#dev 2019-06-05
2019-06-05 UTC
KartikPrabhu well and h-feed of course!

eli_oat, [chrisaldrich], gxt, gRegorLove_, [tantek] and [fluffy] joined the channel
[fluffy] Summary vs. full content is certainly supported in h-feed, but like the use case I have is wanting to provide full content on my feed without having it all display on, say, my blog index, and still having a “cut” for longer entries. I could provide a separate template for the h-feed that people subscribe to instead but that feels like it’s defeating the purpose to having it as microformat markup atop the existing blog index. Or is the exp

gRegorLove_ Text got cut off there (IRC limit with the Slack bridge I think)

gRegorLove_ Yeah, IRC is the canonical chat logs

gRegorLove_ I think I get what you're saying, though.

[fluffy] 1) Summary vs. full content is certainly supported in h-feed, but like the use case I have is wanting to provide full content on my feed without having it all display on, say, my blog index, and still having a “cut” for longer entries. I could provide a separate template for the h-feed that people subscribe to instead but that feels like it’s defeating the purpose to having it as microformat markup atop the existing blog index.

gRegorLove_ Yeah, to keep it DRY ideally 1 feed = 1 page, so making a separate "full content" page may not make sense if you don't want that page.

gRegorLove_ But you could use CSS or details/summary to visually display a summary version of the post while still having the full contents available to mf2 consumers

[fluffy] so example, on my website http://beesbuzz.biz/ - there’s a little box with the 5 most recent things on the entire site, and then each of the categories only shows stuff germane to that category. I do also have a http://beesbuzz.biz/everything view that shows everything nested (and like all templates in Publ it inherits too, e.g. http://beesbuzz.biz/music/everything).

gRegorLove_ #2 is a possibility, kind of what jacky wanted. I captured it on the Aperture discussion thread

gRegorLove_ rel-alternate could work. aaronpk has an example on /rel-alternate

gRegorLove_ though I don't think it's really an alternate if it's linking to a full-content version

[fluffy] And I meant this more in the form of how there’s the de-facto (although not technically correct) standard of a blog entry linking to the atom feed for the blog itself on the page. Although that’s not even universal, a lot of things use the permalinks’ rel=alternate to point to a comment feed for the entry itself, for example.

gRegorLove_ I take that back, I don't think that's a pertinent example for what we're talking about

gRegorLove_ /rel-feed is what I was thinking of

gRegorLove_ I use rel-feed primarily for Bridgy currently

gRegorLove_ Those RSS readers aren't likely to understand h-feed anyway

gRegorLove_ Ohh, yeah I see what you mean

gRegorLove_ No worries

gRegorLove Scrolling back, yeah your pages like http://beesbuzz.biz/music/everything would be good candidates for h-feed

gRegorLove Newer SimplePie parses mf2

gRegorLove Our own mblaney maintains it now :)

gRegorLove what is SimplePie?

Loqi SimplePie is a feed parser library written in PHP, which supports h-feed parsing as of version 1.4 https://indieweb.org/SimplePie

gRegorLove What's fof?

gRegorLove Ah, nice!

gRegorLove uh oh, https://feedonfeeds.com/ is blank

gRegorLove Ah, blank on https

gRegorLove Works http

[tantek] joined the channel
[aaronpk], snarfed and [eddie] joined the channel
@frankmeeuwsen ↩️ Ik vraag me nu wel af, als je als developer/productowner/stakeholder besluit af te stappen van 3rd party login en alleen email/ww kiest, ben je dan ook verplicht Apple login te gebruiken? Of wat als je DigiD of IndieAuth wil gebruiken? (twitter.com/_/status/1136144509551763458)
[frank] joined the channel
vilhalmer, ichoquo0Aigh9ie and [Rose] joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
[frank] joined the channel
[frank] This will end up a big headscratch for most consumers. Let's say you want to give Fantastical access to your Google Calendar but you sign in with Apple. After authentication with Apple, you still need to log in (authenticate?) with Google to give access (authorize?) to Google Calendar. Am I right?
Zegnat There is logging in to things (”itme”) and there is authorising things to do stuff (“canihaz”). Apple sign-in can only support itme, it can only proof who you are. So Apple is saying that if your app allows itme proof through external parties (e.g. Facebook) is must also allow it through Apple. Because Apple can never provide canihaz, the current assumption is that when third-parties (e.g. Google OAuth for Calendar access) are

[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
[kevinmarks786] I think it's clearer, but maybe I need to write that up more fully.
Zegnat [kevinmarks786]: please do! I had a hard time finding how we spelled the canihaz variant, and finally just found http://known.kevinmarks.com/2017/can-we-rename-quotauthnquot-and-quotauthzquot-to-quotitmequot-and-quotcanihazquot which has little context

swentel joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Thx all for the work on the MDN microformats page. Already seen it in the wild three times on GitHub.

jgmac1106, kisik21 and [Zegnat] joined the channel
@tripticonomicon Webmention support for static sites: http://bit.ly/2ETgsgF (twitter.com/_/status/1136225970426437632)
[frank] joined the channel
jgmac1106 can you not send Medium articles to the wayback machine? I am trying to send this article to Mozillians in countries that block Medium: https://medium.com/read-write-participate/introducing-open-leaders-x-olˣ-a12e049f5cc0

[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
[kevinmarks786] You need to escape the weird x https://medium.com/read-write-participate/introducing-open-leaders-x-ol%CB%A3-a12e049f5cc0
[kevinmarks786] Hmm that gave a 400 too
[kevinmarks786] http://archive.is/5c8TG
[jgmac1106] thx

jgmac1106 kevinmarks got it to work: https://web.archive.org/save/https://medium.com/read-write-participate/introducing-open-leaders-x-ol%CB%A3-a12e049f5cc0 the real problem is Mozilla’s contiuned use of a silo….I think there is a money exchange somehwere as donation

jeremych_ joined the channel
@grantcodes ↩️ Ah ok, I think you have RelMeAuth setup but you also need to set your authorization endpoint like: <link rel="authorization_endpoint" href="https://indieauth.com/auth"> (twitter.com/_/status/1136256206648086528)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[kevinmarks786] Podcasts often have multi authors
[kevinmarks786] If marked up correctly
@Kajrietberg Zo, nu ook webmentions op mijn website: https://www.kajrietberg.nl/posts/2019-05-15-beyond-tellerrand/. Via @netlify Functions en JavaScript geimplementeerd. (twitter.com/_/status/1136259813778821121)
[jgmac1106], eli_oat, jjuran and [tantek] joined the channel
snarfed, jjuran, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], [anomalily], [grantcodes], gRegorLove, jackjamieson and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
jackjamieson GWG, you're right I think I usually see multi-author posts in RSS feeds of academic journals. Firstmonday.org is a good example, and has feeds in rss1, rss2, and atom
[kevinmarks786] their RSS is <author>Chris May, Lior Shamir</author>
[kevinmarks786] but Atom is <author><name>An Nguyen</name><email>anguyen@bournemouth.ac.uk</email></author>
[kevinmarks786] <author>
[kevinmarks786] <name>Hong Tien Vu</name>
[kevinmarks786] </author>
[kevinmarks786] <email>hongvu@ku.edu</email>
jackjamieson And the rss 1.0 format is
jackjamieson <dc:creator>An Nguyen</dc:creator>
jackjamieson <dc:creator>Hong Tien Vu</dc:creator>
[kevinmarks786] The nice thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from.
jackjamieson While it should be relatively straightforward to cover the atom and rss1.0 structures, I wonder if it's better to translate the comma-separated list as a single "author"
jackjamieson I don't have an example handy, but I suspect some RSS feeds might use a "lastname, firstname" format
jackjamieson So splitting by comma could cause confusion
[kevinmarks786] I notice that a lot of podcasts that is expect to show the contributors as authors instead credit the company
jackjamieson I'll look through some feeds and see if I can find any other formats
[kevinmarks786] I suspect that iTunes idea of cardinality may rule there
sknebel example feed: https://feeds.metaebene.me/lnp/m4a
jackjamieson Hi snarfed. I'm presenting a poster related to the paper at a conference in July, but unfortunately just got a rejection notice for the full paper yesterday. At least some useful feedback
[kevinmarks786] Apple says author is for the organisation at feed level
[kevinmarks786] https://help.apple.com/itc/podcasts_connect/#/itcb54353390
[kevinmarks786] <itunes:author>
[kevinmarks786] The group responsible for creating the show.
[kevinmarks786] Show author most often refers to the parent company or network of a podcast, but it can also be used to identify the host(s) if none exists.
[kevinmarks786] Author information is especially useful if a company or organization publishes multiple podcasts. Providing this information will allow listeners to see all shows created by the same entity.
jackjamieson GWG, I agree it's not worth handling lastname, firstname. And I agree with sknebel that trying to interpret a comma-separated list of authors is probably error-prone
[kevinmarks786] so they're explictly saying put your org there
jackjamieson Thanks snarfed, I want to get it out soon, but peer-review is a slow and frustrating process. I do think it's a good paper, but still room for improvement, and worth getting right
[kevinmarks786] Where does it get that from?
[kevinmarks786] Contributors iirc that isn't a property
[kevinmarks786] Ah, it's an atom one.
[kevinmarks786] RSS could namespace it in maybe
[kevinmarks786] RSS has managingEditor lol
[kevinmarks786] Also rss author is defined as an email, whereas atom has name uri email
[jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], [tantek], snarfed, [frank] and leg joined the channel
@frankmeeuwsen Bookmark: Kaj Rietberg en Webmentions: https://diggingthedigital.com/?p=3692 (twitter.com/_/status/1136334387899969537)
@frankmeeuwsen ↩️ @Kajrietberg @Netlify Als het goed is heb je een webmention van mij ontvangen, vanaf https://diggingthedigital.com/bookmark-kaj-rietberg-en-webmentions/ (twitter.com/_/status/1136334814498447360)
snarfed, KartikPrabhu, snarfed1, [cleverdevil], [tantek], jjuran and jackjamieson joined the channel
@smithtimmytim Cool news peeps! Bright Pixels now has full commenting and webmention support! https://brightpixels.blog (twitter.com/_/status/1136359015389249538)
@jgmac1106 ↩️ Been talking to you folks all day but Twitter suspended my POSSE app... Been shouting into wind... But some folks have thought long and hard about webmentions and GDPR. Some go farther. (twitter.com/_/status/1136362300770795520)
[kimberlyhirsh], eli_oat, snarfed and jjuran joined the channel