#dev 2019-05-19
2019-05-19 UTC
gRegorLove, tomasparks, gRegorLove_, [frank], chrisaldrich, GWG, [Rose], [jeremycherfas], [Zegnat], [tonz] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
# [kevinmarks786] This feels like it would work with Aaron's Avatar from emoji tool https://twitter.com/asus4/status/1126413558525374464?s=20
[Vincent], [Rose], [Zegnat], [tonz], paulrobertlloyd, gxt, jgmac1106, djmoch, [frank], [jgmac1106], NinjaTrappeur, tomasparks, [aaronpk], snarfed, leg, gRegorLove_, [jackjamieson] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
# [jackjamieson] [Rose], agreed our #indieweb conversation is getting into #dev territory
# chrisaldrich there's also the chance that some might begin using Yarns for a bit and then quit without purging a huge amount of data because they didn't know it was there...
# [jackjamieson] Using wp_post has definitely been easier for building. A few more core features to complete, and I think those should come before a transition to a different structure
# [jackjamieson] But moving posts to a new site/CMS without taking the Yarns’ data along is a good argument for making that switch soon enough
# [jackjamieson] If I’m designing myself into a corner, I think I’m already there 🙂 But not too deep yet
# [jackjamieson] I like [tonz]’s ideas for on-the-fly queries, and am also thinking of filters for keywords or post types as a future feature. (e.g. Create a dedicated events channels that shows events from all channels). The queries for those sorts of uses would vary depending on the database structure, so I should make a decision before I start on those
# chrisaldrich jackjamieson, iirc I think that PressForward used the same general set up you're implementing, so you may want to look at how they handled things and/or added flags and purged posts of a certain age.
# chrisaldrich you may also be able to borrow some of their presentation/reader views as well.
# [jackjamieson] [chrisaldrich] The idea of using a second site has a lot of merits. Notably, the work of polling a large list of feeds could have an impact on site performance, so offloading that elsewhere could be useful. But it would be a bit of work for users, so I would consider that an advanced option only
# [jackjamieson] Thanks for the suggestion to look at PressForward - I’ll check out their structure
# chrisaldrich I remember many early users of PressForward mentioned that it created a large load on their servers (especially those on shared hosting), so PressForward recommended keeping fewer than 100 feeds in some of those cases.
# [jackjamieson] [Rose], you can already filter post-kinds per channel, is that what you mean?
# chrisaldrich A lot of PressForward sites were set up with just PressForward funcationality in mind rather than adding it on top of a pre-existing site that already did other things for just that load and storage issue.
# [jackjamieson] [Rose] that’s on my list!
# gRegorLove Does it work okay for posts without titles?
# [jackjamieson] It definitely achieves ease of use from a dev perspective, which has been useful for me. From a user’s perspective a new table could perform the same (or better).
# [jackjamieson] [gRegorLove] Yep, the Yarns post title doesn’t contain the title of the actual post. Instead post titles are in the form:
{Channel UID}|{permalink of feed item}
# gRegorLove Ah, interesting
# [jackjamieson] re: long term storage. This will be configurable (soon), I just hard-coded a value for quick development. So it will be possible to set up longer term storage.
# [jackjamieson] Not sure how starred items could work in practice, since the microsub client would need to offer UI for that
# [jackjamieson] @GWG Mostly some bugs to work out and a few more changes to the admin UI. A configurable storage duration. I also want to speed up the process of searching for feeds, which probably means changes in parse-this
# [jackjamieson] @GWG Actually my highest priority for 1.0 should be better documentation. Not my favourite task but probably the most important
# [jackjamieson] GWG, Thanks. I wrote an issue about fetch_feeds speed https://github.com/dshanske/parse-this/issues/40
# [jackjamieson] GWG++
# [jackjamieson] Rose ++
# [jackjamieson] I could check more closely, but I think the main timesink is that Parse_This::parse leads to Parse_This_MF2::parse, which includes a number of calls to Parse_This::fetch().
# [jackjamieson] Maybe I’m reading it wrong, I don’t think I traced it that thoroughly when I was timing things
# [jackjamieson] At any rate, I’m setting aside some time tomorrow to properly take stock of what’s left for Yarns 1.0, and then I’ll have a clear idea of what I need to ask you, GWG
[sebsel] joined the channel
# chrisaldrich jackjamieson, if you have time to do a video walk through installing, configuring, and even talking briefly about the set up/use (so I don't miss any fine subtleties), I can try to start in on some documentation for you.
# chrisaldrich especially if it helps a 1.0 release before IWS.
snarfed joined the channel
[eddie] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# [cleverdevil] I honestly can’t remember why I chose what I did.
# [cleverdevil] I will say @eddie’s logic makes good sense to me :)
# [cleverdevil] I suppose I should fix my plugin to match, then.
# [cleverdevil] So, right now, I have a p-listen-of on the containing <article>
# [cleverdevil] I’ve never been clear on the prefixes... would it be incorrect to just change that to u-listen-of, or would I need to move it down to the anchor tag?
# [cleverdevil] Good point.
# [cleverdevil] Looking...
# [cleverdevil] So, move it down to the anchor tag, then.
# [cleverdevil] Hmm... unfortunately, its not that simple in the plugin, as there are conditionals in the template.
# [cleverdevil] Sometimes there is a URL, sometimes there isn’t.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
# [cleverdevil] So, I just changed it so that the containing article is a p-listen-of, but the anchor tag is a u-listen-of if there is a specified URL.
# [cleverdevil] Not sure its wrong to have both present.
# [cleverdevil] (I will say, microformats are not my strong suit).
jgmac1106 joined the channel