snarfed, gRegorLove_, [cleverdevil], KartikPrabhu, chrisaldrich, [schmarty], Katharina, [frank], [tantek], [Rose], jjuran, [Michael_Beckwit and johannes joined the channel
#GWGSpeaking of which, do we have an RSVP property for remote attendance?
#GWGAccording to my notes, I support yes, no, maybe, or interested
[stefp], [jgmac1106] and [tonz] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106][tonz] coming here from chat I think personal navigation and search kind of connected. What about an opt in search engine but users can also decide what websites to crwal?
#[jgmac1106][sebsel] Ohh I was thinking more of recommendations from friends of friends with likes and bookmarks
#sebseleither way it's still vaporware until someone actually makes this. My code from Nürnberg is on Github somewhere and I believe I MIT'ed it.
#sebselI would want do be that person, but there are so many projects I want to do
#[jgmac1106]It ain't vaporware until you have a landing page until then just random ideas I wanted captured
[jeremycherfas] and [ephes] joined the channel
#[ephes]Hi, last week I started to implement an indieauth endpoint server for django in Düsseldorf. One error was fixed with the kind help of [aaronpk] (I forgot the post method on the auth endpoint), but there was a remaining error I just couldn't reproduce. Now I've fixed it after only a few hours of debugging. And the reason was: A missed trailing "/" at the end of the 'link rel="authorization_endpoint"' url. This led django to discard the post req
#[ephes]valid) to verify the auth code and send a redirect elsewhere but without writing anything to the application logs. To make this a little bit more confusing there was an additional get request to the authorization endpoint which ended up in the application logs. Well, but now it works \o/ 🙂.
#GWGAnd it was mimicking how pingbacks work. No need to think of it that way
KartikPrabhu, [jeremycherfas], [manton] and snarfed joined the channel
#GWG[manton]: By the way, I changed how I do icons, might mess up your icon mitigation
KartikPrabhu, [tonz], [Vanessa], [frank], snarfed and [calumryan] joined the channel
#GWGStraightening up, found the notes on my profile image problem that [Rose] wrote on poster-size paper that I folded up and put into my suitcase. Still haven't written it down
#[Rose]I was asked to document. The format was not specified.
#snarfedfortunately individual indieweb sites can choose for themselves whether to preserve old usernames, avatars, etc on webmention display or always show the current ones. we don't need to choose or mandate it universally.
#GWGsnarfed, what would cause granary to return a 405?
#snarfedprobably anything other than a GET or HEAD