[eddie]GWG: some of those things are definitely on the list. If there are any specific high priorities be sure to flag them for me. But I’d like to get most of the Micropub extensions into Chronicler
[eddie]That’s one of the main reasons I wanted to separate things was so I have breathing room in the apps to add more features around posting/editing/etc
[Rose]I wonder if anyone has insight on video hosting, as in do you just throw video at your media endpoint and use that? Or is anyone using a video hosting service?
ZegnatYou could just throw it at your endpoint. It depends on your requirements. If you need automated reencoding and the likes, you might be better off letting someone else handle it
ZegnatI have put backups of streams (Twitch, Mixer) I have been on online through YouTube, I felt no inclination at all to try and handle that stuff myself.
[jgmac1106]so I am copying and pasting images from instagram using source code and accidentally tried to open this link, check out the warning: SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone. See the Facebook Help Center for more information.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "advantages in using SVGs in your case" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "advantages in using SVGs in your case is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[Rose]Personally for inline elements I would go for rem, even though em is usual for media, in this case because they're in line with the text rem makes more sense to me.
[kevinmarks]Tantek may have more subtle css answers, but if they are meant as inline icons putting height="1em" in the svg file itself should stop them becoming a fatwigoo problem. That works for sparkline type things too, though you don't want to do it to all svg files in case you have bigger ones as diagrams.
[tantek]I'm not sure it's best practice to put explicit heights inline in SVG files. I think the use-case here is many embedders of a single SVG file, at different sizes.
ZegnatI think the problem is that the SVG files come from “somewhere” and GWG needs them to then get size limited. And not have to do it manually every time he updated the icons
[kevinmarks]You can override the height on an svg element with css though; the question is what happens in a situation where the html is separated from the CSS in a feed or webmention or something.
Loqi[Greg McVerry] That is the best description of homebrew website clubs ever @ThatMightBePaul ! We have a about 10-12 active going. @excuhme's living room would make lucky 13. Most of us too lazy to get off our couches anyway and already attend virtual European Union...
jeremycherfasOK. I had been hoping to have a simple one-line script that would do the needful, manually. I don't want a cron job. Just getting tired of typing it out. So, TextExpander to the rescue, eh [Rose]?
ZegnatSo instead you have to make sure that the $newfile path is relative to script.php, by using __DIR__. (__DIR__ is always the directory script.php is in)
jeremycherfasOne of the things I would really hope to have time for in Utrecht is to learn more about PHP error handling. Not IndieWeb specific, but very useful to me.
[manton][tantek] Copying the Micro.blog icon is definitely okay! Thanks for linking to it. There's also a help page here with some info about using the SVG version, but whatever you want to use is totally fine: https://help.micro.blog/2018/resources/
Loqi[manton]: [tantek] left you a message 16 hours, 55 minutes ago: I found the SVG mini icon for micro.blog here https://help.micro.blog/2017/mac-version/, and copy/pasted the inline SVG to use on my home page for linking to my micro.blog profile. Hoping that bit of view source, copy, paste is ok! 😂
[Rose]Though I'm pretty much lacking in Auth knowledge, to the point where I would rather leave the working on it to others instead of accidentally building some massive security holes in 😕
aaronpkThere's a whole discussion around more complex transaction based stuff to replace scopes. Think like you want to allow a specific payment and then not let that app have any more access
sknebel(e.g. "my feedreader can ask for read scopes, but for each domain, the first time it's accessed my authorization endpoint should require a flow involving me"
sknebel(if it only includes known exchange/auth methods ours might be missing anyways, not sure if any of the included can replace things we had to add)
[eddie], snarfed and pd09041999 joined the channel
sknebelA token endpoint supporting it can potentially be standalone, since for everything that's not the homepage it can be different from the main one a user uses
snarfedre private posts, when we launched bridgy backfeed, it seemed to add a lot of positive pressure on implementors. i'd be happy to add private posts if we think that pressure would help
snarfedaaronpk: huh. interesting idea. i don't know how the twitter API handles that. ie if you follow a private twitter acct, can i read its tweets w/the twitter API with token for you?
aaronpkbut we definitely need some solid way for a receiver to know a post is private to make it really easy for them to not share it publicly accidentally
[tantek]Needs a tight (like conservative, lots of MUSTS) spec for how to handle the information, a very deliberate Security & Privacy concerns section, and test cases that attempt to trick / exploit the receiver into revealing private information