#dev 2019-05-27

2019-05-27 UTC
nloadholtes, gRegorLove, [tantek], BenLubar, KartikPrabhu and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I don't know why, but my copy of silo.pub can't authenticate people via twitter anymore
it can still tweet, so i'm guessing some change to the oauth api
just wrote back to twitter developer support to hopefully get his developer account re-activated
[tonz], cweiske, KartikPrabhu, swentel, jeremych_, loicm, [jgmac1106] and [Rose] joined the channel
So, I need CSS help 😛
Specifically, I made this page: https://rosemaryorchard.com/recommends/. I would like the images to at the same heights after the titles on desktop and immediately after their titles on mobile. I think I need to use CSS grid?
*to be at
Grid could probably do it
Or fancy background CSS
how are you setting the image height now?
The image height isn't the problem, the problem is the titles are sometimes one, two, or three lines.
and with grid you maybe to skip the media query for mobile
(Also, do we have a microformat for recommends? Otherwise I may mark these up as likes/favourites)
Do you have a recommended resource Zegnat?
ahh hold on have a tutorial for thatI use....so so you define the space...had to figure it out with cards on my website....though I may have defaulted to writing the same length copy every time
The titles aren't something I can easily change the length of.
Wait, I think I maybe explained myself badly
I don’t have any canonical resources for grids. I usually wing it and then search when in need of specific answers
Specifically I want it to look like it might be a table with the images all starting at the same height, so if one title is 3 lines long all of the images in that row get pushed down.
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Yeah I think flexbox will do it
I am not sure how either grid or flexbox would do it if you also want wrapping
my cards are a mix of grid and flexbox for this reason...keep meaning to try and redo and play with auto-fill
Pretty sure I have done it multiple times with flexbox.
[grantcodes] to the rescue!
Grant would you suggest making each item into a flex container?
[Rose] Presumably you also want all cells in the table to have the same height when there is not additional copy after the image?
Ideally, that was step 2 😛
Yes, at least each item needs to be a container, maybe what is containing them as well
Technically I'm already using containers, ish
loicm joined the channel
If each item is a flex container, then I think you are going to have to have each row be a flex container too. I'm pretty sure the height of that container can be set to the height of the largest item in it.
Will that still work on mobile though? Because right now the 3 columns collapse into one column on mobile
What I am not seeing is how those separate containers are then going to line up their first element with eachother. I didn’t know containers could share that way?
That's what I ran into Zegnat
Not too sure abou8t mobile. You may have to choose a different viewport treatment.
or set the flex to vertical on mobile with a query and horizontal on desktop
So to summarise what you want: every recommendation should be its own “card”, but every card should adapt the height of its inner elements (title and description text) to match the tallest of all the cards?
The tallest of the cards in the row as displayed on the screen right now
Maybe I should just put the images first 😛
Per row as well. Hmmm…
you can also embed a grid within the grid....I try to avoid flexbox for two dimensional layout
This does seem like a fun challenge :P
It seemed appropriate for dev
the height of each card is defined by the tallest in the row
Yes, except [Rose] wants all the titles on those cards to have the same height per row. Episode four should dictate the height of all of the title elements in that row
If I am understanding the design correctly
needs sketches
ahhhh now I see
now me wants to play with grid and figure it out but I need to go march in the Memorial Day parade with the kids
I thought at first I could steal Aaron's monthly table, because he fixed that in Düsseldorf, but unfortunately it doesn't scale
I will sketch something up after work in a few hours.
Good news: I have PHP as well as CSS
don’t mind the terrible penmanship, just needed the quick sketch
That's exactly t
The trick is that those three columns should become one column on mobile. (Order doesn't matter, if that helps at all)
If order doesn't matter, I'd be very tempted to make it work by fiddling with the order. :)
My gut feeling is that grid can do this, and will wrap the side-by-side columns to exist under eachother on smaller screens.
But would need to test. Maybe fun for tonight’s vHWC
That's a good sign
Ahh I have done it without the variable length text below, that throws it off
Make title, photo, description each a grid (or flexbox) within the card with is a grid cell in the column
which* not with
I plan to chop this page into sections (what is currently the different icons next to the title. so those icons will go), which will provide some order
then have amedia query for a one column view
[jgmac1106] wouldn’t that make all the cards separate? So the title field would not get the same height on every card?
...grrrrr....you are right....I can't find the tutorial I used it covered this exact problem of variable text height
I didn't figure it out...thus defaulting writing the same length copy
Same length copy is unlikely to happen. Hence me wanting a fix in CSS
(The good news is I'm pulling this out of a DB in a page template, so I have lots of options)
flex:grow that what it was
https://codepen.io/anon/pen/mYKpvE that's how I was doing it, but the paragraphs need to be the same hight
need a pop up event on cards or just make vHWC theme CSS grid and cards......though don't tell Kevin....has written a few anti-card posts that are informatove
Not sure I actually understand how that combination of properties gives that effect, [grantcodes]... Will have to study when not at work
well off to parade
have a good vHWC if I am not back in time
You have like 4 hours to get back ;)
Yep, all the cards are the same height, grow the title and give the content a fixed height.
Afaik that exact issue is the motivation for the upcoming subgrid spec
Rachel Andrew has written about approaches to solve it I think
My other favourite sort of solution is text-overflow: ellipsis. It's useful 🙂
If this were posted elsewhere an ellipsis would work beautifully.
I can alias these DB entries into posts, but I'd rather not.
Subgrids do like they'd do the trick!
*look like, wow my brain is on holidau
My twitter developer application was approved!
You didn't have one?
They have a new process
and you can't get new api keys until you get approved
And only one email? I always have to write a second follow up
I applied in 2018 and have been getting reminder emails that they need me to remove apps that cover duplicate use cases and such but I've been ignoring them til now
Use case for you?
You're not supposed to make duplicate apps that cover the same use cases, presumably because that's an easy way around the api rate limits
I meant, Anything new coming?
I like to hear what people are up to
[Rose] is a recommendation part of an h-review?
It could be, these are somewhat mini reviews
It is similar to an endorsement
I never built those despite 2 sessions
After I got 3 emails in 1 day asking for a list of stuff I use/listen to/read, I decided I'd just build the page.
It turned out it wasn't that hard, until a friend asked me if I could fix the alignment
There is a motivator
No one asks me questions like that though
[MrKapowski] #38 Mark all as read
I officially request a list of your gear and so on!
Although you asked me how many Indiewebcamps I'd attended so I made a list
[Rose]: Gear for what?
Everything 😉
I seem to recall there is a page for that which people were posting
I am refreshing monocle.p3k.io at a slightly inconsiderate rate
I forget the wiki term
I remember aaronpk and other people posted it
[Rose]: hahaha
try now! will need to hard-refresh to get the new css probly
aaronpk, that list of software and hardware you use.. what is the term for it in the wiki?
A bunch of people posted them around the same time
[frank] joined the channel
what is life stack?
using is the name of an authoring and/or publishing application, or can also be a page of tools and services that someone uses or likes to use https://indieweb.org/life-stack
Thank you
That would have bothered me
starts clearing out his unread channel markers that have been hanging around since his trip to japan
Redirected to using.
And I have officially upvoted this now: https://github.com/aaronpk/Monocle/issues/32
[metbril] #32 Feature: hide read items
that's a tricky one
this requires both the microsub client and server to coordinate on it
The good news is, you do know the status already
Personally I see this as a reader feature mostly.
If it is expected to sync between readers
I wonder if a "please store this data for my client id attached to this channel" would make sense to play with this stuff in individual readers
I originally thought that you could just use CSS to set them to hidden.
but the entries come in only one page at a time
so if there are no unread entries for the first 5 pages, monocle would have to fetch 5 pages of results before you'd see any entries
[Rose]: with inoreader, I use an adblocker to hide some UI bits I do not like
it's not just a UI thing, it means the server has to return results differently
That's why it's not my thought any more, but in my regular RSS reading I often turn on and off viewing read and unread articles.
Why was paging the results built into the spec by the way?
the other way to handle it is to do it only on the server, where it could just stop returning read items entirely
That might work for some people, but wouldn't for me.
I don't think I would like it either
Well, maybe on a per channel basis it would.
yeah it'd be a channel setting
But still, not sure that works well for me.
I don't really like the idea that there'd be no way to get back to stuff I saw before
Me either
that's why I think it needs to be done on a per-request basis in the API, then the client can have a button to toggle between modes quickly
How would the reader handle me switching between modes? Push me back to the top?
Or would that be a per reader implementation?
yeah depends on the reader
Makes sense
monocle doesn't store any state, and every pageload hits the microsub server every time, but that works very differently from Indigenous which maintains its own local cache of items
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Or could it not be a query parameter?
[grantcodes]: yeah that's what i'm saying
[aaronpk] #24 Provide an option to return only unread entries in a timeline
Similar to the other filtering ideas, that were more around likes and whatnot that people don't want to see so much
I feel like that kind of thing is better done just in the server, no need to bother the app with those things
I wonder if my paging code will work if I also just add a filter to not include read entries
I started on a service the other day that would read peoples channels, delete likes and provide a daily roundup of all the likes
hah nice
But not got too far
Ooh, that sounds like a good discover service.
But could be the start of some sort of discovery / recommendation type stuff since it should be extendable
Any chance you have a repo? You might want to include reposts.
Not really yet Rose. Started on glitch but doing it locally just now as it was a bit slow on glitch
Consider me very curious!
[Rose]: ok i'm making this a temporary thing in monocle for now. it doesn't try to be smart about remembering whether you want a channel to only show unread items, but there is a button that can temporarily toggle into that mode
Ooh, that's fun!
Where is said button?
not live yet :)
but it'll be under the new "mark all read"
Aha, that is a good place for it.
ok it's up!
this is great
well that was a productive hour
jackjamieson joined the channel
[cleverdevil] If I want to try Indiepaper on my local machine or later on at my own server, how do I install it after cloning the repo? Does it need any setup params or configuration first?
snarfed and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
Well... `sudo python setup.py install` did something...
i'm always nervous to make changes to my projects because i'm worried i'm gonna break something
at least when I don't touch it, I know only the existing problems are there
unittests has 2 karma over the last year
that's hard for UI stuff :)
true! doable, phantom etc, but harder
i take it all your non-UI stuff already has tests :trollface:
yeah, then I gotta figure out the tradeoff between effort of setting that up and maintaining the tests vs just fixing when it breaks
I've had a couple of cases lately where a friendly reader has emailed me to say that my Atom feed is mangled according to the W3C feed validator service. It is always some kind of weird invisible character, which doesn't show in Byword, but is easy enough to spot in BBEdit. Is there any tool that will check my feed locally? Or send me a message when it is not well-formed?
Not sure what terms to search for.
Oh, I see cweiske has written about it.
[tonz] joined the channel
can now at least check for a well-formed feed, even if I cannot currently check for the validity of the schema.
Cweiske has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (15 in all channels)
dougbeal|mb1, cambridgeport90 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[Rose] thinking about it the recommendation could just be a rating in an h-review. Just had two values yes or no
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[frank] Indiepaper is built as an AWS Lambda function. That said, you can run it locally or on your own server if you wish. My docs are pretty awful for that, though, since I figured most people would use the service ;)
[schmarty] joined the channel
depending on the environment, the full indiepaper.io service isn't necessarily needed. i use self-hosted Aperture for my Microsub backend, so I made an iOS shortcut that posts content to a Read Later channel. 😄
That’s another great way to go.
[frank], snarfed and leg joined the channel
I think my IWS project is going to be to integrate iOS HealthKit with my website.
I think it exports XML
[tantek] joined the channel
what is a video reply
It looks like we don't have a page for "video reply" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "video reply is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is a photo reply
photo reply is a reply with a photo, thus also a photo post that is in-reply-to another post https://indieweb.org/photo_reply
video reply is a reply with a video, a [[video]] post that is in-reply-to another post, that used to be supported by YouTube but was dropped per https://techcrunch.com/2013/08/27/google-dumps-video-responses-from-youtube-due-to-dismal-0004-click-through-rate/.
photo reply << video reply
video reply << photo reply
ok, I added "[[photo reply]]" to a brand new "See Also" section of /video_reply https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=61703&oldid=61701
reply << photo reply
reply << video reply
There was a problem editing the wiki! Edit conflict.
reply << photo reply
ooh first time that code has been used I think!
"edit conflict"
and somehow with itself?!?
it's a mediawiki thing
it has to get an edit token from MW
then when it saves the change, it includes the edit token, and that's how MW knows which version of the document is being changed from
oh no I broke my twitter integration messing with all the API keys yesterday
oh maybe I didn't
is confused
really needs to move his activitypub delivery out of his site
that's what it was. it was still busy delivering that last post I made a half hour ago
I think I also don't have good handling for when servers disappear, so I just keep trying to deliver to them even if they time out
maybe POSSE to Twitter before doing ActivityPub chores?
the twitter one was a new post made a minute ago
and I only have one background task queue that everything gets pushed into
"when servers disappear", hmm, because there's no (re)discovery?
I don't have any sort of periodic validation of followers
can you make it a priority queue so the Twitter POSSEing jumps the line?
So, HealthKit does export XML, @Rose, but I want something more like Overland.
I want that too.
Where things are just streamed up to an endpoint on-demand.
If you make or start making something I would happily help and test!
I’d settle for something via Shortcuts that I could execute daily, but that’s not my ideal.
yeah I think there's a relatively easy path to pushing things into separate priority queues
I was talking to an app developer who has an existing thing in the App Store about adding support for custom endpoints, but he sort of lost interest.
I can try and get something started with shortcuts.
I have something in-progress on that front that I can share :)
But, its 100% focused on sleep tracking at the moment.
The only thing is, Health is very locked down right now.
Shortcuts is pretty limited with its Health support at the moment.
Very very limited.
Scriptable wanted to add support for Health but it was rejected
Alright, off to some family stuff. :waves:
aha "In this example, jobs on the high queue will always be processed before moving onto jobs from the low queue."
that seems easier than adding better error handling for servers that time out :)
exactly, that
aaronpk: you're using Laravel right?
ah, I believe you found the docs yourself :)
I basically always let my workers have a priority queue, even if I don't put anything on it. Just easy for manual queued Jobs.
this is gonna be tricky to test
just let the job output something to stdout, and put a sleep() in it, then queue 5 of them on default and one on prio?
or... test in production!
[eddie] joined the channel
[Rose] [cleverdevil] My biggest issue is not knowing what format to send the data in. [cleverdevil] if you can figure out the JSON API that work well for either a custom Health Endpoint like Compass or a Micropub-based Endpoint, I’d be happy to try to make a bit more progress on that as a native app.
just deploy the thing
From what I’ve seen I think data is pretty easy to get out of HealthKit, and it wouldn’t need much UI. But I don’t have the time to figure out the API side of things
I wonder what format FitBit uses, maybe that would be good prior art?
Hmmm that’s an interesting thought. I am definitely interested in it and can spend a bit of time on the iOS front. All I need are Draft API specs, and I can implement it.
considers her 12 hour flight on Thursday
[eddie], you can consider doing what Overland does and just literally have a GUI that has the actual API options and thats it? Then let people figure everything out on the endpoint side
But still, it needs to be sent in a format people can/will use
encode whatever object the Apple API gives to JSON, and leave it up to the endpoint :P
Yep, exactly
Lol!! True
Not super intuitive, but it does get you all of the data
But don’t take me too seriously, my day started at 4am, and I am about to crash. Ta!
ok I think i've got it working on activitypub delivery on a lower prio queue
guess I need to post a new post, then try to do something like send a webmention
except for the dead servers, it takes 7 minutes to deliver everything lol. this should let me speed this up, by adding more workers to just the activitypub queue
aaronpk: there is also the --delay=3 option you can pass to the worker
by default, it will retry immediately, but by setting it to a number of seconds, the queue can go on with other stuff
oh hmm
I don't see that in the docs
it can not do incremental backoffs, however, which is one of my current painpoints
(i'm on version 5.2)
oh oops.
loicm joined the channel
oh it's in the help in the command, just not in their docs
nice, I was about to ask that. Some of the options used to be ill documented
I have to say i'm not a huge fan of how quickly they iterate on Laravel versions
yea, the bump from 5.3 to 5.4 is big, if I remember correctly, but the road after that is easier
but it's also a new version twice a year, yes, so it's easy to fall behind.
upgrading is just such a task, since you have to go through all the changes and figure out if they are not backwards compatible
and in the end you don't get any immediate benefit
[tonz] joined the channel
well you'll get some magic syntax thingy usually. Laravel focusses on developer happyness, giving you syntaxic sugars for things
*immediate* benefit
the upgrades are possibly useful once I start writing new code in the project, but until then it's all just admin tax
yes, it's for moving fast, and preferably with a new greenfield project every once in a while
I don't think it's a bad choice for a personal website, esp. if you want it to be as dynamic as yours, but there is admin tax involved indeed
aperture is a few versions behind now and I should probably spend the time to upgrade
It's on 5.5, I see, which is the current LTS version, so you might also wait a bit more until the next LTS?
ah cool, that sounds reasonable
I would expect 5.9 to be an LTS again, probably landing in late August/early September this year.
maybe I can plan on upgrading all my laravel apps to that release all at once
voxpelli and willnorris joined the channel
hm I don't think it worked
3 months until is there a new Laravel LTS version for aaronpk yet?
I added a countdown scheduled for 2019-08-25 9:51pm CEST (#6561)
well I added some timeouts so at least it only takes 4 minutes to deliver/timeout everything instead of 7
hm, but the delay did not work?
the delay may have, but the timeouts I added mean jobs aren't actually timing out in laravel anymore, they just finish
but the priority thingy didn't seem to work. it still waited until all the activitypub jobs were done before working on the jobs that were added after with higher priority
jbove joined the channel
are you sure you queue the jobs on the right queue? also: don't forget to restart your worker :P
yes and yes
weird, I have seen it working many times.
I probably need to try this out locally with some test jobs
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Does anyone add their photos to their rss feed as enclosures?
[Rose] and [manton] joined the channel
@GWG I've seen feeds like that (I think one of Dave Winer's tools does it) but I think enclosures are better for podcasts and (rarely) other files a specialized client might download. Photos are best as img tags and not also in an enclosure.
I am just trying to figure out how to represent the various post kinds/types well
[manton]: Going to do some bug fixes on the jsonfeed plugin
To me, the spirit of enclosures is to attach extra media that a client could do something with. Photos are inline in the post and it would be unnecessary to duplicate that information in an enclosure. (Also, there can only be 1 enclosure, but there are often multiple photos in a post.)
@GWG Great! Thanks for all your work on the plugin.
But there can be an unlimited number of attachments in jsonfeed
So why did the plugin only allow one?
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I don't remember, but likely it was a very quick implementation based on attachments in WordPress's RSS feed.
I am going to fix it
Sounds good, thanks!
I only update it once a year. Last in August 18
[manton]: How is adoption on jsonfeed?
[tantek] joined the channel
[manton] I just flipped my micro.blog feed URL to a custom Atom feed that only contains article and note posts (includes photos). no more like or reply posts.
Maintaining the plugin is probably the easiest job I have in the community
Nothing new is being proposed
[tantek] Sounds good. I think that's the right thing for now.
that also means no event posts either, since they were underdeveloped for Atom anyway
@GWG I think adoption has been really good, but I don't really have a way to measure it except hearing about all the apps that support it.
I'm happy to add more post types back in as you add explicit support in micro.blog for handling them so they don't add noise to the micro.blog reader experience
[manton]: I will add to [tantek]'s statement.
also they're still in my main Atom feed discoverable from tantek.com if you ever want to try them out for testing purposes
jjuran joined the channel
I am prepared to send more types if they don't mess up the experience
Maybe bookmarks
I think I understand how to do linkblogs with RSS
Based on reading up on the matter
GWG, I would recommend you read this thread before adding too many post types. In particular any /response post types that usually require understanding and displaying a reply-context to make any sense: https://micro.blog/JohnPhilpin/3702296
[JohnPhilpin] @Ron I can click through and read the tweets ... just tried .. but generally I don’t ... just not interested in what people like .... just what they say / @t @manton
Well, your links don't render well in my rss feed reader
I have been meaning to check them in the code I wrote for Microsub
I pulled a lot of stuff away from micro.blog due rendering issues
I think I am limited to articles and notes, but should check
This is part of an odd combination of things that I am suddenly working on simultaneously
jackjamieson put me onto sanitization of content I am delivering to Yarns Microsub. While others put me onto what I am putting into my RSS and jsonfeeds
So, I am looking at both
What I publish and how I consume what is being published
And I was in the midst of doing some webmention work, and it helps in that as well when trying to figure out how to display other people's content
I always wonder if I get too into rabbit holes
whoa when did google start showing a special event search UI?
omg they have some sort of profile on me and are recommending events in certain categories under that "for you" menu
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
that looks like a re-purposed Gmail 3 column UI
you're signed in presumably?
just searched for "security" and didn't see an event UI. nor even one of the "types" of search (image, news, video, etc.)
how did you get there?
I searched on google.com for "security event" and then noticed that it popped me into this alternate UI
oh wait no first it showed a little card in the results on google.com
Ok that was enough for me to get the little events box in general search, then view more event results gives that UI
I tried a bunch more, found some individual "event" pages
appear to all have this in commong:
<script type="application/ld+json">
I noticed that too
Interesting, here's an example close to home/work as it were: https://events.mozilla.org/howprivilegedefinesperformance
Perhaps I should use that as a POSSE destination for IndieWeb/HWC related events
interesting, that's the same event platform okta uses
apparently I did put IWC Austin on it and forgot
lol events.mozilla.org uses auth0 to sign in
Mozilla uses auth0 (like for employees)
are you able to sign-in?!?
apparently for non-employees too. I am now logged in to events.mozilla.org
oh looks like I never "published" it
huh they have an odd list of "event types"
this isn't a terrible event creation UI
Campaign, Conference, Documentation Meetup, Everything Else, Film Festival, Form, Hackathon, March, Meetup, Networking, Panel, Placeholder, Recruiting, Speaker, Sprint, Survey, Training, Workshop
I guess IndieWeb Summit is closest to "Hackathon"? (a bit meta, but the UX design impacts dev IMO)
"Conference" would have been my first thought
but it's kind of unusual for a conference to have a full day that has no talks
we usually call IndieWebCamps "unconferences" tho
there is a BarCamp portion on day 1 yes
day 2 is more of a Hackathon though
lolwut: [ ] Exclude this event from my organization's Salesforce Integration
IIRC if splashthat is responsible for RSVPs then it will push all the registrants into salesforce
yeah I checked it
this is annoying how much stuff I have to delete from templates 😞
Now I remember why I couldn't be bothered for IWC Austin
whoa the default description is strangely appropriate
"This was the time when the internet was decentralized, creative, made and shared by all who used it. Today, fewer people who use the internet build, hack and participate in its creation. There is more centralized control than ever before. The good news is that we still have the power to have an impact. It was built by us for us. It’s time to take control back and Mozilla is inviting everyone to
participate in that mission."
wow it's a whole mini web page editor
with "blocks" too lol
ok yeah I might just copy that
this editor is so clumsy
it's a whole CMS
we use this for my oauth events and i've never actually played with the backend at all :)
so much annoying structure
Aaronpk I'm making you and me speakers
I constantly struggle with that page, but I do try to keep it up to date
the problem is I always have to tweak it to prioritize some aspect depending on where it's going
That third picture by Ken Derek...I always wondering what you were looking at when it was taken
the audience
It is just the angle, I guess
I'm shortening your short bio
go for it
Bio writing is hard
yes it is
[tantek]: Should I ask what you think mine should be?
GWG, do you have a resume? I'd start with that.
It's much easier for folks to then suggest a short bio based on what you've already described about yourself
[tantek]: May not be a dev conversation, but I never quite figured out my audience.
On one hand, I have a my education...which leads really nicely into the Indieweb
bio writing does depend greatly on the target audience
Then there is my profession, which has nothing to do with this.
And that's two different facets of my life.
[Rose] joined the channel
Where do people put their bios? I don't want my h-Card to have to reference my about page, but I also don't want all the info on my home page.
[Rose]: We had that conversation a long time ago, about an extended vs minimal h-card.
I don't know where we left it
Me either.
I treat my bio completely separately from the basic h-card info
I don't believe with a conclusion.
The question is how do you say in your h-card there might be more in a bio?
Basic hcard is on my homepage. And every page I think.
I think we proposed some things, but...
I ought to sleep, but I'm willing to be a guineapig for hcards in the morning.