept a domdocument as input so why generate one twice?
# 18:38 GWG The last rewrite of webmentions took a long time. Longer because the PRs were so big.
[frank], [tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
# 19:21 gRegorLove sigh. Looks like techcrunch is doing something with JS that breaks IA saving. The article loads initially in the archive when you save it, but then redirects to their Not Found page.
[frank] and [Rose] joined the channel; PatrickMNiedziel left the channel
iasai, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, [eddie], [tantek], [manton], [schmarty], miklb, [kevinmarks], chrisaldrich and [jgmac1106] joined the channel