#dev 2019-05-17

2019-05-17 UTC
snarfed, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], [manton] and [tantek] joined the channel
jamietanna|wwwjv: that'd require a bit more plumbing
and that's something I've wanted for some time tbh
[manton], cambridgeport90, [tantek], snarfed, [Rose], KartikPrabhu, [frank], ingoogni and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
What was the command for telling things like Compass to update their DB structure?
It looks like we don't have a page for "command for telling things like Compass to update their DB structure" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "command for telling things like Compass to update their DB structure is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Got it, php artisan migrate
[tantek] joined the channel
!tell aaronpk I updated my compass and figured out telling it to share my location via Shortcuts, a) where should I document this (or do you not want me to document it), b) I appear to have accidentally created a share link which will last for infinity by not setting a duration. According to your code it should expire instantly though: https://github.com/aaronpk/Compass/commit/6a0eb8909c3d341ed420cc6157759b3a6037e0be#diff-66666f9b34ea66844bc36a15
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
cweiske, [tonz], [Zegnat], swentel, [frank] and [calumryan] joined the channel
That is an odd bug [Rose]. On first casual read I see no reason in that code for it not to work
jgmac1106, gRegorLove, [jgmac1106] and [Rose] joined the channel
For it not to expire instantly?
refreshes the page, and notes it's still working
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Timezone malarky in the date conversion?
gRegorLove and [Zegnat] joined the channel
I prefer to always try and have the db itself handle time, eg current_timestamp or whatever. That way SQL can handle the expiry condition by itself.
Hmm. Is line 15 in share.php really correct? It does a bigger than comparison, but it seems to do that between a string and integer? Or did the database magically convert the previous date string to a timestamp?
It may be that the expires_at string is always bigger than whatever the timestamp for current time is?
(Note that I am unfamiliar with Laravel DB so I don’t know what magic may or may not be applied.)
Tests++ πŸ˜‹
Tests has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
I think datetime can be compared, maybe. I've just escaped a meeting to get on the train to the airport and everything is kind of fuzzy.
[calumryan] joined the channel
They can, question is if all of this is magically being treated as date time.
API creates it as a formatted date string, Share then compares it to a time() int. if some layer does the wrong type coercion that might explain the issue
I'll check my DB once I get to the airport and see what's in that row.
That should shed some light.
Field even.
Compass update: the timezone is off on the entries in my DB, and as I expected the one that had no duration attached should have never worked - it should have instantly expired.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell Aaronpk Compass update: the timezone is off on the entries in my DB, and as I expected the one that had no duration attached should have never worked - it should have instantly expired. Suggestion: no duration set should return an error, the rest we can debug πŸ˜›
Check the comparison if that can be done that way then?
Also, sounds like something that should have tests attached πŸ˜‹
I think it should
I am also wondering if I should get back the share id, and then if I should be able to send a DELETE request on that
Sounds good
And/or a "kill all share links"
That might have unintended side effects
But being able to grab all (active) share links would also be good.
Just copy paste the oauth token revocation flow on it and call it a day
Jacky: fair enough. I guess meetup has an API so it may be easier to grab data out of that and render it as MF2 JSON
[frank], [voss], jgmac1106, [pfefferle], [jgmac1106], [tantek], Webrocker, leg, [Juha_Liikala], [stefp] and [manton] joined the channel
Good morning
aaronpk: [Rose] left you a message 6 hours, 48 minutes ago: I updated my compass and figured out telling it to share my location via Shortcuts, a) where should I document this (or do you not want me to document it), b) I appear to have accidentally created a share link which will last for infinity by not setting a duration. According to your code it should expire instantly though: https://github.com/aaronpk/Compass/commit/6a0eb8909c3d341ed420cc6157759b3a6037e0be#diff-66666f9b34ea66844bc36a15
aaronpk: [Rose] left you a message 2 hours, 33 minutes ago: Compass update: the timezone is off on the entries in my DB, and as I expected the one that had no duration attached should have never worked - it should have instantly expired. Suggestion: no duration set should return an error, the rest we can debug πŸ˜›
greetings human
yes all my projects assume that the database is in UTC
which is the best way to handle dates ;-)
I also made the mistake of not providing an expiration date and it then expired immediately. Will fix that up.
this was a one hour project so there's definitely some things I should clean up about it ;-)
!tell sebsel fooling around with kirby have you already made a bunch of mf2 tempaltes?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: it could have changed, but I believe the whole point of Kirby is that the themes are made by designers that use little sprinkle of PHP (Kirby) to make the site work
sebsel: [jgmac1106] left you a message 4 minutes ago: fooling around with kirby have you already made a bunch of mf2 tempaltes?
so short anwser: no, I have not attempted to make a template
yeah today’s goal was to just get it installed and see it I can handle the design
tomorrow will dig deeper for a few hours
yea if you really want dynamic stuff and plugins and all, I would recommend WordPress
but then again: haven't looked into Kirby 3, which I should do soon I guess.
but also: it's nice to write your own HTML, nothing wrong with that :)
dont want that at all
just messing about and stumbling along as I learn, currently using Known and a few static pages I buil don glitch
but realy looking for somethign for my courses https://edu522.jgregorymcverry.com
getting the vibe kirby is the cms I wanted, I write one file, the template is one file, and the clean HTML gets spit out everytime, just edited the notes to have mf2, will read up on you ditching the panel with a micropub client
ingoogni joined the channel
The main reason I ditched the panel is that I want my folder structure to look like: (/content)/2019/137/1/entry.txt
And then when I create a post, I should open the right year, the right day of the year
it's really a hastle, it was just easier to use Micropub for it
ahh versus the pages…stripping the title from notes now actually, and I love the idea of the date structure folder
have I documented my reasoning about this?
yes, it is in a blog post that is linked on the Kirby page
how I knew about the folder structure and ditching the panel
ohh, it's on /User:Seblog.nl indeed. ++ for past me.
that is where it is. Think what I will do tomorrow is add mf2 to all the existing templates and see if I can make a different one for article and notes
sebsel has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (19 in all channels)
wagle and [tantek] joined the channel
Already this far: https://kirbytest.jgregorymcverry.com/notes/across-the-ocean might be the CMS for me, not many IndieWeb building blocks yet but those may come this looks like a ton of fun and exactly what I wanted when i said I want β€œa blank text box but with all the plumbing sorted”
sebsel: I apparently forgot, did you put your plans to replace Kirby on hold? Or just not ready to switch yet?
I am not sure
I moved my server, and being able to do git pull makes a LOT of difference
most of my beef with Kirby is actually bad decicions I made myself
As in, prefer something file based?
(having almost all my logic about, say, private posts, live in a file called config.php)
Yeah, my site is a mess about those things too
that is the place where Kirby let's you define routes, and since there is no middleware, and I didn't know how to use the controllers... it's a mess
Also: Kirby 2 is not really testable, and there are certain parts I would like to be able to test (with automated tests that is)
but, all is nice in KirbyLand 3, they say.
So I might actually check that out.
Just not sure about the 99 euro's I need to pay for it, when I'm probably going to drop it's biggest feature (the panel)
It makes a lot of sense for a designer, building sites for clients, with little knowledge of PHP.
or even with a lot of PHP knowledge, but the designer for clients part is the thing here.
Sgreger seems to really like it for that
Less stuff to break than WordPress, and flexible enough for many
I do too! It's just not a thing I do anymore these days.
And I want a lot of dynamism from it, which I can't get in the current version (but is promised in 3)
yes after testing I will need to save up the $115 for license if I want to use it
sebsel kinda what I am thinking I need to make h-product pages for people and do them all by hand...I love using snipcart for ecommerce sites
but I also want to be able to easily add new modules to my course templates, and I see it as a scaffold to learn a bit of PHP
picked up just enough of the basics making plugins for Known and doing a 1/8th of a course on LinkedIn
[jgmac1106]: I was like huh, but yes, euro's vs dollars.
but like you I want the publishing ui handled mainly through micropub
heh, they have an update-from-kirby-2 thing, but it won't show the price unless you give your license first.
want to have a template for badges and courses but think I have those pretty well fleshed out the way I like them so will use portal for that since I wouldn't know how to write a micropub client
[Rose] was trying to talk me into writing our own IndieWeb CMS with her I believe :P
but writing CMS'es is hard.
it was @segnat who pointed me back to Kirby and you and sgreger as I was doing a #myfirstcms challenge...but in my head it was Kirby i was thinking of, plus Kirby is my Super Smash Bros character so there is that as well
oops [Zegnat]
Kirby has 1 karma over the last year
Seems like you get discounts as follows: former personal licenses need to add 79 euro's, former professional licenses add 39 euro's.
and the blueprint templating looks pretty neat as well, but I may just try my own with CSS Grid, didn't break much dropping in my own stylesheet
sknebel reading the v3 documentation you can easily hook into any database if you wanted the dynamic funcationality, might be helpful for something like a nickname cache
alright I have to stop and actually work a bit today, bye ll
considers using seblog as IRC nick to reduce confusion
first thing to build a pomodoro webmention to-do list (not that I could but if folks need an Utrecht project...)
I have a nickcache already :D
way above my skill level, just dreaming
[Rose] joined the channel
Grav is also, like Kirby, mostly used by designers to build sites for clients, which is why it doesn't get a whole lot of IndieWeb love.
[jgmac1106] What on earth is a pomodoro webmention to-do list? In your dreams, I mean. What does it do?
well at least a lot of Kirby designers did attend Beyond Tellerrand and tantek's talk
so hope something comes from that
but I wish Grav indieweb love too
jeremycherfas I deleted the page looking for it but basically I want to publish a to-do list, and then send a webmention of tasks I start and then have webmentions post every 20 minutes
this way if I say I am signing off and clsoe Slack but then forget IRC is still oepn I have a big reminder to stay on task
was doing it a ton manually last summer
I don't suppose a simpler blocker would suit your purposes then.
snarfed and ingoogni joined the channel
!tell aaronpk I'm not logged in and I can still access the share I made with no duration.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I lied, I'm logged in, trying to log out on iOS...
login shouldn't affect the shared link
aaronpk: [Rose] left you a message 2 minutes ago: I'm not logged in and I can still access the share I made with no duration.
it only looks at the expiration date
Ok, well, I can see the first one I created still, it had no duration attached.
(I'm aware it's a alpha feature, just wanted to let you know πŸ˜‰ )
oops my links also still work
oh dear
i see what happened. weird cause i swear i tested viewing an expired link
I thought I remembered you did too
Sknebel thought it might be a type coercion problem
yeah it was passing a unix timestamp into mysql rather htan the mysql date format
I have not investigated much, but that also seems plausible to me
i just fixed it so if you pull again it'll work
"The shared link has expired", yay! aaronpk++
aaronpk has 61 karma in this channel over the last year (236 in all channels)
[Zegnat], snarfed, [frank], tonz, gRegorLove, [tantek], [pfefferle], q4re, [Rose], [chrisaldrich], [cleverdevil], ichoquo0Aigh9ie, [jgmac1106], [kiai] and [grantcodes] joined the channel