[Rose]Well this is not fun, I woke up to find all my sites are down, I can't connect to my server, and rebooting/shutting down via the admin panel also doesn't work
@justmarkupHow to you all handle old comments when switching from something like Wordpress to a Static Site Generator?
Plan to use Webmentions in the future, but unsure how to preserve the old comments. (twitter.com/_/status/1124964587844112384)
jeremych_, [Yulia], ingoogni, [tantek], [Rose], [calumryan] and doubleloop joined the channel
aaronpkkisik21: redis is fantastic but I wouldn't recommend it as your primary storage for posts. I use it all the time but essentially as a fancy caching layer.
aaronpkfor example test out what happens if your machine disappears and all you have is the off-site backup of your redis, make sure you can restore it to a new machine and see what that workflow is like
kisik21If my machine disappears and all I have is an RDB file, I load it to Redis and relaunch all of the services pointing to the new database. At least in theory, because almost no code have been written.
[chrisaldrich]gRegorLove, saw your like/mention yesterday. I'll have to look into it. It's definitely not theme dependent, it's something that the WordPress Semantic Linkbacks plugin would parse and determine. In the meanwhile, I manually changed it.
[chrisaldrich]gRegorLove, I actually had to dig into the database to find your URL. I'm curious if you have a full site feed available? I only saw feeds for "bigger" content, but not for likes, bookmarks, etc. which don't seem to be discoverable at all from the front end.
[Rose], [calumryan], [tantek], [chrisaldrich] and [eddie] joined the channel
[eddie]!tell doubleloop My server has issues this morning, and the abode.pub domain is hosted on my server. Your error might be resolved now with Indigenous for Android. Maybe try again?
Loqidoubleloop: [eddie] left you a message 31 minutes ago: My server has issues this morning, and the abode.pub domain is hosted on my server. Your error might be resolved now with Indigenous for Android. Maybe try again?