LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "command for telling things like Compass to update their DB structure" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "command for telling things like Compass to update their DB structure is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[Zegnat]I prefer to always try and have the db itself handle time, eg current_timestamp or whatever. That way SQL can handle the expiry condition by itself.
[Zegnat]Hmm. Is line 15 in share.php really correct? It does a bigger than comparison, but it seems to do that between a string and integer? Or did the database magically convert the previous date string to a timestamp?
[Zegnat]API creates it as a formatted date string, Share then compares it to a time() int. if some layer does the wrong type coercion that might explain the issue
[Rose]Compass update: the timezone is off on the entries in my DB, and as I expected the one that had no duration attached should have never worked - it should have instantly expired.
[Rose]!tell Aaronpk Compass update: the timezone is off on the entries in my DB, and as I expected the one that had no duration attached should have never worked - it should have instantly expired. Suggestion: no duration set should return an error, the rest we can debug π
Loqiaaronpk: [Rose] left you a message 6 hours, 48 minutes ago: I updated my compass and figured out telling it to share my location via Shortcuts, a) where should I document this (or do you not want me to document it), b) I appear to have accidentally created a share link which will last for infinity by not setting a duration. According to your code it should expire instantly though: https://github.com/aaronpk/Compass/commit/6a0eb8909c3d341ed420cc6157759b3a6037e0be#diff-66666f9b34ea66844bc36a15
Loqiaaronpk: [Rose] left you a message 2 hours, 33 minutes ago: Compass update: the timezone is off on the entries in my DB, and as I expected the one that had no duration attached should have never worked - it should have instantly expired. Suggestion: no duration set should return an error, the rest we can debug π
sebsel[jgmac1106]: it could have changed, but I believe the whole point of Kirby is that the themes are made by designers that use little sprinkle of PHP (Kirby) to make the site work
jgmac1106getting the vibe kirby is the cms I wanted, I write one file, the template is one file, and the clean HTML gets spit out everytime, just edited the notes to have mf2, will read up on you ditching the panel with a micropub client
jgmac1106that is where it is. Think what I will do tomorrow is add mf2 to all the existing templates and see if I can make a different one for article and notes
jgmac1106Already this far: https://kirbytest.jgregorymcverry.com/notes/across-the-ocean might be the CMS for me, not many IndieWeb building blocks yet but those may come this looks like a ton of fun and exactly what I wanted when i said I want βa blank text box but with all the plumbing sortedβ
sebselthat is the place where Kirby let's you define routes, and since there is no middleware, and I didn't know how to use the controllers... it's a mess
[jgmac1106]sebsel kinda what I am thinking I need to make h-product pages for people and do them all by hand...I love using snipcart for ecommerce sites
[jgmac1106]want to have a template for badges and courses but think I have those pretty well fleshed out the way I like them so will use portal for that since I wouldn't know how to write a micropub client
[jgmac1106]it was @segnat who pointed me back to Kirby and you and sgreger as I was doing a #myfirstcms challenge...but in my head it was Kirby i was thinking of, plus Kirby is my Super Smash Bros character so there is that as well
[jgmac1106]and the blueprint templating looks pretty neat as well, but I may just try my own with CSS Grid, didn't break much dropping in my own stylesheet
[jgmac1106]sknebel reading the v3 documentation you can easily hook into any database if you wanted the dynamic funcationality, might be helpful for something like a nickname cache
jgmac1106jeremycherfas I deleted the page looking for it but basically I want to publish a to-do list, and then send a webmention of tasks I start and then have webmentions post every 20 minutes