#dev 2019-05-16

2019-05-16 UTC
DenSchub, KartikPrabhu, [chrisaldrich], snarfed, [Rose], [tantek], ingoogni, [pfefferle], cweiske, swentel and [frank] joined the channel
What would be the best way to capture a sample of what Quill is sending to my server? Set up a temporary micropub endpoint and capture it there?
hmm quill has docs documenting what it sends no ?
not all of them tho
https://quill.p3k.io/docs/itinerary (the one I want), doesn't exist
And itinerary seems not to be documented in the Wiki
sometimes I write a var_dump of $_POST to a log file
Probably faster to use Zegnat's sink here
So I wanted to add it to the Quill page, document it, and then find a way to do that with Shortcuts from my TripIt calendar
I did an itinerary post to sink during last IWC, when [Rose] mentioned it
If you want to make your own, just point Quill at sink.zegnat.net and login
The website will let anyone with IndieAuth post to it
Thanks for your service! 😆
grantcodes also did a test run of his “post all post types to an endpoint” against it, so you can find a lot of example JSON objects on there now
Sink is definitely a neat-that-it-exists type of service, in the end almost nobody has ever actually used it, haha
As I'm temporarily doing nothing at work...
starts poking through the TripIt API again
But I had a lot of fun building a Micropub endpoint that anyone can post to
Is there code somewhere? I'd love to look at that
I honestly do not remember
checks GitHub
You know what I'm going to ask 😛
I am not sure what sort of auth shortcuts I am taking to make it work, so I can’t actually promise to just make all the code available wholesale before knowing I do not open up the server for attacks :P
swentie joined the channel
I can draft an NDA before Utrecht, then you can have a look, [Rose]
swentel joined the channel
TripIt's API is weird, you request information about your trip, and then you have to parse it to make sure it is relevant to your trip
has itinerary array objects
jeremych_ joined the channel
Ooh please document on the wiki!
I'm planning on it.
Though you have to email them for API access. Theoretically you need to auth via OAuth. And I may make a proper "own your TripIt" at some point that uses that, however for now I'm figuring out the logic in general.
(And whilst in development you can use a token or something instead, though I set it up so long ago I've forgotten what precisely any of this is)
[grantcodes] joined the channel
I also have my demo postr site on glitch that is totally open that people can either post to or remix that shows the result of micropub posts
[tripit] php_binding_v1: TripIt API v1 PHP language binding.
Oh good, they wrote the oauth stuff. I have no experience with that.
[tantek], swentel, [jgmac1106] and [frank] joined the channel
[Zegnat]++ for the sink-stuff. Amazing buildingblock!
[Zegnat] has 47 karma in this channel over the last year (152 in all channels)
Zegnat++ for that too
Zegnat has 48 karma in this channel over the last year (153 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I really ought to be working, but I'm deconstructing OwnYourGram to make OwnYourTripIt and I've never worked with composer and so on like this, it's fascinating
!tell sgreger can you update the Kirby page noting the new webmention plugin?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Rose]++ for deconstruction
[Rose] has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (42 in all channels)
Just as soon as I'm up to date on my feeds I'm going to continue my move from Applescript to bash for this one thing that is driving me nuts.
[calumryan] joined the channel
Can someone name a service that updates posts? Does OYS?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
That's me
gives Loqi a pizza for breakfast
investigates the pizza for breakfast
gives Loqi a pineapple
laughs at the pineapple
You really ought to not play with your food, Loqi
Whoops, thought I was in chat
[jgmac1106]: sgreger added his Blogpost about his webmention work to the page already
Just picked up kickscondor, which is great, I think.
sknebel I see the message from 2017 that he is actively working on it in the see also but not a post thta it has been updated..unless I missed it
nvm I see it under examples
[stefp] joined the channel
So tempting to just copy OYG and hack it to Tripit, but instead I'm copying parts in chunks 😛
KartikPrabhu and doubleloop joined the channel
OYG doesn’t even use a proper API, because Instagram doesn’t have any. So it might be better to build your own thing semi-from-scratch
aaronpk wondering if an IndieAuth extension for wikimedia could be created: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Extensions
looks at IndieWeb.org login, looks back at jgmac1106
I did not realize wikimedia relies of RDFa parsing or had that much support: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Parsoid
zegnat just going through and learnign about wikmedia extensions as I try to build out the site for goifnetwork.org
really wish I could just copy IWC wiki and skin our own front page...learning a ton about extensions..and extensions...and more
No problem. I was also a little tongue-in-cheek there, as I think we actually run the thing through our Lasso (?) Single Sign On on indieweb.org. So it isn’t actually MediaWiki handling the IndieAuth flow
yeah and we put in a request at wikimedia all-hands last year...didn't go anywhere but we put one in
but I was just on the extensions page and there are a ton of third party ones, made me think..could there be an IndieAuth extension?
“could there be” - sure. From a quick look around, you’d have to implement your own AuthManager and don’t have to touch any wiki related code
“will there be” - I am not sure anyone is a heavy enough wiki user that they want to write an AuthManager for MediaWiki
you are right nobody uses a wiki around here...add it to things I might want to try, now have a network of Known sites that are centralizing around a wikimedia install
(Alternatively, you get the same question back as I gave to cubicgarden when he asked why AutoAuth wasn’t a thing yet: who will fund development? ;))
...have tried close to two million in funding and writing in community devs as subawards...just haven't won one yet
there is gonna be a ton of cash flowing into OER spaces, Creative Commons making nvestments, just need some of the crumbs
I am happy to do freelance PHP work on IndieWeb related things. And there are probably others who could do just as good a job or better. But in my free time I will prioritise my own website, and not a MediaWiki login flow. Scratching my own itch first and all that.
yep and I like to try and feed devs so they don't get too tired to scratch
[tantek] joined the channel
I am hungry.
Now I have a set of parodies in my head
Feed the devs... tuppence a pull...
Quick noob question for people who use a desktop and a laptop machine: Do you create a git repo of your /bin directory to be able to keep them in sync on the two machines?
i don't
I apt install packages
That's way ahead of me :)
(apt is the debian package manager)
But my feeling is that there's so little there that it isn't worth it.
Cool. Thanks.
[frank] and doubleloop joined the channel
jeremycherfas: Same as cweiske - I don't, no, I just install packages via the package manager (apt). I do have a git repo for my config files that I sync across machines though, and I was contemplating adding to that a list of apt packages that I commonly install.
(or even an ansible playbook for when setting up a new machine.. but more as a fun learning project, not as anything really needed)
doubleloop, [pfefferle], KartikPrabhu, jjuran and [Rose] joined the channel
going to add this to my site
[Gargron] blurhash: Encode an image as a small string that can be saved in the database, returned in API responses, and displayed as a blurred preview before the real image loads
a way to generate a blurred image by encoding the image into a hash
I remember seeing talks about it on mastodon but now it's in the wild
definitely handy for progressively enhancing images
[schmarty] joined the channel
this README needs example data!
if that helps
ooh thanks!
[Zegnat] joined the channel
I feel like I have seen something like that before. Except I think it generated an SVG from just primary shapes. That way your preview could be embedded into html
[axe312ger] sqip: "SQIP" (pronounced \skwɪb\ like the non-magical folk of magical descent) is a SVG-based LQIP technique.
That is probably the one I am thinking of [schmarty] !
Is it a blurred version of the image, or random like a hash?
is confused
tomasparks joined the channel
Blurred version looks like. They just have a canonical ascii storage format looks like
[benjaminbillet] #3 Algorithm documentation
There seem to be ports though... no idea what they are porting from. Everyone credits Dan and then link to Gargron’s Ruby repo. It does contain some C files, so I guess that’s the canonical implementation.
Hm. Not sure why not just a blurred image then
(in a data url if you want)
Purpose gradient storage format, maybe, this more space efficient? I want to look at the code a bit later.
snarfed, [jgmac1106], gRegorLove, jackjamieson, [schmarty], cambridgeport90, leg, [manton], gxt and [Rose] joined the channel
looks like GitHub Pages changed some default URL thing: https://twitter.com/brookshelley/status/1129093906589597696
did something major suddenly change on github pages? i'm noticing that i can't get to parts of http://brookshelley.com unless i change /movies/ to movies.html or w/e, which is weird
Eeek! @GitHubHelp my @GitHub Pages website is suddenly redirecting all my pages to folders that don't exist eg. http://www.nickhatter.com/about now redirects to http://www.nickhatter.com/about/ Have you guys made any changes to your hostfile for GitHub Pages?
we're also seeing it for circuitpython.org, a static documentation site we host on GH Pages.
[frank], jgmac1106, gRegorLove_, [manton], snarfed, cambridgeport90 and [schmarty] joined the channel
Has anyone got anything that converts https://indieweb.org/meetup.com details to an h-event? I want to be able to easily RSVP from my Indie reader
(which is still a fair bit of a way off, as I don't have Micropub yet)
strugee, [manton], KartikPrabhu, [cleverdevil], snarfed and [tantek] joined the channel