#dev 2019-06-06

2019-06-06 UTC
jjuran and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ I have been teaching the last four years using #IndieWeb building blocks, these are all existing w3c recommendations or specs. The coolest tool is probably the use of webmentions. #apereo19 (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1xAIdV)
[xavierroy], gRegorLove_, [jgmac1106], snarfed, cweiske and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
swentel joined the channel
Met Zapier wordt er nu elke dag een POST request afgevuurd naar mijn @Netlify account zodat er een build wordt getriggerd waardoor Webmentions die binnengekomen zijn worden getoond.
jeremych_, [kimberlyhirsh], [tonz] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Can you be a spec without any actual tech?
jgmac1106 and jjuran joined the channel
does that article say there's no tech
I don't feel like engaging much on this, but since I happened to see that message and in the interest of participating in the global fight against misinformation: there is tech.
much more an expert than most of rhiaro, I just lurk in the credentials community group and I am not in the veriefed claims working group…and yes I did show my bias a bit towards DNS
but I have been in the badges space since we started it at Mozilla…see ideas come and go without anythign coming to fruition for so long
I don’t know of many DID providers I could use right now or recommend to people…I just like a tech before spec approach …so instead of getting bunch of folks together to design the perfect car…let bunch of people make cars and then coalesce around what is working….plus the vibe in group has not been that inclusive, tensions been running high
also not so sure decentralized identifiers are the best approach to fighting global misinformation
The medium article WAS really good, I was more referring to the action plan by the Community Group: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2019May/0002.html
what happens when you discuss same thing in three different Slack channels and IRC, if I minimized anyone’s works or projects I am sorry. Everyone has shared values. I should have focused there first
but rhiaro got so sick of years of open badge spec building just to see everything abandonded and then watch everyone go gaga for blockchain badges..I just walked away and started working on webmention badges: https://jgregorymcverry.com/webmentionbadgespressedconf19.html I have no problem assigning credibility at the DNS level
Word is bond, that is where my trust and relevancy should come from. i am my url
the work I have seen on the DID stuff is not at the indieweb sort of level of the stack. I know around here that means it doesn't exist.
to me exist means n>1 using it in the wild
what is in the wild
It looks like we don't have a page for "in the wild" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "in the wild is ____", a sentence describing the term)
but I did get seriously jaded by the OBI Spec experience…but that was mroe Mozilla not W3C..still to work on something for years and have it handed off to a members only org…and then have members of said org file a patent using all openly licensed standards
well maybe it is all garbage, what do i know
I am also new to world of specs from not just a strictly non techincal contributor…still just barely technical…for me in wild is not on staging and opn someone’s production server being used by someone
stop selling yourself short..you did right a dissertation on distributed identites
but that is kinda what drew me to the IndieWeb approach..I didn’t have to waste time on community calls editing white papers for stuff someone would never build…folks just build stuff and when ideas stick folks add it to the spec…I really love this design approach
well I have to get the kids to school….you should join the credweb community group…though it is the same cast of characters you been hanging with since MIT
it is a good approach. people are building stuff in the credentials cg too
I am in the credweb cg
I will check to see if I am in credentials…I stepped away from verified claims…bc it seemed every other day was someone pushing their biz dev plan for blockchain credentials…no problem with blockchain (well I do but wasn’t reason I left) it was buy my idea day in and out
i am also really scared of all the industry attention…and then we have xAPI coming for everyone …and then that scared me as it is Department of Defense funded and then that made me all paranoid thinking activity stream, is just subject, verb, object…and reinforces an English only web on the back end…
…and maybe that was a doD goal to ensure continued dominance of US on infastructiure…I did say it was paranoid
well hope to catch you at the next f2f meeting….though I would be remote, doubt I can afford TPAC in Japan
I will not be in Japan
I figured giving your ethics around carbon and travel
well have a wonderful day..and glad to see your six month check ins becoming for like once a month, your voice too important to not be heard
I will second that
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Hmm my bridgy backfeed isn't working for certain posts anymore because I don't include everything in my main feed now 🤔
Looks like rel=feed is the solution
But I don't really want my firehose feed to be my main feed for readers and whatnot
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Why I love static or almost static homepages
Then you can have different pages for different feeds and people pick and choose
[grantcodes]: could ask snarfed about a bridgy-specific rel or sth like that
I could. I should probably actually try some stuff and see what happens first
snarfed, eli_oat and [tantek] joined the channel
[grantcodes]: trying to understand your bridgy rel=feed concern
are you worried that if you don't have a rel=feed now, and you add one with your firehose, readers will discover it and use it by default instead of your home page?
[grantcodes]: I had the same issue, I ended up adding <link rel="feed" title="petermolnar.net feed" href="http://www.unmung.com/feed?feed=https%3A//petermolnar.net/feed/" /> where https%3A//petermolnar.net/feed/ is my RSS feed
because I don't have an mf2 firehose
[schmarty], [grantcodes] and kisik21 joined the channel
So. What if my frontend renderer and Micropub endpoint are on different machines? What are the ways to place a media file to it? I see some possible ways:
kisik21: Zegnat left you a message 2 weeks, 1 day ago: No I don't use any fancy http/2 features. It is http/2-only as a joke.
1. Media endpoint on renderer server
2. Shared filesystem (NFS?)
snarfed: Yes what you said. In reality it is unlikely to be a major issue
3. Media endpoint additionally serving as static server
I'm also interested in what would happen with multiple rel=feeds with bridgy and readers. It's probably documented somewhere how they should be handled
kisik21: What parts are separated? Sounds like it is more to do with your storage than micropub?
grantcodes: I am currently in the planning stage but I'm planning to separate the renderer from Micropub (they're communicating via HTTP and MF2-JSON) and possibly the media endpoint from Micropub
The question is how to handle static media serving efficiently
it's like <nginx>-<renderer>-<micropub>
and I'm not sure where to place media endpoint
Some of the options you mentioned, kisik21, are exactly why media-endpoint gets to be a completely separate URL: in case you want to host it separately from the rest of the backend :)
kisik21: i have my micropub media endpoint running as a separate service which serves on its own domain. rather than having my renderer touch those files, it generates URLs for an image proxy, which resizes them based on URL params.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
So I could have the media endpoint double as a static asset server? Hm, feels nice enough
Especially because I could still use HTTP/2 pushes if I proxy it through my nginx
working to flesh out indieweb.org/image_proxy now
what is Cloudinary?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Cloudinary" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Cloudinary is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Cloudinary is a hosting and management service for images and video which can be used as an [[image proxy]]. https://cloudinary.com/
:crossed_fingers: c'mon kaja, did i do it right?
looks like i did not.
Ooh looking for video solutions that aren't YouTube or don't require CC license... Thx
jgmac1106: cloudinary has a pretty good free tier for images, but i think you'd hit the quota pretty fast doing video.
Just been uploading to an S3 bucket for now
I use internet archive... But it's for my kids video. I don't want to force open license on them
[jgmac1106]: What's the problem with just hosting the video on your own server? Too much bandwidth? Want to process videos?
Upload time and space
some details added to indieweb.org/Cloudinary for how i use it.
credweb CG != credentials CG
Ignoring a post about a supposed *decentralized* technology on Medium
the "there is no tech" suspicion comes from the fact that posting on your own website is *much* easier than building new powerful tech, therefore if you are not even posting on your own website, the claims of any new powerful tech are likely false
thus presumption of "there is no tech"
kisik21, do you know of real world examples of people hosting video on their own servers?
re: static hosting, this is a very indieweb article: https://csswizardry.com/2019/05/self-host-your-static-assets/
what is static hosting
Static site generators are programs that take a set of flat text files on disk and transforms them into a set of static html files ready to be served by a standard web server, or some variation of this example https://indieweb.org/static_hosting
I guess that's close enough
Not really, since that's talking about hosting assets regardless of whether the rest of your site is static
hah I almost hit return on the <<
what is hosting
Web hosting can be the primary regular cost in maintaining an IndieWeb site; this page lists several options from free on up depending on your publishing needs, like a static, shared, private, or dedicated server https://indieweb.org/hosting
hosting << 2019-05-31 [https://csswizardry.com/2019/05/self-host-your-static-assets/ Self-Host Your Static Assets] <blockquote>… you should self-host all of your static assets, forgoing others’ CDNs/infrastructure. […] disadvantages of hosting your static assets ‘off-site’, and the overwhelming benefits of hosting them on your own origin.</blockquote>
ok, I added "2019-05-31 [https://csswizardry.com/2019/05/self-host-your-static-assets/ Self-Host Your Static Assets] <blockquote>… you should self-host all of your static assets, forgoing others’ CDNs/infrastructure. […] disadvantages of hosting your static assets ‘off-site’, and the overwhelming benefits of hosting them on your own origin.</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /web_hosting https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=62169&oldid=60472
[tonz] joined the channel
[schmarty]: I think that definition should have been auto-linked by Kaja … ping sknebel
indeed, not sure why it didn't trigger
snarfed, [chrisaldrich], myravery, [kevinmarks786] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
I can buy the "if you are not even posting on your own website" arguement if the "new tech" being developed is for posting to your own website, but the things being developed by people in the credentials cg are not for that so that logic doesn't follow for me. Not everyone has the time or inclination to post to their own website (or even have a website) even if they are web devs, let alone people working with totally different stacks on different
I think kanani been working on DID and IndieAuth bridges... As long as we focus on shared values the tech outcome isn't as important
rhiaro has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
In fact I think [aaronpk] been having huge impact at the Idenity workshops. Seeing much of the ideas in those sessions spread in both communities
I wasn't aware kaniini was doing DID stuff, I thought they were doing litepub/activitypub projects
I could be mixing it but I thought DID came up, though a lot of crossover in all the decentralized spaces
[aaronpk] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
@rhiaro and I know it is a centralized service but most academics have registered their ORCID
what does orcid have to do with it?
Just a psuedo example of how folks combine an identity service with or without personal websites
Sorry if it was off track. Just came to me in terms of comparing DID and ORCID... With decentralization being differentiator
csarven made a PR to orcid that lets you put your LDN inbox, activitypub outbox and a link to personal storage in the profile
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Updated this library to handle a strange edge-case after one of you sent me a couple of technically well-formed but really oddball webmentions. (Oh, I’ll be in touch…)
gRegorLove joined the channel
Does anyone know some code for dynamic word clouds? Where you can continuously feed it data and it will resize / refit the words?
I think you could do that with this one: https://www.jasondavies.com/wordcloud/
It doesn’t seem to do the dynamic updates. Though someone seems to have shared their implementation in the issues there
I thought it added a word at a time?
Maybe? But it doesn‘t support updating
I have a running feed of incoming vote results, and I would like the cloud to transform based on the results (expanding, growing the terms that win)
[jansauer] joined the channel
so I want to make something to "backport" my images from Instagram to my site
figured it'd be something like "import archive and repost using micropub"
but I also have some stuff from ownyourgram
I didn't want to duplicate stuff so I figured just querying for all of the photos on my site and checking if any of the syndication links are ones pointing to ones in the archive that it'd be okay
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
is spitballing here if anyone else has thought of this
yeah there are lots of historical attempts at silo backfill. https://github.com/neotoma/ , https://github.com/snarfed/freedom , etc
what is backfill
backfill is the action of importing all your past posts, typically from a social media silo, into your own site https://indieweb.org/backfill
(more broadly: perkeep, thinkup, etc)
what is thinkup
ThinkUp was a silo (at thinkup.com) that analyzed activity on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter https://indieweb.org/ThinkUp
jacky and [pfefferle] joined the channel; jacky left the channel
[cleverdevil] ditchbook: Move your Facebook data over to your own website using Micropub
wonder if this is worth a look for private posts: https://twitter.com/LeaKissner/status/1136626971566149633
gRegorLove__, gRegorLove, gxt, [schmarty] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
does that thing again where he tries to emulate table design with flexbox but keeps failing
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
rhiaro, posting to your own website is stand in for "decentralized walking" as a prerequisite for someone claiming to understand decentralization sufficiently to invent a new form of "decentralized skipping and jumping"
it's literally trivially now with 1) buy a domain name (trivial cost - all these people have vanity smart phones), 2) join micro.blog and setup your domain there
if someone doesn't see the value in doing at least that little bit of actual DOING and would rather *only* TALK on email lists / Medium / Twitter, then that's a valid criticism of their likely lack of DOING anything else
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
heck posting on your own site is now so easy that it's more like "decentralized crawling"
gRegorLove joined the channel
I reject the "totally different stacks" excuse. This is one web, per W3C TAG ethical principles: https://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/ethical-web-principles/#principles
what is ORCID
ORCID or sometimes ORCHID iD is a nonprofit organization and web service helping researchers, scholars, and innovators to be uniquely identified and connected to their contributions and affiliations, across disciplines, borders, and time https://indieweb.org/Orcid
[kevinmarks786] if you think that's "worth a look for private posts", feel free to add it to /private_post#Brainstorming !
gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove joined the channel
The other (perhaps larger) problematic aspect of folks (especially technical folks) posting their "decentralized" ideas/promotion/marketing exclusively (or even primarily) on Medium / Twitter / FB etc. is that by doing so they are either ignorant of or deliberately neglectful of silo *social harms* that any ethical approach to decentralization should be *actively* seeking to change / solve / reduce / shift away from.
^^ this is the more important aspect IMO
So even if their ideas have *technical* merit, the tone-deafness of posting on silos means they likely have not considered (or are willfully neglecting) the far more important *social merit* of such ideas, and that is a good reason to filter them out or at best deprioritize them
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
yes I'm saying it's 2019 and and those with technical ideas MUST consider (and *act* consistently with) the social (political, environmental, etc.) ideals & impacts of those ideas
and that not doing so is sufficient reason to be ignored, deprioritized, or for the advocacy and development of alternatives which actively compete (and replace) such ethically bereft technical approaches
I'm feeling another talk outline coming on.
[aaronpk] what I really came back here for is during your frustration with the RSVP failure you saw, you noted a desire to be able to RSVP via some form of plain text expression — this is something I have worked on and want to develop further
gRegorLove joined the channel
I would appreciate your input on those
I want to make RSVPing in "plain text" work, in particular on Twitter (as replies to my Event POSSE tweets), and using that as a basis, expanding to perhaps any Webmention sender
that makes sense
so yes, your itch is accurate, I share it, and have been trying to scratch it for years. work with me on this and maybe we can make it happen.
[kevinmarks786]: I did more testing, that d3 word cloud lib is not dependable, it will not always render all words if it felt it couldn’t fit one in
posting on medium annoys me too, and I agree from an indieweb perspective it seems problematic. But to a bunch of these people it's DNS that's the problem - they consider it centralized - so medium.com or some other domian, it's all the same evil to them. Just like how indieweb people also post to twitter for discovery purposes, posting on the web is a necessary evil to them at this stage I guess
if I had a domain that could get yoinked by the government (eg. like .eu domains could for brits after brexit) I might feel the same
as usual I'm sitting in the middle of people arguing about what's good enough (decentralized 'enough' in this case) and hoping to be able to do something that will make some of the less webby DID stuff play well with the current web, or maybe I'll burn out and give up.
seeing people who ostensibly want the same thing sit around and argue that each others' approach is not good enough or even harmful, same old same old as socialwg at a different part of the stack
often questioning why I let myself get pulled back into this game
rhiaro++ well said - while I get using such "rules" as initial yardsticks other projects work from different angles, so it isn't surprising they prioritize some things completely differently (and I sometimes wonder how much of the interactions is just based on stuff that happened years before I touched this space)
it looks like it's a "barrier to initial effort" kind of thing
I get annoyance with projects that appear to be more talk than practical use, and like that focus here, but I don't like it if it becomes a blanket shutdown argument. Even if people are "doing it wrong" in my opinion their work might be worth a look
[aaronpk] joined the channel
sknebel there are literally people saying in complete earnesty that allowing https identifiers is not only not decentralized, but actively dangerous and a slippery slope right back to the silo problem we have right now. They're working on things that are essentially invisible to people with the indieweb-or-die mindset. If all you care about is the web, that's fine, but it's annoying to bad mouth other tech just because it sin't what you care about.
^ I saw that argument somewhere
I _think_ on Mastodon
I get the question about DNS all the time at IWCs
it's definitely a question of how much of the Internet do we want to take back
take back can be "run ourselves", "run communally" etc
there's definitely *several* groups that want to just burn it all (the internet) down and build their own
sknebel, those are useful framings. both "annoyance with projects that appear to be more talk than practical use" and "don't like it if it becomes a blanket shutdown argument" but more from a social perspective than technical
I disagree with "their work might be worth a look" only from the perspective that there is TOO MUCH ALREADY that "might be worth a look" so either you heavily filter and prioritize, or you get stuck endlessly reacting to the latest talker's ideas.
The "doers over talkers" filter is a very effective way of seeing who is actually building things that are even remotely usable *today*, that they *are using themselves, today*, and thus may be at least remotely practical.
there's also a difference between publicly declaring something as "not interesting" vs making the personal prioritization
There are more white papers being produced faster than your time available to "take a look"
e.g. I remember getting into an argument here about the beaker browser folks (who I hope most will agree here do interesting work) because they posted on Twitter instead of having their microblogs on their personal dat sites
This is why I just ignore things instead of make comments about them
that's far from "just white paper" land
skenbel, right, and since that argument, there's been outreach and bridge-building with the Beaker browser folks because it turns out we have some highly aligned principles, like UX first, and use what you make
leg joined the channel
aaronpk: lmfao
and it turns out when you focus on UX, and building practical things, you end up prioritizing work / time on that instead of plumbing
I actually laughed out at that lol
I imagined a horse with blinders on
and you end up with similar evaluations of needlessly complex approaches: https://unwalled.garden/docs/why-not-rdf 🔥
there was zero collab on that. Beaker browser folks independently came to very similar conclusions/criticisms as many here and previously the microformats community came to
I do like to occasionally take off my blinders and see what's around. At IIW last year i let myself go to all the "intro to DID/blockchain" sessions with no expectations, just to actually learn how they're approaching things
Let's just say I now know where to prioritize my time at future IIWs
if one of you two speaks it's also the extra effect that it quickly turns into "the indieweb thinks", which again is if you get the chance to talk to people about that easily to correct, but you don't always get that
(in weaker forms of course also applies to others, so I try to frame things along the lines of "my opinion", "an opinion I know multiple people here share", "more or less consensus" in such discussions)
does anyone have a link to that medium post in question?
is very curious
sknebel, you make good points
jacky I think it's the most recent Medium link in scrollback in this channel
(or today's log)
chat.indieweb.org ftw
posting to silos causes real harm now (tons of citations, see my most recent talk), posting to https does not (lots of trickledown/snowball effect hypotheses)
reducing posting to silos is reducing actual harm now outweighs work on theories about how boiling the internet may solve problems in the future
also, since I'm still annoyed about this, I'm particularly annoyed by the "throw everything today away and build a grand new future/protocol/URLscheme tomorrow" crowd because it's an exceptionally over-privileged attitude
yes, while you're building your grand re-imagining of the internet, real people are getting stalked, harassed, threatened, hurt. real democracies are being subverted, real environmental crises are being subverted.
jacky [fluffy] https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/chatter/8695-Re-Webmention-support-for-static-sites <- at the bottom is a link to a post by jacky that's broken - not sure on what end what went wrong?
fair point
haha that works all kinds of ways. while you're tinkering away with your website real people are getting stalked, harassed, threatened, hurt. real democracies are being subverted, real environmental crises are being subverted.
everyone thinks their work is gonna solve this stuff
rhiaro go watch my most recent talk. your analogy doesn't fly
sknebel: frick; I know why this happens
we are actively enabling people to move off of the causes of getting stalked, harassed, threatened, hurt
!tell [fluffy] hey can you give the URL that sent this webmention to https://beesbuzz.biz/blog/chatter/8695-Re-Webmention-support-for-static-sites
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
rhiaro, "gonna solve this stuff", no one claimed that. we're helping people at least help themselves and reduce the harm they themselves are enduring right now
not "gonna solve", are solving, as people switch
and not "this stuff" (implying globally) - no one is claiming that's solved
but if we can reduce harm at least on individual levels, that's at least an immediate benefit people feel, and empower them to further solve more problems.
contrast with DID, nothing DID has helped, is helping, or will help solve any of those harms on even individual levels now, or in the foreseeable future.
if it is true that indieweb stuff can provide the benefits of social media without the harm, what about that means nobody is allowed to work on alternative technologies or longer term possibilities?
why can't we have both?
they're allowed to work on impractical things. it's just an exceptionally hyper-privileged choice to do so. and we're allowed to call it out as such.
practical alternatives are cool and useful for lots of explorations / collaborations. like Beaker Browser
longer term possibilities? anyone claiming / daring to think "longer term" should start with their answer to climate crisis. LMK when you see them doing so.
okay if you think it's impractical, it's the going around stating it as proven fact that bugs me. Obviously the people working on it aren't finding it that way. Different priorities, as was said before.
other way around
due to the lack of facts it's not practical
i.e. lack of using such grand systems to post instead of silos etc
what if grand systems aren't publishing platfors
ohh so indieweb short term fixes make the most sense because we're all going to burn before anything else sees fruition :)
if you're not reducing harmful behaviors (reinforcing the silos) then what exactly is the practical point?
that's one way to look at it
yes it's misprioritization to plan for / work on things that'll be useless post climate crisis
it's also a crawl, before you walk, before you run pushback on that "what if aren't publishing .." argument that people keep making
if you're unable to decentralized crawl (post plain text on your own website instead of twitter), then by what shred of credibility should anyone pay any attention to you that your decentralized running theory is worthy anyone's attention?
this is going in circles, I'm out
I guess that it depends on what's more important to either party: the content or the identify _to_ said content
jacky, when where you post the content reinforces toxic systems, then it matters
I have a hard time commenting on this, because I do not actually know whether the articles I may read on Medium about things like Aether, Scuttlebutt, and Dat are syndications or not. I am not looped into those networks so I do not know. If they are merely syndications for discoverability, sounds to me like they are doing it right: they are using the network they create, and syndicate out for visibility, just like the indieweb.org
wiki recommends
if they were "merely syndications for discoverability" they would have a link to the original post, on whatever protocol / system
otherwise there's no discoverability
relatedly, at what point should we advocate *completely stopping* syndicating content to these companies who actively make money from promoting toxic content
what is original post
An original post link is a hyperlink from a POSSE copy to its original indieweb post https://indieweb.org/original_post
aaronpk, last August, to FB, when they shutdown their API
and we can have different timelines for the different services based on how toxic their behavior is
Zegnat, Scuttlebutt community has a lot of overlapping principles as well, and definitely worth gaining more understanding about.
what is a singleton
singleton is in the context of the indieweb, or decentralized web in general, a shared (effectively centralized) data structure (like a blockchain ledger) or database (like the consequence of assuming a specific hashing algorithm) being used by (and thus a limitation of) an otherwise seemingly distributed system https://indieweb.org/singleton
Zegnat, start there ^^^ and the link I put there
(Scuttlebutt has their own website with good content there - no need to read Medium for Scuttlebutt)
I know there are a few folks in the IndieWeb community dual publishing to their own site on https and on dat.
I think that's documented on /dat
which reminds me
rhiaro, your "nobody is allowed to work on alternative technologies" is a strawman and false. Many in the IndieWeb community have built bridges with "alternative technologies", both literally (see /dat) and conceptually (see /singleton and overlaps in principles), and I expect to continue to do so
somehow you're conflating "alternative" and "impractical" and IDK why
I'm rejecting the assertion that the did work is 'impractical'
snarfed1 joined the channel
anything plumbing only or plumbing-centric is 'impractical' in that you can't actually *do* anything with it
well, except maybe write white papers
*about it
[grantcodes] joined the channel
lack of clear use cases and user needs being addressed is a sign that a technology is impractical
[hadleybeeman] #216 Decentralized identifiers (DIDs)
see also the report and logs/minutes from https://www.w3.org/Security/strong-authentication-and-identity-workshop/minutes.html where there's a knock-down drag-out fight between DID folks and OIDC folks, where aaronpk was an *observer* watching it all go down
W3C Workshop on Strong Authentication & Identity
wow this is a _lot_ of content
just in that issue alone
I am far from the first / only person calling bullshit on DID
the abstract is solid though
not really my fight, except in the broad category of pushing back against things in the nonsense, impractical, and/or YAGNI
Xanadu had a solid abstract too
the movie?
jacky++ 😂😂
jacky has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (60 in all channels)
lol I only know of it because it _created_ an award
> Wired magazine published an article called "The Curse of Xanadu", calling Project Xanadu "the longest-running vaporware story in the history of the computer industry".[2] The first attempt at implementation began in 1960, but it was not until 1998 that an incomplete implementation was released. A version described as "a working deliverable", OpenXanadu, was made available in 2014.
that's wild
and this is why we are skeptical about so many things and promises and pronouncements
is going into a hole now
def lots of blockchain refs
DIDs still rely on DNS tho
for discovery
Haha, I thought the movie at first too
[tantek] joined the channel
I’m so sorry Jacky
I gave up part way
like I do _kinda_ like the idea of people not having to claim a domain name to identity themselves on the Web
but that's a big anchor in how things work and it's hard for me to grasp a world / Web without it
is off for the day
patchwork is pretty interesting (from SSB and friends)
The idea sounds great, but I haven't had the time/will to really wrap my head around it
a big problem with the other promises of "use X so you don't have to register a domain name" is that quite often X involves a lot more work/time/money
Yeah, which I think goes into the "will" part for me.