#dev 2019-05-04

2019-05-04 UTC
[tantek], gRegorLove_, [chrisaldrich], [asuh], snarfed, jimpick, gxt, doubleloop, [Rose], [frank], gRegorLove, [calumryan], [Chris_Adams], [Yulia], sonny, jeremych_, [Amber], markomat, [jgmac1106], swentel and kisik21 joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb! I want to change my blog engine, but I have a question for you! Run du -sh on your blog database and tell me how much it weighs please! The older your blog is, the better :3
I wanna estimate how much memory I'll need if I want to keep my data in Redis
If you can break it up for posts / images, that's even better
[Yulia], jackjamieson and ingoogni joined the channel
↩️ https://github.com/aaronpk/Aperture (lub dowolny inny serwer microsub) przyjemne API umożliwia stworzenie fajnego klienta desktopowego (bo jak wszędzie tego brakuje) a apki mobilne wyglądają nieźle
[Rose], [Chris_Adams], [tantek], sonny, [Ian_Forrester] and ingoogni joined the channel
↩️ ale żeby niszowa? to podstawa podstaw, RSS, Atom, h-feed i microsub to tematy, które powinny interesować każdego, bo po prostu znacznie ułatwiają życie
[Caspar] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
i forgot that wunderground shut down their API access so my posts haven't had weather information on them in a month :(
KartikPrabhu and [calumryan] joined the channel
gRegorLove_, djmoch, ingoogni and [Rose] joined the channel
chrisaldrich: does your theme support likes? Noticed mine showed up as a mention. https://gregorlove.com/2019/05/star-indieweb-book-club/
doubleloop and [tantek] joined the channel
With it, indiewebify gives me a pass on having a representative h-card
But bridgy fed doesn't seem to think it's representative unless I add the rel="me"
representative h-card algorithm hasn't changed recently; that was fixing indiewebify.me to follow it better
Let me double check with your site though
doubleloop: looks correct on your end. You meet the first criteria "If the page contains an h-card with uid and url properties both matching the page URL, the first such h-card is the representative h-card"
I haven't used Bridgy Fed, but you might double check if you're entering http:// vs https:// for your domain. Your h-card lists https.
Thanks gRegorLove
[Rose] and snarfed joined the channel