#dev 2019-05-12
2019-05-12 UTC
KartikPrabhu what is mute?

Loqi mute is the ability to hide posts in your reader from specific publishers https://indieweb.org/mute

KartikPrabhu jacky: maybe add to that ^

kisik21 The only post types I'm separating are h-cards from posts. Events will probably be dumped in posts too, but I'm not sure as I'm not attending any events yet. And I think I'll not separate venues and people, because that may be impractical. Also I wanna have a nickname cache populated from that "address book" :3
kisik21 but this is all theoretical now
kisik21 because it's half not implemented
kisik21 and I should be writing code
kisik21 not writing IRC messages
kisik21 someone kick me please :3
kisik21 IRC client in Emacs is a very useful and very distracting feature :D
kisik21 joined the channel
Loqi ok, I added "https://blog.feedly.com/mute-filters/" to the "See Also" section of /mute https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=61151&oldid=44272

mattl, grantcodes[m], KartikPrabhu, myfreeweb, jamietanna|wwwjv, ketudb[m], plindner[m], voss[m], zoglesby, jgmac1106[m], Rixon, Guest74108, astrojuanlu[m] and [eddie] joined the channel
jacky, kants_, sknebel, Ruxton, gRegorLove, [Rose], KartikPrabhu, [frank] and [tantek] joined the channel
jjuran and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Easy win [Rose]?

[Rose] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Good work. I have what I think is an easy win too, automating Listen posts with Applescript and TE, but I don’t like testing over and over because I only have to clean up afterwards.

[jeremycherfas] Currently writing it up.

[jeremycherfas] Not so much inspired by as prompted by your Text Expansion podcast.

[eddie] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Hack day low-hanging fruit picked (https://www.jeremycherfas.net/blog/automating-listen-posts) Now I can go outside and play. Maybe come back and attempt Compass later.

Loqi A favicon is a convention for websites to provide an icon for browsers to display in bookmarks, favorites, history, and other places they show or list URLs https://indieweb.org/favicon

Zegnat favicon << https://meiert.com/en/blog/schmavicons/ now up to 31–45 different sizes?!

Loqi ok, I added "https://meiert.com/en/blog/schmavicons/ now up to 31–45 different sizes?!" to the "See Also" section of /favicon https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=61166&oldid=43123

KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106] and Daniel joined the channel
Guest680 Anyone (in Düsseldorf) with an Android device keen to try a just-created PWA for me and check if Add-to-Homescreen and offline stuff works? https://danielpietzsch.github.io/fl/
[jgmac1106] and gRegorLove joined the channel
Guest680 Oh nice! Thanks very much, Martijn!
[Rose], leg, eli_oat, tantek_, [jeremycherfas], [tantek], [voss] and [dmitshur] joined the channel
[dmitshur] I'm curious what setups people have for doing metrics on their websites, if any. I've tried a Prometheus + Grafana combo and it seems reasonable, but I wanted to compare notes if anyone has experience.

[dmitshur] My needs are pretty simple. So far I needed to get a sense about 1 very important metric, but I figured it might be worth investing into a more permanent setup so I can remove a bunch of ad-hoc logging.

Loqi exercise is a (typically) passive post type that represents some form of physical activity https://indieweb.org/metrics

Loqi analytics is the collection, analysis and reporting of a websites traffic https://indieweb.org/analytics

[dmitshur] those were the exact 2 pages I had looked at prior to this 🙂 thanks

gxt joined the channel
[dmitshur] btw, I'm referring to metrics on backend rather than frontend, to be more clear and in case it makes a difference.

[dmitshur] I guess they're pretty similar/related but still.

[dmitshur] I was also curious if anyone tried to apply https://indieweb.org/own_your_data to their site's metrics

[dmitshur] yeah, that approach has served me well the last few years too. but I'm more motivated now because I'm trying to debug some complicated logic that interacts with external APIs, and the usual local debugging with printf statements approach isn't scaling well.

[tantek] joined the channel
[tantek] [dmitshur] re: metrics/analytics, WDYT of the 'ping' attribute approach? https://webkit.org/blog/8821/link-click-analytics-and-privacy/

[dmitshur] joined the channel
[dmitshur] I'm not very familiar with it, but from the description, it's not applicable to my use case. I'm currently interested metrics in the sense of inbound download requests/second and how quickly my server can serve them, not human users navigating the website and clicking links.

[dmitshur] basically, I wanted to go from looking at logs to see how quickly something was happening (e.g., https://twitter.com/dmitshur/status/1124463243160952832) to seeing a graph over time like http://instantshare.win/1ambrmgey4exq.png

[schmarty] and [Chase_McCoy] joined the channel
[tantek] [dmitshur] interesting. I suppose there are several different kinds of analytics different people might want / not care about for their own site. Perhaps you could help document a few of the kinds you know about on /analytics ?

[dmitshur] I'm still in the process of learning and exploring this space, but I'll try to document it at a later time when I have more confidence.

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[grantcodes] Well I think it would depend on the server?

[grantcodes] But I suppose most probably would delete feed history if you did a unsubscribe + subscribe.

[frank] and [Zegnat] joined the channel
[sebsel] and pstuifzand joined the channel
[Rose] joined the channel
[gerwitz] joined the channel
sebsel it crashes on this line: https://github.com/aaronpk/QuartzDB/blob/master/src/Quartz/Shard.php#L88

KartikPrabhu and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek] This is probably worth re-opening/commenting on if someone with Ruby experience is around: https://github.com/feedbin/feedbin/issues/132 (the mf2 parser is much better these days)

chrisaldrich, [aaronpk] and [tantek] joined the channel